Life's a Bitch, Death's a Vixen: Four Sisters, Part 1

Story by Blindseer on SoFurry

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#2 of Life's a Bitch, Death's a Vixen

Before reading this I highly suggest you read the first one because I don't think this one will make much sense, if any, without it. This ends rather abruptly because it ends where I thought would be a good place to pick up the story for the next installment of the series (It's one story that I broke up into two chapters because it's taking a lot longer than I anticipated it would to finish writing). Please enjoy and feel free to leave feedback.

**This story contains some religous aspects, please don't email me and say "Such and such is wrong" or "I'm offended by..." because I'm warning you now. If you feel strongly about religion, I suggest you skip this story, and this in no way reflects what I believe about the afterlife or anything else regarding religion.

'I couldn't move. In front of me stood a vixen with her blonde hair loose behind her. I looked up at her, tried to speak, tried to move but couldn't bring myself to do either. Something about her, the way she looked. And her eyes, eyes as red as Kayley's had been so long ago. Wait a sec, was it Kayley? She stepped closer, smiled wickedly. "Come," she said, her eyes growing even brighter.'

I sat up so quickly I nearly knocked Kayley out of bed. I found myself breathing heavily, sweat pouring down me. That dream... Not the first time I had had it, but it just seemed so real this time.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Kayley asked, sleep still evident in her voice.

"Just a dream. A dream," I repeated, mainly to reassure myself.


"I don't... I don't know. It's not the first time I've had it. You- There's this fox, and she has such a power over me that I can't talk or move. And then her eyes glow blood red and she says 'Come', and I wake up."

"You're a little too old to be having nightmares aren't you?" Kayley said, now sounding more awake.

"Yeah, it's probably nothing... But this time, this time it felt so real! I could almost swear to you it happened-"

"Mike you're talking crazy. Go back to sleep, you'll feel better in the morning." I knew she was probably right. I rested my head down onto my pillow, and tried to fall back asleep. "Goodnight honey." Kayley leaned over and gave me a kiss before rolling back and resting her own head.

"Night," I mumbled. Despite how hard I tried, sleep would not come. I sat up again, being careful not to wake Kayley. My footsteps fell more heavily than I had anticipated when I crept across the silent room.

"Where are you going?" yawned Kayley.

"I can't sleep. I'm going to go for a walk, clear my head a little." Her ears perked up, and I saw her get out of bed.

"That dream is bothering you this much?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"No," I lied. "Just, I think some fresh air will help me fall asleep is all. You go back to bed okay?" Even though I think she knew I was lying, it appeared she was going to let the matter be dropped.

"Alright, but you be back soon okay? And be careful!" She wrapped her furry arms around me. She was definitely concerned.

"I will, don't worry." I scooped her up into my arms and she giggled. I placed her back into the bed and pulled the blanket up around her.

"Please be careful," she whispered as I walked out.

"I told you not to worry. Besides, this is Heaven, what can possibly go wrong?" If only we had the gift of prescience...

It was easy to see that night, thanks to the full moon which hung in the sky. I walked slowly down a small, dirt path which began near from where we lived. Eventually, it crossed a stream with a stone bridge. I liked coming down to this bridge to sit and think, the sound of the water was always relaxing. When I got close however, I noticed another individual already in my spot.

They looked to be female, though it was difficult to discern due to the heavy cloak and hood which the figure wore. As I got closer, it turned towards me, still not saying a word. "Please take a seat," came a female's voice after I was right next to her. I sat down. "You're Mike Wyvern, no?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I know a lot about you," she said. I don't know why, but something about her was giving me the creeps.

"Good... What's your name?"

"Tracy." She threw back her hood and I saw she looked almost identical to Kayley.



"You don't happen to have a twin... or a sister by any chance?"

"Yes I do. Three sisters in fact, and one of them, my twin, is your mate."

"I wonder why Kayley didn't tell me..." Tracy didn't say anything. I looked at her, and she turned towards me as if she could feel my gaze. I noticed her eyes were glowing a deep amber color. Except for a couple of minor details, this was the only difference between her and Kayley. "So, what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to figure out just what she was up to.

"Actually, I'm here for you."

"Really? Why?" Again Tracy didn't say anything, but a smile crept across her lips. Before I had time to react, she had pulled out a sword hilted to her waist and pounced on top of me. However, as she was bringing the sword down someone knocked her off of me.

"Get away from him now!" came a familiar voice.

"Angel scum," Tracy spat, pulling herself up. It appeared that whoever had hit her had cut one of her arms badly. She picked up her sword, and in a flash was gone.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little... confused to say the least."

"Good, sorry I couldn't do anything sooner."

"Liz, is that you?"

"Yeah." I watched as she sheathed a small curved dagger.

"Thanks," I said giving her a hug. She gestured for me to take a seat. "I don't suppose you have any idea what the hell that was all about?"

"Well not really, but I can give you my best guess. Tracy, whom you just met, is Kayley's twin-"

"I know that, why'd she attack me?" I interrupted.

"If you would let me finish, I was getting there. Anyway, she's Kayley's twin. Kayley also has two other sisters. So there're four of them in all. Now what's special about the number four?"

"Not a clue."

"Think apocalypse..." I thought for a moment, and then it hit me.

"The Four Horsemen?"


"So you're saying that Kayley and her sisters are...?"

"Yeah. And you, you're kinda the Fifth Horsemen. Anyway, each one represents a different affliction against the human race. Tracy is War, and the other two are Pestilence and Famine. You and Kayley, are of course, Death."

"But I thought Kayley and I were done being Death..."

"You are, and I'll admit to you that even I'm confused as to why they went after you two and not Kyle, since he took over Death's duties. Look, obviously the reason Tracy was here was to eliminate you. And with that, she probably would have killed Kayley too, had she the opportunity. See, when demons or anything of the sort manage to make it into Heaven they're severly weakened, otherwise I don't think I could have stopped Tracy. Anyway, Death is like the moderator of all the other afflictions. They can spread their diseases, cause war and starve people, but without Death no one would die. This was done on purpose to prevent any one of the afflictions from abusing their power. Perhaps that has something to do with it, because to be honest, I really don't have any idea what they would gain by killing you."

"Is there anyone who would?"

"I suggest you go home and talk to Kayley about this. I'm sure she'll be able to explain this much better than I, and maybe fill in some of the gaps. In the mean time, be careful. Take this," she said holding out her dagger.

"Right, thanks Liz."

