Crossing Lines

Story by Tony Greyfox on SoFurry

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I haven't done much with skunks for a while, and this idea had been percolating in my brain for a while - so, I thought I'd give it a shot. Let me know what you think.

If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi? I'm over at - thanks!

"I can not believe that you just did that!"

Stevie panted as he jogged, looking at the slightly shorter figure next to him with something like awe. She noticed his look and grinned, puffing a little from the exertion.

"What? At least he had a nice view for it."

They could still hear the coughing from behind them, echoing along the front of the row houses that made up the campus frat row. Swearing accompanied it, though a couple of quick turns had lost the pair of half-drunk frat boys that had followed them.

"Carly, you SPRAYED him! Just... yanked down your shorts and sprayed him in the face!"

"And?" The other skunk waved her tail up and down. "He deserved it. Stupid horny goat grabbed my tail and thought I'd just up and think he was the hottest thing on the block?"

"Okay, but... Mom always said not to cross that line unless it was life or death!"

Carly giggled, slowing finally to get a breath. "Look, little bro, that was life and death. If he hadn't let go, I'd have killed him."

"Okay, yeah, I get the idea, Cee. But still... you know you smell like a recycling depot, right?"

"We're skunks, Stevie, that's part of the deal sometimes." She thumped the taller skunk on the shoulder. "Remember when you were younger and sometimes couldn't control your scent glands? You'd get excited watching a hockey game and poof! Air freshener city."

"Cee, you promised never to talk about that..."

"I'm your big sister. That's part of the deal too."

Stevie groaned. "Fine, well, that doesn't change the fact that your smell can be detected from space right now."

"Hey, if I'm sleeping on the spare bunk in your dorm for the night, then either you're going to need a nose plug or I'll just use the showers like any normal fur would."

"Oh. Of course." The younger skunk patted his sister on the arm. "That's a good idea. Except that, you know, it's a guys' dorm. And you're not a guy."

"Why Steven, I didn't think you'd noticed!" She winked and posed a moment, blowing him a kiss. He groaned.

"You know what I mean, Carly. If an RA catches you in there, I could get in trouble."

She rolled her eyes as the two walked up the driveway to the Kellen House dorms. "Knowing you, they'll just be happy to know that you can actually get into trouble, you do-gooder."

"How many warnings did you get when you were in college, again? Five? Six?"

"I know how to have fun, Stevie. Wasn't my fault that the dorm squad was so straight-laced."

Stevie grunted, holding the door open for his sister. "You were at a religious college, Cee, remember?"

"Yep, and grandma regretted that after a year, didn't she?"

The black-and-white pair padded down the hall. A few other young furs met them, giving Stevie a wave and smile before their noses wrinkled and they hastily retreated. Carly grumbled under her breath as he unlocked the door and they stepped in.

"Lemme open the windows. A lot."

She looked around as Stevie cranked the old panes wide. It was a relatively small room, with a bunk bed and pair of simple desks, a few bookshelves and a combined closet and drawers that - from the look of the clothing strewn about near them - didn't hold a lot. It looked a lot like most dorm rooms, except that Stevie had lucked out and his roomie had ditched two weeks after the start of semester.

"Must be nice to have all this space to yourself, huh?" she commented, moving to sit on one of the chairs only to be grabbed by the arm and yanked back upright. "Whoa!"

"Hey, hey, hold up! If you sit on that, it'll smell like spray for weeks!"

Carly frowned and eyed her brother. "Okay, well, gimme a towel and point me to the showers, then."

"Uh... yeah, hang on."

A flurry of clothes arose as the younger skunk dug through the closet. "I've got so goddamn many towels thanks to Mom giving me most of the linen closet when I left..." His head popped out of the heap of fabric. "She did that just to buy new stuff, didn't she?"

"Yeah, pretty sure she did." Carly shrugged. "It was never matched before, anyhow."

"Yeah, I figured." Stevie emerged with a pair of puffy blue towels. "Here you go."

"Great! Let's go." She paused. "Uh... where are the showers again?"

Her brother rolled his eyes and pointed. "Left, halfway down the hall, then on the right."

"Perfect. Oh, bring shampoo, too." Carly sniffed at her tail and grimaced. "Lots of it."


