The Wildlands: Attria (Chapter 1)

Story by Naveronasis on SoFurry

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PG-13 so if this needs to be reclassed as "Adult" Then okay, sorry, first upload. See Disclaimer.

The Wildlands is a Fantasy universe technologically approximate to the middle ages this story follows the life of a young Anoran girl (snow leopard) and her transition from a child living on the streets to the center of a political crisis between the Anoran's and their Neighbors the Tanoi (deer).

Disclaimer and Rating: This story technically contains non-graphic nudity similar to say.... Two-Kinds. Where the standards of nude apply differently in different regions and cultures. Furthermore, all characters are anthropomorphic so as to what extent any of this counts as "nudity" I'm not contextually sure. Adult rating implied to me that a story would need to be sexual in nature. This story is not sexual in nature.


Chapter 1

This is a tale of kings, of princesses, of queens, and of courts. This is a world apart, a world of beasts who call themselves men. Where life and death live hand in hand. We begin with a tale from the southern tip of the world. The landscape is cold, snowy, rocky, and peppered with dense pine forest groves separated by barren channels of snow and rock. On this early winter's morning, the air is dead and snow is falling in thick heavy flakes. An eerie silence covers the land broken only by the occasional branch giving way to the powdery white snow set upon it. A young feline is prowling near a cave in the forest. This is her story.

-sniff sniff-

She sniffs the air hoping to catch the scent of her prey. Lingering a moment, taking pause before lowering her head back down under the canopy of the barren shrub. It's useless, no wind, no scent, this is going to be more difficult than anticipated. Her long white spotted fur collects the snow and drags heavier than usual. She knows it will help her hide in plain sight yet. Her prey is smart, cunning, and knows how to spot danger from afar. She moves her way through the heavier snow along the back of a tall ridge to get a better view of the hunting grounds.


Nothing, fairly sure she won't be seen she raises her head above the crest of the overhanging ridge that she has ascended. It is a small embankment near the cave where she began her hunt. She studies the grounds. To her left laythelarge hollow rock formation in the middle of theclearing. Beyond is a division between two large groves of snow laden pine. Perhaps she can follow her prey's tracks. No too much snow has fallen and the path is now obscured by fresh snowfall and drift alike. Surely he will return for his things once the sun begins to approach it's rest. That would take hours andwould notmake for a thrilling hunt.

-sniff sniff-

This time she keeps her head low to the ground, her breath blows the light top layer of fresh snow from in front of her, still, nothing, no scent to guide her. She pauses a moment to think, then suddenly it comes to her, the birds! She scans the horizon... a few minutes pass before it happens. Past the cave down a long stretch of barren snowy rock, she sees a black bird fly away from the western treeline against the pale overcast sky. Birds don't typically fly in this weather. She rolls over the top of the embankment. With an arm outstretched she lands upright in a crouched position to stay low to the ground. She then makes her way across the front of the cave where she can quickly reach the nearest part of the treeline. She estimates her prey's distance far down the treeline to the left from her position. She pauses for a moment to consider the best approach. She can't travel the treeline she would be in the open. Going around through the forest would carry a risk as well. Any sound, just one misplaced step could tip-off her prey. Without any other viable options to consider the forest will have to suffice. Tree by tree she makes her way through planting her paws carefully on each rock avoiding dead leaves and branches. She carefully feels out each step she takes, attempting to avoid even a loose rock that might make even the slightest sound.

_Will he move before I get there?_Shewonders to herself as she finally approaches the treeline from within the forest. She hides behind the low hanging branches of one of the great fir trees drawing the air in slowly.


Nothing... or so it would seem at first. She draws in another long slow whiff of the bitter cold air.


Yes, there is the faintest scent on the wind. He was here! She scans the white snow beyond the trees looking for a silhouette. There, near the brush, antlers! She needs to be closer. Even more careful than before she approaches from behind. It takes several minutes, an eternity under these conditions to get into range. Then, LEAPING forward through the covering pine branches she pounces at her prey! Branches and twigs snap in the brittle cold as she hurdles through the brush!

Her prey stands, hearing her for the first time only quick enough to turn around and catch her paws directly into his chest. Knocking him backward into the clearing. The pair roll across the ground and separate. He is fast to his feet, but she is quicker. Leaping forward again she catches him in the act of standing and drives him to the ground a second time.

Pinning him, there is no escape.

"Haha, I got you Enozen! I did it! "She declares triumphantly before rolling aside and allowing him to regain his composure.

"Indeed, youhave Kyra, I'm impressed." He states both proud of her and embarrassed.

"Someday, maybe they will pick my name for a real hunt." Kyra clenches her paws into fists in excitement.

"Is that so? Well, don't get too excited in a real hunt your "prey" will probably fight back. Now put your tail down before I get the wrong impression." Enozen pokes fun at Kyra standing with her tail at full attention from the excitement.

Kyra quickly grabs her tail and pulls it down to her chest. "I would never..."

"Ugh, I Know, don't remind me. Let's go get dressed. I will be missed if I don't return soon." Enozen brushes the remaining snow out of his dark brown fur as he turns and head's back for the cave.

Kyra follows close behind him "Miran would never allow it. Besides, you forget you're still a prince. What would you want with a common Anoran like me?"

Their voices echo deep into the cave as they approach. Unbeknownst to them, a 3rd party lays nearby, unconscious but alive.

"Watcher Miran would have you do all manner of things you wouldn't partake in. Why not take some liberty?" He goads her alluding again to an unrequited love affair between the otherwise close friends.