When I walked back, Kayley was ready to greet me. "Are you okay? You were gone for a long time."

"Weren't you asleep?"

'I can't sleep when you're not with me love," she said nuzzling herself into me. She looked so beautiful with the moon light glinting off of her fur.

"I have something important to talk with you about..."

"Can't it wait till later?" she asked wrapping her tail around my leg.

"No, I'm sorry it can't." Kayley pulled away disappointed.

"You're no fun," she said sticking her tongue out at me.

"Well this is serious..."

"Relax sweetie, I'm only joking with you. Now what is it?"

"I met one of your sisters today..."

"What!? Who!?" Kayley's face was full of what looked to be a mix of shock and disgust.

"Tracy. Why didn't you tell me about them sooner?"

"Because... Because I thought you'd be ashamed of me... I used to be evil, just like them. But I learned to keep my sins in check, and then I met you and I thought everything would be okay." Kayley began to cry.

"Calm down honey, you have nothing to be ashamed of," I said soothingly. I pulled her into my chest, and sat her down on top of me. "Shhhh, why are you so upset?"

"I'm scared."


"Yes," she said in an almost inaudible voice.

"Of what?"

"That I'll lose it," she sobbed, "That I won't be able to control myself and I'll become evil and join them again. Like after that demon thing killed you, I couldn't really control myself. That's what I used to be like all the time! I don't want that to happen again. Who knows how many innocent people we'd hurt..."

"So then that's what they were doing... They weren't here to harm you at all..."

"What?" Kayley asked confused. The more I thought about it, the more sense it was beginning to make to me.

"If they killed me, then you'd probably become evil again if only for a short time, and they know it. And if you do then they're here to take advantage of that and pick you up..." Kayley didn't respond in words, only a loud sob. She pulled herself tighter into my chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about them sooner Mike, it's my fault."

"Don't worry about it," I pulled her from my chest and looked into her eyes. "We've been through worse. Stop crying beautiful," I said wiping the tears which were starting to leave trails in her fur, "We'll get through this."

"Can I have some time alone? Just for a little bit... to let me think a little..."

"Sure thing," I said giving her a kiss. "Take as long as you need, okay?" She nodded her head, got up and walked off.

The next morning, Lily and I were sitting together by the small path. "Kayley's been gone an awful long time," I said to Lily.

"You said that five minutes ago and I'm going to tell you the same thing I told you when you last asked me! She just needs some time to sort herself out. How would you feel knowing that you're evil sisters were trying to get you to convert back to their side and that you're lover is in danger because of it?"

"Not too good. I'm sure you're right... it's just... I don't know, something just doesn't feel right is all."

"It's probably nothing, you've been through a lot too, Mike. Look she's coming back right now!" I watched as Kayley slowly made her way to where we sat. She was staring directly at the ground as she walked, and I could see tears in her eyes.

"Lily," she said as she got nearer, "Could you please let me talk to Mike in private?"

"Of course."

As soon as Lily left, Kayley turned towards me and opened her mouth as if to speak, and then quickly closed it again. I reached to pull her into a hug, but she pulled away. "Kayley... what's wrong?"

"Mike we can't do this anymore," she said, now almost impossible to understand due to her crying.

"What sweetheart?"

"We can't be mates any more. It's just too risky."

"Are you joking with me?"

"No, I don't want anything to happen to you-"

"Kayley I don't care what danger I'm in!"

"I'm not going to risk having you go back to Hell and getting hurt again. I've been thinking about this for awhile now and it's the only way I can come up with," she sobbed. "Goodbye... I love you... Remember that." She gave me a kiss, then took two steps backwards before turning around and quickly leaving.

"Please Kayley! I don't care, please don't do this! We can find another way!" I called after her. I managed to get a hand on her shoulder and to wheel her around. She shook off my grip and stared at me. "Think about what you're saying! You'd be making it worse for the both of us by leaving than staying and putting me in danger. You're plan doesn't really help much if you think about it!"

"I'm sorry, but I can't risk you," she said before disappearing from right in front of me. I sat down on the ground and felt tears well up in my eyes.

"What happened!?" Lily asked when she returned and saw my current state.

"She... she left me," I stammered, my voice almost completely choked.

"She left you!? How come!?" I felt tears landing in my lap.

"She was worried about me!" I cried. "I told her it doesn't matter at all, but she didn't listen..." Lily embraced me tightly.

"Oh man... I'm so sorry..." For the first time in years I cried like a small child. Lily sat quietly, holding me tightly. We were like this for a while, before I removed her arms from around me. "You want me to stay with you? Help you out a little or something?"


"I know this is tough but the best thing we can do is keep you busy, try and keep your mind occupied."

"I'll be fine, don't worry." Truth be told, I had no idea whether or not I was fine, or would be fine. What was I going to do now? Kayley had been, and at least to me, still was my entire life.

"Just don't do anything stupid... I'm going to come back later to check on you, maybe we'll eat dinner together or something." I nodded. "Please take care of yourself..." Lily gave me one last hug and then left.

I sat all alone, thinking over everything that had just happened. "That's pretty rough," said a voice unfamiliar to me.

"Who's there?" I asked. Someone stepped out of the shadows behind me.

I felt a strong hand place itself on my shoulder. I turned to look and see this mystery person. It was a tall, lanky feline. He had tan fur, and short grey hair which rested neatly atop his head. He appeared to be rather old. Behind him, was a magnificent set of wings. He released his hand from my shoulder and I moved a few steps away from him.

"Calm down, I'm not here to hurt you." He stepped closer and showed me that he was carrying no weapons. "See, nothing."

"Who are you?" I asked, still not fully trusting him. Looking back on it, the fact that he was an angel, one of God's messengers and helpers, probably should have been a pretty good indication that he meant me no harm.

"Let's just say that I'm sort of your guardian angel."

"Ha! Where the fuck were you when Kayley killed me!? Or when that monster thing escaped from Hell and I died again!? And where were you just now, when she left me!?"

"Hey, I can't change what's going to happen, only influence you to make the right decisions."

"And have I made them?" I asked, trying to calm myself down.


"So why didn't she stay!? And why are you here?"

"Some things are meant to happen, and there's no choice you could make to possibly prevent them from happening. I'm here to give you advice, and to lend a hand if you so desire."

"What's your advice?"

"You need to calm down first, so you can think clearly." I took a deep breath, and tried to relax myself further.

"I'm sorry I sort of lost it with you. I think you were witness to everything that made me so tense..."

