Shifting Consequences--Chapter 7: The Werewolf and The Gamer Chick

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#8 of Shifting Consequences

NOTE This chapter can stand on it's own as a short story.

Description: J...

NOTE This chapter can stand on it's own as a short story.

Description: John invites his favorite gamer chick over and finds love that transforms his life.

Shifting Consequences--Chapter 7: The Werewolf and The Gamer Chick

By: Zmeydros AKA Lucien Quinn

zmeydros (Twitter), Malfedrosti (Mal Twitter),

Yesterday he was a wolf. He could smell and hear things he never even noticed as a human. The fur that covered his body was soft and warm. Today he's just a human, no tail, no fur, no wolf cock. Yesterday for a short time he could tie to his mate, hear the heartbeats of others, and smell their scent. Yesterday was a much better day to be John Ricci... He sighs in frustration-this line of thinking is only making things worse. The only good thing about today is that the school is still closed because of yesterday's incident-the incident that ultimately led to him transforming into an anthro wolf.

Right now he's just a seventeen-year-old high school student. His black hair and brown eyes are unremarkable. His light brown skin is the product of his Indian mother and his Italian father. Nothing about him is above average, not his slightly chubby body, his lightly muscled arms and legs, and definitely not his fine-featured face. But he has two things going for him: his confidence and his smarts. If only more women would take the time to get to know him... If only he could be a wolf again. If only he could distract himself from this line of thinking.

John smiles; the rerun episode of "The Office" he's watching is almost over and that means that Shawna will be here soon. Maybe she'll be able to bring him out of his funk. The doorbell causes him to jump. He's never going to get used to this new doorbell. When he gets up and looks out the window, he is immediately transfixed by Shawna.

She's wearing a shiny red shirt that shows off her small breasts and looks nice against her mocha-colored skin. Her tall thin frame is leaning on the railing as she smiles faintly. She's wearing small hoop earrings that have three little silver teardrops hanging off of them and her shaved head looks good. He never thought girls with shaved heads looked that attractive until he saw her for the first time. In all this time he's only occasionally thought of her as a girl. He sees her reach for the doorbell again and quickly opens the door before she touches it.

"Oh, hi there. And, dude! You have to tell me why your doorbell is loud enough to cause hearing loss now." Shawna walks into the house.

He closes the door. "My dad replaced the old one because he couldn't hear it. Just because he blew out his ears listening to the Bee Gees full blast when he was young doesn't mean that the whole family deserves to be tortured by this doorbell."

"No kidding, I think you're all going to end up with hearing loss from that thing." She walks over to the couch and sits down. Then she takes her smartphone out of one of the pockets on her tan cargo pants and fiddles with it.

"What are you doing?" John sits next to her and looks at the screen of her cellphone.

She puts the phone back in her pocket. "I'm turning off the ringer so that my sister can't interrupt our gaming marathon-her boyfriend broke up with her because he was going into treatment and she's been asking me for advice every day for the last week. I've got no idea why she keeps asking me-I know almost nothing about dating."

"That sucks... Come on, you have to know something about dating. I bet guys try to pick you up all the time." Looking into her eyes he can see that she is hurting.

A blush forms on her face while she thinks about what to say. "That's the nicest thing you've said to me in a long time... I wish you were right, but the truth is that guys normally treat me like one of them and overlook the fact that I'm a woman."

"I guess I can't claim innocence on that one. Most of the time I forget that you're a female... I like your blouse today-it looks great on you." He smiles nervously-when he thinks about her being female, sitting right next to her is a bit uncomfortable.

Her blush deepens. "You don't look so bad yourself..." She grabs an Xbox 720 controller. "Let's play some Borderlands 3."

"Changing the subject, huh?" He grabs a controller. "I didn't mean to make you nervous."

"It's okay, I liked your compliment..." She sighs and puts the controller back on the table. "Mind if I talk about something that might make both of us uncomfortable?"

