My Last Birthday

Story by Malus on SoFurry

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#1 of Vore Stories

Summary: A young cheetah finds himself depressed and lonely on his sixteenths birthday, with both school and family life bearing down on him and no one seeming to care for his special day.

But his hot and sexy new stepbrother, a large, muscular lion does have some special plans for him, plans which turn out to touch deeper on the little cheetahs most shameful, intimate fantasies than the young feline would ever have dreamed to explore... (m/m, vore, brother, sweat, muscle whorship)

(Contains an optional reformation ending)

This was my first actual finished vore story, based on a friend's character and some exchanges about scenarios we like.

I hope you enjoy.

My Last Birthday

"You really are worthless!"

The words of the teacher resonated within as my bare soles tapped on the pavement.

It was not like I had not heard that before, whether from Mr Grant, the maths teacher, or from others, like my mother...

Today though, it had an extra sting, which did make me slump my head, feeling the weight of my bag, the straps digging uncomfortably into my fur.

It was a hot day to boot, and my darker head fur was matted with sweat, just like my violet, spotted coat. I did not even feel like running, something that, being a cheetah, I usually enjoyed, one of the few things at school where I actually did well...

But, no, no PE today either, so neither any guilty glimpses at muscular bodies, stripping down nor the smell of sweat and the musk of quickly maturing males filling the air.

Dreams, today that had been all that could keep the depressing gloom away and of course, dreaming n class only meant I got yelled at again when I had stared like a frightened rabbit at the blackboard, unable to answer the sharp question thrown at me, looking dumbly at the really hot panther, his image blending with my guilty daydreams, a pathetic sound of incomprehension all I could get out of my mouth...

Guess I was worthless... I sighed, my muzzle twisting into a bitter grin as I turned at the corner of the road. Our house, well, my step dad's house was in a pretty nice neighbourhood, we had a proper garden now and the place looked like one of those old continent lodges, bright stone walls and tropical wood...

I let myself in through the gate finally feeling soft cool grass under my paw pads.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling for a bit, before shrugging off my pack and tossing it on one of the basket chairs before letting myself fall down on the grass with a sigh.

"Happy birthday to me..."

I chuckled, feeling a slight burning feeling around the corners of my eyes.

Damn, why could I not at least be happy on my birthday...? Mom had not even remembered, just a card on the table saying: "I will be back at 9, you boys can order dinner, money is on the fridge under the lamp" when I had woken up, no cake, just a bowl of soggy Cipper-cats to brace me for another day of being a failure, and even those had come with the extra surprise of something hard and bitter tasting, which I almost had coughed up again. Guess someone at that feline cereal company had thought the profit margin would be better when throwing in some weird seed thing... And of course, my step father and brother had already been out too, not even an offer to give me a ride to the old tread mill...

Well, at least I would not waste this day on doing homework. If I got yelled at anyway, I might as well try to enjoy myself, maybe doing some gaming, or taking a dip in the pool, or...

I blushed a bit, thinking of my earlier daydreams. At now sixteen, I was definitely at the age where being horny was more of a constant state than anything else and, umh, I did have more than enough inspiration lately to think of...

"Hey there, little bro, back from school already?" I yelped eyes flying open half on my feet before a strong hand caught me by my shoulder, jerking me back and right into the towering shape of a large, very muscular male lion, chest bare and his growing mane leisurely combed back, flashing a toothy grin.

My heart still beating wildly, it took a few moments till I stopped struggling, flustered as I noticed how close he had pulled me, close enough to smell his scent, sweaty and musky, his heat radiating against me.

"He, hello, Jake..." I stammered, feeling with a rush of panic that the earlier thoughts and the sudden closeness to my tall, muscular and, umh, very hot lion step brother had made my cock half emerge from my sheath, making my whole body oddly sensitive to the touch, his scent and the heat of his body...

"You, you scared me..." I looked down, which offered me a view of his perfectly sculpted abdomen and the rather sizeable outline of his male bits slightly bulging out his gym pants. "Heh, you cheetahs scare so easily..." His grin was not unkind, but there was something fierce to it, something predatory and powerful, something that had made him the centre of quite some of my nightly (and daily) fantasies...

"Guess it is like in the old days, when a lion like me would have hunted you down and devoured you for trespassing on my territory..." His grin widened as he licked his lips, slowly...