"Right, and I'm here to help you fix that."

"You are!?"

"Yes, that's what my advice concerns."

"Please tell me. Actually, wait a sec, what's your name?"


"Good, and you know mine I assume?"

"Of course. Now listen carefully because this is important if you want to fix everything that's going wrong. As you know, Kayley's sisters are trying to get her to come back to them, smart of you to figure that out I might add. In order for them to do this though, they need to kill you."

"You're telling me things I already know."

"Please be patient. Where was I? Oh right, they need to kill you to get her to go back to them. Because of this, she left you, saying that she doesn't want to risk you're safety-"

"Get to the point old man! You've been telling me things I already know! Just tell me what I need to know!" I interrupted.

"That's it!" he thundered. "Do you want help or not? Because I can just as easily go back to helping others!"

"Sorry," I said holding my head low.

"Anyway, a logical solution to the problem would be to get rid of Kayley's sisters," he said, his voice already back to normal.


"Although it may sound rather simple, its execution is what's going to make it near impossible. All of Kayley's sisters are incredibly powerful. As I think you were already told, demons and things of the sort are left in a very weakened state when in Heaven. To destroy one of her sisters outside of here... it's almost impossible to conceive. Boggles the mind really..." He was so redundant in his speech that I felt myself zoning out, and made no point to try and stop myself. "Are you listening?" he finally asked after about five minutes. I couldn't help but crack a smile, and though he tried his best to look flustered, I thought I saw a faint one pass over his lips. "You young people are always in such a rush to get everything done as quickly as you can. Well, to make a long story short, if you want Kayley back you're going to have to go back to Earth to stop them."

"You mean they're mortal?"

"No, they just live amongst the humans. Many escaped demons and fallen angels do the same."

"So what exactly does this entail for me?"

"I'm not sure exactly. I can send you back to Earth, assuming that's really what you want."

"Yes! I want to go back now!"

"Wait a minute, before you just make up your mind listen to everything I say. I can't just send you back to act independently."

"What do you mean...?"

"To send you back to Earth you'd need a link there. This means that you'd be bound to a person sensitive to spirits. You'd have to follow them around, and only with their assistance could you complete what you desire."

"How come the other demons and angels can act independently?"

"Because they're already damned to an existence in the worst of Hell. Once one of the Soul Trappers catches them, they go to a place so horrible that I cannot even begin to describe it. I don't think you want to be in a situation where they're looking for you, do you?"

"Alright, well I still want to go back. Who'll I be followin'?"

"Not sure myself, I just send you back and you're bound to whatever the first suitable link is. You're sure this is what you want? Once I send you back I can't get you into Heaven again, you get back on your own."

"Well how do I do that?"

"Look, I don't know much about this, so just answer the question, yes or no?"

"Sheesh, now who's impatient. Can you do me a favor?"


"Explain this all to Liz and Lily, make sure they know I'm alright."

"Okay, so I take it you're going back?"


"Hold still," he said placing his hand onto my shoulder.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem."

The next thing I knew I was standing inside the kitchen to a modern apartment and was wearing the cloak I had used when I was Death. Sitting at a table in the middle was a vixen, probably in her early twenties, doing a crossword puzzle and humming to herself. I looked around to see if anyone else was there. "She must be the one I'm bounded to then," I thought. Not entirely sure what I should do, I took a few steps forward. I saw her eyes shift from her puzzle, slowly towards the floor. She stopped looking up when she reached my feet.

"God protect me," I heard her whisper. She lifted her head up to my face, but she didn't scream or say anything. For a while we sat staring at each other. Finally I broke the silence.

"I'm not here to hurt you," I said.

"I know, you're not like the others... Or, at least you don't give me the same feeling they do," she said.

"Others?" I asked.

"Them," she said pointing into a darkened room, and a pair of gleaming eyes that was peering out of the darkness. Then she turned her head into a darkened corner of the kitchen, and there sat another pair of eyes.

"What, what are they?" She shook her head slowly and began to cry.

"I have no idea!" she cried. "Every day I see things which other people can't! They're everywhere, always around me. I haven't slept in so long! How can I? I know they're there, just waiting for when they can do whatever it is they want to do to me! There's no where I'm safe. They're even in churches!" She began to cry even harder.

"Shhh calm down," I said walking over to her. She pulled back a little. "I'll protect you, I promise."

"But how can I trust that you're not going to do anything to me?"

"Well that's a risk you're gonna have to take." She didn't say anything, only shook her head and pulled at the ends of her red hair.

"I... I can't believe you I'm sorry."

"Wait here a minute," I said turning around to face into the darkened room. "Get out of here," I yelled into the darkness. Only hissing laughter followed. "This is you're last warning, get out, now!" Slowly, a raptor like creature emerged from the shadows. "I'm serious, leave!"

"Or what? Going to ssssend me back to Hell are you?" The vixen let out a whine and slid slowly out of her chair.

"Just leave the girl alone," I said. Behind me, I heard footsteps fall on the linoleum floor. Shit, the other one! How could I have forgotten? I turned just in time to catch the other raptor as it leapt up, trying to pounce me. I ducked and barely managed to avoid it. Both raptors now stood together near the doorway to the darkened room. "What do you want with her anyway?"

"None of your fucking businesssss," one of them hissed. They attacked again, this time both at once. A short fight ensued, and using the dagger Liz had lent me I killed them both. Very weak demons, not much of a threat, just annoying.

"Now you trust me?" I asked turning towards the vixen who was so low in her chair that I thought she might fall out.

"I don't know... I guess... I mean if you were here to hurt me you would have done it by now probably, or have just let those things do it for you... So... yes," she said. "Thank you. Who are you anyway?"

"I'm Mike. Mike Wyvern."

"The murder victim? That case was all over the news, they never found the killer!"

"The same. What's your name?" I asked.

"Caroline," she answered. "So umm, why are you here?" she asked.

"That's a long story," I said.

"Well I think I deserve to know. Here, sit down. I'll make some coffee or something." She offered me a cup, but I declined.

I sat down and explained to her my situation.

"So you need me to help you?" she asked taking a sip from her mug.

"Yes. That is, if you will."

"I will, but... only as long as you keep protecting me from those things, alright?" I nodded and took a good look at the vixen I would probably be spending a lot of time with. She was good looking, but it was obvious that lack of sleep was beginning to take its toll on her appearance. She was fairly tall, about my height, and was thin with an athlete's body. She yawned loudly.