"Go right ahead." John looks into her eyes.

She looks at her hands. "I honestly have no idea what to say to a guy when he's treating me like a woman. That's part of the reason why I just act like one of the guys. I feel more comfortable when my gender is being ignored..." Looking into John's eyes, she grabs his hands in hers. "John, I hope what I'm about to say doesn't burden you, but I need to tell someone. I act like a guy because I feel that I'm more male than I am female-"

"So you want to have surgery?" His face becomes very serious.

A chuckle comes from her. "I didn't say that. I like having girl parts and I like wearing dresses every once in a while, but most of the time I'm playing video games, wearing pants, and watching action movies. What I'm trying to say is that most of my relationships haven't worked out because I started being treated like a woman the moment things got intimate. When I kept acting like a guy things usually went downhill." She smiles nervously. "Another way I'm like a guy is that in almost every relationship I've been in, I was the one who wanted to have sex first-I actually scared some guys by moving too fast."

He swallows, opens his mouth to say something, then closes it. For a few moments he just stares into her eyes. "Wow, I never would have guessed... I don't mind treating you like a guy."

"You treat me exactly the way I want to be treated. Most of the time you forget that I'm female, but every once in a while you compliment me on my clothes or hug me when I'm sad. I don't know why I'm telling you this." She looks at the floor. "I'm sorry if you just wanted to play video games."

John puts his hands on her face and turns her head toward him. "You're more important than video games."

Leaning in, she kisses him on the cheek. "That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me. You're such a great guy."

Her lips feel nice against his face and he smiles widely. Being touched in this way by her feels very good. "Thanks, that means a lot coming from you." He looks into her eyes. "I have a feeling that you wanted to say more." He takes his hands off of her face.

"Oh, I don't know how to tell you what I'm about to tell you. I just can't find the right words." Her face is twisted in exasperation.

He takes her into his arms. "Just say it. Don't worry about saying it perfectly."

"I want to be closer to you..." She hugs back and her small pert breasts press against his chest.

John's heart skips a beat. "Y-you want to add romance to our friendship?"

Shawna whispers in his ear. "Oh, yes."

"Why don't we just see where our friendship leads now that I know you're looking for romance. We don't have to change things drastically right away." Her body feels so warm against his.

A big smile forms on her face and she kisses him on the lips. "Thank you."

"Y-you're welcome. Now that you've shared something about yourself I think it's my turn. I'm taking a big risk with this, but I really need someone to share it with and I think you might actually be okay with it..." He hesitates for a moment and lets go of her. "I'm a furry."

"Oh my God! You're into furry porn and dressing up like animals? That's so naughty... and kinky." She giggles. "I've actually looked at some of the porn. Some of it is pretty hot."

He almost falls over from the shock-his face is stretched into an expression of surprise. "No way."

"Silly, I spend more time on the net than you do. What species is your sona?" Her face is full of genuine interest.

"Um, well, a wolf with light blue eyes. Not very original, I know, but stories and images of werewolves are what led me to being a furry." He's blushing so hard that his cheeks hurt.

"Do you have any pictures of him?"

He sits up straighter, not sure where this is going. "Yeah, I actually draw furry stuff."

"You do? You kicked ass in drawing class last year. I bet your stuff is pretty good. Can I see it?" She puts a hand on his thigh.

He swallows nervously and pulls at his collar. His whole body is hot. "It's not exactly PG stuff-"

"You actually draw porn?" An expectant grin is on her face.

"Well-I-uh, yes." No point in hiding it from her.

She gets up off the couch. "Show me right now. You've hid this from me long enough already."