Stevie stood outside the hissing shower cubicle and mopped some sweat from his head; the skunk in the shower seemed intent on using all the university's hot water to get tidied up. Thankfully nobody had entered the shower room while he was on guard - he wasn't sure quite what he'd do if someone did come in, either way.

Finally the water shut off and the fur dryer whirred into life. "About time," he muttered. "I can barely see past my nose in this fog."

"Oh, lighten up, little brother. This is an adventure, right? Sneaking girls around the dorms and all that."

He grunted irritably, eyeing the doorway as if daring anyone to enter. "Let's just hurry up and get back to the room, all right?"

"Okay, okay, jeez."

The shower door swung open and Carly stepped out, wrapped in the pair of towels, one covering her upper body, the other snug around her thick hips. A sliver of her black-and-white midriff, pleasantly rounded, peeked out between the towels. Stevie stared. "Uh... your clothes, sis?"

She held them up in one paw. "Smell like a chemical factory."

"So, uh... you're walking through the halls... like that?"

"Yep!" The female skunk grinned at her brother's obvious discomfort. "Come on, Stevie, I know you walk through the halls in your boxers. How is this different?"

"How? Carly, you have..." He waved ineffectually at Carly's chest. "I mean... come on!"

"Okay, let's go!"

She brushed past him and headed for the door. Stevie stared a moment, then followed in her wake. "Damn it, Carly, there might be people..."

He ran into her fluffy tail in the doorway and whuffed. She made a point of looking both directions. "No people! Come on, scaredy-butt!"

Stevie muttered to himself and followed the towel-clad female back towards his room. He was just starting to breathe easier, seeing the entrance to his door ahead, when one of the other rooms opened and a border collie burst out with the usual enthusiasm of his species. "Oh hey Stevie, what's goin' oWHOA!"

The black and white canine slammed on the brakes as he came face to face with Carly, and blinked a few times. She flashed him a slow grin, and his tail actually stopped wagging - Stevie had never seen that happen before. "Oh, uh... hey! Nice, uh... friend of yours, Steve?"

"Uh... yeah, she's-"

"-a friend of Stevie's, yep. Come on, let's get back, huh?"

Confused, Stevie let his sister grab him by the hand and lead him to his room. He glanced back at the collie, who was mesmerized by the view.

"He still looking?" Carly murmured quietly.

"Uh... yeah."

They reached his room, and Carly giggled. "Good." She stopped to open the door, and - quite by accident - let her thick, striped tail drift up just enough to give the watching canine - and her brother - a nice view of her round rump. Then she walked through the door.

Stevie glanced back at the dog, whose eyes had grown huge at the display. The collie stepped back into his room, and Stevie could hear the lock click from where he stood.

He strode into his room and quickly shut the door. "Oh my god, Cee, you flashed him!"

"I KNOW!" She giggled loudly, sliding onto the foot of his bed. "Did you see his face? What did he look like?"

"Disbelieving, mostly, he went straight back into his room." The younger skunk flopped onto the other end of the bed, frowning at his sister.

"Oh, that's perfect. He's probably pawing to the sight right now."

"Carly!" Stevie felt a flush rising.

She smirked at the color spreading in his ears. "What? Come on, don't tell me at your age you don't sprout wood when you get a look at a naked girl."

"I, uh... well..." He squirmed slightly, the image of his sister's bare rump coming to his mind unbidden. It was, he admitted, a rather shapely rump.

"Oh man, you are so red in the ears right now! I wish I had my phone!" The older skunk tugged her tail around and brushed at it with her fingers, grinning at her brother. "You're cute when you're completely flustered, you know that, little bro?"

Stevie grunted and crossed his legs, grumbling. "Okay, yeah, so I'm at my peak sexual age and I get excited when I see bare fur. Every guy does. You don't seem to be too worried about showing it, either, huh?"

"Not when it's as funny as that!"

"Ugh. Mom would freak if she heard about that."

"Hey, Mom's not exactly an innocent angel, you know." Carly smirked, waggling her eyebrows. "It's not like she and Dad only had sex twice."

"Oh, come on, Cee!" Stevie groaned. "I don't need to think about Mom and Dad doing it."