"Sarcran would not allow it, neither would your father, neither would Queen Anora." Kyra lists off in a flat tone as she picks up her cloth skirt and ties a band on the inside of the skirt around her right leg. She then ties the skirt around her waist and finally pulls her tail through a hoop on the outside of the skirt attached to the band beneath holding her tail in a more relaxed downward position. She places a light hooded cloth cape across her shoulders and back tying it on in the front otherwise relying on her thick coat of long white fur to keep her warm.

In contrast to his catlike companion Kyra, the young Prince Enozen has more elaborate attire. His garb consists of strong open hoof boots made from layers of cloth laced up nearly to his knees. Enozen wears a mantle made of hand-woven leaf and still green pine. Down his back a short cape made of brown cloth with a tan fuzzy fringe. His antlers are decorated with gold rings some of which permanently affixed in place. His hands are protected by finger-less bracers made from leather and around his neck an amulet containing jewels and the royal seal of the Tanoi people. "You should be proud though. No one has caught a prince in a real hunt in a very long time. If you ever get your chance, you will do well. Assuming you learn how to fight.

"It's in my nature to fight." She declares half in protest to any implied skepticism and half in brash self-confidence.

"Is it?" He taunts.

"I have these don't I?" She poseswith one arm outstretched and the other by her head as if ready to strike and reveals her claws and teeth.

"To be honest I wish they would stop the hunt. I feel like it divides our cultures. Some even say it's propaganda to keep up the appearance that the Anoran are at least by their nature, a superior species." Enozen says in protest to her display.

"It's tradition." She states flatly.

"A barbaric tradition." Enozen responds in an equally flat tone nearly mockingly.

"It helps keep the peace." She tries to make a case for her people's custom.

"How does killing keep the peace?" Enozen starts to show the slightest amount of genuine irritation.

Both Kyra and Enozen are too young to fully grasp the cultural significance of the sacred Anoran holiday known as "The Hunt".

"I, um, well... I don't know it just does." Kyra seems distracted, "you should go..." Kyra perks up her ears slightly. Her senses are sharper than Enozens. There is something in the cave. Kyra can feel it.

"I didn't mean to offend." He pauses for a second unaware of what Kyra has picked up on.

"No, it's not you. Don't worry about it. I will make my way home in a bit." She says quietly looking directly into the cave now. Kyra turns back to him and smiles "You don't want to get caught out here with a precariat anyway do you?"

"No, I suppose not. I wouldn't want to deal with father preaching about how dangerous it is." he grabs his traveling satchel and places his hand on her head as he is considerably taller. "Just be careful okay?" He says with a hint of genuine concern brushing his hand between her ears messing up her mane before leaning in perhaps for a more intimate gesture.

She pushes him back casually. "Please, I'm surprised you don't have a guard to walk you home."

"Ha, till next time." He laughs and gestures dismissively and walks away through the snow.

Kyra turns her attention fully towards the cave. Formed from the convergence of several large boulders jutting from the ground the cave has a large entrance 8ft tall with a main chamber immediately inside with a ceiling ofabout 20 feet. A large domed room that narrows a bit near the back wall. It faces away from most of the winter winds and is relatively dry inside. Kyra hesitates for a moment considering if she should investigate the presence in the cave further. She raises an arm to call out as a brisk gust of wind blows past the cave causing crystals of snow to kick up and gust past her. She pauses again. No, she thinks to herself. She lowers her arm and decides to take a more stealthy approach. The sun is setting now, and the temperature has noticeably dropped. She enters the cavern with the same attention to detail she used earlier to explore the woods. Thefire she had started earlier with Enozen still sports a small flame among smoldering embers in the middle of the main chamber. It crackles as she silently makes her way among the large rocks set upon the floor. Many of the rocksstand at least to chest height if not taller. Past the fire, the faintest silhouette of her shadow stretches beyond to the back of the cave. Had she been too careless? She freezes motionless trying to determine what to do next, had her shadow alerted anyone or anything that may layin wait. It is then she notices the arm. Furry with a rich brown huelays with it's fingers uncurled upon the floor sticking out from behind one of the larger formations. She moves cautiously to the rock and peers around it slowly. A sleeping creature witha bushy tail, rounded ears, and rounded face like a herbivore, but claws and sharp teethlike a predator. To you and I it may be best described as a Pine Marten.The creature is likenothingKyrahas everseen before. Itlays upon the floor perhaps it's not sleeping but instead unconscious.It is unusual but hardly unexpected to see an unfamiliar species for this is a world full of diversity. However the southern nations are rarely traveled by outsiders especially in the winter. She cautiously investigates him further. Unclothedin completely soaking wet perhaps he had been stranded in the cold and came in for warmth before passing out. His fur seems thick and made for a cold environment, but not this cold, and certainly not soaking wet..

He stirs, coming to from his unconscious state. Quickly Kyra withdraws, unsure what to expect. He rubs his head and then his eyes. He looks around the cave with a confused expression like he's seeing it for the first time. He sits up and looks at his side that was in contact with the floor, covered in dust and dirt sticking to his wet fur. Slowly, he climbs to his feet and leans arm out stretched against the rock before him.

Kyra steps backward trying to maintain the most minimal line of sight to him. However, in reality, she is completely exposed. Kyra now stands between him and the fire in the center of the room.

The fire crackles and catches the attention of the creature. He looks directly at her following the sound and is immediately startled. He lifts his paw from the rock defensively and takes two steps backward. A black silhouette of pointed ears and a tail stands before him in the dim light of the fire. A large cat on two feet. Still in a haze from his unconscious state he reacts instinctively with fear. Stepping backwards he nearly stumbles before catching his balance.