"I, I am sorry, please..." My cheeks began to heat, my heart beat getting even quicker. This, this was getting dangerous, far, far too close... I closed my eyes, trying to wriggle free, only to be answered with a jovial laugh and a playful cuff as I was drawn close again, my head locked in please by his muscular arms.

"God, I am just teasing, teasing, you idiot..." He turned me around, making me look into his eyes.

"I would not need to hunt you, you're family after all, got it?" I flinched a bit, feeling breathless, flushed and unable to think straight. The fact that I was slowly getting hard did not help matters, not at all... There was still a strange gleam in his eyes, as if he was making a statement, something I id not understand, something...

Jake, he smelled so good, he felt so good, but, but I could not, must not...

"Was just about to go hit the machines when I heard the gate, so, you go enjoy yourself some more while I do my duties to my gorgeous muscles, got it?" He released me, giving me a rather gentle pat against my chest, leaving me standing on the grass, still feeling strangely dizzy and numb.

"Umh, mom has written a note, she won't be home ill late this evening, so, umh, what shall we be getting for dinner?" I blurted it out, more for anything to say to fill the weird silence.

He tuned around, grinning at me with a slightly weird expression.

"Oh, I already have something planned for the two of us for dinner tonight..." He stretched slowly, flexing his muscles as if he wanted to show off.

"Well, gonna be training for a bit, you enjoy yourself and then we can see about dinner once I am done. Trust me, you will like it, I did make sure about that..."

I nodded, still feeling both flustered and rather light-headed, trying not to stare to much, trying as always because I was pretty sure my step brother would be far less friendly if he knew that I was "a faggot", an expression I had hear him use rather flippantly when talking about a classmate of his...

"Oh, okay... Umh, guess I will be in the living room, gonna go and game for a bit..." I swallowed, trying to calm myself.

"Sure, go have fun you little geek." His voice was more a tease than an insult, but I still felt my cheeks heat up. Jake was sufficiently good in class, but more so, he was great at sports, he was popular too and, well, I was just a loser, and gay, and a pervert...

I watched his back, that perfectly toned muscles showing off nicely, shining just a bit with perspiration where the golden fur was matted to his body...

I sighed, letting myself sink on the grass again for a minute, looking up into the clear sky.

Before I went to game, I, I definitely would have to take care of something first...

Picking up my school-bag, I went in through the veranda door, feeling the cool air against my matted purple fur, unable to help the soft purr as I stretched my arms. Up the stairs, I stopped only for a moment, daring a peek into the home gym, a rather small room with benches weights and some machines, feeling another guilty blush as I took in Jake's form, lying on the bench, his muscles bulging, the scent of his sweat rich in the air...

Horny as I was, I had to suppress a whimper, taking a quick step back stopping at my own door to toss my back on my bed before darting to the bathroom.

With the safe clicking of the lock, my staccato heartbeat began to slow down, replaced by a tantalizing calmness and the flaring up of the suppressed urges. The room smelled faintly of Jake, the scent of his sweat and his musk residues of his cum from his dirty underwear... It was the bathroom we shared and I could still remember the first night, when he jokingly had said that it was okay for me to jerk off in here... Only, he had not known that first time I had done it, I had buried my nose in one of his worn muscle shirts from the laundry basket, and one of his jocks... I had not been able to look him in the face the next day without blushing, I could not do that today, not think of him... I fell down to the floor with a muffled moan, half pushing off my own tight black shirt, my chest and abdomen heaving, my cock springing free already oozing with pre as I began to rub my thumb slowly over the sensitive tip.

"Guess it is like in the old days, when a lion like me would have hunted you down and devoured you for trespassing on my territory..."

The words from earlier resonated in my mind. Damn, why did he have to say that, why did he have to always do stuff that got me turned on?

I could, could not think of him, not of the hot savannah sun beating down on us, of his naked body on top of me, telling me that he would take his time with me before devouring me whole...

No, could not, could not... I was whimpering, teeth clenched not to make too much noise, even with Jake busy pumping weights.

"You really are worthless!" The sharp voice of Mr Grant cut through my mind, but in my current state, it was welcome, now that I could indulge, could just give in, just imagine myself on my knees, taking his punishment, bound up, sweating, my face pushed against his groin, made to suck him off...

