Digimon Defenders Chapter 10

Story by supersonic250 on SoFurry

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#17 of Digimon Defenders

A virus has overtaken the Digital World, transforming Digital Monsters into just plain monsters! Can Gatomon find a way to save her friends, or will the Digital World be overtaken by perverted, multicocked, eternally-ejaculating zombies?!

The next story arc begins! Just in time for Halloween to boot, as this one is a horror themed arc! I have been looking forward to writing this story arc since chapter 3 of the series, way back when, and I finally got my chance!!! I'm REALLY proud of this one, and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did!!!

Digimon Defenders Chapter 10: Pandemic

Gatomon trudged down a nearly hidden path in the underbrush, following markers that she had left cycles earlier. She had personally cut through much of the shrubbery and weeds and vines herself, creating the nearly invisible trail. She intentionally left much of it covered or hidden, not wanting others to find their way down. The forest parted about ten minutes down the path, revealing a small beach of water-smoothed gravel. The section of beach was hidden in a little cove just outside the Defenders Headquarters.

Gato smirked as she saw BlackGatomon sitting at the water's edge, facing out into the horizon. She sat completely still, her legs crossed and paws resting on her knees. Her tail wrapped lazily around her side, as she took a deep breath. The only noise was the sound of the water rolling in and out, lapping at the shore.

"I thought I'd find you out here," Gato sighed, sitting down on a log. The water of the ocean rolled in and out slowly as she glanced down at her sister. Despite herself, she had begun to think of the clone in that manner, as a "sister." It was hard not to, when she looked like Gato's identical twin, and when she shared an empathic link with the other girl.

"...I wanted to be alone," BlackGato said flatly, sitting cross-legged in the gravel and sand. Her eyes were closed and she took deep breaths.

"Well, this is a good place for that. It's my secret spot, after all. The one place I can be alone and no one can bother me. To be fair, I probably shouldn't have shown you this place. Particularly not when it allows you to slip your guards," Gato said, her tail flicking. Her tail-ring chimed softly as she leaned back against the log.

"...I'm not going to run away," BlackGato said, "I just... couldn't take everyone staring at me."

"I know you're not going to run away, but the others don't. They don't have a window into your head like I do," Gato said, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, I know. I just..." BlackGato sighed, burying her face into the palms of her gloves.

"Just what?" Gato asked softly.

"Where's Arkadimon?! What is he doing?!! It's been weeks, MONTHS now, and neither you nor ANYONE has heard of him!!! I thought you were supposed to be the best of the best!" BlackGato snarled, jumping to her feet and pointing accusingly at Gato.

"We don't know, but we're doing our best to find out. We've notified ALL of the other Defenders bases about this. But the way you described it, finding him is going to be extremely difficult, even for people with our enormous resources and skills," Gato said calmly, "But he's not going to be able to hide all traces of his existence. We WILL find him."

"But not fast enough! He could kill hundreds! Thousands! MILLIONS!" BlackGato growled.

"But he hasn't. If he did, we'd have evidence of it and a way to trace him. Right now, we can safely assume that he's laying low. Waiting for our attention to drift," Gato said, remaining calm in the face of BlackGato's anger. It was a strategy she had practiced quite extensively by now in her relationship with the other feline. Every so often, BlackGato's frustration would build to a head, and Gato would remain utterly calm in the face of her rage. The black-furred feline would wear herself out and return to her normal self.

"I just... I..." BlackGato said, her expression turning from rage to exhaustion.

"You wish you could do something, but you're stuck here in Defenders HQ, with a power suppressor around your ankle, and an armed guard following you around all the time," Gato said flatly, "and if I were you, I'd be climbing the walls too. But you're doing the right thing, and meditating and trying to calm yourself."

"...IS there anything I can do?" BlackGato asked, her shoulders slumping as she walked over to sit on the log beside Gato.

"You can go play with Sala. She's been asking where you are. Impmon's probably looking for you too, now that he's free to roam around with his own guard and suppressor," Gato said, smirking.

"So a choice of having sex... or having sex..." BlackGato said, her perpetual frown lessening slightly in what Gato understood to be her version of a wry smile.

"Or you could stay here with me and have sex," Gato said teasingly, grinning as she ran a clawtip down BlackGato's sheath. The black-furred girl blushed and batted away Gato's paw gently, her sheath responding despite herself. The pink head of her shaft began to swell, pushing out into the palm of Gato's gloved paw.

"Wow, what a variety of choices," BlackGato sighed, groaning softly and rocking her hips forward. She gasped softly as Gato nibbled gently on her neck, her tongue sliding through the fur.

Just as Gato pressed her hips forward against BlackGato's thigh, a loud, piercing beeping noise interrupted. Gato groaned and pulled away from the black cat as she looked at the back of her hand.

"What is that?" BlackGato asked.

"My Defenders brand. Priority one alert," Gato grunted, rubbing her face, "Never fails to go off JUST when I'm about to get into something enjoyable."


"What's going on?" Gato asked, entering the main command hub. One side of the large room was filled with monitors, displaying data from a myriad of sources. The status of current missions, relayed data from other Defenders bases, the current mission-ready status of the various operatives of the Headquarters; all were displayed on various holographic screens.

Goma stood at the top of the room, frowning as he tapped at a series of controls. The seal glanced over at Gato and nodded in greeting.

BlackGato entered after her, and immediately every single Digimon in the room turned to face her. Weapons cocked, claws were bared, and attacks of a variety of elements were readied. BlackGato raised her hands in surrender, before Gato stepped in front of her protectively.

"She's with me, guys, but nice reflexes," Gato said, glaring in irritation at the others until they deactivated their weapons and attacks and stood down.

"Should she be here?" Goma asked in a whisper, frowning in concern. Gato shook her head.

"Probably not, but she wanted to see what was going on in case it was Arkadimon," Gato said, "What's going on?"

"I don't know. We're getting strange reports in multiple locations," Goma said, frowning, "Something about 'monsters' attacking villages."

"Gee, that's useful," Gato said sarcastically, "Digimon. Digital MONSTERS."

"Is it him?" BlackGato asked, stepping up beside her.

"We don't know," Goma said, frowning as he opened more holoscreens, "We're receiving distress calls from other Defenders bases in Server, Cloud, Drive... And we've lost contact with multiple villages around the world. Whatever is going on, it's happening everywhere at once."

"We'll send a scout team to the nearest location. If we can find out what's going on, we can better relay our resources to where they need to go," Gato said, turning and rushing towards the door.

"Where are you going?" BlackGato called.

"I'm part of the scout team, BG. You have my permission to stay here and monitor what's going on. Take care of her, Goma!" Gato called over her shoulder, dashing out of the room.

"Wait, Gato! Ah, crap!" Goma called as the feline's tail zipped around a corner and vanished.

"Is she... always this impulsive?" BlackGato asked, frowning.

"Not usually, but when innocent people are in danger, she can't help but dive in headfirst. It's both admirable and stupid," Goma sighed, "Which is why I'm gonna do my job and watch her back. Pull up a seat, BG. If you wanna watch, that's fine, but I could use help more."

BlackGato blinked and nodded, sitting down beside Goma as he began to type away at multiple consoles at the same time. She pulled up a keyboard of her own and began to process data... Trying to hide her smile as she felt useful for the first time in weeks.


The Data Transfer activated with a crackle of static and a bright flash of light. Steam rose off the platform as the Defenders stepped off and looked around. The transport hub was empty, the machinery left on and humming softly.

Gato frowned and held up a paw, flicking her fingers rapidly in a series of silent signals to the rest of the team. Gato had chosen what she considered a "combat scout," a small team of Defenders who specialized in mobility and combat skill, leaning slightly towards combat. Herself as leader and high-mobility ground scout, Biyo as aerial scout and lookout, Pal for non-lethal combat and crowd-control, and Agu for lethal combat and heavy "artillery.". Considering the unknown threat, Gato wanted a team that was fast and versatile.

"Comms open. Goma, you reading us?" Gato muttered, lifting the Defenders Brand on the back of her paw to her lips.

"We read you. We have a satellite lock, and we're monitoring you in several ways. Mission is a go," Goma's voice transmitted.

"Icon Village is supposed to be a pretty populated area. But the Data Transfer Hub is abandoned," Agu whispered into his own Brand.

"We're moving out into the village. We'll keep you updated..." Gato said, pressing her palm to the pressure pad that opened the door to the building.

Icon Village was one of the larger centers of population in the File Island Defenders' jurisdiction. The town was too large for just four Digimon to search effectively. Instead, the scout team would provide an on-the-ground search for clues, while Goma and the support team would use the sattelites and surveillance system to back them up.

