Summers Beginning

Story by Zesty Cool on SoFurry


Summers Beginning

Chapter 1: Meeting the Girl of My Dream

Today was the first glorious day of summer vacation. The time was around six thirty when I had awoken to the early summer sunrise through my upstairs patio outside my sliding glass doors. I had said to my self " this will be a grand summer day." I had decided to get a head start to the beach that way I could get some fun in before I start my new job today.

I had got all the things I had wanted to bring with me a day ahead. I had left my house and walked six blocks south and three blocks West and I had arrived at the beach. I had started the morning at the beach by setting every thing up I had just started to hit the water. When I had seen a Green crab luckily I had my Camera and I had took the best picture I could of it. I had to say" That is the craziest thing I had ever seen". With that in mind I went back to the water and dove in.

I had swam for an hour and got ready to head to my work place witch is the new cd store that had opened a week ago. I had entered the back of the store when their was a thud a loud thud I looked down it was a teenage girl around my age she must have been eighteen because she was also a new employee. I had asked " what her name was she just gave me a spaced out look", then she had said her name was Krystal. I helped her up of the floor and asked if she was all right she said ya. We opened the store and waited for the customers to find something. When I had checked the inline customers out with their cd's.

I went to look for Krystal when I had noticed that their was a pile of cd's on the floor not a small one but a huge pile when I had noticed that it was shaking so I had dug in to the huge pile and I found her, she was under all those cd's. I looked at her she looked up at me with the biggest blue eyes I had seen when she asked if I could get her out from under the pile I said ya after she was uncovered I started to laugh her face turnt red she pushed me on my back. After a few moments I looked back at her she was out cold. I had picked her up and laid her down on the couch so I had let her sleep for awhile so I went ahead and took care of the customers for the rest of the after noon when the time came to close up the store I went in to the back to wake up Krystal she had been sound a sleep so I woke here up and asked if I could walk her home she said ya. We started to walk back to her house when the streets started to come familiar then when we stopped at her house I had realized her house was a block down from mine so with her home I said " see ya tomorrow" she said" ya see ya tomorrow" with that I went home and took a shower and went to bed.

I was asleep when I heard a knocking at the down stairs door when I got my next day cloths on I had went to the door and opened up the door it was Krystal all I could do was ask why she was here this late she was red in the face when she said " I need your help, I need you to come with me to the store the boss needs us". With that we left for the store in a soled dash we had got their nine minutes later and the store was fine we had entered when I felt a hard thug at the back of my head all I could do was to even look at the person when I had blacked out.

Had awoken in a daze to find that I wasn't in the store anymore with that I thought it was time to get out and find some answers after wondering about the strange building when I had herd the ding of an elevator when I saw three people walk out one was Krystal. I had followed them for a few minutes to see if I could find out some answers when I realized Krystal was gone out of no where and then I was slammed to the floor in seconds and foot in my back I couldn't help Saying "who the hell are you and get the fuck of me" when I had felt the pressure loosen I turned and looked it was Krystal Smiling. After the little mix she helped me up with a puzzled look we went into this white room that only had soda machines and a vending machine and a microwave we all settled down at a table the man on the left was dressed like a business man the one on the left was dressed like he was going to a party.

When the four of us where sitting at the table the two men had told me their names Left was John, Right Black. I had asked John "do you have any food before we talk". They went to the vending machine and after a few seconds out came a hot pocket after I had eaten it we started with one topic why we were here they had said I was here because Krystal liked me and she wasn't human I looked at her and said "you guys are on dope how could she not be human I mean she looks normal"? After a moment they had said she could take of the clocker their was a weird buzzing sound and a pop then bright light cleared my eyes their she was her true self all that was different was she had wing like things and a monkey tail. Krystal said "so you like it?" With that out in the open the to weird guys said that she was here to find a guy and they thought I was a match I had asked what they meant by match they said we had the same brain length and with this I said "you guys can suck balls do you expect me to believe that I would fall for this silly trick ha I laugh at your stupidity. A few moments passed with my patient running low I always had short patient span I got up grabbed the microwave and slammed it over the back of the head of John he went down I turned to black and charged I missed then their was a sharp pain in my leg with out a sound I was shot in the ankle.

