Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.06: The First Strike - Ep08

Story by hazbaz on SoFurry

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#8 of LoM 06

"Who's hungry, boys?! First one does a trick gets a toe!" Onyx teased his Hellhounds, hanging the captured Kyle by the neck over them as they snarled and whined like a dog begging his master for a treat.

"Stop! Please, don't!" Kyle whimpered, pleading for his life and lifting his feet up so not to get chomped by the demon dogs.

Sasuga had to do something to save Kyle, and fast, but she didn't know what. That chameleon wasn't normal and hitting him with a hard object didn't make a dent on his hard scaled body. However, she did manage to harm him before at the women's room, somehow. She just couldn't remember what she did, or how she did it. She had her eyes closed so she didn't see it, but she felt something coming out of her and shocking Onyx, dropping him down. If she could only repeat that, she could save Kyle.

"Come on, I can do this... I have to do this..." Sasuga muttered to herself and lifted her right hand in front of her. Just the thought of her being able to pull it of was absurd to the kirin, but she was willing to try anything. She closed her eyes and concentrated her emotions, focusing her thoughts in her desire to stop Onyx and saving Kyle. To her surprise, her hand started giving out faint red sparks, as if she was accumulating a charge of electricity. She couldn't believe her eyes, but she was actually doing it. She was generating electricity in her hand, just by thinking about it. She didn't have time to get astounded by this though and needed to act fast, so she pointed the front of her hand at Onyx's back, and with a mere thought, shoot out a stream of red electricity.

"UUWAAAAARRGH!!" Onyx screeched out in agony when he was hit hard by the electrical shot on his back, jolting his whole body up and forcing him to release Kyle from his grip, while the Hellhounds scattered all over the room in a start. The cat dropped on his bottom with a yelp, still mesmerized by what he was witnessing before his eyes.

"Run, Kyle! Don't sit there! Just run!" Sasuga shouted at the scared feline. Kyle snapped out of his shock and didn't think twice about it, fleeing away with his tail between his legs.

"Oowwchh... ow... damn, you fucking wench! This is the third time you hurt me today! You don't play nice and I don't wanna play with you anymore! You DIE now!" Onyx hissed angrily, his playful mood completely ruined as he glared flaringly at the kirin, the spiky dorsal on his back standing up on their ends and his Hellhounds gathering around him again, growling at her.

"Don't come any closer! I'll do it again!" Sasuga retorted, warning him as she raised her hand at them. She tried to repeat that electricity attack, but nothing came out. "Shit! Not now!" she tried to focus her thoughts and gather that energy again, but it was no use. She just couldn't do it again. She didn't know if it was a temporary thing or that her mind was in turmoil now that she was facing this danger alone. She just stood there, powerlessly unable to defend herself.

"HAH! Looks like our little kirin princess's batteries dried up!" Onyx cackled up at Sasuga's feeble attempts. "Well, my precious puppies, here's your lunch! Dig in!" the chameleon commanded his Hellhounds and two of them dashed off towards Sasuga. The kirin panicked and jumped over to the side when one of them pounced at her, barely missing her with his fangs. She dropped on the floors and desperately tried to get up again to avoid the incoming attack from the other Hellhound, but she couldn't make it, as it leaped at her. Sasuga shrieked and covered her face with her arms protectively, but she received a cut on her left forearm from the scythe-like tail of the Hellhound as he jumped over her.

Squirming in pain, Sasuga crawled to a corner and leaned her back on it, holding her injured arm. The two Hellhounds turned to face the cornered kirin, salivating in hunger at the fresh prey in front of them, the smell of her blood dripping from her arm enticing them more. She figured that this was her end and closed her eyes, her only prayer that it wouldn't be a painful death. She then heard squealing voices coming from the Hellhounds and she opened her eyes again and was stunned to see both of them being impaled from the back by two big ice spikes, killing them in an instant and rendering them to an ash of nothingness.

"WHAT!?" Onyx screeched out in shock and turned around, seeing Panja standing by the doorway.

"Just in the nick of time," Panja said, relieved that he wasn't too late.

"P-Panja!" Sasuga cried out, overjoyed at the sight of Panja finally coming to her rescue.

"Don't worry, Sassy! I won't let them hurt you!" Panja said, facing Onyx and his Hellhounds by himself.

"Oooohhh, you're that Slasher pal! Now I can kill two birds with one stone! Master will be very pleased with me!" Onyx stated with a menacing snicker.

"Boy, are you're ugly AND annoying. Picking on a woman is a big no-no in my book, so prepare for to get your ass kicked," Panja replied, lifting up his fists.

"Watch out, Panja! He can disappear into the shadows!" Sasuga shouted and warned the white lion.

Onyx cackled. "Look around you, whitey! You expect to win just by yourself?!" the chameleon exclaimed, pointing out how Panja was easily outnumbered.