Grabbing her hand, he pulls her back onto the couch. "I'm not sure that's such a good idea. Maybe we should just play video games-my furry porn is very private and I just started thinking about a long-term relationship with you. This is all moving a bit faster than it's supposed to, I mean what happens if we both get horny looking at my porn? Ten minutes ago we were about to play a video game and now I'm about-"

"Look, your parents aren't going to be home for hours and I won't tell anyone. If we both get horny we can just have sex. I know we're both clean and I'm on birth control because of my crazy PMS problems. I don't need to be in a relationship with you to enjoy sex with you. People make such a big deal about sex when it's a need like sleeping and eating. Oh God, I think I said too much." She puts her hands over her mouth.

His heart is trying to jump out of his chest-this is too good to be true. "I-I-I agree with you on the sex thing-not that I have a lot of experience or anything. What the hell, follow me." He hops out of the couch and heads toward his bedroom.

She follows him. "You're perfect! I thought you were going to get all weird when I let my views on sex slip."

"I've never been much of a traditionalist. Heck, I draw furry porn." He opens his bedroom door and walks in.

Shawna jumps onto his bed. "Oooh, this is a nice bed. It doesn't squeak."

"It's a very nice adjustable air bed that my parents got me for my sixteenth birthday..." Opening a large treasure box he got when he was in grade-school, he grabs his portfolio out from under a bunch of his childhood toys. No one has ever started going through this chest and no one would guess that adult material was hiding in it amongst the plushies and action figures.

Carefully he hands the portfolio to Shawna. "Be careful not to bend the pictures. I don't have them on my computer because I don't have a scanner."

"I'll be careful." She starts to flip through the pictures. "Wow, you're talented. If you put these up online you would probably get a lot of attention."

"Oh, I don't know."

"Seriously-this is hot, is this you transforming into your sona?" She holds up a five-part transformation sequence.

John sits on the bed. "Yeah, that's a pretty recent one, so the end of the sequence shows my current sona."

"I actually have been interested in werewolves ever since I played a role-playing game that had them in it. Imagine being able to hear someone's heart beat or search for people using your sense of smell." She looks into John's eyes. "Your sona is really hot. I wonder what it would feel like to have that wolf cock inside of me..." She brushes a breast with her free hand.

"If you keep talking to me like that you might find out." John's crotch is starting to get very hot.

"Oooh, I like the sound of that." She sniffs the air. "I'm getting really horny." Flipping to another picture, she moves the hand that was on her breast into her pants and starts rubbing. "This is the best one. You're fucking a woman and turning her into a wolf and at the end you're tied to her."

Looking into her eyes, John feels heat wash over him. He reaches into his pants and feels his penis shift into a wolf penis. It gets thicker and longer while a knot starts to form at the base. His balls itch as fur sprouts from the skin. "I'm going to show you how that feels."

"I know you're toying with me, but that was the hottest thing you've ever said."

"Oh, I'm not toying with you at all." He starts unbuttoning his pants.

"Fuck, put those pictures away and get inside of me." She pulls off her blouse, revealing her sports bra.

John puts the pictures away and returns the portfolio to its hiding place before he takes off his pants.

Her gaze is immediately cantered on the bulge in his boxers. "What the hell is up with your penis?"

"This." He takes off his boxers.

"Oh my fucking God! How did you get a sheath and wolf penis? Never mind, you can explain after we have sex." She slides out of her pants.

While taking off the rest of his clothes, John takes in Shawna's lithe beauty. When she takes off her sports bra he looks at her small firm breasts and when she takes off her panties he marvels at her plump pussy. It looks so ready for him and the clit is so swollen that it is sticking up a bit. He climbs across the bed to her and kisses her deeply. She starts to explore his mouth with her tongue and he does the same to her.

He puts his hands on her breasts and thumbs her nipples. Their kiss continues as she grabs one of his hands and guides it to her needy passage. He slips a finger in and she moans into the kiss. Then he adds another finger and she breaks the kiss to gasp. Rubbing his thumb on her clit as he fucks her with his fingers, he suckles on one of her nipples.

"DAMN! you're good." She grabs hold of him and starts thrusting against his hand. "Ooooh, ooooh, aaaahhh, aaah, AH!"