"You have no idea. I haven't slept more than fifteen minutes a day for the past week."

"How have you been getting by?"

"Drinking lots of coffee."

"Go get some sleep!"

"I was planning on it," she yawned again. "It's pretty late, you want a place to crash too?" Before I could answer she took me by the hand into her room. Caroline opened up her closet and began rummaging through it, finally pulling out a spare blanket and pillow. "Here," she said, "Hope you don't mind sleeping on the floor." She spread out the blanket and threw the pillow on top of it.

"Not to be rude or anything, but I'm not exactly tired."

"Oh I'm sorry," she said. "Probably should have let you answer me. Well if you do get tired you can sleep there. I'm afraid there isn't much to do here... I'm not currently employed and my savings doesn't leave me with much."

"That's okay. I'll just go take a walk, get used to the area," I said.

"Just be careful," she said in the same manner Kayley had always said it. "You okay? You kinda got a funny look on your face."

"Heh, fine," I said shuffling my feet nervously. "I'm gonna get going."

"Right," she said.

I had hardly made it past the door of her apartment when I felt all of my strength leave me. Sharp pain began shooting throughout all parts of my body. "What's going on?" I asked out loud.

"I told you were bound did I not?" I heard John's voice say.

"Yeah but what the hell is this?" I asked, now in so much pain my eyes began to water.

"Being bound means that you have enough energy to maintain your own strength and being as a result of sharing with another. When you get too far away from Caroline, you'll lose you're strength and begin to get lost between Heaven and Earth. I suggest you get back in there before you get completely stuck."

"Thanks for telling me this sooner you stupid old man!" I yelled. The pain was now so great that I could hardly move. I heard John sigh, and something picked me up.

"You're welcome," he said dumping me at the entrance to her apartment.

"Than-" but before I had time to get the word out he had vanished.

"You don't look so hot," Caroline said as I stepped into her bedroom once again. The pain was now completely gone, and I felt my strength return to me.

"Yeah well, just had an interesting experience," I said.

"Aww, what happened?" she asked.

"Don't ever leave my side," I told her.

"Uhhh," Caroline said. "I thought you were doing all this to get back your mate Kayley..."

"What? Ohhhhh," I laughed. "That's not how I meant it. You can't get to far away from me or else I lose all of my strength, and I get caught between Heaven and Earth."

"I see," she said raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry about keeping you up and what not," I said. "You go to bed."

"Right... You sure you're okay?" she asked. I nodded. "Okay then, night." With that, she turned over and fell fast asleep.

For two hours I sat awake, looking outside the bedroom window to the empty street below. I finally felt myself getting tired and just as I was about to doze off the phone rang. Caroline yawned and sleepily groped around for the phone on her night table.

"Hello?" she mumbled. I couldn't hear what the other person was saying, but judging by Caroline's face it wasn't good. "What!?" she asked. "Okay, I'll be there in a second!" She hung up the receiver and got out of bed.

"Umm, what's wrong?"

"My friend Sam is in the hospital!" Caroline threw on some clothes and bolted out the door, with me close behind. She ran seven blocks in almost no time at all. Upon reaching the hospital she threw open the doors to the lobby and asked for her friend's room. A nurse brought her to it, I followed of course. She opened the door to Sam's room slowly and hardly made a noise as she entered and went to the bedside.

Sam was a very good looking skunk girl. She appeared to be asleep, but as Caroline stood next to her she opened her eyes. "Caroline," she said in a tired voice.

"Sam... What happened?"

"Car accident. Drunk driver ran a red light and slammed into me."

"Christ! Are you alright?"

"Just a broken arm, thankfully nothing more serious. The doctors are just keeping me here to run a couple of tests." I stood and watched as Caroline and Sam talked. "Hey Caroline, who's that guy with you? New boy toy?" she winked.

"What, you can see him!?"

"Of course I can... Caroline you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine," she nodded. Then she turned and gave me a questioning look.

"What?" I asked.

"Why can she see you?"

"How should I know?"

"I know you know Mike, or at least have a very good idea."

"Wait a second," Sam said sitting up as best she could in the hospital bed. "You look like that kid from the news... Are you Mike Wyvern, that boy who was killed a while ago?"

"Yes," I said. That was stupid, I should have just said no.

"Holy shit! What the fuck is going on!?" she yelled startled.

"Please keep it down. I'm not sure why you can but for some reason you're able to see spirits." Sam didn't say anything, just looked back and forth from me to Caroline over and over again.

Finally she spoke. "So if what you're saying is all true and this isn't some crazy hallucination brought on from my medication, what are you doing with Caroline?"

"That's a long story, and as far as I know I'm supposed to keep otherworldly things a secret."

"Excuse us a second Sam." Caroline pulled me hard to the side and hissed into my ear, "Why the hell can she see you? I know you know, so don't try and tell me you don't."

"Caroline-" I started to respond.

"Just tell me," she hissed again.

"Are you sure you want to know?" She nodded, and I let out a loud sigh. "First you have to promise me you won't get upset." Again she nodded. "Typically if one who's not sensitive to spirits like yourself starts seeing the dead it means they're going to die," I said quietly.

"What!?" she said loudly.

"Keep it down! It could be something else though-"

"But the doctor's said there's nothing seriously wrong with her."

"Well believe it or not doctors don't have the ability to read divine will, if it's her time then that's it. Besides, doctor's can make mistakes too."

"Do something to stop it!" she said loudly again.

"Will you keep it down!? I don't want your friend to get upset, and I shouldn't have told you any of that!"

"Well then just do something!"

"I can't, even as Death I wasn't able to stop anything from happening."

"But she looks so healthy," she said in an almost pleading voice.

"Look, I know it's tough but there's nothing you or I can do except for pray and hope for the best. Don't tell her anything about this, she can't know." Caroline sighed and once again stepped back to Sam's bedside.

"Is something wrong? You look a little sad," Sam said.

"No, nothing," Caroline faked a smile. "Sam I'm sorry but I have to get going, I have that important job interview tomorrow and I need a little sleep. I promise I'll come back as soon as I can. I love you, and get better okay?"

"Okay, goodbye love," she smiled. Caroline hugged her and kissed the top of her head before we left. "And good luck with that interview!" she yelled as we made our way out.

"It's not fair," Caroline spat as we left from the hospital. "How does God pick who lives and who dies!? It's all bullshit! "

"I'm sorry," I said. Caroline's rage turned into sadness and tears welled up in her eyes. "I know it's tough," I said pulling her into a tight embrace.