She shrugged. "Hey, I've had the upstairs bedroom for years, and we have thin walls back home. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff I've heard."

"I'm not sure I want to," the younger skunk grumbled, pulling his pillow around to wrap his arms around it. Truthfully, though, he was having an uncomfortably familiar stirring down below; he kept seeing the flash of his sister's butt and occasionally wondering what the rest might look like. It was getting more difficult to shake it off.

Carly settled back against the wall with an impish grin. "You remember that one camping trip where we stayed in the cabin on Lake George?"

"What? Jeez, that was when I was what, fourteen or so? I think so..."

"I swear, Mom and Dad were humping like rabbits that weekend. I'm amazed you didn't hear them."

Stevie shifted slightly. Camping was getting a little too close to another situation. The younger skunk didn't say anything, then looked up as the bed creaked. Carly shifted to sit closer, letting her tail trail off across the bed to rest against his. He jumped slightly at the contact.

His sister reached over and brushed the tip of his tail with her fingertips, ostensibly working a knot out of the fur. "You remember when we went up to Midnight Canyon two years ago?"

"Y... yeah. Yeah, I do."

Carly shifted closer, her fingers moving through the stripes of Stevie's tail. "We had the tent to ourselves and Mom and Dad were in the camper. It was pretty cool, right?"

"Uh..." Stevie's tail twitched against her touch, curling in appreciation of the caresses. "Yeah, yeah it was. Why, uh..."

His sister's shoulder moved in to press against his. "Remember when that fox couple in the next spot started going at it about twenty feet away from the tent? We could hear, like, every thrust and moan."

"...yeah. That was-"

"-super fucking hot," she finished for him. "And after they both came real loud and rested and started round two..." Carly glanced up at Stevie with a half-grin. " couldn't hold out anymore?"

"Fuck, Carly!" The skunk crossed his legs, trying to think about algebra, baseball, anything that would take his mind off the image and help head off the uncomfortable erection that was making itself well-known in his shorts.

She refused to relent, leaning against his shoulder. "I heard you start to paw off, and it was so hot listening to them and you that I just had to join in." She giggled. "Remember that?"

How could I ever forget? Stevie thought. After all, it was still something that he used for his masturbatory fantasies. He took a deep breath. "Yeah. You sounded amazing, Cee. I know you were trying to be quiet, but it was just so hot listening to you. I'm glad I was wearing a T-shirt, or my sleeping bag would've been real messy after that."

She giggled softly, her voice close to his ear. "One of the benefits of being a girl - less cleanup. I came twice right next to you."

"I remember that. I'd never really heard a girl cum before, and even being quiet it was pretty wild."

Carly settled a paw on his and sighed. "Can I tell you something, Stevie?"

He laced his fingers into hers. "Sure, Cee. What's up?"

"When we were doing that...." She took a breath. "I had the urge to crawl over and help you out."

Stevie blinked and turned to face his sister. "...really?"

Her ears coloured. "Really. I, uh... I do think you're pretty attractive, you know? Kind of thought it'd be nice to see how you've developed."

"Wow. That's, uh..." Stevie paused. "...well, I've kind of wondered the same sometimes, you know?"

Carly squeezed his paw, shifting closer. Stevie caught a little motion and looked down. His eyes shot back up towards the roof. "Your robe, Carly."

She glanced down. The robe had fallen open and one breast had slipped into view, the pink tip of her firm nipple peeking through the fur. "Oops." She giggled, then thought a moment. "Aw, fuck it."

With a quick motion, the skunk slid the robe off her shoulders and down, leaving her naked to the waist. Stevie's eyes widened. "Holy shit."

"Like 'em?" she asked, leaning over the dumbstruck younger skunk to give him a better look - leaving the robe behind in the process.

"Y-yeah..." he murmured, watching his sister's breasts bob before him. He paused, then reached up to cup one, his thumb brushing over the erect nipple. "Oh man..."

Carly gasped, leaning into that touch. She raised her eyes to his, her paw dropping to rest on his belly, and they stared at one another for a long moment.

Then their muzzles met, and they gave up fighting.