Kyra crouches quickly into an aggressive stance unsure what to expect.

The creature too scrambles mentally for a plan of action and for a few moments the two of them stand frozen staring each other down.

His thoughts are a blur. In his effort to come up with a plan he finds it difficult to even conjure the simplest things to mind. Where am I? What am I? What is my name? All questions he is unable to answer. His confusion contributes to his fear.

"Whats going on!" the creature shouts, his vision still somewhat blurry. "Stand back, I..." Not sure how to finish that sentence he rubs his eyes quickly trying to get a better look at Kyra.

Kyra can't understand a word he's saying. She slowly steps backsomewhat startled by the shouting. Perhaps I can calm him down. She thinks to herself and proceeds in a calm tone, voice cracking mid sentence."Look, I don't know what you are or how you got here, but you'reall wet, and it's going to get very cold soon. So just, take it easy, and maybe we can work together to get you to safety." Kyra still uncertain of his intentions attempts to persuade him to cooperate.

He can't understand Kyra either but perceives her tone as non-threatening. Has he misjudged her? He approaches and cautiously reaches out his paw attempting to gesture in a way that shows he means no harm.

Kyra quickly grabs his paw. "If you are okay to travel we need to get you to town as fast as possible before you freeze to death. What are you anyway? I have never seen anything like you before?" She moves closer and reaches for his head to examine a cut he has yet to notice.

"Okay, you..." He starts not havingunderstood a word she just said as Kyra moves in to examine the cut."Woah what are you doing?"Raising his own paw and feeling his head, he examines his pawto find wet diluted blood running down his fingers.

Kyra grabs his arm tightly. "This is going to be unpleasant but we need to dry you off." Pulling him hard towards the cave entrance. He resists but Kyra is larger than him and as such he is forced to take a step in her direction.

He panics "Let go of me! Stop!" As he nears the front of the cave the bitter cold cuts through his wet fur. Before he can object further Kyra throws him into the snow bank. He leaps back to his feat brushing the powdery snow from his fur as quickly as he can in a state of complete panic.

Kyra tries to comfort him. "The snow should soak some of the water from you, here take this." She disrobes her mantle and holds it out stretched in his direction looking away in an effort to preserve his modesty.

He backs away from her trying to brush the remaining snow from his fur and heads for the cave.

Before taking more than a step or two Kyra notices his attempt to walk away and grabs him. "There is no time for that, we need to get to town before it gets any colder." She walks away from the cave pulling him along with her.

Unbeknownst to the him, there are only about 4 hours of daylight this time of year. The night is long, and it will soon get considerably colder. He pushes her back with what is for his size considerable force and says. "You have to be crazy I'm not going to let some half dressed... cat, thing, drag me away from shelter. I'm going to stay right here until morning!" He prepares defend himself if necessary.

Kyra regains her composure and then draws her claws unsure if she had just been attacked. She takes a lower aggressive stance and begins to move slowly towards him.

Herealizesnow he may have not thought this all the way through and immediately regrets his decision. "Hey, okay, uh..." hesays with his paws up stepping backward. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." He trips falling into the freshly fallen snow.

She continues her advance strafing to her right.

"Stop! I'll go!" He nearly shouts and holds his paws up next to his head.

Kyra stops. His posture of surrender is more universally understood than anything said so far. "Good, come with me." This time taking command of the situation she does not wait for him to take the cloak from her paws and ties it around his waist herself. She grabs his arm and heads into the snow and he follows close behind her. Kyra heads towards town. It's going to be a bit of a walk. She looks back at the odd creature covering it's face from the wind following behind her.

"So that's it? I'm a prisoner, is that it?" He asks amid silence as they move through the cold to which he receives no response. They walk in the clear between the stands of long needle pines. Even the tallest trees have fully pine-needle laden branches with even minimal exposure nearly all the way to the ground. Staying close he crosses his arms as it is bitterly cold. Thewindnearly pulls the disorganized and loosely tied cloak tied around his waist.He scurries,grabbing at the cloth he reties it quicklybefore returning his arms to a folded position. He starts again to ask a question "Just how far~"

Kyra turns and looks him directly in the eyes and leans uncomfortably close to him in an attempt to asses his condition.

He takes half a step back and raises his paws unsure of her intent.

She grabs his paws and holds them a second before he pulls them back. She reaches up and grabs his upper arms and then shoulders for closer examination. "You're shivering. This isn't good. We need to get you to a warm place. Just hang in there it's not much further." She takes his paw and resumes walking through the snow. It's really coming down now. Thick white accumulation weighs down the tree branches. Kyra leads him along a path that has now been completely obscured by snow. It's existence only evidenced by the occasional wooden post sticking out of the ground.

Amid the silence of his companion he find himself contemplating his situation. He pays little attention to Kyra only as much as needed to follow her along the snow covered trail through the clearing. The wind blows through the clearing kicking up a fine powder of snow and ice. He shields his face then looks to the sky. Featureless and cloud covered he would gain no indication to his whereabouts. For now his only salvation would seem to come from following Kyra and hope that she has good intentions. "So just how much further?!" Nearly shouting as she has now put some distance between them with the wind blowing in his face.

Hearing his voice trailing off in the wind Kyra pauses momentarily and trudges back through the deep snow to again grab his arm again and lead him now more quickly than before. Ahead a lantern can be seen hanging from a tilted post jutting out from the ground along the treeline. They quickly approach to find a gap in the trees. Unclear her companion in the accumulated snow it marks a path through the stand of pine. He approaches the burning lantern to warm his paws but again is pulled away by Kyra into the forest.