"It's not fair," she sobbed over and over again.

"I know, I know," I said soothingly, "Come on let's get you home." It was good it was so early in the morning and there were hardly any people, it would have been awfully weird for passerby's to watch a gorgeous vixen sobbing and hugging air.

Once we stepped inside her apartment Caroline tore off into her bedroom where she proceeded to throw herself onto her bed and cry hysterically. I sat down on the edge of the bed. "I'm going to try and explain death in a different light to you. I know you probably don't care and won't listen. If I was in your position I probably wouldn't. It is always a terrible thing when you lose someone, especially when they're as close friends as you two are."

"We're way more than friends, we're going out! She's my mate!" This took me by surprise only because I never would have guessed that she was a lesbian. "She was my first time and everything," she sobbed.

"Right, well like I was saying it's extremely difficult since you two were so close. Sometimes though a person needs to move on to the next life-"

"But she's so young and-"

"Let me ask you this. If you could decide whether she passed away or not and you knew she was going to either suffer here on Earth or have a great life in Heaven, would you keep her here?"

"I, I don't know."

"To me, keeping her here would be one of the most selfish acts imaginable. Life is extremely transient, especially when you compare it with eternity. You're loss will only be temporary in the grand scheme of things, and if you live a good life you'll end up living together forever."

"But we've both sinned so much! How do I know we both won't end up suffering in Hell?"

"What's the worst thing you've ever done?"

"Well we're lesbians, and everyone always says that gay unions aren't permitted by God." I let out the loudest laugh I had in ages.

"If that's the worst thing you've ever done you're getting into Heaven for sure! Do you really think God cares whether or not a couple is straight? He wants people to be in happy and lasting relationships, regardless of what they might be! As long as you're not performing any of the seven deadly sins you're set."

"You're sure?"

"Of course I'm sure! Now calm down, take a few deep breaths and just relax." Caroline turned over and sat up against the backboard of her bed.

"I just have one more question, how much longer does she have?"

"She did an awfully good job of convincing you there's nothing wrong. In my experience the ones who fought as hard as her against their ailments could live a long time. She may have as long as a week. That being said, it's possible it could be a whole lot earlier or later, that's just a guess."

"You mean you knew she was going to die the whole time?"

"I'll level with you, when I first walked into that room I knew it. I didn't want to tell you because you're really not supposed to know. Besides, it would ruin Sam's whole performance."

"I can't believe she didn't tell me..."

"She doesn't want you to worry about her, but eventually she'd have to break the news to you." I looked over at Caroline's alarm clock. "You have to get to sleep if you want to make a good impression at your interview!"

"I don't know if I want to do that anymore..."

"This is exactly what Sam was trying to prevent from happening by not telling you. Do you honestly think that when she passes away she'll want you moping around and not doing anything because of your grief? Of course not! She'd want you to move on, live a happy life and always remember the good times you shared together. You're going to that interview tomorrow whether you want to or not."

"You're right. I can't just mope around forever, and imagine how Sam would feel if I did! I have to go to that interview," she said now sounding much happier. She yawned and said, "Sleep would probably be a good thing to get for tomorrow. Goodnight." Caroline stripped down to her bra and panties in front of me and I looked away embarrassed. Seeing this, a playful smile passed over her face and she removed her top and began to tease me. "How do these panties look Mike? Don't look away, I know you like what you see," she winked at me. She pounced on top of me, knocking me to the ground. She flicked her tail along my side and gave me a deep kiss. I nearly died of embarrassment as I felt myself become aroused. She began to laugh hysterically and during this time I knocked her off of me.

"Glad to see you're in a better mood," I muttered.

"No, I think you're just glad to see me," she giggled pointing to the bulge in my cloak.

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?"

"Aww, lighten up you big baby, I was just teasing you. Goodnight," she said hopping into her bed. I threw off my cloak and laid down on the floor where she had made my temporary bed. "Mike?"


"If you want you can sleep up here with me."

"I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Why not, 'cause you're naked? I don't care."

"How do you know that?"

"I peeked," she giggled.

"You're sure you don't care?"


"I don't know..."

"Oh just get up here already, it'll be a hundred times more comfortable than that little thing." I climbed up onto the bed and lied down on my back next to her. She sighed, cuddled close to me and rested her head on my chest. "You don't mind do you?" she asked.

"No," I said. It didn't take long for her to doze off, but I was awake for awhile. Without realizing it I began to rub her neck gently, something I had often done with Kayley.

Caroline woke up and asked, "What are you doing?"

"What?" It was then I realized that I had been rubbing her neck. "Oh God I'm sorry, it's such a habit with Kayley. I'll stop."

"Mmmm, don't," she purred. "It feels good." I continued rubbing her neck, and slowly she drifted off to sleep again. This time however, I shut my eyes and managed to fall asleep.

The sound of the alarm blaring into my ear woke me up. I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock which continued to ring. After several more frustrated attempts to stop the damn thing from ringing I grabbed the cord and yanked as hard as I could. The end shot free from the outlet and the alarm stopped going. I turned to say good morning to Caroline, but found she wasn't there. I got up and put on my cloak. "Caroline?" I asked as I stepped into the hallway. Obviously she couldn't have been too far since I wasn't doubled over in serious pain.

"I'm in the kitchen," I heard her call out.

"Morning," I grumbled as I stepped through the doorway into the kitchen.

"Good morning to you too," she said. She was standing over the stove, cooking up something and whistling happily to herself.

"Smells good," I said sitting down at the small table in the center of the room.

"Thanks. My world famous omelets," she winked as she made up two plates of food and placed them down at the table. She went to the refrigerator and pulled out a box of orange juice and poured two glasses. After putting the juice away, she finally sat down at the table with me.

"How long have you been up?" I asked.

"Oh, about an hour and a half. It's funny, I think I got used to getting hardly any sleep."

"I hope you didn't do all this just for me."

"Nonsense, I owe you much more than I can ever repay you. If it weren't for you I'd be living the rest of my life alone and depressed."

As we ate we talked of the interview to come. It was at around two o'clock, so she had plenty of time to get ready for it. Apparently it was for some job offered at a scientific research facility. I didn't understand what exactly they were researching, and no matter how Caroline tried to explain it I just couldn't understand.

When we were done with breakfast she took a shower. Like Kayley, it took her a long time to dry off. When she finally was dry, she went into her room and put on a suit. "How do I look?" she asked as she came out.