His sister's - his sister's! - lips were soft and wet and when they parted for his touch her tongue was eager for his, curling and caressing as they leaned closer. Stevie groaned at the fingers that settled onto the bulge in his shorts, his hips pushing up against her. He brought his other paw up and settled it onto Carly's other breast, stroking and playing with the nipples that pushed into his palms. She moaned into his mouth, shrugging the robe further off, and started undoing his shorts.

A few moments of work, and the two of them were both naked, their fur pressed tight together as they kissed again. Stevie wrapped his arms around Carly's comfortably padded middle and unabashedly groped her rear. She swished her thick tail off to one side to give him more access and kissed down his neck, nipping here and there softly.

She didn't stop there, though, and made her way slowly downward, crawling backwards. She smiled wickedly up at her brother as she reached his groin, and took his shaft in one hand, stroking it slowly. "You grew up good, Stevie," she murmured, rolling her thumb over the tip and smearing precum all around. "Not bad at all."

"Th-thanks," he managed, leaning back on the pillow and panting. "I- ah!"

Carly cut him off by playfully lapping her way up his length, tongue curling around his cocktip and lapping away salty pre as it emerged. "Mmm, tasty too," she purred, before opening her blunt muzzle wide to take him right to the base with one quick lunge.

"Oh fuck!" Stevie gasped, reaching up to rub at her ears as she started to bob up and down, her mouth hot and wet around him. "Damn, you're good at that..."

Carly giggled around the mouthful of skunk cock she held and winked at him, reaching to circle the base of his shaft and start pumping it in time with her bobbing mouth. Her tonguetip flickered against the underside of her brother's tip, and he groaned, his grip on her ears tightening. "God, Cee, if you keep that up I'm not gonna last long!"

"MMmmgood," she mumbled, cupping his balls with her free hand and stroking them as she took his length to the root with quick darting motions of her head, swirling her tongue wildly against him. Stevie whined at the treatment, then stiffened, bucked his hips twice more and exploded.

Carly moaned at the bursts of thick semen that flooded her muzzle, holding Stevie's length as it pulsed and spurted wildly for long moments before trailing off. She lifted her head and watched as the younger skunk sank down onto the pillows, panting, then nudged him. He opened his eyes and looked down at her; she giggled and opened her mouth, showing off the pool of thick skunk spunk laying on her tongue, then as his eyes widened, swallowed it in one go.

"Oh... that is fucking hot..." he managed as she crawled up to kneel beside him. He rested a paw on her hip and looked her over as he caught his breath. "Practice?"

"A little bit. Shouldn't ask a girl her secrets, though, Stevie." She smirked and skritched at his chest softly. "How about you?"


"Had much practice with this?" she asked, lifting up and reaching down to spread her fur, showing the pink folds of her labia peeking through the white fluffiness.

"Not... as much as I'd like," he admitted, reaching to cup her mound, feeling the wetness through the fur there. She moaned. "I've only had like three girls to practice with."

"Tell you what," Carly said, pushing his paw back down. "Let's do this. All you gotta do is lick."

"Do wha-?"

Stevie was muffled as his sister swung her leg over him and shifted to plant herself over his face, looking down. "How's the view?"

He blinked a couple of times at the face peering down between the swells of her breasts, then shifted his gaze to her crotch, where the glistening pink of her entrance awaited. "Tasty," he growled, and lapped at her with a long slow curling stroke of his tongue. She tasted clean and just a little salty, and wonderful.

Carly shuddered, grasping the headboard of the bed, and settled herself down onto her brother's muzzle, grinding her hips down as he licked at her nether lips, his tongue finding its way between and swirling along her inner folds. "Nngh... not bad at all," she said, watching him past her breasts and tummy, her tail draping down across him.

He giggled, and kept lashing at her with his tongue, curling it up to swirl around the nub of her clit. She gasped and pushed down onto him with a growl, rocking her hips against his soft tongue. Stevie reached up to cup her rump with both paws, squeezing and caressing - and incidentally lifting her up enough to make sure that he could breathe while he pleasured her.

"Oh that's it, yeah," Carly moaned, wriggling above him as he fondled her ass, sliding a hand down to spread her labia for him, adding her own touch to his. The view was unbeatable, Stevie thought, as he worked his tongue more eagerly around her clit, circling that sensitive organ.