"Let's go it won't be much further now." She attempts to reassure him.

He slowly walks behind her as they move into the dense forest. The canopy is so thick that for long stretches not a single snowflake has yet reached the ground, despite there being two feet or more of accumulation in the clearings they had walked just before. Once past the first couple trees the lower branches thin out enough to see some distance into the woods. The tall sturdy long needle pines only growing dense green needles overhead. Sheltered from the wind he finds himself in an odd state of relief from the elements though still quite cold. He is however now accompanied by a new sensation of apprehension as the sun has long gone down and beneath the clouds. Between the overcast, snow, and tree cover it is absolutely pitch black save for occasional marker lanterns they occasionally come to pass. Too far apart from one another, the lanterns are not meant to serve as a source of light. Instead, they are positioned just near enough for the faintest red-orange glow to be seen each leading the way to the next. Laid into the forest floor is a path of rounded stones uneven and difficult for him to walk on. Kyra, on the other hand, seems to have no difficulty navigating the uneven surface of the path either from experience or from perhaps a more natural advantage.

"There." Kyra points ahead. The path though difficult to see for her companion to see in the dark it connects to a larger road ahead.

He hurries down the path to the road in the hope of being able to find someone who can help. Not sure what he was expecting he is somewhat disappointed to find it does not lead to anything familiar. It is a wide cobblestone path covered by a tightly packed well-traveled layer of snow that in turn is covered again by a thin veil of snowdrift and fresh accumulation though in some places still yields to the cobblestone beneath.

Kyra quickly catches up to him at the intersection and leads him to the right. The road follows a large, heavy stone wall that is two perhaps even three stories tall. It's height matching the height of the equally towering treeline that runs along the right-hand side making the road feel more narrow than perhaps it truly is. At the bottom the wall is made from large boulder sized rocks that get smaller as you reach the top. Carefully fit together in a way that the wall is very stable in spite of the natural shape of the stones that comprise it. The top of the wall, however, is a different story. Crowned with a slight overhang supported by logs threaded through the natural stone structure is a walkway with very cleanly cut stone bricks sporting a merlon and embrasure facade like those found on the old castles and walled cities of Europe. The wall is lit periodically with torches. Not perfectly straight the wall curves along with the road unevenly but generally to the left.

The wind is greater here than in the forest but still muted compared to the clearing before. It cuts at the poor creature who has been exposed to the elements for far too long now and a sense of urgency starts to overcome him he picks up the pace.

Kyra, seemingly unbothered by the elements travels alongside her new friend who is now more so than in the lead as before. It is obvious at this point which way they need to go and before long, they reach a large framed wooden gate constructed into the wall. From here you can see through to the city that has until this point been concealed by the stone structure. The gate towering nearly two stories tall has been drawn open and the wall above it built even taller to conceal the metal barred door that could easily be lowered to cut the city off from the outside world.

"Whoa hey, are those guards? Maybe this is not such a great idea." He stopsstops before Kyrathepath thenmoves close to the wall trying to stay out of sight. Not sure what to do he resists Kyra's motion to continue. He is bitterly cold, on the edge of hypothermia, and no longer thinking straight. A few moments pass before she walks back and grabs a hold of his pawwhich shaking quite noticeably at this point. Hetakes a few moments to compose himself before coming to the realization that his fear maynot in fact rational. Soon he reluctantlygives in and follows her to the gate.

The guards are the same catlike species as Kyra. Unlike her, they are fully dressed except for their feet, and fingers are exposed at the tips for their claws. They are wearing a sort of armor that unlike Kyra's thinner cloth vestments they are made of what looks like a much heavier woven linen material wrapped in twine rope to compress many layers down to provide a sort of primitive protection. Only their necks are covered in convincingly protective leather. Their chest much like their limbs are covered in thick multi layer-linen embedded with small square 1 inch plates of darkly stained and decorated wood each with small runic markings carved into them. Almost like a kind of scale mail if not for the odd material choice. Each guard is armed with a spear but also carries an axe at their side. Each with a well-forged metal tip which contrasts greatly to what he perceives as somewhat otherwise primitive set of armor.

"Kyra!" One of the guards calls out. "Back so soon? And with a guest?"

Kyra raises her paws to pose in a fighting stance towards the guard. She poses poised for attack as if she would have her claws out. "Am I going to have to fight you to get in? You know I can still kick your ass." She says playfully.

Her companion, however, unable to comprehend is initially startled. He is expecting a real fight is about to break out and is unsure if he should help Kyra or side with the guards in exchange for safety.

"Like you could ever!" The guard gesture's back aggressively at Kyra but only for a moment before relaxing back to a normal stance. "But seriously who is this? He looks cold. Not a lot of travelers this time of year."

The poor freezing creature continues to steps back before falling over an uneven cobblestone.

"Him? I found him in a cave. He's strange, isn't he? Looks like it may be from the western nations like Nuro" She says now relaxing her stance and looking over along with the guard in the martens direction.

He slowly gets up from the ground on his own.

"In a cave really? Does he not know how dangerously cold it is this time of year?" The guard says with a concerned tone.

"I know right? I think maybe he's a survivor. I'm going to take him to brown-hearth and see if Elons can spare some food for him. Then we can go to the well in the morning. I don't think he understands a word I'm saying.". Kyra explains

"Kyra, you shouldn't..." The guard says with a concerned expression and tone.

"Shouldn't what? Trust strangers? What was I supposed to do? Leave him out there to die?"

"No I mean, just, are you sure you wouldn't rather just leave him here with the guard?" He gestures towards the gatehouse.

"I'll be fine. At least this way I can feel like I'm making a contribution." She says with a very slight tone of doubt.