After the quick conclusion stammering down the hall I found a room full of medical stuff I went threw for raping and something to brace my ankle. With this out of the way I looked for an exit after limping down the hallway I found an elevator and stairs I chose the stairs according to the guide conveniently on the door I walked up four flits of stairs and found that I was back at the cd store.

Chapter 2: The Get Away

When they day had ended with me leaving the strange building those weird guys was still on my tail after running a few blocks will a slow bleeding ankle I had decided to take the bike that was setting at the corner of the street. I forgot how long I had been riding as the sun was rising I was riding for hours of time I had passed a sign that had said two-miles to Quincy Washington. When I had reached the small town it looked like it was empty like no one was their I had arrived at a gas station that was empty so I went in and took some needed supplies like food restroom and drinks and I had stumbled onto the weapons cabinet I found a backpack and got some ammo and weapons as I was packing I heard car screeches at the front door I went to the desk and staid low enough not to be seen. I heard two doors shut I used a piece of broken glass and a piece of an old rag to make a make shift mirror and used it to see who was their it wasn't the men from earlier but to be safe I hid in the vent in the back room. It's hard to tell who you can trust because not all people are respectable or even trust worthy. I was in the vent while their steps sounded louder as they walked toward the back as they came closer to my hidden position the door started to slide open when I had awoken in my room after all that I thought it was real a tried heading to the bath room but ended up falling down the stairs to the left of the bathroom because when I opened the door Krystal was on the other side. I had reached the bottom step looking up the stairs looking as she came walking out the bathroom when Krystal had said "you shouldn't have opened the door with out knocking", While she was stepping lightly down the steps When said" what the fuck why are you in my bathroom, and first of all why are you in my fucking house at all and stay away from me.

Krystal was three steps up from the bottom as I stumbled over to the counter. I looked at her with the intent that she was up to something. When I was fully up I had her set at the opposite end of the table when she sat down I had asked her what she was up to and why she was ended up in my house. When she was getting ready to tell I went to the fridge and got to sodas one for both of us she was sitting their and I said go ahead talk! She said she wasn't up to anything and that she was staying the night. I gave her a blank look when she said "remember I asked yesterday." I said what! Either I was drunk or you're lying". Her face turnt a little red from the question and she asked if she could I said yes under a few conditions one, you sleep down stairs two, stay down stairs three, stay away from the stairs I was just about to get in bed when I heard a big bang like a door coming of its hinges I stride down the steps and saw that the door was burnt to crisps. With astonishment I looked for Krystal she was gone. With that I found a note on the table it had said that Krystal is our Prisoner and you have to find her. With the sigh I went up stairs and got extra clothes and food I went into my garage and got my jeep after ceiling the gapping hole where the door had been. According to the note they will be holding her at the peer five miles away I had screeched the tires on the pavement and started down the street I thought for a moment do I really trust them I did a U-turn back to the garage and opened the chest picked up my 9mm and its compressor with a few clips with this and determination took of down the street again and after fourteen minutes of traveling. I had arrived at the building where she was being held captive I got out of the jeep after parking it pointing toward the exit for a quick escape if needed. I went around the building on the opposite side and peered in to the window their was Krystal she was in a seat tide to the chair surrounded by five men and they were facing all entrances but one the stairs I went up the stairs and tried a stealth approach and took out two of them from the east then the one from the south with them down the others were starting to notice that something was up with that they shouted that they would kill her if I didn't show my self so I climbed down to the bottom floor with the 9mm in my hand when one approached me I slid the gun six feet away ,he came closer. He had my hands bound he walked back he and his friends said they wanted to talk so after a few hours I looked outside the sun was coming up so I pulled the pocket knife out of my back pocket quietly cut the rope and planed the escape at the same time when to of them left I lied to the one who was to keep an eye on us so I asked if he could scratch my back he came with then cut distance I took one quick step and one blow had done it struck him in the throat.