Releasing her nipple from his mouth, he moves his face right in front of hers and looks into her eyes. "I think you're ready for me."

"Don't stop. I'll kill you if you do. AAAAH! I usually have-oooh-two orgasms when I-EEEE-masturbate." Her whole body is riding his hand.

"And I bet you can have both of them while I'm inside you." Swiftly, he takes his fingers out, grabs her, pulls her up and starts to slide under her.

She moves with him and straddles him. With urgency, she grabs his erection and lines it up with her cunt. A lustful grin forms on her face as she sits on his erection, taking it all in at once and screaming in ecstasy. "YEEEEEESSSS!"

"AAAAAAAHHHH!" He grabs the sheets and pulls hard as her hot passage plunges onto him. Pleasure hits him like a baseball bat to the side of his head.

For a moment she just sits on his erection. "It feels so different from any dildo or cock I've ever had in there. The knot feels amazing even though it isn't fully formed yet. I can't wait any longer." She starts to ride his shaft like she's trying to scratch an itch deep inside of her.

John starts to thrust against her as he feels his skin itch all over. Fur starts sprouting all over his body. Then a burning sensation comes from his ears as they become pointy and move to the top of his head. The sounds of their lovemaking become much louder. His teeth start to sharpen as his canines turn into a nice pair of fangs. The skin on his face is stretched by the bone and muscle under it as his muzzle pushes out. Shawna's smell now fills his mind. Fur sprouts from the skin on his face and the tension is released. His whole body aches as his muscles get more defined. Looking at an arm, he can see that he is now well toned.

"You're a fucking werewolf! Oh my God, you look exactly like your sona." She starts to ride him even harder. "That's-aaah-AAAHH-AAAWESOME!"

His tail starts to push out from his spine and he rolls to the side while it grows. Shawna thrusts against him as she watches it come out. Once his tail is all the way out he rolls onto his back. The burning sensation moves to his hands and feet as paw pads form on them-the nails form into blunt claws. Cracking comes from the bones in his legs as they become more wolflike. His whole body aches as his muscles get more defined.

He basks in the feeling of being part wolf. The sex feels even better now and he is thrusting harder into her. Something about her vagina is changing-it seems to be fitting him better and better.

A strange sensation on her hand draws Shawna's attention. "John, look!"

Her hand is starting to grow fur and paw pads are forming. "You're transforming-oooh, your cunt feels even better now."

"I am? Holy crap! I AM!" Her whole arm itches like crazy as fur sprouts from it. Then the itching moves down her back. When her tail starts to push out, it feels like her skin is going to break. She thrusts against John to drown out the sensation. Once her tail is all the way out she feels her other arm and hand transform. When her breasts start to ache she looks down. "AAH! Oh my God, they're getting bigger!"

Fur grows on her breasts as they swell to C-cup size. She rubs at her breasts with her paws. They feel so soft and plump. She always wondered what it would be like to have a nice pair of breasts, and now that she has them she absolutely loves them. When she lets go of them they start to move in time with her thrusts onto John. The bones in her legs crack as the bones in her face push out into a muzzle. She is relieved when fur starts to grow and the pain subsides. A weird sensation comes from her ears as they move to the top of her head. Her teeth ache as they become pointy and her muscles burn as they become more toned. She can see her reflection in the glass display case. Now a full fledged werewolf. A wave of pleasure drowns out her thoughts as her transformation subsides.

A warmth in her crotch bursts forth and she cums around John's shaft. "OOOOHHH JOHN!" The orgasm is short and leaves her wanting more. She puts her hands on her breasts and starts to ride him even faster.

The feeling of her pussy as it clenches around his shaft causes John to growl. He starts to thrust savagely into her. His partially-formed knot is popping in and out of her. Something about her is different... She has wider hips and bigger breasts. She's a werewolf with killer curves. He wants to cum inside of her even more. Her cute wolf muzzle is half open in passion and her dangerous-looking fangs shine in the golden afternoon light. Pushing her hands out of the way, he grabs her breasts. Each one is a handful. He starts rubbing his thumbs on her nipples.