"Don't say that you're fine." He says in an appeal to comfort her.

"Am I? I can't just run off and join the guard like you. Besides I'm fine. I can take care of myself Tharin." She says confidently.

"Okay suit yourself then." With that the guard motions for them to pass through into the city.

Kyra also gestures towards her rescuewho has dusted himself off from his fall and again is left with no clear indication of what is going on left with little choice other than to follow her. They pass through the gate, and hefinds himself locked in a long stare with the guards. They are some kind of cat _. Just like Kyra...__ Where and what have I gotten myself into._He thinks to himself as he walks down the city street.

The buildings are made from natural stone framed in by either logs or thickly cut lumber. The town has a cold gray and icy tone. Both the buildings and street are made from the same gray rock. Icicles hang from nearly every roof. Each roof is made either of cut lumber shingles or a thick pine thatching. It is also apparent that the walls of the city are much taller than the buildings. Most of which are only 1-2 stories tall with only a few 3 story buildings sparsely spread throughout the skyline of which due to the crowded nature of the structures in general little can be seen. The main street form the gate is well-lit by torches and even has a sort of median with evenly spaced tall pines every couple of streets apart. The architecture is simple but well-built. Not modern by any means but sturdy. Much of the main street itself is made from newer cut stone. Even a few buildings are newer and too made of cut stone and stand out visually from the rest of the natural older stone structures. The larger buildings have their upper floors made of wood or logs with only a stone foundation. Most of the buildings are built into interconnected rows that run along the street like row houses. A number of buildings along the main street adorn carved or painted signs. Some with pictures others with a strange text comprised mostly of runic-like intersecting straight lines. Those with signs have windows at street level but those without generally do not. The street is not crowded but still has considerable foot traffic. All catlike creatures just like Kyra. The marten stares intently at each of them fascinated how few of them bare him any mind in return. Before long they turn onto a side street where the roads are much narrower and dimly lit. Relying on ambient light from the windows above. Soon they reach a large decorated hall that touches another major road. This much taller 3 story structure with a cut stone first floor and wood floors above. It is difficult to imagine what it looks like from the street however as they never make it that far. Kyra abruptly stops to enter from the alley through a small door in the back.

Cautiously Kyra pushes open the wooden door and powdery snow blows across the seal. She steps quietly inside and gestures her companion to do the same. The warmth is inviting but the atmosphere inside is strangely quiet. The smell of food is heavy in the air and there are several of Kyra's kind preparing in large cast iron pots a sort of stew. A number of dried plants and spices hang from all places

Looking around the room Kyra's companion looks for any sign of familiarity. They appear to have entered a kitchen. With the door shut it is quite warm inside and the layer of snow on the pair of travelers quickly turns to water making both him and Kyra uncomfortably wet.

"Kyra!~" A male Anoran approaches dressed in a cloth shirt and pants that appear meant for the indoors. It would be somewhat loose and baggy if not tied closely to his body all over again with a sort of twine rope. "You will contaminate the offering besides you shouldn't even be here tonight I'm sure they will feed you at White Hall."

Her poorly dressed friend looks around the kitchen. Unlike the normal bustle of an ordinary kitchen, the workers here act with an unusual sense of reverence. The workers are handling the meat with extraordinary caution making sure to preserve every single piece and carefully clean bones setting them aside rather than adding to the stew they are preparing. Perhaps for some future use?

"Elons please I need your help." She pleads with him. "It's always freezing in Whitehall. I found this guy in the wild. I think he's lost. I need somewhere warm to stay tonight, for his sake?"

Elons gestures for her friend to approach him. "Hey! Do you have trade or coin for a room?"

"Elons..." Kyra pokes Elons from behind as he has turned his back to her to speak with her companion. "He can't understand you. I think he's a survivor. Can't we just... sleep in the attic for the night? I promise I'll repay you in the future."

"Kyra I like you but it's not like I haven't heard that before." He says with both a tone that expressed concern but also doubt in Kyra.

"How about Lichen I can take a trip to Dunmoras and bring back some Lichen." Kyra bargains with him.

"How can you manage to get Lichen but you never have anything to trade when you show up on my doorstep." Elons presses however his tone suggests intrigue over doubt.

"Do you want the Lichen or not? You know I can get it." Kyra starts to get impatient with him.

"Fine, but climb up through the outside and do NOT make a sound. I can't have you interrupting tonight's ceremony." He pauses and before Kyra can ask "And yes I'll see what I can spare for your guest. I'm sure I have Saughus for your friend here but don't expect to eat well. We are going to have a lot of Anorans in attendance tonight".

"That's fine. I'm more worried about the cold more anyway I can scrounge around for a good meal tomorrow. But this guy is shivering pretty badly I need to get him warm."

"Okay, get going then I don't need anyone seeing you here anyway. One less headache I have to explain the better." He pushes the door open and ushers her and her friend back out into the alley.

"What? No! It's cold I..." the martenbegins to protest but is quickly shut out before he can cause much of a scene.

"Let's go." Kyra again grabs him then points up towards the roof. She then quickly leaps up with her claws grabbing the wooden framework of the large building and begins climbing up.

He just stands and stares at her blankly.

Kyra looks back down at him motioning for him to start his ascent.

"You don't really expect..." He starts.

Realizing he's not as keen to climb Kyra drops back down on to the narrow overhang above the door and extends him a paw. Rather than immediately taking her paw he stares at his own for a moment. His claws are much like hers retractable and sharp. The prospect of climbing the building begins to sink in he finds the notion strangely comforting. Perhaps he was fond of climbing before? His train of thought is interrupted and looks to Kyra still with paw out stretched. Probably best not turn down a kind gesture. He thinks to himself and accepts her help anyway. He takes her paw. Together they make their way up past the second story and into a small window that leads to the attic.