At the same time, he slipped a paw up to run a finger along the cleft of his sister's rump, up under the fluffy bulk of her tail to find the bud of her anus. She squeaked in surprise as he pressed and rubbed against that, and humped his face a little harder, leaving his muzzle wetter and wetter all the time. "Going pro style already, bro?" she gasped as he prodded at her butt. "Gentle there..."

"Mmm-hmmm," he moaned against her sex, lapping eagerly over and over. He pushed his finger a little more firmly and Carly shivered as it slipped through the tight ring of her ass, then clenched and yowled as that extra bit of stimulation drove her over the edge into a hard climax. Stevie felt her tense and sank his tongue deep into her, pressing against her clit with his lips as she came, rolling her hips with the sensation, little gushes of her fluids spattering over his muzzle.

Finally she relaxed, and slowly sagged down, propped against the headboard. Stevie slipped out between her legs and settled on his side, then drew her down into his arms, and the pair nestled together breathlessly.

"You," Carly panted, "have a very good tongue." She licked under Stevie's chin and giggled. "I think you've had more practice at that than you let on."

"Not really. I was seeing this raccoon girl last year back home while you were off at college, and she let me go down on her a couple times, that's about it." Stevie shrugged, nuzzling at his sister's ears. "Porn and fantasies are good theoretical practice, I guess."

Carly stroked her fingers down her brother's back and hummed, her tail swishing to drape over his legs. "Was she your first?"

"Hmm?" Stevie looked at her. "My first what?"

"You know, goof. Did she take your virginity?"

He colored slightly. "Oh! Oh, no... That was a few years before."

"Mmm... Do tell, little bro?" She batted her eyes coquettishly. "Pleeease?"

Stevie snorted. "Eh, not much to tell. You remember Carine? Lived five doors down before Dad got transferred up this way?"

"I don't - wait, the deer? Had a brother that played football?"

"Yeah, that was her."

"Jeez. She was a big girl, wasn't she?" Carly said, rubbing her fingers through Stevie's fur.

"Mm-hmm. We hung out, played video games sometimes, and one day she just said 'Hey, you wanna have sex?' I wasn't gonna say no, right?"

Carly smirked. "My brother's an easy lay. Good to know."

"Oh, shush." Stevie rolled his eyes. "Anyhow, we were at her place, and she just dropped her clothes, grabbed my dick, got me hard and climbed on. I lasted, like, thirty seconds."

"Not unusual for a teenager."

"Nah, she didn't mind either. We did it three more times that afternoon."

Carly looked impressed. "Not bad, bro."

He grinned and let his paw roam over her side, settling on one breast to caress softly. "How about you?"

She squirmed a little under his touch. "Oh... it was with this guy I met at one of those youth dances I would go to. You know, the ones Gramma would buy me tickets to?"

"The church ones?"

"Yep. I don't think he wanted to be there any more than I did. Kind of a mixed-breed dog, brown and white fur, six inches or so taller than me. We snuck out the back and wound up under the bleachers."

Stevie felt her nipple firming up under his palm and grinned. "Good, huh?"

"Pretty good. He had a good tongue too, and didn't mind using it... he got me off, then bent me over and, well..."

"Sounds pretty hot."

"Mmm... it was. Plus, he had a knot, you know?"

"Oh shit. Did he tie you?"

"Yep," she said, nuzzling into his chest fur. "Twenty minutes. He came like twice, and I lost count."

"Goddamn, Carly. That's super hot."

"I noticed." Carly's paw curled around Stevie's resurgent erection and stroked. "So, hey."


She wrapped an arm and leg around the taller male and rolled onto her back, drawing him on top of her. "Still got more than one round in you, bro?"

Stevie whuffed and propped himself up on his arms, looking down at her. "Are you sure, Carly? This is pretty far across the line already..."

She scoffed. "I know, brother and sister, bad breeding and all that shit. Stevie, I love you, but I don't want to have your kids... I just figure, we both care, we're both horny, and we're attracted to each other - let's have some fun, right?"

"Your logic is pretty good." Stevie paused. "Um... speaking of kids, I should get a condom...."

