A Whole New Kind of Heaven

Story by Novus Mutt on SoFurry

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This place... It's beautiful... But why, why can I not feel anything? I am in a pure state of both tranquility, and melancholy. I'm sure I'm here, I'm sure all them are here as well. What is going on?! Wake up... Wake up!


'I can hear a voice. So soft, sweet, benign. Where is it coming from?' the wolf's thoughts echoed ominously through his conscience. He reached out, into the darkness, only to find he was grasping nothing but air. He sat up, peering around him, trying to get a view of something, anything. He was gently lain back down, hearing the gentle voice once more. It spoke, "Lie. You must rest." The wolf obeyed, and laid down, tucking his tail between his legs. 'What is going on here? Where is everything? Where is that voice coming from?' He frantically looked around, searching every inch of the dark abyss, when, in all but an instant, everything, the voice, even himself, went totally blank...


He begins to open his eyes, trying to make the images received clear. A bright blue room. He's covered, laying in an uncomfortable bed. The image begins to clear, and he sees a figure. A very slender figure. It was a fox woman. She stood over the wolf, tail swinging back and forth softly through the air. The figure begins to speak.

"Honey? Honey, are you okay? Do you need some water?" She spoke with a quiet, yet intense concern.

'Who is this woman? Why is she standing over me?' The wolf thought as he slowly nodded. He began to realize where he was, after seeing the suspended television, the heart rate monitor, and the IV stand next to his bed. The woman handed him a glass of iced water, which he quickly gulped down. The woman began to speak once more.

"There, now. Isn't that better?"

The wolf simply nodded once more. A doctor entered the room and spoke to the woman.

"Mrs. Wolffe. If I could get you to wait outside for a few moments, please, I'd like to talk to your husband. The woman obliged and left the room, closing the wooden door behind her. The doctor walked to the wolf's bedside, and sat in a chair. He began to speak, "Mr. Wolffe, it seems you've made a full recovery. One problem, however, you have, what appears to be temporary amnesia. You won't be able to remember anything about your life, at least not for now."

The wolf nodded and began to speak, his voice sounding very weak, "Wh- who was that woman?" he inquired.

"That was your wife, Anne Wolffe."

'Anne?' he thought, then began to speak again, "That name does ring a bell. So, if she's Anne, who am I?"

"Your name is Todd Wolffe."

'Todd. Okay, I'm Todd, and I'm married to Anne.' Todd was still confused about how he'd gotten in a hospital, so he asked the doctor, to which he obligingly replied, "Well, Todd, it seems you took a pretty bad fall. From what your wife tells me, you're a bit of a dare-devil. You decided to jump a motorcycle over three cars. You landed badly, and the bike came out from under you."

Memories of the event began flooding back into Todd's conscience. He got lost in the whirlpool of apparitions appearing before him, projected onto a proverbial screen, thrown out by his own mind. The pain of recalling the event sent him reeling. He began to convulse in his bed. The doctor called for nurses, who quickly brought sedatives, to pour into his blood stream. His body calmed, but his mind was still reeling. Seeing every painful moment, it was like he was watching a movie of himself, only he could feel everything that was happening. Then, silence fell. The memories rushed away. He once again felt peace. Nothing but a dark, empty room.


He heard faint crying. It was the woman, from before... Anne. 'Why is she crying?' The sound began to fade away with every passing moment. Until, only complete silence once again filled his being.


Todd shot up in his bed, panting and sweating. He heard his alarm clock buzzing, so he reached over to hit the off button. 'Oh my God. Was it all a dream? Yes, it was all a dream." He let out a sigh of relief and laid back down for few moments. He looked at the time. "3:30?" He questioned out loud, "That can't be right."

'My alarm was set for 7:00. Why would it go off so early?' he thought. He decided to brush it off, and go back to sleep, this time much more peacefully.

He heard his alarm, once more, this time it went off at the appropriate time. He woke up, slightly dazed, and very groggy. He climbed out of bed and went down to the kitchen without bothering to put on even underwear. He realized this, but stopped to think, 'Who'd going to see me? I live alone.' So, in all his naturalness, he grabbed his coffee beans, put some in his coffee maker, and started to brew. The liquid dripped from the top of the machine, which made Todd have to use the restroom. So he headed to, and down the hallway, and entered the white-tiled room. He stood at the toilet, spread his feet, and pulled back his sheath. He sighed in relief as the liquid started flowing into the bowl. When he was finished, he flushed, returned his sheath to where it was, and washed his hands.

When he returned to the kitchen, the coffee was finished, so he took the pot and poured some in his mug. Taking a gulped he let out a small moan. 'This coffee tastes so good right now. It's exactly what I needed.'

After his coffee, he went back upstairs to get dressed and ready for work.

Traffic was horrible, as usual, and work was monotonous. After work, he headed straight home.

He got home, took off his shoes, and threw his clothes in the washer. He then headed up the stairs to take a shower. He'd just gotten the water running, and gotten in the shower, when he realized he'd forgotten to get a towel. He stepped out on to the tile floor, and exited the bathroom. His stairs were cold, black metal. He wasn't watching where he was going. He stepped on the first stair, and his foot slid out from under him. He plunged, head first down the cold, unforgiving stairway. With every step, hearing another crunch or slam. As his world spun rapidly, it began to grow dark. Until, finally, one last blow to the head, made his world, end. He laid there, on the cold wooden floor... Dead...


He was in the darkness once more. Once again, looking around frantically for something. He stood, and walked around, aimlessly for seemingly hours. He saw a strange light. He walked slowly toward it. What he saw was not what he expected. A hospital room. He saw the woman again. This time she was sleeping in the chair next to his bed. 'What the Hell's going on?' he thought, 'Why am I back here... the stairs... was... that real?' The doctor from before walked into the room. He stood at the end of the bed and spoke.

"Mr. Wolffe. It seems you've made a full recovery."

"Recovery from what?"

"Why, you don't remember? You fell down a flight of stairs."

The wolf's face turned pale. The shock went through him like an arrow. 'My God. It was real. But, I died... so how am I...' his thoughts were cut off by the sound of Anne waking.

"Hu- huh? Oh my God! Todd! I'm so happy you're ok! You've been in a coma for three days!" Anne wrapped her arms around Todd.

"Anne? What's going on I'm so confused!"

"It's going to be ok. I promise. It'll be ok." Anne started fading away. The room, seeming to slink into the darkness. Everything, once again, was dark.

'I suppose this is where I'm to stay for the rest of eternity. In total darkness. In peace. There are no worries, no responsibilities. Nothing.'


They say, if you're good in your life, and you believe in God, you will go to the land of milk and honey; Heaven. This place I'm in... This is a whole new kind of Heaven.


I don't know why this was written. It just was.

Dukie Mutt