A Few Minutes to Spare

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#22 of Kinktober 2017

With a few free minutes until his roommate and some friends arrive home, Scotty takes a little time to indulge in a new 'toy' his household as acquired.

This story was written for Day #22 of Kinktober 2017! Today's theme is Tickling, and the story was written for Skyler-the-Fox. This story contains mechanical bondage and tickling involving a consenting adult male. :3

A Few Minutes to Spare

Scotty blushed as he slipped into the spare room and closed the door gently behind him. His toes curled, bare feet wriggling happily against the carpeted floor as he tip-toed across the room to the device set up there, fresh out of its packaging and with the various boxes and packing materials still littered around it. He had been so very happy when his roommate had agreed to go halves with him on this extremely luxury purchase, this device which both of them had possessed a shameless interest in owning from the very day it was released for public ownership. But since it had arrived yesterday, even though they had worked together to spend the best part of four or five hours putting it together, the pair of them had otherwise been so busy that neither one of them had yet had the chance to give it a try.

They had agreed, of course, that they should both be there for its first trial run. Not only because the machine was recommended to be used only under supervision on the very slim chance that something went wrong, but quite simply because they both wanted a turn, and just like his roommate the blue furred wolf was almost as eager to see someone else being subjected to what it could do as much as he was eager to find himself within its clutches. Scotty whined softly as he stood before the machine, looking back at the door and feeling his tail twitch guiltily. He could wait. He could so easily turn around right now, head back out of the room and wait for his roommate and their friends to get back from work in thirty minutes or so. They'd enjoy a fun evening of board games, pizza and friendly conversation, and then, either that night or tomorrow morning, both Scotty and his friend could take their first turn with the device as they'd suggested they would. Together.


The wolf whimpered again, his hands already touching at the base of his t-shirt as though the decision had already been made.

Or... he could go against what he and his roommate had agreed, and take a quick turn now. Nothing too extreme, just the three minute and thirty second test programme that was meant to give the user an idea of the machine's abilities and let them select their preferred level of comfort for the longer programmes. There was no way anyone would ever know. No way that'd stop him from doing the exact same thing later that day or the next morning, and no way he'd enjoy it any less just because he'd experienced it once before.

Scotty shivered happily as he peeled off his t-shirt and tugged down his shorts, leaving himself in only a leather collar and a pair of cotton boxer-briefs. He set his clothes down close by and stepped nearer still to the machine, glancing around its breadth to ensure that it was already properly plugged in before bending forward to analyse the control panel on its side. He looked at all the different available settings, tail wagging and soft, giddy whines and whimpers escaping his lips as his eyes widened while he read each and every dial, filled with different options and variations to ensure that the actions the device carried out were never the same twice, never alike in a way that anybody could get used to or develop any kind of resistance toward even over hours, and hours, and many dozens, even hundreds of hours of potential use.

Glancing across the room to where the instruction manual lay resting on a desk, Scotty considered reading it again to check that everything was set up correctly for the test programme. His own eagerness got the better of him though, and he flipped the on switch without another moment's hesitation.

A soft, warm chime rang out through the room as the table's interior whirred slightly, and a gentle voice spoke from a speaker located somewhere beneath the cluster of switches and dials.

'Please mount the table when ready. Extended test protocol ready to begin.'

With a yip of giddy glee, the wolf did as the voice instructed. He scrambled up onto the padded surface of the metal table, lying back flat upon its length and trying not to squirm, not to move around too much or even breathe too heavily in his excitement as another warm chime sounded to acknowledge his presence. A louder mechanical whirring emanated from the table, and the voice spoke once more.

'Height, weight, body metrics calculated. Commencing extended test protocol in ten seconds. Please vacate the table or cancel the programme if you do not wish to continue. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six...'

The whirring grew more intense. Scotty let loose a gleeful cry of anticipation.

'Five. Four. Three. Two. One.'

Metal rings sprang from the table and locked around the wolf's wrists and ankles, a brief rush of air following as black latex padding inflated within their interior to hold the male's body tightly yet comfortably in place. A brief burst of helpless, giddy laughter escaped Scotty as a pure and innocent instinct, and he arched his back, flailing and struggling, trying to escape but ever more giddy and delighted as he failed to do so. Mere moments later he fell back against the table with a gasp of glee, and lay there, trembling, blushing, lifting his head and staring down at his wriggling, flexing toes as he awaited whatever was going to come next.

More whirring rang out from within the table, and just a few seconds later a strangled, giddy yelp escaped Scotty, his toes splaying out and wriggling wildly as his legs kicked helplessly within their restraints. Two metal arms extended from the base of the table, pneumatically driven piston joints tilting them upward and revealing what looked like cylindrical rollers upon their tips. Rollers inlaid what what appeared to be little nub-like spines, soon bringing themselves into direct contact with the arches of the wolf's helpless, immobile feet. Scotty wailed as they began to roll up and down his soles, excruciatingly slowly at first but soon faster and faster, the wolf thrashing and howling as the machine made its purpose all too clear, and in a matter of moments justified to the ticklish lupine that it had been worth every penny spent upon it and then some!

"Aaahhhh_hahahahahaahhh_! S-stooooop!"

