Haunted HOWL-ses - Spooky October Rule 34 Story (Teaser)

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#33 of Patreon

The Biker Mice and Charley are dressed for a fine Halloween evening out, when a mysterious haunted house attracts their attention and separates Vinnie from the others--

These two were voted in by our $5 and up Patreons over at my page http://www.patreon.com/fluffytales please join to vote and to read these stories as soon as they come out! Thank you all for your support!

"Haunted Howlses"

"Aww man, exactly when did Charley talk me into this?" Vinnie complained as he tugged tight on the bandages of his costume. "I mean come on, a Mummy? Surely she can't think I'd wanna hide all this ripped flesh would she?"

Modo snickered and glanced at the mouse. "Maybe she meant to dress your mouth up as a mummy so you can't complain about it."

Throttle and Modo both chortled at the white furred mouse's expense as he turned red with anger. He was dressed in layers of bandages, but he'd managed to tug the spots apart in places to see his abdomen, his chest and some of his biceps even under the wrappings. The gauze was wrapped up to his neck and around his head, leaving his face mostly outside of the bindings, the shine from his metal mask underneath adding a pretty clear third tone to the otherwise white fur and off-white color of the bandages. Around his waist hung a dark blue sarong; barely clinging to his hips and slit open on one leg as it was held up by an old belt with a big golden belt buckle. Modo; with a flat top attached to his head with stickers that looked like staples, a big clunky black outfit and heavy boots played up the part of Frankenstein's monster very well, while Throttle; with his glasses removed, his fur tufted out and dyed with red coloring, shredded clothes and no shoes on was the Wolf Man. Each of the old school movie monsters all standing in a row while they waited for Charley to exit the garage and meet them as she had promised.

The sun had just gone down, and Halloween night was beginning as the rolling garage door ratcheted itself up to the top of the rack and the human made her appearance. "Hoo-ooly momma..." Vincent proclaimed, placing a hand over his chest.

Charley was dressed in a black cape, a tuxedo-type shirt, but with a leotard bottom that hid underneath the shirt, making it look like a one-piece suit, exposing her from the highest part of her hips down to a pair of decadent heeled shoes. She turned and quickly swept the cape over her make-up-paled face. "Blah! I vant to suck your blood--" She said, in a thick fake-Transylvanian accent that really only existed in movies.

"Oh man, Charley you can suck on me anytime." Vinnie strutted forward jovially. "Because you've got MY blood pumping!"

"I thought you were gonna go with the more traditional Boris Karloff Dracula, Charley." Throttle said, his mouth hanging open. Not that I'm complaining either."

"Ohhh that stupid costume shop down the road lost my reservation and Dracula was sold out." Charley moaned in complaint. "When he said they had a 'Lady Dracula' available I jumped on it, but I didn't expect this... I feel like I should be installing a stripper pole in the garage or something." She tugged at the base of the leotard, the twist of her foot making her shoes sparkle in the lower lighting. "This is a little tight."

Vinnie leaned toward Modo and whispered. "Remind me I owe the guy at the costume shop twenty bucks, would you?"

"So, we heading out?" She asked. "I'm sure the party's going to go on all night, but I don't like being late, even if it's fashionable." She looked at Vincent and walked over to him. "Oh, Vin. I'd say the bondage look is for you."

"R-really?" Vinnie asked aloud as she leaned into him and dragged him close by tugging on his bandages.

"Oh yes, really. And if you did pay off that guy for this costume, I am reeeeeally going to let you have it."

Vinnie's face was getting hot. "Oh really?" He repeated a bit more confidently.

"Mmhmm... right in the stomach when I punch the wind out of you." She said as she leaned back and smacked Vinnie faux-playfully across the face.

"Eeeyowch!" Vinnie shrieked in pain before rubbing his cheek. "Well, it might be worth it."

"Oh, trust me. It won't be."

"Oh, hey. By the way..." Throttle interrupted to get them off the subject. "I read a flyer that there's a haunted house down the street, it's actually between us and the party, I figured we could check that out too."

"A haunted house? La-ame!" Vinnie complained. "Isn't that just a kids-thing on Earth?"

"Oh I don't know Vin." Charley teased. "A lot of these places are too scary even for adults. But if you're too chicken to go then I guess we could just head straight to the party..."

"Too chicken?" Vinnie scoffed. "Too CHICKEN? I'll show you who's chicken around here! We're going to that damn house!"

Modo and Throttle looked at each other, and passed a quick snicker at Vinnie's expense as Charley swivelled around on her shoes and started to walk. "Come and catch up boys, if you've got the nerve." She teased.

Despite it being in between them and the party they were planning on going to, it was still five blocks that the four of them could have ridden on their motorcycles, but with the way their costumes were; Vinnie's in particular, they didn't want to risk the trouble. They weren't exactly out of breath when they found the entrance to the attraction, a man in a Dracula costume and a hideous black wig greeted them at the door.

"Welcome! Welcome! Please come in, it's thirteen dollars per adult!"

"Thirteen bucks?" Charley asked looking at the house, which looked like a disheveled one-story shop. "For that?!"

"Oh trust me, once you've stepped inside it'll be like nothing you've ever seen before."

"Yeah. I'll bet." Throttle replied sarcastically as he handed over the green. "I expect the change when I get out." He said.

"Sure. Sure." The man said, now only half-listening as he counted the money in his hand. "Please! Head on inside and beware! You're in for a scare."

"Wasn't that some kids' show motto?"

"Goosebumps." Everyone answered Vinnie's question at once as they approached a slowly rotating, black-tinted door.

"Well. Let's get this over with then." Throttle said. "We've got a party to get to."

He pushed his way through the door first. Modo shrugged and lumbered through the door second, Vinnie stepped up third and turned back to Charley. "Hey Charley, you wanna squeeze in here with me? There's plenty of room for two." He grinned coyly.

"Sorry, Vin." Charley said. "But that means there's only enough room for you and your ego." She said giving him a light push into the doorway and Vinnie laughed in spite of himself as he swivelled around toward the interior of the house.

Vinnie was amazed; this haunted house really did look good on the inside. It was much bigger than it looked outside and he found himself standing in the middle of a dusty, cobweb-filled but beautiful interior of a lavish dining room. "Hoo-ooly moley! What happened here? Did I get teleported somewhere else or--bros?" He paused, realizing that neither Throttle or Modo were in the room with him. "Throttle? Modo?" He called out, hearing his own voice echo. "Huh, weird. Hey, hey Charley, you here?" He looked back to where the doors had let him in and realized they were gone. "Charley!" He exclaimed as he rushed to the wall the doors had been in and pushed. "Wh-what the hell is happening?" He asked himself.

Vinnie turned around, hearing a strange noise emanate from the dark. It sounded like a dark, deep growling that made the fur stand up on the back of his neck. "Who-who's there?"

There was a thumping noise, as if something was moving around in the upstairs floor, a growl and a scratch as it moved past a column, and a pair of white glowing eyes that flickered in the darkness. "A beast..." It responded in a deep, resonant voice. "One whose needs you'll serve well."

He emerged from the darkness; a pair of dark blue pants, a muscular torso hidden only by half a harness that attached to a shoulder guard. Bluish gray and white fur, feathers that dangled from his back. His claws were long and an almost-magenta color, his red, sparkling eyes staring at the mouse like he was going to be his last dinner. Vinnie took a step back. "Now hold on, what are you talking about?" He tried to sound tough, but he gently slid a step back until he felt his shoulders touch the wall behind him.