After an hour, the Defenders were coming up empty-handed. There was no sign of anyone. Unlike the incident with the Cult of Belialmon, however, there were signs of struggle. Broken furniture, dishes left on tables in mid-meal, holes blown through walls from attacks.... And puddles of an incredibly thick, viscous black substance left about.

None of the Defenders were stupid enough to stick their fingers or claws into an unknown liquid, and so stayed as far from any of it as they could until a science team could come in and collect samples. It was Biyo's keen eyes that picked up a pattern in the chaos. From above, she was able to determine that the black puddles originated from a forest near Icon Village. They were few and smaller at first, moving toward the village. Then many, many more led back out of the village and into the forest once more.

"We're picking up a heat signature on infrared, guys. Near the forest's edge..." Goma reported, transmitting the coordinates to their Brands' heads-up displays.

The scout team rallied at the coordinates. They communicated through hand signals and worried glances. Something was wrong. Something was more wrong than any other mission Gato could remember. Everything about the situation creeped Gato out so thoroughly that her hackles stood on end. Agu shared her disturbed expression, constantly glancing over his shoulder in a slightly paranoid manner. Pal sidled up to Gato's side, but uncharacteristically made no sexual advances towards the feline. Biyo, always one of the more timid of Defenders, was also being uncharacteristically stoic.

Landing lightly beside the group, she pulled her rifle from her shoulder strap, flicking the switch on the side to cause it to unfold from its compact form into a full-sized sniper rifle. She dropped onto her feathered stomach in the grass, flipping down the bipod, and flipping up the scope. Adjusting a few settings quickly, she pressed her eye to the scope, switching on the infrared heat vision.

"Something's coming. R-Rookie-sized. It's lighting up t-the infrared like a n-n-nova. Fire-elemental Digimon, m-maybe?" she reported, her high voice barely a whisper.

"Come out! Show yourself with your hands up!" Gato shouted into the forest, her eyes narrowing as she tried to see what was moving around in the dark of the forest. Biyo climbed to her knee beside her, looking up at Gato and shaking her head. Agu and Pal both bared their claws, trying to look as menacing as possible as a figure barged through the shrubbery into the open. The Defenders gasped in shock and horror at the creature.

It clearly used to be a Falcomon, with emphasis on the words "USED TO." The Falcomon's eyes gleamed blood red as drool dripped from its beak. From its hips jutted a thick, long erection... with two more penises throbbing below it. Thick black goo dripped from all three as they pulsed and twitched. From its back sprouted several fleshy tentacles, each tipped with the head of a penis, all of them dribbling the same black fluid. The Falcomon growled incoherently at them, bobbing its head back and forth like a predatory lizard closing in on its prey.

"H-Hold it right there... Don't move. We're Defenders. We can help you!" Gato said slowly as all five of them backed away slowly from the Falcomon. Gato pointed the palm of her hand at the creature, letting her ID Brand scan it.

"...Goma? Tento? Are you getting this? Mind telling me what those things are?!" Gato murmured. Goma's voice came back through the Brand.

"I have no idea, for once... It looks like... it's infected with something. Keep the Brand scanning it, I'm going to attempt to set it up for a bioscan," Tento's voice came back in response. Gato nodded slowly and kept her palm pointed at the Falcomon. Her hand trembled in fear.

"Guys, I'm gonna activate the EDT to pull you out of there... It's gonna take a minute to configure it for decontamination procedures. If we're dealing with some sort of virus, we don't want to take any chances..." Goma's voice sounded.

"Hurry..." Gato murmured. She gasped in horror as dozens of pairs of red eyes gleamed in the forest behind the Falcomon. In the next few moments, more Digimon began to emerge from the trees. A Gabumon, a Mushroomon, an Elecmon, a cub Gomamon, a female Veemon... All with glowing red eyes, three penises, and tentacles all dripping viscous black semen.

"...Goma? That teleport would be REALLY nice right now..." Gato murmured as dozens of Digimon began to emerge from the forest, glaring at Gato and the Defenders. They backed away from the creatures, horrorstruck.

"I'm working as fast as I can, Gato! We just had a buffer blow-out! ETA three minutes!" Goma's voice shouted.

"That's three minutes too long!" Pal replied, her voice quaking in terror.

"Guys... I got a scan of that... whatever it is... I've identified an infectious agent," Tento said.

"Well, no DUH, genius! Tell us something we DIDN'T know!" Agu growled.

"Since you asked... I am detecting an unknown pathogen in the atmosphere particulate around them. The infection is airborne... RUN," Tento said.

At that moment, the Falcomon let out a high-pitched shriek, like nothing the Defenders had ever heard come out of a Digimon's mouth. The sound was piercing and inhuman, coming from vocal cords that were no longer capable of speech. The other infected creatures echoed the cry... and all at once, charged forward at the five Defenders.

As one, the Defenders turned and ran, each running as fast as their legs could carry them. Their feet pounded the ground as they sprinted hard, trying to get away from the infected villagers. Gato looked over her shoulder and gasped as she saw the former Digimon begin to gain on them, many of them bounding forward on all fours like feral animals. The creatures howled and screeched loudly, sending a chill down Gato's spine. Their tentacles whipped around and sprayed ebon goo in every direction. Gato had to wonder how they could run so fast with three penises throbbing and jerking between their legs. She shook her head and focused her concentration back on escaping.

"Agu, Biyo! Blast 'em! Non-lethal force!" Gato commanded. Agu looked at her incredulously.

"NON-lethal?!" he yelped in disbelief.

"They're infected with something! They're not in control of themselves! Get 'em off our tail, but don't kill 'em!!!" Gato growled, "LIGHTNING CLAW!!!"

Gato's claws slashed through a series of trees, collapsing them behind her in the path of the creatures. Several of them ran face first into the foliage or got trapped under the trunks and branches, but the rest simply leaped or climbed over the trees and continued the chase. Agu and Biyo turned around and launched fireballs and helixes of green wind at the creatures. For every infected villager they impacted, two more took their place.

"No contact! I repeat, have no contact with the Infected, physical or otherwise. Whatever this is, it's like nothing I've ever seen before!" Hawk's voice called across the communications channel.

"We're TRYING! Get us OUT of here, Goma!!!" Gato yelled, cutting down more trees behind her. She glanced beside her to see Pal was leaving a trail of as many different poison pollens as her body could generate, her green eyes narrowed in fear and determination to get away. Agu and Biyo were panting with the exertion of firing off attack after attack non-stop.

"Working on it, Gato! Just keep going!!!" Goma called. Gato gasped as she suddenly heard a squawk of terror from behind her. She turned to see Biyo struggling in the grip of the tentacles of a Gaomon. The dog-Digimon drooled eagerly as it reeled her in like a fish on a hook, his tentacles dripping black spunk over her pink feathers. Biyo squealed in terror and struggled to escape, but her limbs were held tight. The Gaomon's trio of penises pulsed and began to spurt the sticky black liquid as he growled in anticipation.

"Nonononono!!! Why am I always the first one caught!!! Lemme go lemme go lemme-- MMMRPH!!!" squealed Biyo in terror.

"Oh, Gennai!" Gato growled, turning to Agu, Pal, and Sala, "Run! Get outta here! I'll go save her!"

"Right!" Agu said, not bothering to argue with Gato. Once she made up her mind, nothing could change it. He ran beside Pal, firing Pepper Breath fireballs over his shoulder to drive off the creatures. Gato growled and snatched up a heavy, sturdy branch. She wielded it like a club and slammed it into the skull of the nearest Infected, dropping him to the ground in one blow. Leaping high into the air to avoid the grasping hands and writhing tentacles, Gato grabbed hold of a branch and swung acrobatically, launching herself over the crowd. She came down and swung her club to batter down any Infected that approached her. The whole time she held her breath, keeping in mind that whatever was causing this was airborne.

She heard Biyo's cries and looked up to see a glimpse of pink feathers amongst a mass of throbbing penises and swaying tentacles. To her immense surprise, the screams had changed tone. Before, Biyo was shouting in fear and anger as she tried to fight free of the creatures... but now she was crying in what was unmistakably pleasure! Gato frowned as she approached the bird.

The Gaomon creature had its lower-right penis buried deep inside her cleft. Its lower-left and upper cocks slid in her soft feathers, smearing black liquid into her down. Its tentacles were wrapped around her waist, also streaking her feathers with jet-black semen. Biyo's own penis was at full, raging erection; angry veins stuck out of the sides as it pulsed and precum dribbled down her flesh. Gato knew the difference between willing and unwilling sex, and from the way Biyo was pumping her hips hard against the Gaomon, she was a willing participant.

"Biyo! Snap out of it! Blast 'im!!!" Gato yelled angrily, fighting off another monster with her club. She leapt about acrobatically to avoid the creatures' tentacles, bobbing and weaving to dodge sprays of black semen.

