World building: Time in Sethera

Story by Unscforces on SoFurry

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#10 of Scales and Honor: Worldbuilding

Figured I would type up the months, days and time in Sethera while I was at it today.

Telling of Time in Sethera

This is a record of days of the week, months, and time found in Sethera.

The days of the week are divided into seven days.








The time of day can be divided into a 26 hour clock.

Each month has 28 days in them. With there being 12 months in total. Most have one holiday in them. These varry from nation to nation, and from god to god. So they will not be listed.

  1. Diil Diin (Winter)- Deep Freeze

  2. Krae Golte(Winter) -Cold Ground

  3. Frien Hemdah (Winter/Spring) - Melting Earth

  4. Noreck Vene (Spring) - Fierce Winds

  5. Oslay Hemdah(Spring)- Flower Earth

  6. Faadaas Suun (Spring/Summer)- Warm Air

  7. Friin Suun (Summer) Hot Air

  8. Veen Veldook(Summer) Wind change

  9. Krahas Suun (Summer/ Autumn) Cooling Air

  10. Fuhile Veldook (Autumn) Leaf Change

  11. Reene Falage (Autumn) Animal Hibernate

  12. Gond Ode (Autumn/ Winter) Start Snow