"Like a million bucks," I said. She was beautiful when she was tired and a little unkempt, but she was absolutely stunning when she was well groomed and rested. We made the walk to the building where the interview was held in no time, since it was only a couple of blocks away, and after being directed by the secretary in the front lobby we were outside the office where Caroline was supposed to meet the boss. She took a deep breath, and looked towards me.

"Okay come on," she said about to knock on the door.

"I'm not going anywhere, you're doing this by yourself."

"Please come in with me," she said batting her eyes at me.

"No, you have to do this by yourself. I know you can do it, now go." Caroline took one more deep breath before knocking on the door. A gruff voice told her to come in and she put on a smile before entering and closing the door behind her.

I was bored waiting outside of there, but I knew I couldn't wander off. I entertained myself by watching all the different people who walked by. After what felt like forever Caroline emerged from the office beaming. "How'd you do?"

"I got it! I got the job!" she yipped excitedly

"That's excellent! When do you start?"

"Next week."

"Good for you, I'm proud," I said as we made our way out of the building. She gave me a quick hug.

"Thanks for making me do this," she said.

"You're welcome," I said.

"Come on, I have to go tell Sam the good news." She half ran her way to the hospital and up two flights of stairs to Sam's room. "Sam guess what!? I got the job!" she said excitedly as she burst through the door.

"You did? That's great!" Sam said. I could tell she was in much worse shape today than yesterday.

"How are you feeling?" Caroline asked sitting down on the bed next to her.

"Caroline... I have something important to tell you... I... The doctors don't think I'm going to make it past tomorrow. I wasn't entirely honest with you the other day. The doctor's thought I had slight internal bleeding, but last night it took a serious turn for the worse and the doctors aren't sure why. I'm in a lot of pain." Sam's eyes grew misty as she continued to speak. "I'm going to miss you," she said pulling herself up and managing to pull Caroline into a hug. "And I want you to know, that I will always love you, no matter what."

"I know," Caroline choked out. She began to cry softly.

"I want to share something with you one last time," Sam said pulling Caroline into a deep kiss.

"I'm going to leave you two alone," I said as Caroline began to massage Sam's inner thighs. Sam's will to live impressed me to no ends, despite all the pain she was in she was still determined to make it as long as she could for Caroline's sake. But judging by her current state, she probably couldn't hold out much longer.

"Mike wait," Sam said as I was about to leave. I stopped and listened. "When Caroline leaves, I want to talk to you in private about something." I nodded and closed the door behind me. I sat against the door and closed my eyes, but Caroline yelling to me got me running back into the room.

"Who's that!?" she asked pointing to a cloaked figure sitting in a chair and watching the two girls with green eyes, the only thing revealed from under the heavy hood the figure wore. Leaned up next to it was a scythe.

"It looks like... But it couldn't be..."

"I'm astonished that you don't recognize me," came Kayley's voice.

"It is you... You're Death again?" For a second it appeared that her green eyes flashed red.

"Yes," she said still unmoving.

"But how?"

"I took back what was mine from Kyle."

"What did you do to him?" Kayley didn't respond. Instead she stood up and walked over to me. I could tell something was wrong, but I wasn't sure exactly what. Her eyes were now defiantly glowing red, and she was acting so strangely.

"You remember when we first met Mike?"

"Of course."

"You remember how you thought Death was supposed to be a walking skeleton," she asked.

"Yes..." She threw back her hood at this point, to reveal nothing more than an empty fox skull. It had that smile that all skulls have, that creepy smile. "What the fu-"

"What's the matter? What happened to always loving me? It's what's on the inside that counts," Kayley laughed. "No kiss?" she asked, now laughing psychotically.

"You're not making any sense, what happened to you?"

"My sisters told me about you and this slut, and showed me you two fooling around! I meant nothing to you, you only wanted a good fuck, didn't you!?" she said. It was tough looking into her empty eye sockets. Her sisters had gotten to her, and now she was one of them again.

"That's not it at all!"

"Liar!" Kayley hollered. "I'm going to take special pleasure in sending you back to Hell." She turned towards Sam and Caroline. "But first thing's first. It's time to go," she said picking up Sam. "I see why you like her so much," she said turning towards Caroline. "She's got an awfully nice cunt." She thrust a bony finger into Sam's depths. Sam began to moan and pretty soon was thrusting back into Kayley's hand. "What a good slut, I'll enjoy her for awhile before I take her judgment." With that, Kayley was gone.

I looked over at Caroline who sat holding onto Sam's body and crying hysterically. I went over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't fucking touch me!" she yelled. "This is your fucking mate's fault! You stupid bastard, why didn't you do anything-"

"Enough!" I thundered. Caroline looked towards me, hopped off the bed and took a few steps back. "It's not Kayley's fault, it's mine. I shouldn't have gone looking for her, it was a stupid idea. Now her sisters have manipulated the things I've done to make her angry and make her one of them again." Caroline didn't say anything but did begin to walk out of the room. "Good, why don't you just leave me too, hmm? Make sure everything is as big a fucking mess as it possibly can be!" She continued walking and I took off after her. "Where are you going?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"I'm going to tell a nurse and then I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do," she sobbed.

I didn't say anything for a long time, even after we left from the hospital and everything was taken care of. It was already well after nightfall. "What is this place?" I asked as we stepped into a shabby side alley building. Caroline didn't answer, but a small sign hanging just above the door told me 'The Full Moon Pub'. "Caroline you shouldn't do this, drowning out your sins is not the way to handle this!"

"Shut the fuck up! What are you, my dad?"

"I'm telling you this for your own good."

"Well thanks, but I don't give a damn," she snapped. She walked up to the bar, sat down and ordered two pints which she downed quickly. I sat down next to her and watched quietly as she got more and more drunk. I wished I'd been able to stop her from making such a bad choice.

I was keeping busy with my own thoughts. Now that Kayley was with her sisters again, there was no telling what was going to happen as a consequence.

"Another," Caroline said slamming down an empty glass. The bar tender, a grey vixen with black hair and green eyes, smiled as she poured Caroline another mug.

"You with her?" she asked, tossing her hair over her shoulder.

"You can see me?" I asked surprised.

"Of course Mr. Wyvern. Now follow me, I've been waiting for a long time."

"How do you know who I am?"

"If you come I'll tell you," she said shaking her hips slightly as she walked over to a door behind the bar. I looked over to Caroline who was to drunk to notice what was going on. I helped her stand up and took her behind me into the backroom where the bar tender had stepped into.