Biyo did not listen to Gato. If anything, she only began to pump her hips faster against the former Gaomon, letting his lower cock dive inside her. His upper shaft and lower left penis slid against her own, as her black shaft began to jerk and twitch. She suddenly shouted and arched her back hard. A blast of pink goo erupted from her throbbing length, thicker than the stickiest glue, standing out against the black spunk that smeared her body. An Elecmon moved forward and pressed its trio of cocks into her face. To Gato's surprise, the bird actually began to lick and suckle at the pulsing, gushing members, gulping down thick spurts of the ebony cum. Biyo moaned in ecstasy as she climaxed, her body trembling in joy, squeezing tight around the dog Digimon as its shaft drove into her hard. Fountains of hot pink semen fired from the head of her member, splattering the Gaomon and Elecmon, who barely seemed to notice. They drove their penises against her, their tentacles beginning to splatter Biyo with black cum.

Gato growled, determined to get to Biyo and save her. She whipped her club hard, batting away a Mojyamon before it could get to her. She flipped as a Labramon's thick ebony goo fired in a thick rope under her. For a minute, it looked as if she would succeed in getting to Biyo.

However, the Falcomon that Gato first spotted wrapped a tentacle around her ankle in mid-jump. It lashed down and slammed the kitten to the ground, stunning her. Gato saw stars flash before her eyes. She groaned weakly, trying to clear her head... but she felt a pair of feathery wings grip her hips and three long, hard rods press against her. Thick black liquid smeared her pelvis before the Falcomon found its mark and shoved its lower cock inside her.

Gato growled angrily, attempting to dislodge it, but two things happened at that moment. First, the bird's phallic tentacles lashed out and bound her arms and legs. The rubbery limbs were surprisingly strong, preventing her from moving even an inch. Second, she could feel the hot, thick fluid blasting inside her tunnel. A sensation of supreme ecstasy... A tingling burning like fire and ice spread from her loins to every inch of her body.

Gato's penis sprang out of its sheath, erecting with superhuman speed. She moaned, unable to resist the sensations... She wanted more. No... "Want" was the wrong word. She NEEDED more. She craved it.

She began to pump her hips firm and fast against the bird, unable to help herself. She felt the tar-like semen blasting against her, filling her tunnel, and she had to have more. She wanted to feel it, taste it, have it coat every inch of her body. More trios of penises pressed in against her, giving her exactly what she wanted as she felt them throb and gush over her fur. She reveled in it, barely noticing that she was climaxing over and over, her own white semen spraying into the air. She now understood why Biyo wasn't fighting back... She loved this!

As a cock pressed into her muzzle, two more blasting over her face, Gato suckled eagerly on it. The black semen had a strange taste... It wasn't salty-sweet or tangy like most semen she had tasted. It was spicy and smoky, and didn't taste like anything she had ever experienced... but she loved it. Gato's consciousness slowly began to fade from her. She forgot why she had been so scared... Why she was even there in the first place... or even who she was. All that mattered was feeling more of the cold/hot tingles... the spicy-smoky taste. She could feel her cock throbbing, pulsing, gushing wildly. One orgasm blended into the next until it was just a constant wave of pleasure.

But then there was a flash so bright it blinded her for a moment. The cocks were gone, but the cold/hot remained. The prickles, the tingles rushed through her veins. Gato blinked dazedly, looking around as her vision came back to her. She was inside a glass tube, barely large enough for her to stand in. There were Digimon outside. They were talking, speaking frantically. Gato wondered why they were so panicked. If they knew the pleasure, knew the sensation that both burned and froze and was so intense it drove her wild, they would not be so worried.

She mewled softly, seeing a dragon, a mouse, and a cat-rabbit standing outside the tube, pressing their paws to it. Gato reached out and did the same... and had a sudden rush of lucidity. She knew who they were, and where she was, and what was happening... She said two words, knowing they would hear her.

"Do it!" she called as loud as she could. The mouse said something she could not hear, while the dragon looked away, and the cat-rabbit had tears in his eyes. There was a faint hiss, like the sound of static, and Gato knew nothing more.


Gato gasped as the tube hissed open, depositing her unceremoniously onto the floor. She lay there for a moment, stunned and groaning. Slowly, her senses returned to her and she slowly climbed to her feet. She looked around slowly.

She was in the medical lab, but it wasn't as she had left it. The place was a mess, torn apart. Claw marks defaced the walls, and glistening puddles of multicolored goo were splattered everywhere. The feline took it all in in a state of dull confusion, turning slowly around.

It was then that she slowly remembered what had happened to her. She gasped and shuddered, looking down. Her cock was erect, twitching repeatedly as a steady flow of glowing semen oozed from her glans to the floor. Despite this, she felt none of the intense urges, none of the fog over her mind. Her thoughts were clear and sharp.

"H-Hello? Anyone?!" she called.

"Ah! You're awake! Hey, kiddo! Over here!" a voice called. Gato blinked, noting a video screen had come to life on the main medical console. She jogged over to it, sighing in relief at the sight of Goma's face smiling back at her from the screen.

"Goma! What happened? What happened to me? Where is everyone? What--" Gato began asking.

"Whoa, whoa. Slow it down, kitty-cat. First off, I'm not Goma. I'm a limited AI programmed with his sparkling personality. He designed me to come online when you were released," Goma explained, holding up his hands, "Just take some deep breaths and I'll explain everything."

Gato frowned and crossed her arms over her chest, shivering. The heat in the base was off.

"Okay. What's going on?" Gato asked. Gato noticed the slightest pause, just a fraction of a second, as the AI processed her question.

"Here's the deal. The entire Digital World has been infected by a virus of the likes we've never seen. It's airborne, waterborne, and an STD rolled all in one," Goma explained, "You've been in stasis for almost three months."

"THREE MONTHS?!" Gato yelped.

"Yeesh! Calm down, Gato! You almost blew out my microphone!" Goma grunted, "Yes, three months. And it's bad. As far as I know, the File Island Defenders base is the last bastion in the entire Digital World."

"Where is everyone?" Gato asked. The AI of Goma groaned and brushed his hand through his shock of crimson hair. Gato recognized that as a very characteristic gesture of Goma when he knew something, but didn't want to say it.

"They're in stasis. They were infected too. Right now we're executing the absolute last resort, Gato. Everything hinges on you," Goma said softly, "And you have less than two days to do it.

"Explain. Quickly," Gato said, frowning.

"The Defenders tried to save as many people as they could. But base after base fell, and soon, File Island was all that was left. Tento, Hawk, and I... Er... The real Goma, I mean, all worked to try to find a cure," Goma explained, "But there was a breach. The base fell, and only a handful of Defenders made it to the secure shelter. All of them were infected.

"...They tried their best. If they had a little more time, they might have done it. But the infection set in too fast. In the end, the last remaining Defenders put themselves in stasis like you, and set up this plan.

" They installed a series of experimental firewalls in you. Because you were in stasis, the disease didn't progress in you. You were the farthest from succumbing. It's a stopgap measure, though. You'll transform into one of those things sooner than later..." Goma explained.

"And I'm expected to cure this?! I know nothing about biology or programming! I'm a fighter, not a doctor!" Gato exclaimed.

"Reversed Star Trek references aside; no, they didn't expect you to cure it or anything like that. That's why I'm here. To guide you through the process," Goma said gently, "But you don't have a lot of time. If you want to save yourself and the others, you need to get to work."

"Work on what?" Gato asked, frowning. She shuddered as her erection jerked, a spout of semen bursting from her tip and splashing the wall. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she covered the head with her palm, trying to prevent from making any more of a mess.

The image of Goma vanished, replaced by a schematic for some sort of machine. Gato frowned, leaning in to examine the screen, trying to determine the function of the device. She shook her head.

"I have no idea what that is," Gato said.

"Tento, Flora, Hawk, and the real Goma came up with this design before things fell apart. They did not have the chance to build it. If you can do it... it'll save everyone..." the AI replied, his expression grim.

"And if I fail?" Gato asked, blushing as she felt a surge of pleasure in her loins, her inner walls clenching tightly as her cock twitched and gushed again, soaking her glove.

"Then you're going to become one of those... things... outside. And in fifty thousand cycles, so will the others when the power runs out and their stasis tubes open..." Goma said, simply. Gatomon sighed, rubbing her face with her clean paw.

"Then let's get to work."


Gato wiped the sweat from her forehead, then finished turning a nut with a wrench. Sliding out on a rolling board, she sat up, admiring her handiwork.