Panja smirked as he stood up straight, pulling out a pair of finger-free leather battle gloves with a metal plate on the back from his pants pocket and putting them on coolly. "Let's see... three... five. There are five of you, including you, bug-eyes. It'll take me only three seconds to beat all of you," Panja proclaim in confident as he finished fastening his gloves on.

"Stop fucking with me! I'll make you pay for killing my precious puppies!" Onyx hissed, easily aggravated by Panja's confidence. Panja cracked his knuckles and readied his attack.

"One." The white lion clapped his big palms together then slammed them on the floor, sending a wave of ice around Onyx and his demon pets.

"Wh-What!? What the hell!?" Onyx gasped as he felt chilling ice covering his legs from his feet to his knees, sticking him on the ground, while he watched the four Hellhounds around him being trapped inside frozen blocks of ice, completely immobilizing them.

"Two." Panja then rushed over to them, and with a couple of quick punches and kicks, shattered the frozen Hellhounds and crushed them into lifeless pieces.

"NOOO!! My babies!" Onyx screeched in anguish and tried to move, but he couldn't break from the icy ground no matter how hard he tried. He couldn't even dive into his own shadow.

And finally, Panja appeared before the trapped chameleon as Onyx helplessly watched in horror how Panja clinched his fist firmly and flexed his brawny arm massively. "And THREE!" Panja roared and let his fist go, throwing a powerful punch right on Onyx's face. The blow was so strong, it shattered the ice that held Onyx's legs down and sent him flying to the back, smashing through one of the windows and falling out two stories down from the university's building, bawling out in agony.

Panja stood up victoriously and dusted off his hands, then ran over to the busted window to see what happened to Onyx. Sure enough, he saw the chameleon twitching in pain on the ground, still alive, but in a very bad shape.

"Ough... ow... ouch... Da... Dammit... hurt... so much hurt..." Onyx groaned and whined, trying to get up while rubbing his sore face. "You... YOU! Grraaah! I'll make you pay! Pay for everything! I'll be back! Back for you and that kirin wench!" he snarled furiously, shaking his fist up at Panja, before he scurried over to the nearest shadow and vanished within, thankfully for good; for the time being at least.

"What a weaksauce pushover. Wasn't a challenge at all," Panja smugly said.

"Pa-Panja..." Sasuga then uttered wearily, standing up near of Panja while holding her injured arm.

"Oh shit! Sassy, are you okay?!" Panja quickly turned to her and placed his hands on her shoulders worriedly. "Sorry if I was little late. I ran into that Kyle kid when I searched for you around here and he let me know where you are," he explained to her.

"N-No, it's okay. I'm... I'm fine. I'm just so glad... you came..." Sasuga gradually broke into tears and threw herself into Panja's arms, pressing her face on his wide, warm chest.

"It's gonna be okay, Sassy," Panja comfortingly said and wrapped an arm around her, bringing her closer.

"Yes..." Sasuga nodded happily, feeling safe at last. Panja then noticed her bleeding arm and gently held it up in his hand.

"Hold still," he softly said and placed one palm over her cut, as a cool, soothing blue glow emitted from his hand and slightly closed her wound.

"Pa-Panja? You can heal?" Sasuga uttered in astonishment.

"Nah, it's just a temporarily treatment. We still need to get you fixed up," Panja stated with a chuckle.

"What on EARTH happened around here!?" Mr. Burns cried out in shock when he showed up with a bunch of students at the scene. "I got some loud ruckus complaint, but I didn't expect a warzone! Look at this place! It's a damn mess! Ms. Temple! I demand an explanation, and it's better be a good one!" the chubby chipmunk vice-principle of the university exclaimed with a hissy fit. Sasuga got extremely nervous, not having an idea of how to explain what happened, her tongue twisting and unable to speak.

"Look here, you big-assed rodent, now is not the right time for explanation. She needs medical attention, ASAP. And if you keep bothering her about this, I'll pound your puny round head in so hard you're gonna start eating out of your butthole. You got me?" Panja quickly stepped up and talked back at vice-president, looming over him with a mean scowl that sent a shiver down the chipmunk's fat spine and made him sweat timidly.

"Err... v-very well. Ta-Take her to the nurse office. B-But! I expect a review of the situation first thing in the morning! Understood, Ms. Temple!" Burns stammered.

"Y-Yes, Mr. Burns," Sasuga replied obediently, but she was still stunned at how Panja switched his attitude like that.

"Right. All right everyone! Move along! Nothing to see here! Get back to your classes or whatever the hell you were doing!" Mr. Burns scattered the students around him and rushed out of Panja's sight.

"Come on, let's fix you up," Panja said with a warm smile as he placed his arm around the kirin. Sasuga replied with a nod and let the white lion accompany her to the nurse office. She still couldn't believe the nightmare that she experienced this time, but having Panja by her side helped her cope with the aftermath for a bit. She just hoped Kyle and Katherine were okay, as well.

To be continued...