She puts a hand on the side of her face and moans before she starts to grind on his shaft. "I'm sooooo close!"

With each thrust he feels like he is closer and closer to the edge of a cliff. He tries not to lose his balance, but Shawna starts to thrust even harder onto him and he stumbles over the edge. At first the pleasure he feels is just a slight gust of wind on a hot summer day, then it's like a constant breeze from the sea before it becomes a gale force wind that blows his mind. He grabs her sides and pulls her down as he buries his knot in her. Cum starts gushing out of him as he howls in pleasure. The sensation of his knot swelling within her as he fills her with his seed causes him to see stars. His mind goes fuzzy as a strong sense of well-being crowds out all of his other thoughts.

The hard thrust from John shakes her bones and causes a sharp pleasure to be felt throughout her entire body. She howls along with him as his knot swells within her. It's causing her to feel tingly all over-her pussy is so full. The orgasm refuses to end and another wave of pleasure causes her to growl while she grinds against John. His knot is now fully engorged and she's physically attached to him. Every part of her feels warm as if she is being bathed in sunlight. John's thick seed is trapped inside of her-the feeling is beyond anything she has ever experienced.

Looking down at her furry breasts, she smiles widely. She is one hot werewolf and she is connected to a gorgeous male. His well muscled body and his light blue eyes are exquisite. She leans down and kisses him. He kisses back passionately, inserting his long canine tongue into her mouth. The feeling of having a muzzle is new to her and his tongue tickles slightly as it moves in her maw. Experimentally she inserts her tongue into his mouth. The length of her tongue surprises her. She moans softly into the kiss and wraps her tongue around his.

Being tied to him and having her tongue in his mouth causes her to feel an immense feeling of closeness-a tear travels down her cheek. Her human body was so limited, so normal, so boring, but this voluptuous wolf hybrid body is exquisite. She can smell the dirty clothes in John's hamper and the fragrance of the hand lotion on his nightstand. The sound of a distant neighbor whistling while he mows his lawn fills her ears. Then a gust of wind blows and she can hear the rafters creaking softly.

Her muzzle and long tongue make kissing so much more fun. She rubs her tongue along the ridges of his mouth slowly while his tongue runs along her teeth. The kiss lingers and she starts to run her paws through the fur on his head. His ears twitch to dodge her deft fingers.

Now that John's knot is fully formed he feels like Shawna is an extension of him-a long-lost limb or organ. Being connected to her in this way he feels each breath she takes and each little twitch of her muscles. This endless kiss is tender and passionate. He wants to stay like this forever. Playing with her full breasts is fun. They feel heavy in his hands and the fur on them is so soft-his tail starts to wag. She moans and presses her body against him as her tail wags between his legs.

He sees that one of her eyes is crying and breaks the kiss. "Are you ok?"

"This is the most wonderful experience of my life. When we started having sex I realized that my feelings for you were stronger than I ever thought. I've masturbated imagining your naked body so many times, but I never dreamed you were a werewolf. This is better than my wildest fantasies. I love being a werewolf and I think I love you-I've probably been in love with you a long time, but I never let myself think about it." Her voice is full of awe.

His tail wags even harder and starts to thump against the bed. "Oh, I love being part wolf..." He looks into her brown eyes. "I think I love you too, but it doesn't feel like the possessive jealousy-prone love I keep hearing about. It's more like having a deep friendship with you... Like we have a deep connection-well, besides the fact that I'm tied to you-where we truly understand each other. It's like having sex with you caused my love for you to grow from the seeds of our friendship."

"Dude, that was beautiful and I feel the same way. Do you write poetry?" She nuzzles him.