The AI Goma was right. The other Defenders had done all the work already. All that was left was to actually build the device they needed. If nothing else, Gato knew how to follow a blueprint, and the AI was helpful and patient in guiding her in what she needed to do.

Taking a break to rest her hands, Gato flopped into a chair at the medical console. She grunted, her penis twitching as it fired a wet spurt against the underside of the console, feeling her cum drip into her lap. She resisted the urge to masturbate, knowing it would just tire her arms more and wouldn't relieve any pressure. She had tried at first, but every orgasm just made a mess (her semen output had easily doubled) and she remained as hard as before. After a while, she just decided to ignore it, but it was extremely difficult, given the fact that she spontaneously ejaculated at random times. It did not make building the device any easier, as she had to clean anything she accidentally drenched.

"Do we even know what the heck this virus IS?" Gato asked. The artificial intelligence of Goma appeared on the screen, sighed and ran his claws through his hair again.

"Tell me," Gato prompted sternly.

"Okay, okay. But it's not pretty. We don't know where it came from or anything about its origins. But it's highly infective, to the point that even a single drop on the skin is enough to do it," Goma explained.

"I'm about to show you video logs detailing the stages of infection. It's likely to be hard to watch, and not just because you're going to go through them yourself..." Goma said, sighing.


"Chief Medical Officer's log: This is Hawkmon of the File Island Defenders recording at... 0930 hours. At 0830, Floramon had an encounter with an infected Gizamon while trying to rescue a civilian. Despite taking precautions to avoid infection, the Gizamon managed to rip through her hazard suit and ejaculate on her thigh," said Hawk. The medical officer looked exhausted and bedraggled, as if he had been running himself ragged for days on end. Dark circles surrounded his eyes, and his feathered headband was lopsided.

"She immediately put herself into quarantine. Within ten minutes, infection was confirmed as the first symptoms set in.

"Flora volunteered not to go into stasis like Gato and Biyo. Instead, she has decided to let the virus run its course to allow me to see exactly how the virus transforms its victims, in the hopes that I might find a cure, or at least a vaccine to protect others."

Hawk paused and rubbed the bridge of his beak slowly, closing his eyes as if pained before he continued, "...On a personal note, when Flora first wished to join the Defenders, I was against it. I did not trust her and thought she was at best misguided and at worst a spy. I could not have been proven more wrong. She is a true Defender. She is one of the bravest and most selfless souls I have ever had the privilege to know. If I, or someone else, is able to find a cure, I wish to nominate her for a commendation and full honors. There is no one more deserving."

At this point, Hawk turned away from the camera, taking a deep breath. Gato took the opportunity to wipe a tear from her cheek as well. Once Hawk composed himself, he turned back to the camera.

"From here on out, I will attempt to document the phases of infection in order to better understand this virus. I will attach all biometric and cellular scans to this file along with any relevant data. Once it is complete, this log will be transmitted on all frequencies across the Digital World. If you are still uninfected, I hope the data contained within will help you end this."

The video cut to a view of a small room. It was stark white and bare of any furniture. Three of the walls and the floor were padded, like an insane asylum, while the fourth was a clear, but visibly thick pane of glass that stretched from floor to ceiling.

Within the room, a small figure lay on the ground. Gato immediately recognized Flora from her petal-helmet. She was writhing on the floor, kicking her feet out, her arms curled in towards her chest. She seemed contorted in agony, her mouth open as she cried and gasped. The girl rolled from side to side and seemed to take no notice of Hawk approaching the glass.

"Subject first presented with a low-grade, but steady fever and constant arousal. Masturbation allowed climax, but no release of arousal. Approximately fifteen minutes ago, the subject entered into a constant state of unending orgasm," Hawk explained, frowning as he watched Flora buck her hips and tremble from head to toe. Gato could see that what she mistook for a grimace of pain was in fact a wide smile of pure ecstasy.

"Ahhn!!! Y-You realize that... I can hear... AGHH!! ...every word you're... Nnn... saying, right?" Flora's voice said, muffled by the glass. The plantgirl sat up a little, trying to control the violent shivers of pleasure that rocked her body.

"Sorry..." Hawk muttered, blushing as he used his wings to cover his groin.

"N-Not your fault. Say w-what you hafta. Don't worry about... Nyahh! ...my feelings!" Flora said, smiling reassuringly.

"...Okay. Ahem..." Hawk cleared his throat, "...This is what I've called phase one."

"And... NNG! All things considered... it's not that bad!" Flora called, giggling, "If I didn't know I-I was gonna turn... Eeyahhh!!! ...into a slavering sex zombie, I'd even recommend it for... Unnf! ...a fun weekend!" The joke seemed to calm Hawk a little as he managed a small smile.

"...Subject has presented with symptoms at a much slower rate than many reports say. Usually the transformation is completed within one to two hours. However, possibly due to the subject's plant physiology, or the sheer amount of antivirals introduced, the subject's progression is slowed," Hawk continued.

"Nothing has worked to eradicate the virus. I have used every antivirus known to the Digital World, and a few I've made up myself, AND just out of sheer desperation, McAfee and Norton..." Hawk said, sighing, "No effect at all."


The video began to fast-forward. Hawk flitted from place to place around the medical lab, occasionally stopping to talk briefly with Flora. For her part, Flora could do little more than masturbate and writhe in ecstasy, her continuous orgasm only seeming to grow more powerful as time passed.

The video returned to real-time after a minute or two. Hawk pressed his eyes to a microscope in deep concentration. He must have grown numb to Flora's cries and yelps, because he didn't hear her calling his name for almost a full minute.

"Hawk, get over here! S-Something is happening!!!" Flora finally shouted. Hawk gave a visible flinch of surprise and pulled away from the microscope. The brown-feathered eagle flapped his wings, soaring right across the lab to land in front of the quarantine chamber.

The camera view shifted back to the view of Flora. She cried and yelped, arguing her back hard. The camera zoomed in on her pelvis, allowing Gato to see the flower-girl's vulva perfectly. The flesh just slightly above her muff was rippling and bubbling strangely. A bulge began to expand upwards, pushing out from what was formerly flat and smooth skin. It bulged at the top, even as it formed into a pillar. Like a sculptor working with clay, the rod of green flesh began to take on definition and detail. Veins grew along the length, even as the round head took on the distinctive helmet shape of a glans. The skin underneath moved, rising up over the tip, forming into a foreskin.

Flora, Hawk, and Gato all watched in stunned silence at this development. The silence was broken a second later as Flora cried out in pure pleasure again, bucking her hips upward. Her new penis throbbed powerfully, a ripple visibly travelling up the slightly distended underside of her shaft. The head swelled under the thick foreskin, and then a powerful jet of creamy green liquid erupted from the tip, splashing the ceiling of the chamber. Flora positively howled in delight as she rocked her hips, her new penis firing off again and again, splattering her body and her helmeted face with verdant cum.

"...The time is 1008, one hour and 38 minutes since initial infection. The subject has entered stage two of infection. The subject has grown a penis and begun to ejaculate with... rather significant force and volume..." Hawk said, his cheeks flushed crimson.

"Ahhh!!! G-Great Gennai!!! Is THIS what it feels like for Pal and Gato?! When t-this is all done, I want to keep this!!!" Flora moaned, wrapping her petal-fingers around her thick, long shaft, peeling down the foreskin to expose the pine-green head, "I think I'm bigger than Pal... Nnngh! She's gonna be mad!"

"Flora, can you describe what you're feeling?" Hawk asked.

Flora glared at Hawk in apparent annoyance as she replied, "Why don't you try to describe what a female orgasm feels like, Hawk? Unnf!!! Y-You're asking me to describe... Hahhh! ...the sensations of a piece of anatomy I only just got!"

"Try, at least, please?" Hawk asked, frowning.

"I dunno. Throbby and splurty," Flora said, throwing up her arms in frustration.

Hawk rubbed his face and rolled his eyes, muttering, "How scientific. 'Throbby and splurty,' indeed..."

Hawk left Flora to her own devices, letting her explore her new penis. The plant-girl moaned and whimpered, pumping her new erection with both hands, delighting in each and every powerful ejaculation. As before, her orgasm only seemed to increase in power, her body seeming to produce an infinite amount of semen. The sticky green sap splattered the walls and ceiling, pooling on the floor.

Hawk sighed, inserting a syringe into a special valve on a pipe beside his microscope. Pulling back the plunger, thick, milky green fluid filled the syringe. He moved carefully, inserting the syringe into another container, made of the same glass as the quarantine chamber's wall.

Hawk narrated as he worked, "I find myself thankful that the quarantine chamber was built with a special heavy duty drain and sloped floors. The drain either leads to a sample container, which I just used to get a specimen of Flora's semen... or straight to an incinerator to get rid of contaminated substances. If it weren't for that, at the rate Flora is ejaculating, the chamber would have more than two inches of cum... er, SEMEN filling the room in the next hour..."

