The Model - Chapter Eighteen

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#18 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Nineteen to follow soon...

"Oi, you two pervs, hurry up!"

Rex and I exchanged a grin as we sped up and ran alongside Kurt and Doug. We were jogging along the beach but had decided to run in our swim briefs rather than gym clothes, but that had led to Rex and I falling behind slightly to admire our boyfriend's asses. I was enjoying the run since it took my mind off the message from my father. Sprinting down the beach barefoot and almost naked made me think of how our ancestors must have ran as we first evolved to walk on our hind-paws, and getting to gaze at the Doberman and Dingo's behinds in their speedos was a bonus. "Did I mention how hot you ass looks as you run along?" I panted to Kurt. "It's the fifth time you've mentioned it," Kurt laughed. "Who wants to swim afterwards?" Rex called. "Yes!" We all chorused. We reached the spot close to where we had parked our cars and stopped to catch our breath, although Kurt and Doug were barely worn out. "You don't mind if I grab some water?" I asked, knowing Kurt had brought a couple of bottles in the car. "Of course bud," Kurt replied, giving me a kiss. "We also brought something else you might like," Doug replied with a grin. "Shall we go get it?" Rex nodded and we walked back to our cars. I grabbed my water bottle and took a long drink while Kurt dropped to the sand and began doing push ups. The way his muscles flexed caused his speedo to grow tighter around his crotch and butt. "You dirty little perv," Doug joked as he heaved something out of the back of his Porsche. I saw it was a cooler box. "Down in Aus we always took beer to the beach, so I thought as a reward for working out I'd bring that tradition here." The Dingo explained. "I like the sound of that tradition," Kurt said, jumping back up to his hind-paws.

We walked back down to the water, spread out Kurt's large beach towel and sat on it with the cooler box between us. I stretched my hind-paws out so they were almost touching the waves lapping against the sand while Kurt took my paw. "We were hanging out with Friedrich Van Holling not far from here last night," Kurt explained. "Oh, how was he?" Doug asked, removing the lid off the cooler. "He seemed cool," Kurt replied. "I probably got more from chatting to him on a beach than going to your average town hall meet." "Heh, you should get invited to a dinner party at his house," Doug replied, handing a beer to me and Kurt. The beer felt refreshingly cold in my paw and we all sipped our drinks while gazing out over the water. I held Kurt's paw and began reflecting on things.

Do I need family if I have friends like this?

I reflected that growing up, my mother hadn't taken much of an interest in my life even though she didn't work and spent all her time at home. She generally was in a foul mood or angry about something, whether it was the neighbours, my father or something she read in the news. I recalled one particular day when I was at middle school when she went on a protest against a Veterans parade, leaving me at home to try and make dinner myself. When she got home she ranted to my father about how she had been hassled or abused by onlookers without paying me any attention.

In retrospect, no wonder. If you'd gone there to scream at people what did you expect?

Considering her pathological hatred of military guys it was probably a double whammy that I was dating a guy who used to be a marine which prompted her to write me off.

Well, maybe I should let her stew in her own juice.

Inside I still felt sad. I couldn't completely write her off, no one should have a bad relationship with their parents. "You okay bud, you look upset or angry?" Kurt asked. I glanced up to see him, Doug and Rex all looking at me with concerned expressions. "Oh, I'm fine," I replied, forcing a wag from my tail. Kurt didn't look convinced. "I was still thinking about the message from earlier," I explained. "Trouble with my parents." I added to Doug and Rex who nodded sympathetically. "We're all here for ya mate," Doug replied, giving my shoulder a squeeze before Kurt leaned over to kiss me. "I have just the thing to make Alec's tail wag," Rex announced, jumping to his hind-paws. "A rimjob?" I teased. "Not yet," Rex replied, standing in front of us. "Oh bloody hell, I know what this is," Doug sighed. "Please don't land yourself in hospital mate, and last time you did this you almost broke the television." "My name is Rex and welcome to Jackass," the Alsatian announced, pulling his speedo down to show off his butt. "Is he drunk already?" I asked. "That's quite impressive given he's only had one or two." "He can be a lightweight when he's not had food," Doug explained. "Rex, I hate to sound like ya Dad but please don't break your neck." The Alsatian pulled his swim briefs back up. "I've been practicing this, ready!" Rex began performing cart wheels in front of us while Kurt and I looked bemused. Doug put his face in his paws. "Is this cheering you up?" Kurt asked with a wry grin as Rex cart wheeled past us. "Not really, it's making me share Doug's concern about a trip to the emergency room," I replied. "It's okay, I..." Rex began as his feet were in the air, but his paws slipped on the wet sand. He seemed to fall in slow-motion and his speedo clad ass landed on Kurt's face while his hind paw kicked the beer bottle from the Doberman's paw, causing it to spill the last of its contents on the sand. "Arf!" Kurt yelped as Rex knocked him over.

