Ch.5-First Steps

Story by Dashboard on SoFurry

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He was back to pacing again, his hands clasped behind his back as he walked back and forth in a short line. Anton leaned forward in his chair, his eyes following Thomas as the human was obviously trying to ignore the suspense and tension that choked the air. The two of them were waiting in the reception area of the city hall. Dark curtains had been hung up over the open entrance doors and from outside they could easily hear the noises of the gathered press and citizenry.

Standing up from his seat the lion crossed his arms as he continued watching his friend pace around. "Thomas you need to try and relax here. I would think a press conference of all things would be easy for a soldier."

"I've had bullets and shrapnel fly by within an inch of my face. Grenades have gone off so close to me I'm surprised I still have my legs. But for some reason the thought of facing that many reporters at once...It just scares the hell out of me."

From outside, amplified by the podium microphone and connected speaker system the two could easily hear the voice of Senator Alence addressing the assembled crowd and every other soul on her planet watching this broadcast.

A heavy sigh bordering on a groan escaped Thomas finally sitting himself down in a chair. He had actually asked Alence to be the one who would talk about his deal to stay. He wanted to spend as little time up on that podium as possible before finally being able to leave for his new home.

With a small chuckle Anton handed Thomas a bottle of water, "She's almost ready to introduce you. Then you just do the whole 'thank you for your kindness' stuff and we're out of here." And as if on cue from outside the two now heard the senator's speech nearing it's end.

"And so after careful deliberation the senate has come to a near unanimous decision. In exchange for aiding us in assimilating the technologies of his ship into our own society, the human known as Thomas Anteris shall be granted citizenship upon our world with all the rights and freedoms as any other."

That was his cue. Already Thomas could hear the increased sound of cameras and shocked voices attempting to gain more information from the Senator. With one last look to Anton, who gave him a simple smile and nod, he took a deep breath and stepped through the curtains.

As his eyes adjusted for a second to the bright afternoon sunlight, Thomas could already feel every pair of eyes, every camera focused on him. Senator Alence still stood at the podium, the black bear smiling as she stepped aside to let Thomas speak. A bit further to the right stood the rest of the senators, nearly all of them smiling just as Alence was as the guest of honor was finally introduced.

Taking a moment to shake hands with Alence, Thomas then let his hands come to rest on the surface of the podium. As his eyes looked over the veritable sea of reporters and citizenry he could not help but marvel at the moment. This was easily the most historic moment in human history since first contact with the Xarians, and he was the only human who would ever be witness to it.

"Thank you Senator Alence, and thank you as well gathered Senators. I realize this decision was not an easy one, and I wish to assure you and all the people of Talos that I will respect your laws, customs and traditions. As the senator explained because of the damage to my ship I am unable to leave your world or contact my race. And though naturally a part of me will always miss the world I came from I am indeed honored to be given this opportunity. I will aid Talo's scientists and engineers to the best of my abilities in understanding and incorporating the technologies of my ship to benefit this world and it's people. Thank you."

Before Thomas could even take one step backwards the throng of reporters were already bombarding him with questions. But to the human's relief Grandell had been placed as head of security for this event, already stepping to the podium and announcing the end of the conference.

As Thomas quickly moved himself back inside City Hall the escort team was already there with Anton. "Good work, Thom. They've already got the cars ready and waiting in the side alley."

Some minutes later the press was still trying to get some further questions and answers from the general and the senators. From a thin alley near city hall a short, black limo began to pull away. It was spotted by several photographers before it had fully exited the alleyway and was already being followed by eager news reporters.

Five minutes after the limo had departed, at the opposite exit of the alley, a small blue car pulled out. The only occupant was the driver Anton, driving up onto the nearby freeway on-ramp. As soon as the car was speeding along with the traffic the lion checked his side and rear view mirrors, checking to be sure none of the news vans were following.

"And we're clear, you can sit up now." The lion fixed his view back forward as he drove along. Sitting himself up from the floor of the backseat Thomas rubbed at his neck some, "Once again the bait and switch maneuver pays off."

As the human put on the fedora hat and black glasses for the drive he reclined his seat back some, letting himself laugh out some. "Well that's the hard part done I guess. Now we just wait and see how well everyone reacts to the new guy on the planet."

"I would think winning over your new neighbors would be the hard part, Thomas. Especially if you end up having press and paparazzi camping out around your house."

"I'll just have to cross that bridge when I reach it."

About thirty minutes later the car pulled off the freeway. Driving through the few intersections and turns they soon pulled onto the street where the human's new home waited.

Jezelia was still sitting on the couch with her knees hugged up against her, watching the news broadcast as it was already showing highlighted moments of the press conference. In the chair beside the couch her sister Klarice bit at her lip, stroking down at her ears as she always did when she was feeling anxious or nervous.

"Can you believe it, Jez? The alien is actually gonna be living in our city." Klarice's normally deeper voice sounded like a little girl's again as the images on the TV changed back to shots of the human. "Where do you think he's staying at? Do you think he'll get a job or is the senate just gonna pay him to stay?"

Jezelia ran her hand over her face and up through the fur on her head. She didn't even try to answer her sister feeling just as confused as she was. Months without anyone seeming to have anything to say about the alien, and now the entire world just found out he was basically their new neighbor.

"Jez are you listening?"