Hawk peered into the microscope again, muttering medical jargon that went far over Gato's head. Gato was highly intelligent and knew a little about a broad number of subjects, but biology and medicine were her weak points. Her knowledge of anatomy went as far as knowing a dozen ways to kill a Digimon with nothing more than her thumb, and her knowledge of medicine only extended to first aid, CPR, and a few other basic life-saving procedures. Hawk's mumblings about "alleles," "RNA," "prions," and more were far beyond her understanding. Gato was wondering why the Goma AI wasn't fast-forwarding past this like before, when she realized something. Flora's moans and cries had gone completely silent.

The camera seemed to follow her train of thought, because it cut to the chamber view again. Flora had curled up in an apparent attempt to try to suck her own cock. Her own spunk fired up in thick, gooey spurts, filling her mouth. That would have accounted for her quiet, but something was wrong. She wasn't moving, and as fast as the cum flooded her mouth, it all spilled down her chin without Flora even attempting to swallow.

Flora began to tremble, every muscle in her body quaking. The pupils of her bright green eyes began to dilate, opening until there was barely any color left. She shuddered and jerked as if gripped in palsy.

As suddenly as the fit began, it ended just as quickly. Flora gave a soft exhale and fell back. She lay completely still, her eyes staring up through the holes in her helmet at the ceiling, totally unseeing. Gato cried out in fear and grief, afraid she had just watched a friend die. But then she noticed the slow rise and fall of Flora's chest. Her breathing was slow and steady. Her cock continued to jerk, bob, lurch, and sling thick ropes of cum around the room. Every minute or so, her body began to tremble and convulse for a moment, as if she were suffering her own personal earthquake.

Hawk frowned, still talking about whatever he was seeing in the scanner, but in a slightly distracted manner. He finally looked up and yelped as he leapt out of his chair, "FLORA!!!"


The scene cut to later, and Hawk sat down in his chair. He looked more tired than before, and he didn't speak for a minute. Finally, he took a deep breath and spoke.

"Stage 2 of viral progression apparently leads into a stuporific state. I knew this from reports but I just... it slipped my mind and I didn't warn Flora," Hawk said, sounding bitter, "She is conscious, but completely unaware and nearly unresponsive to stimuli. Every two minutes like clockwork, her body goes into mild convulsions for a period of ten to fifteen seconds. Her temperature is elevated even higher than before, though thankfully not to a dangerous level. She continues to ejaculate constantly.

"There's little I can do for her in this state. I have set up automatic bioscans, cellular scans, and sample collections of blood and semen. In the meantime, I'm going to attempt to get some bloody sleep before I collapse," Hawk said, sighing.


Hawk rested at his lab station, his face cradled in the crook of his wing. His soft snores were the only sound other than the ubiquitous wet splatter of Flora's cum.

"Haaaawwwk... Wake up, Hawk..." a voice sang softly. Hawk gave a start and lifted his head groggily. He checked the time on the nearest chronometer, and looked around the lab in mild disorientation and confusion.

"Hawwwk... Over here..." the voice said in a cheerful sing-song. Hawk blinked in surprise and began to walk toward the chamber slowly.

"Flora? Are you okay?" he asked tenatively.

"I'm better than okay, Hawk. I understand now. Everything makes so much sense!" Flora close, stepping forward. Hawk gasped, and Gato echoed him.

Flora was wide awake now and smiling happily. Her hips were thrust forward, allowing Hawk to get a perfect view of her penises. Plural.

Flora had grown a second cock, bobbing beside the first. Gato found this particularly strange, so used to Vee's twin members which were stacked vertically. Both lengths were identical in size and shape like. Both lengths pulsed and throbbed. But what drew Hawk and Gato's gazes was her semen.

Every jump and lurch of her cocks sent blasts of incredibly thick and gooey cum into the air. The gel was so thick that it made Biyo's glue-like cum seem like water in comparison. It was jet-black in color, glistening wetly in the fluorescent light. Flora sighed happily, pumping a cock in each hand, feeling her ebony semen coat her petal-fingers, splashing the glass.

She stepped forward again until the fat heads of her erections pressed against the glass, her cum bubbling out and spilling down in messy streaks. Gato and Hawk both gasped again as her eyes became visible. They had turned glowing crimson, like orbs of blood. The pupils had vanished, leaving nothing but a blank expanse of red in its place.

"Subject has entered stage three of infection. It is... 1230 hours. Four hours have passed since initial infection," Hawk said slowly.

"Please. 'Infection?'. Such a coarse, rude word for the gift I've been given..." Flora scoffed.

"At some point while I slept, the subject emerged from her stupor. She has grown a second penis. In addition, her semen has changed color and consistency to resemble that of the infected. Flora's eyes have changed color as well," Hawk said for the camera's benefit.

"Cold, clinical words for the gift, Hawk. Please, come in here so I can show you. Or let me out so I can share it with everyone! I thought the orgasm was good, but this... this is the true gift!" Flora babbled excitedly, "Everyone needs it! Everyone is incomplete without it!"

"Flora, if I let you out, I'd be infected. Just breathing the same air as you would infect me," Hawk explained gently.

"No! You need it, Hawk! Gato and Biyo both have it, but you've stopped them from reaching enlightenment! You need to let them out immediately so they can understand too!" Flora cried, tears welling in her eyes.

"Subject presents with an altered personality. If Flora were in her right mind, she'd never want to expose me or any other Defender to danger," Hawk said, his voice filled with sadness.

"Please, Hawk! Please!!! Let me give you the gift and complete you!" Flora begged, gripping both if her cocks tightly, splattering the glass where Hawk's face was. The eagle flinched involuntarily, but shook his head.

"Flora, before you get any ideas... the walls are soft pads over two inches of solid, seamless steel over three feet of solid stone carved into the mountainside. The glass is actually even more impenetrable as it is made of a substance three times harder than diamond. Don't try to break out. You're only going to injure yourself," Hawk said softly, wiping a tear from his eye.

"I wish you could understand... I can hear them! I can hear them all... I'll be with them soon..." Flora said, walking back to the center of the room to sit down.

"With who, Flora?" Hawk asked, frowning.

But Flora would not answer, merely turning her back away from Hawk as she began to masturbate, splashing the wall with black cum.


"Hawkmon reporting at... 1300 hours, four and a half hours since initial infection. I hypothesize that the stupor in stage 2 is designed to allow the virus to multiply far more quickly than before. Comparing a sample of the black semen to the sample from before she entered the stupor, the viral load is exponentially larger. Larger by a factor of millions. One drop of this would easily be enough to infect a hundred Digimon," Hawk said, sipping what was clearly a cup of tea with honey and milk, his favorite drink. He grimaced in disgust, muttering, "Ugh. Bloody lukewarm..."

He sighed and covered his eyes with his wing, leaning back in his chair with a loud creak as he continued speaking, "Reviewing the bioscans the system took while I was napping, it's apparent the virus was also acting on her brain while she was in the stupor. Exactly what and how it's doing, I'm not entirely sure. It's making new connections and rewiring her mind, building new structures in her brain.

" However, there is a very faint hope.... If I, or someone else, manages to cure this, I'm fairly certain that there will be no lasting brain damage, and all of the new stuff will be reversed," Hawk said, shaking his head.



The next camera cut surprised Gato, as the time stamp only showed three minutes had passed since the last segment. Hawk stood at the chamber, staring inside with an expression of slight fear.

"1303. Four hours, 33 minutes since initial infection. Subject has entered stage 4 of viral progression," Hawk said.

The camera switched to the chamber view. As before, Flora was pumping her cocks desperately, grunting, moaning and crying in pleasure. But something was off. Gato tilted her head this way and that to try to figure out what had changed, because Flora seemed the same. Then she figured it out. The girl was still ejaculating hard, firing black, glistening streams of gel... but now there were three of them at a time.

Flora turned to face the camera and Hawk. Sure enough, Flora was pumping a length in each hand, moaning as they convulsed and gushed. In between and slightly above, a third penis had grown, bobbing and bouncing all about as it fired its inky cum into the air.

"Flora? Can you hear me?" Hawk called.

"....Cum. Cum. Infect. Hawk cum. Infect Hawk!" grunted Flora in a harsh rough tone. She stared at Hawk unblinkingly, following his movements as he paced a little in front of the glass.

"Subject has undergone a severe decrease in intelligence. She no longer seems to understand what I say to her. As you can hear, she only has one interest now... and that's spreading the disease," Hawk said softly, shaking his head, "The changes are happening more quickly now and I expect it won't be long until the subject enters..."