"I've written some. I've never shown it to anyone." He presses his muzzle against hers.

"Next time we get together I want you to show it to me before we have sex..." Playing with the fur on his shoulder, she sighs. "You're the best looking wolf I've ever seen. I don't know if there's any furry porn that can do you justice." She licks her lips and grinds on his shaft. "Mmm, we're going to be spending a lot of our time fucking."

"Ooooh, thanks. I feel the same about you." A smirk forms on his muzzle. "I like how you're planning to have a lot more sex with me-I'm honored."

Shawna sits up a bit and her ears fold down. "Am I going to change back?"

"I don't know for certain. I've only been a werewolf for one day. Yesterday I had sex with a herm dragon and shi transformed me into this form. Hir name is actually Zack and shi was the-"

Her ears perk up in interest. "Guy who got attacked by Bella?"

"Yep, the very same. He says that Bella's spell transformed him. I guess this is a very odd form of STD." He smirks.

She giggles. "I'm not sure I'd call this a disease. As far as I can see it improves the life of the people who are infected. I think it's an STT."

Her body bounces as she giggles, pulling on his knot, which causes him to moan. "An STT?"

"A Sexually Transmitted Transformation." Her smile is full of mirth.

John chuckles. "I like that."

"Of course you do, I'm clever, and pretty, and witty-"?

"Hey, you're going to make it hard for me to compliment you if you keep going." He puts his hand on her muzzle.

She nibbles on his fingers. "Oh, did you have a particular compliment in mind?"

"Yeah, you're the greatest lay I've ever had." He thrusts playfully.

"Oooh, I like that compliment... Thanks for having sex with me and sharing your gift." Looking into his eyes, she rubs his chest.

"You're welcome." Closing his eyes, he focuses on the feeling of her paws against him as his tail wags.

Her hands stop moving for a moment. "Did you say that Zack was a herm dragon? That's really kinky."

He opens his eyes and stares into hers. "Oh yes it is, I hope to see him again some day and I hope you don't mind if I have sex with him."

"No, I don't mind as long as I get to join in. Never been in a threesome before... Never had sex with a herm before. Mmm, I'm getting horny just thinking about it. Is he fully a hermaphrodite? Has all the different parts?" She starts to pet his chest again.

"He, shi? Has everything, breasts, balls, a cock, and a cunt. Heh, now I'm getting horny. Let's lay on our sides and cuddle till my knot gets smaller." Rolling to his side, he pulls her close.

She gives him a passionate kiss as he rolls. Then she touches her nose to his. "I love this. I'd prefer not to change back, but I'm a bit afraid of-"

Tenderly he puts his paw on her muzzle. "Shh, shh, no worries. I changed back after I was no longer having sex with Zack. Let's just lie here and enjoy it while it lasts. We can worry about stuff later."

"I like your zen approach to this. No more words." She puts her arms around him and starts to kiss him lazily.

For over an hour they just lie together sharing each other's warmth, cuddling, making out, and petting. The time passes slowly. Eventually John's knot is small enough to pull out. "I'm going to pull out now."

An adorable puppy expression forms on her face. "Do you have to?"

He smiles at her. "If we spend the whole day in bed we're going to have trouble getting to sleep and I'm a bit sore from laying in this position."

"Oh, okay..." She kisses him on the cheek.

As slowly and gently as he can, John pulls out of her. A soft popping sound can be heard before their combined juices start pouring out of Shawna onto the bed. He quickly gets between her legs and starts to lap up the mess.

A giggle comes from her. "Your whiskers are tickling my thighs. Oooh, I like your tongue down there-next-ahh-time you have to give me oral after we transform."

He looks at her from between her legs. "Sounds fun... You taste really good, by the way." The mess is almost gone-her scent is intoxicating.

She smiles widely. "I do?"

"Yeah..." His head tilts to the side while he finds the words to describe her taste. "It's a musky tangy taste that I really like."