He yelped uncontrollably even though the last thing he wanted was for the unbearable ticklishness to cease, the arms moving up and down faster still, applying greater pressure and driving those countless protrusions into his tender, soft soles, rising up to tickle in between and against the undersides of each individual toe then rolling back down again to the very heel of his footpaws. Even as Scotty felt that sensation utterly consuming him though, his thrashing head couldn't help but spot what was soon to befall him. More arms, more mechanical limbs extending out from the sides of the table now as the device got to work in earnest. They bore a variety of different tantalising equipment to aid in their ticklish assault, some tipped with robotic hands with long, spindly fingers that dug gently into Scotty's flanks and tickled him so fiercely that he could barely draw breath between squealing cries of mirth. Others meanwhile bore more rollers like those attacking his feet, only coated in feather-like fibres and mounted vertically on the ends of the arms, spinning themselves under the power of a separate set of motors. These curled around over Scotty's body and pressed themselves in between his torso and the arms pinned down by his sides, whirling and spinning those feather-duster like rollers against the base of his armpits. Robotic limbs attacked the backs of his knees, his flat, fluffy furred belly, even reaching delicately around and beneath his collar to tickle at the wolf's neck.

"Nooooooooo! I c-c-caaahhhahahahaaaaa... I caaaaaaahhhn't t-take it! Please stoooooop! P-please... aaahahahahahaahhhhhh!"

He screamed, he begged, and through his pleading desperation he delighted in knowing that unlike one or even many tickle-loving friends who might have pinned him down and made him thrash and squeal just as gleefully, there was absolutely no chance that this machine would relent in its attack until its time was up. Already he was shrieking and howling, wordlessly begging time to pass faster and those five short minutes of the basic test cycle to end so that he could be free, while at the exact same time considering whether it would be too greedy to immediately start the cycle all over again as soon as it was done. He still had time, after all. He still had twenty minutes or so at least before his roommate and the rest of their friends would be here. All the time in the world to squeal and thrash and laugh and lose his mind with giddy, unbearable ticklish torment.

"Pleeeeeease ohhhh please please d-dooooohhhhahahaahah_aaaaaaaaahhhh_!"

The machine's intuitive learning systems were incredible, and even through his haze of ticklishly tormented desperation Scotty couldn't help but feel amazed as within mere minutes of having begun to tickle him the device had already pinpointed his exact weakness. The rollers attacking his feet span hurriedly back and forth over only the centre of his arches now, while separate arms reached up from the end of the table and delicately prised his toes apart, individual tiny metal digits darting between those splayed, stretched out toes and barely grazing his oh so tender flesh, but doing so with such speed, such simultaneous and overwhelming urgency that there were moments when Scotty was convinced he was going to pass out from laughing before he could even snatch a single ragged gasp of air. It seemed to know just how far to push him, and just how far beyond what Scotty believed he could handle to keep on pushing to ensure that the tickle-loving wolf never once found himself hoping for more. Instead it left him in the delicious position of simultaneously adoring and despising every moment, revelling in the supreme ticklishness, but so utterly overwhelmed by each and every sensation that his rational mind couldn't help but demand an end to it.

At least however that rational part of his mind was quelled for the most part by the knowledge that soon enough, it would in fact be over. That before too long the basic test cycle would be at an end, and he would be able to rest freely once more.

Sure enough, another chime rang out from the machine soon after. The tickling continued as roughly and deliciously unstoppable as ever, but Scotty waited for it to stop at any moment while the device's soothing voice calmly addressed him once more.

'Five minutes have elapsed. Fifty five minutes of extended test cycle remaining.'

Scotty's eyes bulged.

" Extended?!"

He tried to pull his head up, to look around, to peer over the side of the device to the dials and switches upon its sides. But it was hopeless. He was held too tightly in place by the manacles around his wrists and ankles, and even if he hadn't been, there was no way he'd have been able to stop writhing and squirming enough in his continued, uncontrollable laughter to make use of any slight chance of escape offered to him. Indeed barely a few moments after he lifted his head the wolf felt his back arching, his head slamming back down against the soft, cushioned material beneath him, and a howling cry of mirth erupting from his muzzle anew as the ticklish attack went on. And on. And on.

"I can't! I ca-aaahhhahahaha, can't stay h-heeeeere!" I have to g-get out befoooooohhhhahahahaaaaahhh... before my f-friends get baa-ahhh... back!"

He howled and wailed to the machine in pleading, giggling, squealing anguish, but of course the device didn't respond. It just kept tickling him, tickling him exactly as long and hard as he had told it to in his haste to shamelessly and secretly indulge. It wouldn't stop just because he asked it to do so. It wouldn't stop no matter what he said, or screamed, or squealed or begged. The machine didn't care if Scotty's friends were going to arrive here in twenty minutes, with just over half an hour remaining on his cycle at that point. It didn't care if the wolf's roommate was going to catch him here and know exactly what he'd done.

And though he begged, though he cried out and wailed in dismay and humiliation, if he was complete and utterly honest with himself in that or any other moment... Scotty didn't care either. Not about that. Not about being caught by his friends or being exposed to his roommate for his greedy, sneaky early use of their new toy. Not about anything as he squealed and kicked and writhed and giggled and wailed and laughed so hard his head span. He couldn't care about anything so long as the incredible, overwhelming tickle attack on his body continued. And it did. On, and on, and on, and on, and...

By Jeeves

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