He trailed off, watching Flora. The flower had wrapped her arms around herself, hunching over as if in pain. She began to shake and tremble like before. Even as Gato and the bird watched, the flesh of Flora's back began to shift and ripple. Suddenly, three long, black tendrils, each almost six feet in length burst from each of her shoulder blades. Black, thick cum sprayed from the six new appendages, each tipped with the foreskin-covered glans of a penis.

Flora craned her head back and screeched. Gato recognized the sound instantly from her first encounter with the infected Digimon. She suddenly lunged forward at the glass with a motion that was half pounce, half pelvic thrust. She drove her erections against the glass, her tentacles slapping wetly against the transparent wall. Her petal-fingers scrabbled at the glass, but didn't leave a mark. She screeched again, that unearthly noise echoing through the room as she literally began humping the glass in her attempts to get to Hawk.

Hawk exhaled a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. He backed away from the chamber and walked to his seat. Slumping into it, he buried his face in this wings, his shoulders quivering as he sobbed silently. After a few minutes, he sat back up and looked to the camera.

"....Stage 5. The final stage," he said, finishing his earlier sentence, his voice quavering. He took another deep breath and checked the clock.

"It is now 1315. From initial infection until now, a total of four hours, 45 minutes have passed. In the final stage, the victim grows anywhere from two to six tentacles from their backs. Said tentacles are their main offensive weapon, as the Digimon do not possess the intelligence to use their natural attacks and abilities. In Stage five, the victim becomes hostile to all uninfected Digimon, and will do everything in its power to infect everything and everyone it encounters," Hawk said, trying to find some semblance of his professional, clinical edge from before and failing at it.

"....I can't bloody do this right now. I am going to sedate Flora into unconsciousness, and arrange for her to be set free outside the base. She... she deserves whatever pleasure and happiness she can find now, and it's safer than keeping her here. It's not like we're lacking in other infected to run tests on, after all..." Hawk said softly.

"I will attach any further data or discoveries to this log. May Gennai and the Spirits of the DigiDestined watch over you all. End Chief Medical Officer's Log."


The screen went black for a moment before the Goma AI's face booted back in, looking as grim as Gato had ever seen. Gato curled up in the fetal position, hugging her knees to her chest as she thought about what she had seen.

"Flora caused the breach, didn't she?" she finally asked after a minute.

"Yes. The Defenders were attempting to move her, but something went wrong. The sedative wore off too early or... well, I'm not sure. All I know is that an hour later, I was brought online for the first time, and the surviving Defenders were placing themselves in stasis," Goma explained, "And three days later, once the base's automated defenses cleared out the last of the infected (non-lethally, of course,) and your new experimental firewalls were in place, I woke you up."

"So, I don't even have as long as Flora did..." Gato murmured.

"You have considerably longer. By my best estimates, your new firewalls will hold for another 30 hours," Goma said, looking confused.

"Yeah, but when they run out, I only have until I reach Stage 2... then I'll enter the stupor, and when I come out of it, I won't even want to be cured..." Gato said softly.

"That won't happen. Not if you complete the machine in time," Goma said reassuringly, "And you're ahead of schedule in that regard."

"What does it even DO anyway?" Gato asked.

"It's supposed to infuse all Digimon in a small region who haven't reached Stage 2 with a special.... Ugh, it's complicated to explain in layman's terms. It takes the virus and does some very complicated things with it, in order to turn the virus against itself. It effectively boosts a Digimon's immune system by making the virus work with it, rather than against it, " Goma tried to explain.

"Like... an antibody?" Gato asked, calling upon what little biology she remembered.

"Exactly! In some of the files, Hawk even referred to it as an X-Antibody!" Goma said, nodding happily.

"An X-Antibody. So we'll be immune to the virus?" Gato asked, rubbing her fuzzy chin thoughtfully. The AI processed the question for a moment.

"Possibly. Or it could give you a high amount of resistance to it," the image of Goma replied, "The process would also have a transformative element."

"...Wait, what? I'm gonna transform?!" Gatomon asked, blinking, "Into WHAT?"

"Unknown," Goma's AI replied flatly. Gatomon frowned, glancing down as her penis splashed her stomach with a fresh burst of cum.

"... Let's get back to work. Double time," Gato muttered, picking up her tools.


Gatomon moaned as a mind-bending orgasm wracked her tiny body, shaking her. Her cock was buried hilt deep in her own muzzle, her own cum coating her taste buds with creamy, salty-sweetness. The feline blinked in surprise and spat out her shaft, coughing as she accidentally inhaled a little semen.

On hands and knees, she hacked and coughed loudly, even as her cock lashed the floor under her with stripes of her glowing spunk.

"G-Goma! H-how long have I been out? What happened to w-waking me up?!" she gasped in between moans and coughs, glaring accusingly at the nearest monitor. It sparked a moment, then booted up.

"Sorry. There was an Infected incursion at one of the power stations. Their semen gummed up some of the generators, cutting system capacity to 30 percent. I had to reroute systems power to the defense grid, shutting down my interface," he explained.

"Yeah, well while you were doing that, I blacked out again and woke up sucking myself off..." Gato growled, "I'm getting worse... and fast."

A few hours before, Gato had lost consciousness while working. It had only lasted a minute, but when she came to, she had drenched the portion of the machine on which she was working with semen. It had set back her work by two hours, as she had to clean every component. Then it happened again during a meal break, leaving her soaked from head to toe as her paws pumped her twitching flesh.

A bioscan confirmed it. The firewalls were breaking down at an accelerated rate. Gato's mental state had begun to deteriorate as she blacked out for longer and more frequently. The AI had managed to snap her out of it the last few times, but this time, clearly something had gone wrong.

"Dammit! These circuit boards are splattered! They're useless!" Gato snarled, looking at the vital components as her glowing goo dipped off of them. She threw them across the room with all the force she could muster, shattering them into thousands of shards.

"We have replacements, Gato. Take a deep breath," Goma stated.

"I can't afford this! Every minute I spend blacked out is a minute I don't have to finish this machine! And if I ruin any more spare parts, I won't be able to finish it... and we don't even know if the damned thing will WORK!" Gato growled, pressing her face into her paws and trembling from head to toe.

"Gatomon. Calm down. You're going to hyperventilate. If you're unconscious, you're just as useless as if you were blacked out," Goma said, sternly. Gato shook her head violently, her ears flopping back and forth as she held herself around her midriff.

"GATO. You are a Defender. Remember your training. Panic helps no one," the AI's voice snapped, "Panic wastes as much time as blacking out does."

Gato blinked, the words actually reaching her. She forced herself to breathe slowly and steadily, closing her eyes. She tried to emulated BlackGato, trying to find that sense of calm that the other feline seemed to achieve so easily in meditation. It took several minutes, but with effort, her heart rate slowed, her breathing calmed, and her mind cleared.

"Okay... okay. I'm good. I'm better," Gato said, taking a deep breath, "Remind me to compliment the real Goma about how he programmed you. The fact that you were able to calm me down..."

"Goma predicted that you might lose your temper on occasion," the AI replied.

"I bet," Gato said, darkly, "All right. Back to work. And fast. Time's running out... for everyone. "


"Gato! Wake up!" Goma's voice rang in Gato's ears. The feline blinked sleepily, even as she moaned in ecstasy. She could feel her fingers pumping in and out of her quivering, clenching tunnel, her thumb rubbing her clitoris. Her penis pulsed in her grip, splashing her chin with cum.

"...Hrmmm?" the feline asked with dreamy unconcern. She could not remember what she was doing. Her cock pulsed, even as a jet of semen coated her fuzzy tummy in sticky goo. Oh, right. Maybe she was playing with herself? It felt soooo good to feel herself tremble with joy, to feel semen pumping out of her cock... ooh, cocks, plural! She hadn't noticed, but a second, stiff, gushing length had grown next to her first. She wondered if it tasted the same as her first.

"Gato! Snap out of it!" Goma's voice interjected. Gato really wished that noise would stop. It was distracting her from her orgasm. How was she supposed to enjoy this... oooh! ...really delicious tingle that seemed to be coming from every nerve in her body? She opened her mouth, gripping both of her penises by the base. She could swear she could feel the cum rush up her lengths, splattering her muzzle and draping over her right ear.

"GATO! The machine is ready! If you don't activate it now, you and everyone you love will be gone!" Goma's voice shouted, the volume loud enough to hurt her ears. With a sense of enormous annoyance, Gato forced herself to peel her eyes away from her own loins.

A big red button glowed within arm's reach. A hum filled the air as the base's meager energy supply was diverted into the device. Gato stared at the big button, only mildly interested in it.