The low angled roof makes it so that the two can stand just fine so long as they stay roughly in the center of the room. Slowly Kyra leads him closer to an area where more light is pouring in through the timbers that comprise the floor. The attic itself has no lanterns or torches but enough ambient light makes it's way in from below to give the area a warm orange glow. Her companion sits on the floor. Once situated Kyra removes her boots, braces, and other vestments all except for her skirt and hangs them from the crossbeams presumably to dry. She then turns to her companion who now that he is beginning to warm up is free to go back to wondering about more than his survival is currently preoccupied with concern over the apparent lack of perceived modesty on Kyra's behalf. She pulls and tries to ring water from her fur as the snow has now melted making her quite wet as well. Unable to make much progress she gives up trying and turns her attention towards her new friend.

Kyra moves closer and kneels before him and begins to pull at the cloak given to him earlier. He however protests as it is his only piece of clothing.

"Stop!" He pulls it from her paws.

Kyra gestures for him to keep the noise down "Shh, calm down" She then states very slowly as if somehow expecting him speaking to him like a child will cause him to understand. "We need to dry off, it's still cold and you're still shivering. You will dry off faster without the cloak." She approaches and gently pulls at the cloak once again. Pausing to see how he will react. He looks displeased. "Fine I won't look." she turns her head away and holds out her hand.

"No way." Hesays trying to communicate for her to stop with his paws.

Kyra pauses to think for a moment. She walks back to her clothing and grabs some of the cloth from her outfit. It's not fully wet however with some effort she is able to wring some water from it in a demonstration for Him. Again Kyra gestures to the cloak before hanging the cloth back in it's place.

What a difficult creature. He needs to dry off. Frustrated Kyra tries to determine the best course of action. A moment goes by before she suddenly tries to snatch her cloak back from him quickly before he could react.

Again he pulls it back from her however, the temporary relief from the cold has worn off and the still chilly environment of the attic is starting to set in he decides it's for the best and removes the cloak and hands it to her. She promptly hangs it from the rafters. Kyra looks back at him and he realizes now he is standing there naked.

He pauses for a moment then quickly covers himself. "Well don't look." He says flatly.

Kyra of course can't understand but gets the idea from his gesture. She turns way and moved towards the edge of the eve space and returns with a rolled up mat of sorts. It is a quilted, heavily used, and torn roll of cloth. Kyra spreads it along the floor. The mat is not very comfortable on it's own merit but is still easier to sit on than the rough cut wood joists of the attic.

Still shivering a moment passes before her companion chooses to break the silence. "So now what?"

Kyra shoots him a stare meant to encourage silence.

He sighs and then lays facing the floor on the quilted mat and peers through the gaps in the floor to see where the light is coming from.

Concerned over his shivering Kyra is confronted by what to her is a difficult decision. Though she is more than willing to help this strange creature he is still an outsider. However he is cold and shivering. Anorans are a society of isolation. It is okay to consort with the outside but touching an outsider is frowned upon and for some species strictly forbidden. It is one thing to help him along the way but could she...? It would be a shame to see him come to any harm now she thinks. Growing up on the streets she finds herself feeling a bit more compassionate towards the cold outsider.

He turns his head to look back at her and before he can say or do anything she lays down with her legs beside his and her body covering his back. He starts to turn over and says as quietly as possible "What are you doing?"

Kyra places her paw over his mouth and says back to him "Please, be quiet. I'm trying to keep you warm. Just wait until the ceremony is over then we can try to talk."

The paw over his mouth makes it clear she wants quiet and he capitulates choosing to remain silent and resumes looking through the floorboards to the chamber below.

The chamber is a great dining hall. The lower floor is open and surrounded by a second story balcony with a well crafted wooden railing rustic and blocky in it's design yet still ornate. There is a large altar in the middle of the room surrounded by long tables with chairs on only one side facing the altar. Above on the balcony tables are arranged much the same all facing the railing. All the tables are set with stone bowls. The altar is decorated with fresh cut pines and red berries. Arranged carefully around the antlers is an assortment of knives, cups, jewels, and a large elaborately decorated spearhead. A tapestry hangs over the center red with an elaborate crest. The antlers are heavily decorated with gold rings and jewels.

Anorans begin to enter the balcony from out of sight and take their seats at the long tables. Below some commotion can be heard and before long several well dressed Anorans enter the room and stand behind chairs to which they seem to have been assigned. Yet more Anorans below are lining up along a deep dark reddish carpet that runs from the door around the altar to the head table. The head table is covered in an assortment of bowls and plates full of unusual berries, ferns, leaves, and grasses all arranged like food. There is a hush that comes over the room and snow can be seen blowing in. Someone has just arrived.