Doug and I jumped to our hind paws as Rex climbed off Kurt. "Sorry, aw man, I'm so sorry!" Rex said desperately, splaying his ears. Kurt looked a little disgruntled but unharmed. "Did I hurt you?" Rex asked, his eyes wide with concern. "Only my pride, and you spilled my beer," Kurt replied. "Oh, uh here I'll get another," Rex replied, reaching for the cooler. "Hmm, considering you wanted to plant your ass on my face, why don't I return the favour as payback?" Kurt replied as a domineering grin spread across his muzzle. "Can I have my way with your mate for a moment?" "Permission granted," Doug replied, and I could see the Dingo's swim briefs grow tighter as his bulge grew bigger. "And you don't mind bud?" Kurt asked me. "Not at all," I chuckled. Kurt growled playfully and threw Rex over his shoulder. I watched as my mate set the Alsatian on the sand, slide his swim briefs down and straddle over Rex. My swimsuit began to grow tighter as I knew what was about to happen. "What was the trouble with your parents?" Doug asked, as Rex began slurping away in the background. I wasn't sure what to say. "Sorry mate, if you'd rather not elaborate," Doug continued. "It's okay, I was a little distracted," I replied, as the sound of wet kissing and lapping provided the answer to what the distraction was. "They are being a little difficult, namely cutting me out of their will." "What a pair of dickheads," Doug huffed, as a mixture of anger and concern flashed across his face. "Sorry, I probably shouldn't say that." "It's fine," I sighed. "That was pretty much my reaction when I found out. I guess right now I'd rather enjoy spending time with friends than fuming over it though." "No worries mate, that's probably the best thing to do," Doug smiled encouragingly.

We both glanced over and Kurt who was using Rex's face as a chair while the Alsatian licked his tail hole. "Hnng, fuck he is good at this," Kurt moaned. "Well, if they're making good use of each other, we could do something, if you feel like it?" Doug suggested. I hesitated, but then grinned and nodded. The Dingo reached over and began pawing the bulge in my speedo before kissing me on the muzzle. "Um, Doug may I ask a question?" I said, reclining back as Doug fondled my balls through the material. "Go ahead," he replied before giving me a kiss on the snoot. "If someone has only been with their mate for around a few weeks and they propose, would that be too soon?" Doug stopped pawing as he thought the question over. "That is pretty soon, I mean I'd probably wait at least a year personally. I have contemplated asking Rex to marry me as I love him and he means the world to me," Doug replied. Behind us Kurt let out another moan followed a loud slurp from Rex's tongue as it lapped against his tail hole. "And very talented as you can see, but we've been together for longer than just a few weeks," Doug continued, scratching his head as he spoke. "But not all couples are the same. If know the time feels right, then I say go for it. Why, are you thinking of asking Kurt to marry you?" "No, not just yet," I replied, putting on an innocent smile. "Well, you two would make a cute married couple. I hope I'd get an invite to the big day," Doug teased. "Oh, for sure you would," I chuckled. "Good," Doug replied, giving me another kiss.