"Who are you?" I asked her. She was lying down half naked on a couch.

"Let's not talk," she said getting up and pulling me into a kiss. I pushed her away.

"Cut the bullshit, I know you're one of Kayley's sisters." Although the coloring was different, the resemblance between Kayley and her was uncanny. "So which one are you, Pestilence or Famine?"

"Mmmm, very clever Mr. Wyvern. I'm Danielle, and Lord of Pestilence if you must know." She sat down on the edge of the couch. "You're friend there doesn't look to good, maybe you should let her lie down?"

"Why are you being so nice?"

"Quit being so suspicious Mr. Wyvern. If I wanted to kill you I could have done it a long time ago. Now why don't the two of you sit down and we'll chat for a minute, hmm?"

"How about you let Kayley repent again!?" I said drawing Liz's dagger.

"Please don't make me angry Mr. Wyvern. Take a seat."

"No," I said.

"Did I neglect to mention you don't have a choice in the matter?" she said shooting up from her position on the couch and lifting me with one hand two feet off the ground. I felt the dagger slip free from my hand and fall to the ground. "Are you going to behave now?" she asked.

"Yes," I said in a hoarse voice, it was getting hard to breathe. She released her grip on my neck and I fell heavily to the ground.

"Good boy, now take a seat." I lifted Caroline, who had passed out soon after entering the room, and placed her down on the couch. "Mr. Wyvern I want to offer you a choice," she said after I had settled down into a nearby chair. "I can kill you and make sure you never see Kayley again, or you can join us."

"I... I, I can't possibly answer that right now."

"Perfectly understandable. I'm a reasonable person Mr. Wyvern. I'm going to give you two days, counting today, to come up with an answer, and if you still haven't figured one out yet by then, well, let's just say that the consequences will be very harsh." She studied the reactions that played across my face and smiled. "On an unrelated note, you are very good looking, I can see what my sister saw in you." She smiled again. "I'll leave you two little lovebirds alone."

"We're not love-"

"Ahh yes, but Kayley sure seems to think you are." I opened my mouth to speak again but she cut me off. "You two are welcome to spend the night here, no one will bother you. I'll make sure of that. Goodnight Mr. Wyvern. You too Caroline," she said kissing the top of her head and walking out of the room.

I couldn't believe what had just happened. Kayley's sisters were nuts! I got up and paced around the room thinking over everything, until Caroline's voice stopped me. "Mike," she said softly. "Why do I feel like I've been hit by a truck?" she asked holding her stomach.

"You had a certain amount to drink," I said watching as she leaned over the side of the couch and vomited all over the floor, "Tonight," I finished. She groaned and held her stomach again. Her suit was ruined, vomit now covered the front. "Come on, let's get you out of this," I said helping her to stand up and take off her suit.

Lying only in her bra and panties, she called me over. "Sit down with me," she said. I sat down next to her, she seemed to be feeling a certain amount better now. "What am I going to do without Sam?"

"You're going to always remember the good times you two shared and find someone else."

"But who?"

"I don't know, do you have any other close friends?"

"Yes, but not lesbians. Not like me and Sam."

"Well... You can always meet new people."

"I'm no good at meetin' new people," she said leaning against me.

"Then, try and develop a closer relationship with one of those close friends you have."

"But I told you they're not lesbians."

"Right, but love is funny. You're friends might not realize the feelings they've had for you."

"Or maybe I have to realize the true feelings I've had for someone."

"Who?" I asked.

"You," she said snuggling even closer and planting a kiss on my cheek.

"But you know that I'm with Kayley and-"

"And she left you! So you're single again! No one besides Sam has ever been as nice to me as you... And you've done so much for me!"

"Caroline please," I said trying to pull away, "You're still drunk. This isn't how you really feel."

"Yes it is! I love you Mike! I know what I'm saying."

"No you really don't. Please, let's just get to sleep." Caroline sighed heavily.

"I really do! Why don't you believe me?"

"I don't know.... Even if you really feel that way you know nothing can ever happen between us, so why even entertain the idea?"

"But Kayley left you, and you saw what she turned into! Why don't you start a new relationship with me? I promise I'll never leave your side."

"Caroline you're a wonderful girl and if I had met you before Kayley I would definitely be with you. Now please, just drop it. I can't do anything with you I'm sorry." Caroline moved to the other side of the couch.

"What about just one night together?" she asked moving closer again.


"Please," she pleaded now snuggling up against me again.

"I can't. Please... Just go to sleep okay?" Caroline rested her head over my shoulder. She didn't say anything before she passed out again. I laid her down on the couch and slept in the nearby chair.

"Ohhhhh I feel terrible," Caroline said as she woke up.

"I'd imagine, you had a lot to drink last night."

"My head is pounding," she said now sitting up. She laid her ears down close to her head. "Mike I'm really sorry about last night..."

"It's okay..."

"About the things I said... I... I do-"

"Hey, let's just pretend last night never happened okay?"

"Yes... Thanks." An awkward silence passed between us for about fifteen minutes before she finally spoke again. "So what are you going to do now?"

"I'm not sure exactly... Let's get back to your place." I helped Caroline stand up. "You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah just, just walk with me. I'll be fine." I took a couple of steps forward and Caroline stumbled along behind me.

"This isn't going to work, you're still to hung-over. Just wait here a sec okay?"

"Sure," she said. I sat her back down on the couch before heading into the bar. What I saw shocked me. Everyone who had been in the bar the previous night was dead, and sitting behind the counter and smiling was Danielle.

"I told ya I'd make sure they didn't bother you didn't I?"

"But not like this!"

"Whatever. You have an answer for me?"


"Well then I'll be seeing you around later." With those words she disappeared. I immediately headed back into the backroom.

"What's wrong? You look terrible."

"I... It's just..."

"What? Are you okay? Do you need me to-"

"I'm fine, but the people out there aren't."

"You're not making any sense."

"One of Kayley's sisters killed all the people who were in the bar last night!"

"What!? How do you know that?"

"Because I talked to her last night. She said that she could make sure I never saw Kayley again, or that I could join them. Right before she left she said we could spend the night in here and that she'd make sure no one bothered us. When I went out there just now she was sitting and waiting for me..." I sat down next to Caroline on the couch. She snuggled up close to me.

"It'll be okay," she whispered softly into my ear.

"I hope so..."