Her eyes blinked a couple times as she was snapped out of her daze, looking over to Klarice. "Sorry! Ah, what were you saying?"

"I asked you what if he ended up being the one who bought the house next door?"

Jezelia tried to stifle her laugh as it escaped, though was relieved to feel herself relaxing from it at least. "Be realistic sis. I bet you the senate would have helped him live just about anywhere he wanted so why would he choose the house next door?"

"Well have you seen whoever bought it yet?"

"No, but still I think we would have seen something to give us the idea it was him by now."

Leaning back into the sofa cushions Jezelia then heard the sound of a car pulling up outside. Sitting up and turning herself around she saw a blue car pulling up into the drive way of the recently sold home.

"Well speak of the devil. Looks like it was just some guys who bought it Klar-"

When her little sister had suddenly just went silent mid sentence Klarice looked over at her. "Jez? You okay?" She stood up and walked up to her sister, leaning down and shaking at her shoulder some. Jezelia's eyes looked as wide as saucers, her mouth still open as if waiting to speak again. Raising a brow, wondering what could make her sister just go into a shock like that Klarice looked over to the neighboring driveway. Seconds later Klarice's body fell over with a heavy thud onto the floor as she feinted.

The sound of everything went into a piercing ring as a flashbang went off nearby. Clutching his rifle tight he kept himself sprinting forward as fast as he could. As the ringing began to fade away he heard the voices of the other soldiers around him. Up ahead he saw the hastily set up trenches and defense turrets for their outpost. As he neared it from behind he felt another lobbed grenade go off, sending him into a side-roll as he attempted to leap into the trench. A dull ache throbbed throughout his left side after he rolled into the temporary cover.

He felt a hand grab at his shoulder, helping him sit up against the dirt wall. "Lieutenant Daniels, sir!" As he looked over Daniels saw the pale, freckled face of one of the privates. Sweat and dirt clung to his face, the fear of death practically glowing in the young man's eyes.

Over their heads they could hear and sometimes see the softly glowing bullets of the Xarian forces. "Gimme a sit-rep soldier!" Daniels reached his rifle up, aiming it over the edge of the trenches and sending out a short burst of blind fire.

"The Xarian's have already taken out most of our defense turrets. Comm chatter indicates two small groups are already pushing in from the south and northwest. We're still trying to send out a distress beacon but we think the damned scales are jamming us!"

Daniels closed his eyes, breathing deeply as he listened. "Damn it. We didn't expect them to get reinforcements this soon. Is the exit door still open?"

"Sir, yes sir! Tech crews have the main bunker wired to blow at your word and evac ships are fueled and ready."

"Just be ready to haul ass when I give the word. I hate to say it but we may have just lost the southern hemisphere here." Teeth clenched the lieutenant popped himself up over the trench, opening fire at a small grouping of Xarian soldiers, ducking back down a second later to avoid returning fire.

"As soon as our secondary units are in position I want rockets at the ready. Make sure they do not fire until the human escape ships launch."

General Zorn'Rouws narrowed eyes focused on the massive holo-screen of her command center. Under the dim lightning of the communications room and the glow of the various screens the Xarian's violet colored scales seemed to shimmer every time she moved.

"General! I have a priority transmission from General Kaia'Var."

"Kaia'Var?" Turning away from the screens, she made her way over to the male that had addressed her. "What does she want?"

"She says she will only speak with you, general."

A low, rumbling growl came from Zorn'Rouws as she closed her eyes. "Very well, I will take the communication in my quarters. Have our soldiers proceed as planned and alert me of any complications."

Once inside her quarters, seated next to an oval shaped table of sorts the Xarian general pressed at a panel on her seat. A foot from her face in mid-air formed a small holo-screen. The face of the black scaled General Kaia'Var rested within the screen. "Greetings General Zorn'Rouws. I hear news the humans on Geovas already curse their fates because of you."

"Dispense with the pleasantries, Kaia'Var. What do you want?"

"As direct as ever I see. Very well. I have found an unmapped Space Tear in Alliance territory of the Alpha Centauri system. I request permission to enlist one of your ships and it's crew to proceed into the tear with my own forces."

Zorn's eyes had narrowed into menacing slits. Her teeth were bared as she growled, "You have never cared for the process of mapping Space Tears. Either you tell me your real reason for this or quit wasting my time."

The black scaled Xarian remained silent for a time, staring down her fellow general. "I saw the ship that the human Anteris serves aboard go through it."

This news was unexpected, and indeed disconcerting to hear. As Zorn leaned herself back some, she closed her eyes in thought. Already the hated apes had dared to make the Xarian's technology their own. If they were to discover the secrets of the Space Tears it could turn this war into the human's favor.

"Do you have proof that he even lives?"

"I know he lives!" Kaia'Var's voice seemed to drip with malice as she answered. "All I am asking is one ship to bolster my forces, Zorn!"

"Then bring me proof it would be needed. I will not risk my own standing and rank simply to satisfy your revenge lust, Kaia'Var. Or have you already forgotten that many are still displeased with the leadership skills of your blood?"

There was no reply. The image of Kaia'Var showed a face that seemed a mix of both rage and something akin to disgrace.

"Produce proof that the human Anteris still lives and still poses a threat to the Xarian Empire. Then I shall consider your request."

Kaia'Var simply nodded before her image blinked out with the holo-screen.