I lay back as the Dingo began pawing at my bulge again, gently rubbing my sheath through the swim briefs. My dick had fully emerged and was throbbing hard. Doug pulled the front of my swimwear down, releasing my dick from its prison. I closed my eyes as the Dingo wrapped his paw around my shaft and began jerking. "Does that feel good?" Doug asked. "Yes," I whispered. I opened my eyes and glanced over to see Kurt get up off Rex's face. The Doberman's cock was also furry erect and he crammed it back into his swimsuit before walking over to us. "I see you're giving Alec a good time," he observed with a grin. Kurt knelt down and kissed me on the lips as Doug kept jerking. Rex had also made his way over and positioned himself behind Doug who was now on all fours while continuing to stroke my cock. I watched as the Alsatian grinned before sliding Doug's speedo down and shoving his muzzle into the Dingo's behind. Doug groaned and he gripped my dick as Rex began making out with his tail hole. Kurt began kissing me on the lips again and I closed my eyes as Doug continuing stimulating me with his paw while Rex licked his ass. Part of my mind was worried at the idea of being caught, as Friedrich had appeared out of nowhere the other day, but I pushed the thought from my mind as I revelled in the feeling of having three sexy and muscular males around me, all pleasuring each other. "Bloody hell Rex, I swear you get better each time," I heard Doug moan. "Why don't you give Alec some attention in that area." "Lift up your legs," Rex instructed. I obliged and put my legs in the air. Rex slid my swim briefs up my hind-paws and I felt the Alsatian's muzzle press into my rump before his rough, wet tongue met my tail hole. I gritted my teeth as he plastered wet licks all over my hole before making out with it as if it were my mouth. Doug kept his paw clamped over my dick and was jerking it more frantically. Kurt leaned down to kiss me again and used his paws to tweak both my nipples. I felt the familiar surging sensation, albeit all the more powerful with the three fine males servicing me at once. "I'm gonna..." I groaned as Kurt stopped kissing me. A huge load of cum shot from my cock as Kurt placed his muzzle in the firing line. He kept his head in place as I kept shooting my load, swallowing the whole lot.

I lay back and panted as Kurt and Doug collapsed either side of me. "Rex come here," I heard Doug command. "I think we'd better recreate that." My hind-paws were shaking as I basked in the afterglow, but I turned my head to see Rex straddling over Doug's chest. He had moved his swim briefs to poke his cock out, which was erect and wet with pre at the end. Doug took his boyfriend's cock in his muzzle and began working his way up and down the shaft. Rex closed his eyes and moaned as Doug sucked him off. "Enjoying the show?" Kurt whispered into my ear and I responded with a grin. "Fuck, I'm going to cum," Rex groaned as his dick throbbed inside Doug's muzzle. Doug closed his eyes and I imagined the Dingo taking Rex's warm load down his throat. Eventually Doug pulled off and lay on his back. "Bloody hell, that was a lot," he said with a cough. "You got him off quick," Kurt observed. "Maybe you do for blowjobs what Rex revolutionised for rimming?" "Heh, maybe," Doug panted. "Or Rex was pent up after giving all of us a cleaning." An idiot grin was plastered over my muzzle as I listened to the other three talk and I contemplated how I'd gone from the shy, introverted Coyote to hanging out with three hot guys and indulging in sex.

Once we had regained our strength, we raced to the water to wash ourselves. "It's good this beach remains deserted," I said, glancing up and down. "But I'm still surprised given how close it is to San Amador." "Secluded places exist, you just need to keep sharp eyes," Doug replied. Once we felt clean, we gathered the towel and cooler before walking back to our cars. "I enjoyed that," I grinned, pulling on a pair of shorts over my speedos before slipping my flip-flops onto my feet. "Heh, I'm glad and I hope it made you feel better," Doug replied. My wagging tail provided an answer. Kurt pulled on his shorts and a wifebeater before holding the car door open for me. "See you two again soon!" Rex called. "Thanks for, uh taking care of us all," I shouted back, laughing as I searched for the right word to use. Rex responded with a wink before climbing into Doug's car. Kurt jumped into the driver's seat beside me. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded and he fired up the engine before we sped off. "I always have fun hanging out with those two," I said above the noise of the engine. "We want to do all we can to take your mind off things," Kurt replied. "Even if our methods would probably horrify your mother." "Yeah, if she ever comes to terms with me, mentioning what we do with our best friends is probably unwise," I chuckled. "Heh, well surround yourself with me and your friends to maintain the upbeat vibes in your life," Kurt said. "And I hope to do that for the rest of our lives together."

Does that mean what I think he means?

I wanted to reply, but the words became lodged in my throat. Instead I smiled and gazed out of the window as we reached the outskirts of San Amador.