"Leave some for me." She starts moving her head toward her crotch.

"You think you can reach all the way down there?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Dogs can, why wouldn't I be able to?" The end of her muzzle is now in her crotch.

At first she just licks experimentally at her crotch a few times, but then she starts cleaning herself in much the same way that a dog does.

John finds this amusing at first and then he feels heat wash over him. "That's so hot." He begins to wonder what it feels like. Lying down on the floor, he easily moves his head between his legs. After the first lick he gets an uncontrollable urge to clean himself up. Doing this feels very satisfying. He'll have to try to give himself oral sometime. Just as he's finishing up a flurry of giggles distracts him.

"You're adorable." Shawna is smiling down at him.

Embarrassment causes him to look at the floor. "I couldn't help myself."

"Neither could I. I bet it would be fun to give myself oral sometime-oh! Did I just say that out loud?" She puts her hand on her muzzle.

"You read my mind." He chuckles and then he feels an itching sensation. "I think I'm starting to change back." The sensation of someone pulling on his ears causes him to wince-changing back is a bit unpleasant.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn it! I itch all over. Why can't I just stay like this?" Her face is twisted by a mixture of discomfort and disappointment.

His legs start to crack as the bones return to their human arrangement. "I thought you wanted-ow-to change back."

"Ouch! Well yeah, but now that I'm actually faced with being the old me again, I really don't want to." Grabbing her breasts in her paws, she moans softly. Her paws are starting to lose their pads. "I'm really going to miss these babies."

"Me too." As his muzzle gets pulled in he takes a moment to pet the fur on his chest. He really doesn't want to change back either, but staying in wolf form would make his life really complicated. Now the fur on his chest is completely gone and a sharp pain is coming from his tail. It feels like someone grabbed it and is trying to shove it back into his spine. "OW! Get ready for when your tail goes back in-it really hurts. I feel-AH-like my body doesn't want to change back this time. It hurt a lot less the first time."

"Maybe the more you have sex the more your body wants to be in wolf form..." Her muzzle is almost completely gone and most of her fur is gone.

If his body doesn't want to change why is it changing? He tries to keep his tail from going back in and it starts to slow down. "That's better. It hurts less if you slow down your transformation."

A look of concentration forms on her face and her changes slow. "OMG! That works. Let me see something." Her muzzle starts to push out again, but a few seconds later it starts receding. "Maybe some day we'll be able to control our transformation. It felt like I had some control just now."

"That was cool. What did you do?" He tilts his head.

"I thought about making myself a wolf again." Only a few patches of fur remain on her body and her fangs are still present. With each second that passes she looks more human.

John concentrates and his tail starts to push back out. Eventually he has a full wolf tail again. He wags his tail. Then he tries to get his hands to change into paws, but no matter how hard he tries nothing happens. "Well, a tail is all I can get for now. I don't think I should keep it though... Wait a minute. It's not going back in. What am I going to do now?"

"Oh crap! I don't know. Come here and relax, maybe it'll go back if you stop thinking about it-like an erection." Spreading her arms wide she motions for him to jump into her embrace.

He chuckles as he gets up and lies with her. She puts his head between her breasts and he playfully suckles one of her nipples.

"That feels so-oooh-good... Look! Your tail's going away." Her arms release him.

Looking at his backside, he can see that his tail is going away. A mixed feeling of relief and sadness flows through his mind. He has to be a wolf again. "So when is the next time you think we could have sex?"

Her smile becomes mischievous. "The day after tomorrow. I'm going to be house-sitting my sister's apartment while she's in Colorado visiting her boyfriend in treatment and trying to get him back-my parents are pissed."

He nods in approval. "That's convenient."

"Yeah, tell me about it." Putting a finger up to her lips, she looks off into the distance for a moment. Then she looks into his eyes. "Bring some sheets for us to mess up. I want to do it wolf style on her couch."

An excited grin forms on his face. "Sounds like a plan."