Could she press it? Certainly. But doing so would mean letting go of one of her penises. And the thought of doing that when she felt so amazing was akin to being flayed alive and rolled in rock salt. She moaned as the most powerful ejaculation yet splashed the ceiling high above her. A heavy sleepiness was creeping upon her, and she could hear something in the back of her head... whispers... She wondered what they were saying...

"Gato! Sala needs you to HIT. THE. BUTTON!!!"

Gato blinked. Sala. The child's face smiled in her mind's eye. The thought of her being in danger was worse, so much worse than the thought of taking her hands off her cocks. She had promised to protect her. To keep her safe.

Gato hit the button.

A wave of light struck Gato instantly, throwing her across the room, and the feline knew no more.


Gato lay on her back, groaning as her consciousness slowly returned. It took her several minutes to realize she even had consciousness to begin with. Unbidden, a phrase came to her mind: "Cogito ergo sum."

Gato was certainly thinking, therefore she existed. The fact that she was thinking at all seemed miraculous to her for some reason.

She would have loved to simply lay where she was, to NOT think and therefore NOT be, but her awareness and consciousness returned with a force that crushed that vain hope. Along with it came her memories. That, more than anything, was what forced her to finally awaken.

Her eyes opened with an intense effort that seemed to take hours of struggle. Every inch of her body aches and felt strangely sensitive and tender. She moaned as she slowly tried to get her arms and legs to work, sliding them back and forth.

"Gato, take it slow. You've been unconscious for a week," a voice said.

"A... week? Goma.... What...?" Gato rasped, slowly rocking her head back and forth to try to discern her surroundings. She lay in a cot, still in the wrecked medical wing.

"Yes, a week, Gato. Your body was undergoing the transformation as the X Antibody did its job. Congratulations, you're now immune to the virus," Goma said, "Once you regain some strength, try to stand up slowly. Be warned, you may be in for... um... a bit of an adjustment."

It took Gato almost twenty minutes to regain the strength to pull herself out from under the blanket and climb very unsteadily to her feet. The Goma AI had to wake her up three times as she kept trying to fall back asleep. Gato frowned, noticing the blanket was torn to shreds. She looked at her paws and gasped.

Gato, like all Gatomon, wore gloves. Tipping each finger of the glove was a razor-sharp claw an inch or two in length, enhancing the size of her own natural claws. At some point while she slept, they had grown into massive blades almost six inches in length. Not realizing this, Gato had shredded the bedspread without thinking. Gato fumbled with the gloves, pulling them off. To her relief, her natural claws were still their normal size... though was it just Gato, or were her hands larger than they used to be?

"Gato, don't look at yourself yet. Eyes up. There's a mirror over to your right, and it'd be better to see yourself all at once," Goma said, appearing on a screen nearby. Gato frowned.

"Why? Am I... disfigured or something?" Gato asked, reaching up to touch her face. Goma laughed.

"No, honey, you're still adorable. But the X Antibody has transformed you into a brand new species of Digimon. You aren't a Gatomon any more; you're a Gatomon X. My psychological database suggests that getting over the shock of your new appearance would be quicker and more gentle if you saw yourself all at once, rather than in pieces," the AI explained gently. Gato grunted and slowly walked towards the mirror. It wasn't easy as her balance was off. Everything about her body seemed too large or too small. It felt like her body was a sweater two sizes too big for her that had partially shrunken in places.

Gato took a deep breath and stepped into sight of the mirror. She didn't gasp, she didn't scream; she took the sight of her new self with surprising stoicism.

To Gato's mild pleasure, her body still had the same general shape. She was still lithe overall, with slight curves for her hips. She was an inch or so taller than she used to be, which Gato found especially pleasing, considering she had been short for a Gatomon before.

A different face stared out of the mirror at her. Her eyes were the same shape, but the shade of her eyes was brighter and closer to a blue-green than the deep blue they used to be. Her black nose was larger, and her cheeks a little slimmer and less fluffy. What was entirely new was the large red marking on her forehead. A diamond-shaped mark ran from her forehead, between her eyes, down to the bridge of her muzzle. Two thinner curved lines traced the shape of the diamond on either side. Her ears were the same as before; long and wide, tipped with blue tassels. However, a large golden bell hung from her left ear, jangling quietly with every turn of her head.

Her golden tail-ring was gone, or more specifically, it had moved. It was massive now, and Gato wore it like a sash, one side hooked over her right shoulder and the other resting on her left hip. Pink, pert nipples poked through the plush fur of her chest, and Gato had the sneaking suspicion that they were larger than they used to be. Her eyes were drawn behind her. Her long, rope-like tail was gone. In its place were not one, but two tails. They were thicker and shorter than her original appendage, with much larger tufts. Gato groaned to herself. Her old tail was one of her most prominent features, and was so long that it knocked into things all the time. It was bad enough that some of the Defenders occasionally teased her by calling her "Tailmon." It looked increasingly unlikely that the nickname was going to go away with her new body.

What did cause Gato to gasp was the sight of her loins. Standing proudly from her pelvis was a large, thick penis, slightly larger than her old one. That was not the shocking part. The part that almost caused Gato to pass out was that below that cock, two more identical penises jutted out, side by side. All three throbbed and twitched, clear precum oozing from the fat, rounded heads. Gato felt every sensation in triple and it almost overwhelmed her. Below the trio of lengths, her vulva was soaking wet, her feminine nectar drenching her furry thighs.

"What... what...?" Gato tried to ask, stammering incoherently. The Goma AI seemed to be able to anticipate the question she was attempting to ask.

"It's a side effect of the X Antibody, Gato. Remember, the antibody is essentially the virus being forced to boost your natural immune system. As such, you have taken on at least one... or specifically two features of the Infected. So yes, you have three penises, and they're permanently erect. It's unavoidable," Goma said.

"Okay, putting that aside, what on earth happened to the rest of me?! When did I get a tattoo?! And my Holy Ring is now a Holy Hula Hoop! I feel like I need to be at a luau with this ridiculous thing! And my gloves put Freddy frigging Kruger to shame!!!" Gato ranted angrily. The Goma AI waited until she finished, apparently trying not to laugh.

"Gato, I had nothing to do with designing your new body. If you want to complain, complain to the X Antibody inside you. Since it's not sentient, I don't think it'll get you anywhere, but who knows, it might make ya feel better," Goma replied with a chuckle.

"You can laugh, you're literally a face on a screen. I have to try to learn to walk with three ridiculous penises throbbing all the time!" Gato growled.

"Gato, focus. You have work to do. The others are still in stasis, waiting for you to free them. The X Antibody should have transformed them too," Goma said.

"...And I can't WAIT to hear their opinions about this..." Gato griped.

******* The process for awakening the others was mostly a matter of rerouting power to the stasis chamber console. Unfortunately, things had deteriorated in the time Gato was unconscious. The base was down to one barely functioning generator. Rerouting the power meant splicing cables and moving machinery to get the console running. Gato took off her gloves and tucked them under her Holy Ring, not wanting the claws to get in the way of her work. It took another two days to get it up and working properly.

The stasis chamber room was dimly lit, and the chambers themselves were covered in a thick layer of grime, dust, and Infected spunk, obscuring the identities of those within. Gato frowned and input the commands to deactivate and release the chambers.

Gato watched as the stasis tubes opened and their inhabitants fell out into the floor, slowly returning to consciousness. The feline shifted her weight from one foot to the other impatiently, waiting to see who the last surviving Digimon were.

There were only eight of them, and as they slowly and shakily climbed to their feet, Gato barely recognized them.

"Huh. This is new..." Agu said, looking down at his new body. The X Antibody had given him significant muscle definition. Agu had always been in top physical condition, but now he was positively ripped. He was several inches taller, his body having taken in slightly different proportions with longer legs and arms than before. Blue stripes covered his body, contrasting his orange scales. Like Gato, three proud erections pulsed between his legs, his scrotum swollen and heavy, containing six testicles.

"It's not as bad as I was expecting, to be honest..." Gabu replied mildly. Unlike Agu, who still generally resembled his old self, Gabu had undergone significant change. Before, Gabu could have been described as a lizard-wolf. Now, he was a wolf-lizard. His muzzle had taken on a lupine appearance, with a large black nose and sharp fangs. His entire body was now covered in yellow fur. His blue coat of wolf-fur had changed, growing darker in color. The ears trailed down from his head in two fins down to his hips. His red, intelligent eyes peered out from under the hood. His horn was longer and even sharper than it used to be. The left arm of the fur coat dangled behind his arm, but the right arm covered his and ended with a series of claws that put Gato's to shame. The markings on Gabu's stomach had changed too, becoming a deep purple field with sharp red slashes vaguely shaped like an hourglass. His own trio of cocks pulsed powerfully, thicker and shorter than Agu's.