Down the center aisle walk a pair of Tanoi. This is the first the marten has seen of the deer like species. Much like the Anorans, who share many similarities with snow leopards, the Tanoi appear to share many trait's with deer. The Anorans are a little more human-like than the Tanoi. Unlike their cat neighbors, Tanoi, while still bipedal have digitigrade legs. Both the male and female Tanoi below have antlers with the male's antlers being much larger and forking several times. The female Tanoi below has simple straight spikes that fork only once forming 2 points on each side at the very ends though the points are quite small. They both are wearing long green cloaks that wrap all the way around and tie in the front to stay warm. Not long after entering the room they remove these cloaks and hand them to a pair of Anorans who quickly take them away presumably to be hung to dry. Though fully clothed some details of their fur coats are still apparent. Their coats are brown with the male having a tan underbelly and the female a white underbelly framed black and tan respectively. The male starting at the back of his neck has black stripes down his spine while the female has white spots. The male has black fur accents coming down to the corners of his mouth from his eyes. The female has tan accents on her face and her underbelly coloring comes all the way up to include her lower jaw. The Tanoi are also 1-2 feet taller than Anorans at a height of 6-7 Feet tall not including antlers on average. Unlike the Anoran they do not have human like hair only fur. Clothing wise the Tanoi in question are well dressed. The female is dressed with a very simply pine branch and needle wreath upon her antlers. She is wearing a green gown that covers her shoulders but as far as the cloth is concerned would leave her chest exposed before rejoining above the waist and forming a long skirt down to her ankles. Her chest, however, is covered starting at the edge of the cloth by an elaborate garland made of woven pine branches still covered in fresh green needles. Suspended in the center of her chest is a covering made of leaves decorated by all sorts of pinecones and berries and other small details all made from gems and precious metals. On her back she is wearing a matching green cape with a white fluffy trim that too extends nearly to the floor. Rather than feet her legs end in hooves but her arms still end in human-like hands with black fingernails matching the color and texture of her hooves. The male Tanoi wears a cape to match hers but it is shorter only coming barely to his waistline the rest of his vestment is brown fur and leather. Almost like a decorative armor but distinctively tribal. Fur lined leather braces, and fur lined leather chest armor tied in many places with woven twine. All of the armor is hand painted in earthy colored curly abstract almost runic art. Unlike the female his antlers are much more decorated with silver and gold rings. Some rings fitted permanently below the forks. He also is wearing a type of boot over the bottom of his legs/hooves. Fur lined leather like the rest. Both Tanoi in their own way look almost druidic.

The pair makes their way down the carpet past the Anorans each placing a hand on the altar momentarily. A pair of Anorans approaches and hand them each a gift, before they proceed to the head table. Once the Tanoi are are positioned behind their chairs the Anorans proceed to their tables and all seat themselves. Tanoi speak candidly to one another while the room looks to them in silence. They inspect their gifts and the assortment of food before them. After a moment the Tanoi stand holding hands together and take turns delivering some kind of speech. Barely even able to hear through the cracks he can't understand a word. Once done they bow then the female claps her hands and they both take a seat. You can hear the door to the front of the room open once again and a band of three Tanoi Musician's began to play festive music and the Anorans cheer. Servant Anorans begin to fill the room bringing large pots of the brothy stew they were preparing earlier out and begin serving it to the Anorans.

Kyra's companion has finally stopped shivering. The room is still relatively cold which becomes more apparent as Kyra sits up no longer covering him. He too takes the opportunity to sit up and face his companion in what is, compared to earlier, a more calm and relaxed setting for the first time. He finds the atmosphere of the revelry below comforting. They stare at each other for a few moments before Kyra finally breaks the silence between them.

She raises her paws to her chest and holds them together and states. "Kyra". Pausing for a moment she looks at him for a response. He is however still somewhat taken back a bit by just how surreal the situation is and does not immediately respond. Repeating her motion, she states more slowly. "Kyra."

"Er, oh yes. Right, Kyra." Hestammers having finally caught on. He decides to clarify and mimics her motions and repeats his name back to her but as he starts to do so, no name comes to mind. Unable to devote much thought to it before it is apparent now that he can't remember anything about his past. Who he is, what he is, where he is. All questions without answers.

Kyra stares blankly at him. Does he understand me?

Not wanting to be left out of the conversation he scramblesto come up with a name. He can't remember his own, maybehe could make one up? Tharen,Elons, Kyra. He looks to the names hes heard so far for inspiration but comes up dry. "Renno" He says quietly.

Kyra looks at him with uncertainty.

Renno looks at her and repeats her motion from a moment ago and states clearly now "Renno".

Kyra understands immediately and repeats his name this time placing her paws together in the center of his chest. "Renno."

Renno thinks to himself "This must be like pointing to them." He then starts to mimic her action but realizing he would have to touch her chest he withdraws and opts to point with a single finger instead. Given how closely they are sitting together comes across quite awkwardly. "Kyra." He repeats aloud.

Kyra in response raises her paws over her head facing her palms inward and gestures them down over her body outlining her general form "Anoran".

Renno is completely lost.

"Anoran." She repeats her gesture only to be met with a blank expression. She repeats the expression a 3rd time. "Anoran". Kyra then takes her paws and makes the same gesture around Renno but instead says nothing then points to her mouth encouraging to Renno to provide her with a response.

Renno in a completely failed attempt to comprehend her points at her. "Kyra" Then makes a similar outline motion towards her "Anoran." Then repeats. "Kyra Anoran." That's your name!". Then he repeats the outline gesture on himself "Casner, Renno Casner." Plucking yet another name from thin air to keep the conversation going.

Not the response Kyra was looking for but without further context concludes that he must be in fact a species known as "Casner".

Before they can continue the session a trap door opens across the attic from them and Elons makes his way up. He carries with him a bowl and over his shoulder and a small satchel. He immediately sets down both staring at the Kyra and her startlingly under dressed friend. "Kyra! What have I walked in on." His town a mix between joking and legitimate concern.

Kyra stares him down and says sternly. "You know me better than that Elons. Drying off, nothing more. If you're so concerned maybe you could him some dry clothing?"

