The Academy - Squad Chalenge

Story by SrA havenofimage on SoFurry

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#4 of The Academy

The days all seemed to blur into one big torture session. Every morning we were woken early for PT. We were expected to learn cadet knowledge. I had to study every night, memorizing facts about the military and quotes from famous leaders. If a cadet asked one of us a question and he or she got it wrong, we all suffered.

Pushups were the standard punishment. Forget a knowledge questions, pushups. Forget to great someone, pushups. Wear your uniform improperly, pushups. Stand incorrectly... you guessed it, pushups.

Luckily I had learned to eat quickly, so I wasn't going hungry any more. However, we were spending less time in the classroom, and more time exercising. This combined with our constant state of sleep deprivation made the academy quad a living hell. I was always tired, and every part of my body ached.

We lived for squad time. It was the only part of the day that wasn't filled with physical exertion, yelling, or studying. Lewis kept us in line, but he taught us well, and liked to have a good time. Our squad was soon the best disciplined at drill and knowledge. We had Lewis to thank for this. His style of teaching was effective and fun. He led us to become a coordinated team. We still had a few power struggles to work out, mainly between me and Thomas, but our squad could take on anything.

Sooner than I thought possible, the first two weeks were drawing to an end. It was the second Sunday of "The Beast." We had just had a particularly good day spent playing various sports grouped up with other squads. I was wrapping up the day in my room, writing a letter to Traci. We still weren't allowed computers or phones, but Traci and I had exchanged a couple of letters. Seeing her writing always brightened my day.

"Writing to Traci?" Teague asked.

"Yes. It's nice to get a little sympathy every now and then."

"I can't believe you're still into her considering the new stock."

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on, you can't tell me you haven't been checking out that fine piece of marten."


"Damn strait."

"You can have her, if you can fight off the tank."

He shook his head at me and turned back to his desk.

I looked over my letter for mistakes. Of course I had thought about Jessica, but she didn't seem like the type for me. Sure she was attractive and smart, but she didn't have the charisma I had always found in Traci.

"Lights out!"

I put the letter down and walked across the room to the light switch.

"You good?"

Teague nodded.

I flipped the switch and walked back to my bed. The light from the window lit the room enough to get changed. I climbed under the sheets and lay there listening to Taps. I fell asleep, an image of Traci in my mind.

"Alright guys, Today is the end of the first section of BCT."

We had squad time after breakfast today for some reason and Lewis was talking to us.

"I've watched you guys change from a group of scared individuals who were unsure of themselves into a strong, trusting, team. As you know there is a squad challenge at the end of each section of training. Today is the physical fitness challenge and I have complete confidence that you will excel."

I was excited. I had been looking forward to the squad challenge ever since we learned about it last week. This would be a chance for us to finally test ourselves, and hopefully prove ourselves.

We marched down to the football team's practice field and I took a seat in the bleachers between Teague and Trestan. We talked while we waited for the other squads to arrive. Soon Cadet Reese was standing in front of us with a megaphone.

"Class of 37, congratulations on surviving the first two weeks of Basic Cadet Training!"


"Today is the first squad challenge. Each squad will run the challenge course we have set up. First platoon will go first, followed by second platoon. Squad leaders, take control of your squads."

I followed Lewis, observing the setup as we walked past to course. It didn't look to difficult. We watched as first platoon started. I notice that two of the events would need planning ahead of time.

"Hey guys," I called to the squad.

They gathered around me.

"We need to plan the ranger pushups and order for the fireman carry ahead of time."

Jessica spoke up, "The pushups will have to be done by me, you, Simmons, and Thomas. No offence to you Trestan, but I think your wings will get in the way."

"None taken"

"Alright," I agreed, "and the fireman, who's going to carry Thomas?"

"I think Simmons will have to, he's the strongest next to him."

"Alright," Teague nodded accepting the compliment.

With that taken care of, I prepared myself for the challenge. It would be tough, but I have complete fait in the squad. I watched as, one by one, the squads of first platoon disappeared on the run.

We moved to the starting position and prepared for the ranger pushups. These were done in a square, each member's feet on the back of another. The problem wasn't so much the added weight, it was coordinating the pushups so that we were always level. Chris knew the team's limitations the best, so I delegated the task of calling cadence to him.

The whistle blew and we began.

"Up! Down! Up! Down!"