Then my imagination shifted to the large black panther pinning me down, opening his maw wide as he slowly took me in, punishing me for being bad, but still showing me that he approved, that by being good, being a submissive slut, I would please him. I let out a purring moan, my hands moving faster, my cock slick and warm, close to, close... I took a deep breath, panting and whimpering, feeling the musky scent of sex, old and new.

Jakes image flashed through my mind again, naked, sweating, working his cock. No, could not, not...

My whimpering cry made me freeze in shock, just the moment it all became to much, my throbbing cock pulsing with the spasms of orgasm, painting the pale violet of my chest with white as I tried to muffle my voice, the heat overwhelming me till it was over and I was lying on the tiled floor, flushed and panting and unable to move a limb...

Great, so to avoid thinking about my brother when jerking off, I had been instead thinking about a teacher who thought I was no good at all...

And I still had thought of Jake too...

I looked down at myself, my slender, scrawny body, the splashes of cum all over me. In my dreams, someone would tease me gently, about how tasty I looked, lick lasciviously over my cum splattered abdomen, with the promise of more, the expression of delight, the burning, shameful pride in being, tasty?

It seemed so alluring, not to be just worthless, be useful, be praised, even or especially if it was more primal than anything, viciously carnal, primitive, ecstatic...

Still, I had not taken the plunge, not gone to one of those places where furs like me would "vanish"...

Deep down, I guess I was afraid I would be "worthless" there too...

I let out a pained moan as I watched the character on the screen stumble, a rather deep cry escaping his throat as he fell over, slowly starting to dissolve as the message "you died" flashed over the screen in big red letters.

Damn, I could not even win a game today, could I?

I let the controller fall on the couch next to me as I leaned back with a sigh. Should I try again? Or should I just see if there was anything half decent on the TV?

Just as I was reaching for the remote, I heard the soft creak of the door from the floor above and heavy steps on the stairs.

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and, also further down my body. This was Jake, fresh from his workout, Jake who I had just earlier fantasized about, Jake who was my jock step brother who would despise a scrawny little gay cheetah like me... "Hey there, little bro, I see you are dead, ey?" Damn, he was fast! I turned my head, ready to make an eye-rolling reply, just to find myself looking at Jake, naked, body shining with sweat, his scent heavy in the air and grinning...

"Umh, I, erh, it is this game, you see, it is really hard, you, you die a lot and, umh..."

I stammered, trying not to look, not to look anywhere really, because despite earlier, I was getting pretty hot down there again and it was hard not to have my earlier fantasies flash up in front of my mind's eye again.

"Oh, no I think this game my have gotten it right, just a bit early maybe..." He slowly came closer, grinning in a weird, almost a bit goofy way, as if he was really happy about something.

"Umh, Jake, we, didn't you say we'd get dinner, when you, when you were ready, don't, don't you want to, get showered, or, hmh dressed..." I was shivering, something was different, Jake was different and while it fuelled my guilty, adolescent crush on him, it also was scary, in a weird and primal way and when he leaned over me, his hand resting only inches from my shoulder, I felt my ears flatten, my whole body shivering, half fear, half submission.

"That is what I am here for, my cute little cheetah brother, you see, I am really hungry after this workout, don't you understand?" There was a bit of a growl in his voice, his tail arching slightly, full of energy, full of aggressiveness, his whole body poised as if to pounce.

"Jake, you, you're scaring me, co, come on, stop joking, okay?" I was feeling the tremble all through my body, fear and adrenaline, but also one of the hardest erections I ever had as I breathed in the sharp, musky aroma of is scent, so close again, just stronger now, his muscles showing up like something sculpted by an artist.

"Cut it out, little bro, see, I know what's the deal with you..." he was forcefully, but not roughly lifting my chin, making me look into his eyes, making me show him all the fear, all the arousal in my gaze, in my burning cheeks as I looked into his.

"Remember that you said I could look something up at your pc, when you had been downstairs playing those games of yours? You know, if you go and visit sites like THAT, you really should not have them show up from your last session when someone opens the browser..."

He leered, as if he had just won a victory of some sorts and I, I just panicked. "Wha, what do you, I, no!" I tried to twist from his grip, flight instinct taking over, my whole body screaming one thing: get away!

But it was hopeless, no, I was hopeless, because Jake just held me there and chuckled while I tried to spurt inconsistent apologies, hasty denial.

"Gosh, you really are such a cute little idiot..." He was pinning me against the sofa now, his hot breath against my cheeks, against my neck.