The sun was almost setting as we reached our apartment. "You okay, you seem very quiet all of a sudden?" Kurt asked as we climbed out of the car. "Yeah, I just thinking about my parents again," I claimed. "Hmm, well hopefully you'll be able to purge them soon," Kurt replied as we began walking to the front entrance. "I don't wanna purge them, they're still my parents!" I snapped, before immediately wanting to cram the words back into my muzzle. Kurt looked shocked as his cropped ears splayed. "Oh, sorry bud. Of course they still are and I didn't mean to upset you. I'm an idiot," he said, his brown eyes were wide with alarm. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped," I sighed. Kurt looked a little reassured but he seemed lost as to what to say. "And you are not an idiot." I added. "It was still a tactless thing to say," Kurt sighed. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not mad," I said firmly, taking his paw. I felt guilty at having upset Kurt, but I still had the thought of him proposing in my mind and knew that was actually why I had lashed out. Kurt relaxed a little more as we walked paw in paw to the front entrance. "Kurt, I love you," I said gently. "You're not tactless and you're not an idiot. I had a wonderful time today, let's keep the happy vibes as you say." "Thanks man, and I love you too," Kurt replied, giving me a peck on the muzzle.

We walked inside together and rode the elevator up to Kurt's floor. "Would you like it if I strip before the shower?" Kurt asked with a grin. "Yes, I would," I replied, reaching up to kiss him. Kurt took me in his muscular arms and kissed me back. We were still making out as we walked through the front door into the apartment. "I'd better get dinner going," Kurt said. "You don't mind if I undress?" "Please do, in fact I enjoyed walking around in our swimwear the other day," I replied. Kurt shed his wifebeater and shorts so once again he was in his speedo. "How about chicken fried steak for dinner, I haven't had that in a while," he called. "I'd like that," I replied. My feelings of guilt and sadness vanished as I watched the Doberman's muscles flex as he reached for the ingredients in the cupboards. Kurt knew I was watching and perked his speedo clad ass at me. I felt my cock once again protrude out from my sheath as I shed my clothes. "I'd better start some washing," I said. "I'm running out of clothes." "Sure thing man," Kurt replied as he began breading the steaks. I walked to the bedroom and began gathering our clothes from the wash basket.

Hmm, socks and underwear first I think.

I picked up a pair of Kurt's briefs and pressed them to my nose, savouring the musky scent before I gathered them all up in a bundle and carried it to the washing machine. Kurt was now playing music from his phone and I recognised the sound of Piece of My Heart by Janis Joplin. The Doberman was gyrating around, causing his butt to flex again and his dog tags to bounce up and down around his neck while he sang along, replacing the word woman with_Doberman_. The sight was both hot and endearing, but it also sparked a mental list of pros and cons in my head as I began stuffing our underwear into the washing machine.

Kurt proposing to me now is too soon and am I ready for such a big step? It's perhaps the biggest step anyone can take in their life and the idea scares me. Then again, the idea of spending the rest of my life with Kurt after all those years of loneliness offers a feeling of warmth and security. He's not just handsome, he's been wonderful to me, and as Doug said not all couples are the same. So what if others wait for a year?

The sight of the muscular Doberman doing a cute dance in his swim briefs as he prepared dinner made me smile. If anyone else did that it would look comical, but my boyfriend made the sight both sexy and adorable. I added the detergent and was about to turn the washing machine on when I heard a muffled buzzing sound. I realised it had come from my phone which was still in my shorts. I pressed the on button before going to retrieve my phone. I glanced at the screen and sighed.

It was another message from my father.

I opened it, wondering what the hell he wanted and read through the text.


I would like to talk to you without your mother present. Would you be able to come to my work in Sulston tomorrow evening?

Your father.

"You okay bud?" Kurt called. "Yeah, but my father sent this messaged," I replied, walking over to show Kurt. The Doberman glanced at the screen and frowned. "I wonder what he wants?," Kurt mused, cocking his head to one side. "He cut you off, now he wants to talk." "I dunno, there's only one way to find out," I replied, setting my phone on the side. I still felt weary inside from the feeling of having my parents cut me out, so I decided I would think about it later and focus on Kurt for now. I stood behind my mate and wrapped my arms him, feeling his abs. Kurt grinned and arched his rump against the bulge that was forming in my speedo. I smiled contently and wrested my muzzle on Kurt's shoulder.

Even if I am scared of him proposing, I still love him.