Soon we had the pushups knocked out and we took off running. We picked up the charge, a six foot long steel beam, and ran it to the fireman carry. I was the last to go through. I set down Jessica and we sprinted together through the suicide course. Next was a low crawl. A cadet standing there said that ten seconds would be added to our time each time someone touched one of the wires stretched across it. I dove to the ground first, tucked my tail down, and flew to the end. I helped pull my squad mates out as they reached me and we were on to the flutter kick with no penalties. We dropped to the ground and began, Chris calling cadence, and the rest of us counting the repetitions. We would be docked time if anyone's feet touched the ground.

"One two three."


"One two three."


My stomach muscles burned, my neck strained at every movement, and my legs were about to give out when we finally hit one hundred. I leapt up and sprinted with my team to the end of the field. A cadet took our time and told us we had a three minute break before the next event. We sat in a circle in the shade of a large tree.

"Good work guys."



We were all tired but we had finished first in our platoon and felt good about ourselves. There was still a 5.3 mile run ahead of us, but right now, we could take on anything. One of the time keepers walked over.

"You have a minute left in your break so start getting ready. The path is marked and you can go on my signal. Your time will be stopped when the last member of your squad crosses the finish."

I pulled myself to my feet and took one last sip of water. I stretched a few of my tired muscles and prepared myself. But it was time to get the squad ready. Somehow, I didn't know how, I had become the unofficial leader and the four of them looked to me to lead them when Lewis wasn't around.

"We stick together in a line. No one falls behind. Trestan, you have the best pace, can you lead us?"

He nodded.

"Curry, you're the fastest, bring up the rear and make sure no falls back."

"Can do."

We lined up at the start. I was in front of Jessica with Teague and Chris in front of me. I heard the whistle blow again, and we were off. The run was probably the most enjoyable part of the whole event. It winded its way through the more scenic parts of campus and we all were feeling pretty good until the finish. I looked up at the trail. It was three quarters of a mile steep uphill. I knew we could do it though.

"Come on guy! We got this!"

My legs were on fire and it felt like someone had pulled a belt around my chest. I gritted my teeth and dug in with my claws. My mind was telling me to quit but the end was only one switchback away. Someone near the front let out a loud hunting growl.

"COME ON!" Jessica shouted.

I yelled something incoherent. In that way, encouraging each other, we crossed the finish as a team and I dropped to my back panting, dripping with sweat. I closed my eyes and stretched my arms above my head taking deep breaths. Someone squirted water in my mouth. I looked up spluttering to see that it was Lewis.

"Great work guys. I don't know yet, but from what I've seen, we may be in first."

I sat up. He extended a hand. I grasped it and he pulled me to my feet. Jessica was standing as was Trestan. I walked over to Teague and gave him a hand. Chris got up and joined us. We were all covered in sweat, grass stains, dust, and grins. Lewis led us to a group of senior cadets who handed us MREs.

"Sloppy Joe, not bad," Teague commented. "What did you get?

I looked down at the gray brown package in my hands.

"Chicken enchilada."


We sat in the shade of the bleachers, eating the stale, yet fulfilling food, talking contentedly, and enjoying the afternoon sun. It had been a hard two weeks for all of us but, this somehow mad it all seem like a far off dream.

That afternoon, we were fitted for new uniforms. For the next two weeks, we would be leaving the PT outfits behind, and be wearing our clean, new, ACUs. We received tan undershirts, gray digital jackets and pants, kaki boots, and ball cap stile hats. During squad time, Lewis showed us how the outfit went together, how to properly blouse the pants, and different regulations for wearing it.

After dinner, all the cadets gathered in one of the lecture halls. Cadet Reese walked onto the stage to talk to us.

"I would just like to congratulate you one more time on making it through the first part of BCT. We only had three cadets drop out which ties the Academy record for fewest. Tomorrow, you will all be marching out to Camp Manadnoch for part two of your training. Tonight however, I'm sure you all want to find out the results from the squad challenge."

"Yes Sir!"

"Alright. In third place... First Platoon, First Squad."

A group of cadets on the right of the stage cheered.

"Second place was... First Platoon, Fourth Squad."

Yells from the back of the room.

"And in first place, the winner of our first squad challenge, current holder of the prestigious top squad trophy is... Second Platoon, Second Squad!"


We had done it, we had won. The last two weeks had paid off. The work and the training had brought us together and we had won.