The rest of that day passed slowly and uneventfully. By mid-afternoon Caroline felt good enough to make it back to her house. I had had her close her eyes as we walked through the bar to protect her from the grisly scene. The bodies of Danielle's victims were bent in unimaginable ways. When we had gotten back to her apartment she crawled into her bed and fell asleep. I sat on the edge of the bed thinking over everything.

"Tough couple of days?" I heard John say.

"You have no idea."

"Well keep your chin up." He sat down next to me on the bed and looked over at Caroline who was still sleeping peacefully. "She sinned quite a bit last night."

"I know."

"If she keeps doing that she'll never meet her friend in Heaven."

"I know," I growled. "I tried my hardest to stop her and she wouldn't listen! You should already know that."

"Exactly. You did everything you could do to try and stop her so stop blaming yourself. Remember that some things are just destined to take place, no matter what."

"But there had to be a way. If I had just convinced her to stay away... All those people would still be alive..."

"Is that really a fair assumption to make? Don't you think that Danielle would have gone looking for you no matter where you were?"


"So if it wasn't the innocent people in the bar she took it would be the innocent people in any other place you would be."

"Great. So no matter what I did I would still be a murderer..."

"I'm not saying that at all. Mike, I don't know how many times I can tell you that some things are just going to happen. This is one of them no matter how hard it may be to accept."

We talked like this long into the night. Despite his best efforts to convince me there was nothing I could have done, I still felt awfully guilty. Finally John stretched his wings and yawned. "I've got to get going. Get some rest, you'll feel better in the morning." John disappeared and left me sitting alone in the darkness of Caroline's bedroom. I stood up, sighed, and began to pace around the room.

"Mike? What are you doing? Come to bed," Caroline said.

"Sorry I woke you up," I muttered.

"Don't worry about that. Let's go you, into bed." She was treating me like a small child.

"I'm not tired."

"Now!" she scolded. I sat down on the edge of the bed. "Didn't I say for you to go to bed?" I laughed a little.

"Okay, Mom," I said feeling a little bit better.

"Hey if I didn't nag you to do certain things you'd be a complete wreck."

"That's true."

"Now come to bed," she said lifting up the covers.

When I was finally all settled in bed Caroline snuggled up next to me like she had the previous night. "Thanks for taking such good care of me," she said.


"Can I ask you a serious question?"


"Do I still have a chance at Heaven after last night?"

"Yeah, sinning once won't kill your chances. Just don't do that again."

"I shouldn't have done it at all. It's just that after seeing Sam gone for good... it really hit me hard... Plus I was really angry..."

"And you're okay with her passing now?"

"I suppose. I miss her a lot, but today I remembered everything you told me about life and well, I'll be with her soon enough." Neither of us said anything for a while. "So what about you? What are you going to do about Kayley?"

"I'm not sure. I'll just have to wait till tomorrow when Danielle comes for my answer I guess. It seems the only way I meet any of them is when they want to see me." A long silence passed while I waited for Caroline's response but it never came. It was then I noticed she had fallen asleep again. I ran my hand along her back.

Maybe Kayley was a lost cause... Maybe it wasn't worth trying to get back together with her. Caroline was an amazing woman, not to mention easy on the eyes and a relationship with her- No, what was I thinking. I had to get back together with Kayley no matter what it took!

The next morning I felt someone nudge me gently. "Wake up Mike," Caroline said, a hint of urgency evident in her voice.

"What's wrong?" I yawned.

"Look!" Caroline through a paper into my lap. The major headlines read 'War Declared

Between-', 'Severe Famine in-', 'Killer Plague Strikes-'.

"Holy shit," I said quietly.

"What are we going to do?"

"We have to find Kayley and her sisters, now!" I took off out the door Caroline soon following close behind me.

"Do you even know where to look?" she panted as we ran full speed.

"Back to the bar, I have a feeling they'll be there." When we arrived there, I threw open the door and looked around. Kayley and her three sisters sat lounging about different areas of the bar. I noticed an unusually thin, white vixen. "Must be Famine," I thought.

"Hey, looky who arrived," Tracy said standing up and unsheathing her sword, "Mikey boy and his lady friend." Snickers came from the others.

"Come with an answer for us?" Danielle asked. Kayley, who was lying stretched out on the bar's counter, didn't say anything.

"Ah Mr. Wyvern, I don't believe we've met," the white vixen said walking over to me and examining me closely. "Name's Rachel, and Lord of Famine as you've probably already figured out."

"So what's you're answer?" Danielle asked again.

"No, I'm not helping you," I said bluntly.

"No?" Tracy said. "I suggest you think carefully Mikey."

"This is your last chance," said Rachel.

"Now Mr. Wyvern, what's your answer?"

"No," I repeated firmly.

"For such a smart person you're giving an awfully dumb answer," Danielle said.

"Nevertheless," Tracy said, "We do have an obligation to fulfill."

She took a couple of steps closer and began to swing her sword when Rachel yelled out, "Stop!" Everyone in the room blinked. "Let's make this more interesting. Kayley, would you like to do the honors?"

Kayley stood up and threw back her hood. She was still just a walking pile of bones. "Love to," she hissed. Kayley charged and knocked me to the ground and I made no attempt to stop her. She threw herself on top of me and brought her scythe to my neck. I had figured I had no chance against any of them in physical combat, but if I could bring Kayley back to my side through words...

Caroline sat whimpering and sobbing in a corner. "Don't be scared girl," Danielle grinned and sat down next to her. "Ain't this great, watching lovers fight?" Caroline sobbed loudly.

"Let's have some fun with her!" Tracy yelled. Danielle held Caroline down while Tracy stripped her of her clothing. Without warning Tracy shoved a finger into Caroline's sex, causing her to howl out in pain from the forceful entry.

"Mike, please help me!" she howled as Danielle and Tracy tortured her. Rachel just watched her sisters and smiled.

"Kayley stop!" I yelled holding her arm which carried the scythe. "Think of what you're doing!" Kayley continued to force the scythes blade closer to my neck.

"Not after everything you've done to me, Mike! You used me!"

"I didn't use you," I said. "You meant everything to me and you still do!" Kayley seemed to stop for a second, but then immediately continued forcing down her scythe.

"Then why'd you fuck that slut!?"

"I didn't fuck her. I'll admit I was tempted to, but I didn't!" Kayley seemed not to listen though.

"You're a liar," she said finally pushing the blade down across my throat.

"Mike!" I heard Caroline yell and then everything went black.