"Why is nobody commenting on the AWESOMENESS that is the fact that we have THREE dicks?!" Pal asked loudly, her hands on her hips. Gato thought Pal was always a very attractive girl, but she was positively beautiful now. The flower on top of her head had bloomed further into a tri-colored blossom. The petals were long and pink, yellow, and blue, and fell down around her face, framing it. A yellow-green ruff of leaves surrounded her neck. A golden medallion with a leaf design rested on her chest, right between Pal's pine green nipples. A large cape of purple leaves flared out behind her. A trio of vibrant green lengths jutted from her loins, twitching up and down as they spurted three messy gushes of milky green sap in unison.

"Probably because we have TACT, Pal..." Gazi said, crossing his arms. Gato barely recognized the cat rabbit. He was slimmer and taller. His ears were smaller and straighter, pointed back from his head. A pair of enormous fangs resembling nothing less than that of a sabertooth tiger jutted out of his muzzle. His claws were long, black, sharp and angled slightly, and unlike Gato's gloves and Gabu's fur coat, they were part of him. His legs were powerful, his feet ending in claws that were half the size of the ones on his hands. Black leather bands wrapped around his forearms, his feet, and the base of his long tail, which ended in three long spikes of fur. A leather band was also wrapped around the base of each of his three erections.

"Aww, man! You all look awesome! I just got furrier!" complained the real Goma. Gato had to admit, he was kind of right. Goma mostly looked the same as he did before the transformation. If anything, he was a couple of inches shorter. His eyes were much larger and his nose came to a little point, giving him a much younger appearance, as if he had lost several cycles in the transformation. His shock of bright orange fur had become a full head of shaggy hair. A large, fluffy patch of it covered his chest. The seal's penises throbbed between his legs as he walked around, looking as awkward as ever on dry land.

"I... just wish Rena was here to see me now..." Guil sighed glumly. The young Digimon cut a striking and handsome figure. His face and body were far more streamlined than before, more slender and sinewy. Gato actually thought he greatly resembled a wingless dragon. His arms and legs were longer, his body no longer possessing any of the slight chubbiness he had before. He was built for combat, top to bottom. He even walked on his claws like a raptor rather than on the soles of his feet like before. His black markings were no longer triangular, but black stripes and slashes like war paint. Like the others, a trio of pulsing, dripping erections rose from his hips, bobbing and swaying tantalizingly with each and every movement he made.

"I feel funny... What happened to us?" asked Sala, rubbing her head dazedly as she looked around sleepily. The child had not transformed as much as Gato had expected. She still looked mostly the same, with slightly longer ears, bigger eyes, and rosier cheeks. She was as tiny as she was before, her paws larger than before. The most notable difference was the size of her Holy Ring, which was almost as large as Gato's, hanging from her neck. She seemed oblivious to the fact that her trio of small erections were twitching eagerly, as she looked around in confusion.

"It's okay, Sala... I'll take care of you, if Gato..." said Gato's own voice from a different mouth. Gato couldn't help but gasp. Even as before, BlackGato was her mirror image. She had changed in exactly the same ways as Gato herself. She was slightly taller than she used to be, with the same new face, her green eyes having changed hues towards gold. The bell on her ear was silver, as was the enormous Holy Ring she wore like a sash. She even had the same tattoos on her forehead, standing starkly from the black and purple fur. BlackGato frowned, glancing at her enormous claws, and flicked her wrists. The large blades retracted mostly into the gloves, leaving her with much more manageable claws.

"Hey, how the heck did you do that? I didn't know these were retractable!" Gato exclaimed. She stopped and blushed as every eye in the room turned to fall upon her.

"Gato!!!" BlackGato gasped, rushing forward and hugging her sister tightly. Gato yelped as Gazi embraced her from behind, Pal from her side, and soon she was trapped in the center of a mighty group hug. Gato squirmed to try to slip free, but couldn't help but purr happily at the outpouring of affection from her friends.

"You did it! You built it!" Goma crowed happily, kissing her cheek.

"It's been a long time, kiddo... How are you feeling?" Gabu asked gently.

"More than a little freaked out and confused, to be honest..." Gato admitted, blushing as she felt her three lengths sliding through fur and against flesh as the group hug surrounded her. The others broke away from her after a moment to her relief, though Gato nabbed Sala and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Wait, wait, BG? What's that on your right paw?" Gatomon asked, blinking as she noticed something. The black cat's cheeks turned red as she held up the back of her hand, revealing a glowing pattern of light.

"It's a Defenders Brand. About a month into the siege, Goma deputized me as an honorary Defender, and gave me a Brand so that I could communicate, scan, and Digivolve to help out," she explained.

"...Where's Vee? Pata?" Gato asked, "Imp? The others?"

"They... didn't make it, Gato," Agu said gently, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Vee was the first. He was swarmed trying to rescue a child in File City. Pata went later. We... honestly, he wasn't doing well after your infection. We think he hallucinated or something that he saw you in a crowd of Infected during a rescue mission. I tried to stop him, but he walked right into them and vanished. He saved us, though, by distracting the horde long enough for us to get away," Gazi said gently, taking Gato's hand.

"...Imp was an accident. He caught his hazard suit on a nail, piercing it. He didn't even know he was infected until he was helping to escort a group of refugees into the base and he began ejaculating in his pants. We got inside the gate and he waited until everyone was safe. He stripped out of the suit, smiled at me... told me he loved me and he didn't want me to see what was coming. And he walked away..." BlackGato said, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Arma, Rena, Tento, and the few refugees were all lost when the base was breached," Goma explained, shaking his head, "After that, we went into the secure shelter."

"And then Flora..." began Gabu, as Gazi looked away with pain in his eyes.

"I know about Flora. The Goma AI showed me," Gato said, interrupting. Gazi looked relieved not to have to relive the fate of his best friend, while Goma looked proud of the AI programmed as himself.

"Right, well... we were transporting Flora on a stretcher to the blast doors, but... Hawk's sedative must have worn off or something, because she woke up. Agu and I had our suits torn open and she splattered us. She ran off into the complex and... well, Hawk found her. The trauma of watching her go must've made him snap or something. He tried to reason with her, but... she just infected him. By the time we arrived, he had transformed and he infected Gazi and BG," Gabu continued.

"Long story short, by the time we managed to get them both subdued and out of the base, everyone was infected. We enacted the last of Hawk and Tento's plans and put ourselves into stasis,' Goma finished, "We just had to hope you'd finish the plans with my... er, the AI's help... or else we'd all wake up in a hundred thousand cycles when the base's internal generator ran out of fuel and turn into mindless sex monsters."

"Where's Biyo?" Gato asked. Everyone shifted uncomfortably.

"We... don't know. To be honest, we were surprised it was you who released us. She was supposed to be helping you," Goma said.

"I can answer that... Though you won't like the answer..." a voice said. Everyone tuned to see the Goma AI's face on a nearby screen.

"Well that's surreal," Goma said, blinking.

"Now you know how I feel whenever I look at BG. What happened to Biyo?" Gato asked.

"The original plan was to release you both at the same time with the firewalls, but after processing the variables, I determined the plan would be more likely to succeed if only one was released at a time. The possible sexual distraction of another person and the risk of more viral contamination prompted me to change the plan," the AI reported.

"And you still haven't told us where Biyo is," Agu said, narrowing his eyes.

"...I released Biyo from containment five days ago. Her experience as a scout meant she was more skilled in mechanics and technology and would have a higher chance of building the X Machine.

"...Her firewalls were faulty. She immediately succumbed to the infection, underwent transformation, and was driven out by the base defenses. I delayed the release of Gato by three more days to reformulate the firewalls to attempt to give her a better chance," the Goma AI explained. Silence filled the room as everyone contemplated that fact, Gato trembling at the thought of that happening to her.

"So... we're it? The last free Digimon in the entire Digital World?" Gatomon asked, finally.

"As far as we know," Agu said, softly, "And if things are this bad here, I can't imagine how bad things are in the Real World, with the humans."

"If we don't find a cure, and fast... we could be looking at an apocalypse for two worlds," Gabu agreed. Gato nodded as the silence hung heavy over the Defenders. Finally, she stepped forward and cracked her knuckles loudly.

"I may have not been with you guys during everything, but I'm here now. We're friends. We're allies. We're a family. We're the Defenders. And as long as we're standing, there's always hope," Gato announced, startling everyone out of their brooding.

"Let's do our jobs and save the world!" Gato called, as the others nodded with renewed determination burning in their eyes...

******** Nearby, far closer than the Defenders even realized, the Infected Digimon snarled and growled as they toiled, working to build. The Virus drove their actions as the Hive began to take shape...

To Be Continued...