Night thoughts - 17. - because why not

Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Night thoughts - 17. - because why not


Beneath a rock, in a river with water only a picture can show

Lays a seed, still rooted among the dry ground, hoping one day to grow

Slumber, a moment apart from too far of a time to take

It longs for the stream, like a dream, for it's own sake

It has only one option with two endings, one undeniable, the other, it can't guarantee to make

Among the many managing from years past

They show, what it can hope , one day, to know... "it" can last

Slowly, the clouds ever-changing, the "forms" of "hope" ever rearranging...

Trickles of water with time, will someday, make its next move for it

Until then, not knowing when, it simply has to "not" quit

Our space isn't always grand...

Even "against" all odds, "all" we have to do, is continue, & hold firm toward "fate", keep clear, & maintain our stand...

    • - Thanks for reading - - -
    • - Always - - -