"Don't think I didn't know you where ogling me before, or how the stuff in the laundry basket was messed up after you jerked off in the bathroom..." His eyes gleamed, his scent so powerful, overwhelming me, full of, arousal?

I looked up timidly, then down to see his reddish pink cock was starting to emerge, filling the air with a wonderful scent of male, of lust... I whimpered pitifully when he pressed me down, knowing that my black shorts where starting to show a stain of pre as I hyperventilated, heart beating like a frightened little bird.

"But, but..." I squeaked, trying to catch my breath. "I, I thought you hated, hated gays, you spoke of that classmate, I, please, don't beat me up, I, I will do whatever you want!"

"Oh, yes, you sure will, won't you...?" He was breathing his hot breath against my neck, one of his hands starting to roam my body as if he was toying with me.

"You got things wrong though, I never said I hated little fag boys..." He grinned.

"It is just, you, guys like you are no men. Real man, little bro, fuck..." He drew out the word lewdly.

"And little faggots like you are just there to get fucked..." He licked his lips, groping my cock with a laugh. "Got nothing to say to that, do you? Cause you do know it is true..."

He almost tenderly stroked me, the touch enough to make me buck, whimper like a kitten, mouth open, eye wide...

This, this, really?

Jake, was, wanted to..?

Cause, if, if he did, then...

"No, I, Jake, I want you, want you to fuck me, please, you, can fuck me, whenever, hnnh..." I spurted out, writhing, feeling the dam break, the secret, one off my secrets now unveiled, and more so, accepted even.

"Hmh, that is good, I like it when a little slut like you knows his place..." He ruffled my hair in a gruff, fraternal gesture that only added to the searing, yearning heat inside me, making me blush, looking at him like a pet that had been praised for doing well.

"But, you see, there is something else to do with little faggots like you, something you apparently want as well, good little brother that you are..." He showed his fangs, a sudden fierce expression on his face.

"You had those Cipper-cat stuff again this morning, right? Like you always do, one of those foods you need not kill for, that stuff they mix up from seaweed and milk-fat and all that other plant-eaterish junk."

I looked at him with confusion, not knowing where this was going, just that I wanted him to fuck me, do all kinds of stuff to me and, maybe imagine even more...

"I, yeah, umh, did you, did you put that weird seed thing into my cereal?" I blurted out, not knowing why I had thought of it all of a sudden.

He just grinned, something in his expression settling, something feral and, hungry...

"No questions." He cuffed me, wrapping one arm around me to pull me close, right against his chest so that his mouth was nuzzling against my ears.

"You see, there is another difference between little faggots and real men..." His purring whisper was enough to make my whole body tingle with a strange wave of helpless terror, an arousing feeling of helplessness, mixed with the heat and the scent of his own arousal.

"And since it is your special day and I know you want this..."

He could not, could not mean to...

"Happy birthday, little bro. Let us celebrate, join me for your birthday dinner. Have to make this one special after all, since it is your last one..."

I gasped, feeling the conflicting wave of arousal intense enough to almost send me over the edge and bone numbing shock, as if someone had pulled away the floor beneath me, sending me into free-fall. He must have seen my shock, the fear as I was trying to open my mouth before he gently cut me off.

"Oh, come now, don't try to pretend you don't go to those sites, or do you want to tell me you think of being the one to devour little prey?" He chuckled.

"I know you, little brother, I know that you understand your place in life, that you are meant to be just food for real men..."

I could not, could not believe this was happening, even after before, even after my gorgeous, hot and sexy brother told me he would fuck me, that, that I would get to fulfil my heated daydreams.

But, his was deeper, this was, this was being devoured, the thing that did not really happen, only in some internet rumours, or urban legends, or...

Or was I to become one of those now?

"Mo, mom and your dad, I, I mean, you cannot, cannot do that, it is not allowed, is it, killing, devouring someone..." I stammered, still flushed with heat and arousal, unable to quell my heartbeat and my erection pressing vigorously against him, as his was against me.

"Your mother does not need you..." He spoke the words calmly, not with spite, just a truth, just a truth I had not wanted to fully face.

"You are a failure at school, a faggot, mother does not want a worthless son, she said so herself, that is why she is not here, the same reason she did not want your dad any more too..." The cruel, calm words cut into me like knives, opening my wounds, making my eyes sting as I tried to muffle the helpless whimper.