"Been on birth control since I was thirteen, bro." Carly wrapped her arms around her brother and pulled him closer. "Go for it."

He answered her with a kiss. Their tongues twined, and as their muzzles pressed tight he pushed his hips down and forward, finding the slickened folds of her sex and sinking in with one firm motion.

"Awwww fuck yeah," Carly groaned, her legs wrapping around Stevie's to pull him closer, leaning her head back on the pillow. "You feel so good inside me..."

"Nngh..." Stevie buried his head against her neck, panting as he felt his sister's warmth engulf him to the base, holding himself tight there before drawing back to start a steady thrusting that brought a moan of pleasure from the skunk beneath him. Her grip tightened, pulling him close, and her hips rolled with the pace that he set.

He kissed down Carly's chest to her breasts, and brought his tongue into play, lapping at first one nipple and then the other, then leaning down to wrap his lips around one of those firm nubs, tugging and suckling. Carly growled, grabbing Stevie around the waist, her blunt claws digging into his rump, pulling him harder down onto her. He groaned and thrust more firmly, panting into her chestfur.

"Ho- hold up," he gasped, slowing his pace and lifting himself up to look down at her.

"Hmm?" Carly asked, her own breathing coming fast.

"I wanna..." Stevie pulled out slowly, watching his cock slide out of her spread lips, then sat back on his haunches. "Roll over for me, sis?"

"Ohh, I see," she said, with a grin. She ostentatiously stretched, then slowly rolled, shifting to get her knees under her hips. Her tail raised, draped itself over her back, leaving her fully exposed. "Like this?"

"Fuck yeah." Stevie gave her full rump a smack, and she yelped in surprise and pleasure, before kneeling behind her and sinking his shaft back into her. "Ohh, that's nice..."

Carly rocked back onto the thick cock buried in her, moaning loudly into the pillow. "Aww fuck I love this position," she gasped as Stevie started to rock into her with growing eagerness. "Pound me hard, Steve..."

He obliged, speeding up, his hips slapping firmly against her well-padded hindquarters, one paw gripping a rump cheek firmly. The other moved to grip her tail base and hold it, using that useful handle to pull her onto him. She squealed into the pillow again at that, and her tail draped over his shoulder.

"Aw god yeah pull my tail!" Carly said, pushing back hard to take him deep with each stroke.

"Like this?" he asked, tugging firmly enough to nearly lift her off the bed.

She answered by stiffening and digging her claws into the pillow; her cry of pleasure was barely muffled as she came around his cock, muscles across her pelvis clenching and rippling to the point where Stevie felt her tail twitching in his grip. He growled, bent over her and slammed hard and fast into her as her orgasm rolled through her; his teeth found her shoulder and bit down gently, sending his sister into another peak, and he yowled into her fur with his own orgasm, gushing his seed deep into her body.

Stevie held her close as the pulses of pleasure made his cock twitch and pump in her tight warmth, and then slumped down, releasing the mating bite and kissing at her ears as the pleasure of afterglow spread. Carly moaned and reached back to stroke his face as she caught her breath.

Finally, Stevie straightened and slid out of her, settling on his haunches to admire the sight of his sister sprawled in his bed. He smiled and stroked her hip. "That was amazing."

Carly took his paw and kissed his fingers. "Mmm... I haven't come like that in ages, Stevie. Thank you."

"We should really do-" He paused, and sniffed. Something was odd.

"What's up?" Carly watched him as he sniffed again, then looked down and dipped his finger into some of the wetness that was spread through his white bellyfur. He brought it to his nose and wrinkled his muzzle.

"You, uh... you sprayed me!"

"Oh. Um..." Carly blushed. "Yeah, that kinda, uh... that kinda happens sometimes when I have an orgasm with my tail up like that."

Stevie groaned as the smell started to spread. "You coulda warned me, sis..."

"What, you want me to stop you in the middle of a damn good fuck and say 'hey, careful, I might lose control of my anal glands if you give me an earth-shaking orgasm'?"

"Maybe not in that many words..."

She sat up and pulled her brother in for a lingering kiss. "Hey. Know what that means?"


"We need a shower." She grinned naughtily. "Wanna wash my back?"