Elons sigh's and shakes his head. He completes his climb through the hatch and picks up the bowl and satchel. To give to Kyra end Renno. The bowl is filled with the hot brothy meat stew which he hands to Kyra. The satchel Elons to hands Renno. "This is what I can spare. You should get some rest. In the meantime I will see if I can find something your friend here can wear. I will need you to leave by the watchers light."

"I can't stay till dawn?" Kyra asks somewhat disappointed.

"Unfortunately not today. Besides Dawn is almost twenty hours from now. Your friend will be fine with some warm clothing and a nights rest."

"Fine, thank you again for your hospitality." Kyra says trying to maintain a polite demeanor despite being clearly displeased with the situation. Kyra re-positions herself next to Renno rather than across from him. "Elons?" she calls out before he fully closes the hatch.

"Yes?" He replies half down through the hatch to the lower floor.

"Do you have any blankets to spare?" Kyra asks gesturing towards Renno.

"I'm afraid I don't. Most of the delegate have chosen to stay, and the Inn is booked for the night."

"I figured as much, thanks anyway, though." She waves farewell to him as she contemplates what to do about the morning. She stares blankly towards Elons as he descends the ladder and closes the hatch in the floor.

Renno sits quietly and takes this opportunity to get a close look at some of the features of Kyras face. His curiosity getting the best of him does not notice he has begun to stare.

Kyra turns her attention back towards him and is momentarily startled to find him staring straight at her from so close. Once the moment has passed she grabs a wooden spoon from the stew that Elons has served her and takes a bite. Renno simply watches her unaware that he too has been given something to eat. Kyra points at the satchel.

Renno opens the small cloth sack. Inside an assortment of leafy lichen, strange little red berries, a brainy broccoli looking thing that unlike broccoli is completely spherical, and some dried salted bite size bundles of cut grass. "What the?"

"Oh oh! Wow, that's some great stuff! Where did they get rilots this time of year?!" She asks rhetorically as she points at the berries.

Renno picks one up and eats it. It tastes just like a tomato but with a hint of sweetness. He takes some time to examine the berries closely even breaking one open to examine the inside. No visible seeds. "Interesting." He moves on to the Broccoli like plant. It's very clean, much cleaner than the others, it also upon closer inspection has little leafy bit's in between clusters and it even looks like some have been cut it's uncooked. He breaks a cluster off and bites into it. The unusual plant is very bitter and has an almost seaweed like taste to it. "Oh blah, that is... not for me." He sets it down.

Kyra stifles a laugh.

Renno then picks up the Lichen, after a quick examination he sets it down and picks up one of the miniature bundles of preserved grass. It has somewhat of a waxy texture. It is a thick straw-like grass that though preserved has not robbed of all it's moisture. It's covered in salt and other spices and tied together like a miniature bite sized stack like a bushel of cornstalk or hay. The tie is made of longer strands of the same grass it is also preserved and spiced. He gestures towards his mouth unsure if they are meant to be eaten whole. Kyra nods, some gestures need no translation. It's a little crisp when bitten into but softens once chewed. The grass itself is sweet, but it's been preserved with a strong vinegar, seasoned with salt and something resembling pepper. "This is actually quite delicious!" Renno exclaims and quickly eats the rest. He looks around at what's left to eat and appears somewhat dissatisfied with his options. Lichen or the bitter uncooked broccoli seaweed tasting substance. He takes a moment to calculate before the aroma of the stew catches his attention. He turns to Kyra. Renno points at the stew then points to himself and makes a pinching motion with his fingers. "Can I try just one bite?"

Kyra pauses and pulls the bowl a little closer to her. "But is has meat in it." She says quietly. Kyra uses a chopstick like utensil to spear a piece of meat and pull it up to her mouth. "See? meat." She points at her fangs.

Renno smiles showing his teeth and points at his canines. "See they aren't as long or sharp, but I have those too."

Kyra pauses a moment then gives him a bite sized piece of meat to try.

Renno eats the meat savoring it for a moment before swallowing. "Very good!" He says looking over at Kyra to see if she at least picked up on his tone of approval. He then rubs his stomach and smiles trying desperately to communicate that he does enjoy the dish.

Kyra offers him another piece.

Renno puts his hands up and waves them with a "stop" like motion. "It's okay I'll stick to what I got for now." Renno looks over at the lichen. "Okay fungus looks like it's just you and me." He closes his eyes and expects the worst. He takes a bite. "Okay, this is actually not that bad." He says before continuing to eat.

Kyra drinks the last of her broth and puts the wooden bowl down. "We should get some sleep" With that she turns and leans against him.

Not sure what to do at first Renno looks at her. Kyra presses against his shoulder with her head a little harder and he just decides to go with it and lays down. Kyra quickly falls asleep.

Renno, on the other hand, just lays there staring at the ceiling. For the first time since waking up in the cave and this whole ordeal started he finds himself with some time to reflect on everything going on around him. He thinks to himself. So this is really happening I guess. Renno begins to contemplate how or even if he can get back home. The surreal state of affairs begins to truly sink in. How will I get back home if I can't remember anything? Or am I home already? Perhaps someone will recognize me in town. The longer he thinks about it the more he realises heis not tired. A mix of being either asleep or unconscious before waking up in the cave for an unknown amount of time coupled with all the excitement Renno is in no mood for sleep. His attention now turns to Kyra. After examining her ears visually for a moment he decides to pet the top of her head and scratchesher ears poking up through her hair. She wakes up.

"What? Do you need something?" She looks directly at him not upset, just tired and uncertain. A few awkward seconds go by before she lays back down and falls asleep.

Okay, he thinks to himself. Don't pet the stranger whocould still decide to maul me. It's going to be a long night.

End Chapter 1