Haven teaser

Story by kitarl on SoFurry

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ok, this is something Ive been working on, its semi-human based, but will be folding furs into the fold as time goes on, I just need input and opinions so i know where Im taking this, so plz, write and let me know what you thing

Haven prolouge

Andrios walked into the Sanctuary, calm, collected, confident, he was sure he was about to get this job, he walks over to one of the folks at the front desk "I'm here about the job ad posting?" the guy looked him over. Andrios was around 6 foot 9 with a very wirery frame, nothing remarkable about him save for his eyes, one was pitch black, the other a stark pale grey, "huh, so you wanna work here eh, I won't stop you, but Claire may, she's in the back room" he points to a door off the side of the dance floor, which is still quite packed for it being the middle of the day, "and don't say I didn't warn ya kid" he shuffles off with a box under one of his arms, leaving Andrios to inspect his surroundings and see just what he was getting himself into, the lights pulsed different shades of red, blue, purple and occasionally black, all of the people dancing had their eyes closed swaying to the harsh beat of the techno being fed out of the sound system, there were a large concentration of tables over by the stairs, only a quarter of them were taken, and the folks sitting there look as if they were about to engage on certain....illicit activities right there with how they were kissing, Andrios sighs as he makes one last look, walking for the giant double doors over on the right side of the dance floor, poking his head in for a moment, "uh, hello? I'm uh, here about the job posting in the paper? My name is Andrios, and I was just uh-""come in, come in, I don't do through the door interviews." He steps in, closing the door behind him and walking down a short hallway, pushing open the half opened door at the other side of the hallway, blinking in the sudden lights which came from a huge window on the far side of the office, the entire wall being just one big window with a beautiful view of a garden and courtyard beyond, he barely noted that one part of the window was actually a door as a voice speaks up from behind the massive desk on the left side of the room, "come in, I don't have all day you know." He quickly steps in, closing the door all the way and walking over to the desk, taking a seat, this place was grand, it almost looks as if it was taken from an old mobster movie and deposited here, and he looks at the woman sitting in the big chair at the other side of the desk. She was a fairly short woman at 5 foot 3, her long black hair tied in a ponytail that looked as if it would go all the way to the ground if she were to stand, her eyes a sparkling red color, her face looked plain enough, save for the small mark on her cheek that he'd overlooked once or twice, almost invisible among her pale smooth skin, her lips a deep red, her teeth a sparkling white as she speaks, "so...you wanna work here eh? What makes you think you have what we need hmmmm?" He ponders for a moment, "Well, up until a week ago, I lived on a farm....... I've never been anything but a hard worker, and I learn fast, I'm used to long hours, and I am perfectly willing to help out in any areas you see fit to place me in ma'am." She regards him for a moment and starts snickering, "Ma'am? Don't call me that hun, I may be old, but I'm nobodies ma'am, ok, now, what I need you to do is one test shift, that's when you come in for one of our standardized shifts, work through the whole thing, then we meet and discuss your future here, sound fair?" He nods and waits for her to continue, she smiles, glad to have his undivided attention' "now, this place gets pretty hectic, so, I'm gonna be as plain as I humanly can, the main reason I need help is that most of the staff has been going off and getting themselves killed, I've been trying to stem it, but so far, all I can do is hire new people, you still sure you wish to work here? It's not necessarily and easy job to begin with." He nods his head. "I want to work here; I've heard good things about this place from out on the street." She nods her head and smiles "ok then, tomorrow, 5 pm, be here, or don't show up at all." He nods and heads out, thanking her for her time, Claire looking out the window for a moment, "well, if the human dies, he dies, I cant stop him from trying now can I?" She reaches under her desk and pulls out a package of blood marked O- PROPERTY OF OHALLAND HOSPITAL, and bites into it, draining it in no time at all.