Waterfall (100 words)

Story by jjwolverine on SoFurry

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A very short story!

I wrote this very short story for this one hundred word story contest by PaintFox. Happy FoxTober!

We stood atop the thundering waterfall, looking down to the diving pool far below. I gulped.

"You can do it," he said with a knowing smile. "Come on, we'll jump together."

He took my paw in his, confidence shining in his black, canine eyes. Water droplets glistened in his handsome gray fur. I'd met this crazy wolf just a week ago at the start of summer camp, but it seemed like a lifetime. Memories of our forest adventures, campfire nights, whispered secrets, and stolen kisses burned hot in my mind. In that moment I knew that I would do anything for him.

We jumped.