"But that is okay, little bro, because I do not think you are worthless..." I felt his hand cup my head, pressing it against his warm, powerful chest, filling me with a sudden warm rush, more than lust, more than shameful desires.

"I, I...."

"Even if mother does not want you, dad and I do, such a cute little tasty thing..." He licked my ear, making me whimper, making my erection that had flagged a bit swell again, thinking of Jake and of my step dad. Knowing they had thought of me like that, filling me with a shameful wave of arousal. I wanted this, this simple solution, the primal simplicity of nature and, Jake, was so, so hot...

"You are sixteen now, so by the law, I am free to eat you now and I do not think you need any time to think, I know you want this..." He leaned back, pulling me against his toned six-pack abs, pressing my ear against him, my body all limb no resistance. After all, I did not want to resist...

"You want this, right? Want to feel it all around you, like you can hear it now...

Don't you see how eager I already am to have you? Just like I am eager to fuck you, little bro..." I could not help the needy whimper pressing against him, cock hard, shivering, knowing I was on path of no return, knowing hat I also had nothing to hide, nothing to regret any more, nothing more to fear... "Oh, Jake, yes, I, want this, I have been since I met you." I caught my breath, breathing his scent in, that wonderful musky scent of male, of a predator...

"I, you, god, you, you don't know how just breathing in your scent turns me on and watching you, I, always afraid you...." I stopped, blushing, but more from the rush of exhilaration, from laying myself bare in front of Jake, knowing he would take me, all of me...

"Oh, you really are such a silly little thing...." He chuckled, his hand reaching beneath my shirt, claws teasing my sensitive skin, beneath the fur as he pushed the fabric up, slowly... "Why should I not be happy to see your eyes reflecting how hot you think I am and know that just my scent makes you want to submit to me? Don't you know that every big brother wants to be admired by his younger siblings?" He teased one of my nipples, making me moan out loud, my face rubbing against his broad, muscular chest, smelling his musky sweat, the aroma of his arousal clinging to his fur.

"Oh, god, Jake, please...." I whimpered the tantalizing slowness both arousing and unbearable.

"Please what?" He growled, the tone enough to make me shiver.

"Do you think you get to plead?" He twisted the sensitive nub of flesh, toying with me as he push my shirt up to my shoulders."Well, maybe I shall let you, since it is your birthday..." He teased, more gentle now, pressing my head into the shallow valley between his firm pecs.

"Is this what you want, to get to feel up my body, to get he full load of my musk after you jerked off to my worn, sweaty underwear all those times?" He had a lusty growl in his voice, a firmness that spoke of one thing, of his own want, that he wanted me to show him how much I was in love with his hunky jock body, how it turned me on to smell his sweaty fur.

"Yes, please, Jake, can I, can you...?" I stammered, feeling the pleasant heat in my cheeks, not embarrassment, but the knowledge I could open all the way, admit every last shameful longing.

"Your, your pits too?" I looked at him, seeing his eyes shine with a proud, possessive lust, as he lifted me, stripping my chest bare, before catching me in a sudden, rough and demanding kiss.

I was paralysed, unable to move first until I felt his tongue pushing, greedily opening my mouth a I parted my lips, sweet tingling warmth flooding me as I let loose, let him have me, taste and explore me, feeling how his mouth opened, knowing it would be able to spread wider, jaws and bones unhinging, the birthright of a true predator.

"Oh, how could I say no when you ask in such a cute way?" He licked his lips, deliberately, slowly, showing off where I would be going, making me blush as he took my discarded top, sniffing it playfully as he pushed me against his chest, growling into my ear.

"You do smell soo tasty, little bro...

I can hardly wait to devour you whole, that cute little cheetah body of yours...

Now lick it, show me you are worth keeping around for a few good rounds of fucking you, little bitch."

I looked at him, with a dazed, needy look, nodding with a soft, feeble moan, feeling that something deep within me had snapped and, and now I was truly what he said, his...

I pressed against him, feeling our furred bodies rubbing together, the sound of his claws tearing through my pants before he just ripped them off, making my rock hard cock slap against his, making both of us wince, me moaning, him growling as he helped me along, my head pushed against the muscular pecs as I took deep breath of his musky scent, so close and warm...

I began licking, the salty, slightly musky warm taste flooding my mouth, feeling his fur on my tongue, then, then the hardened nipple, sensitive enough to make Jake growl and moan throatily as he pulled me closer, mumbling ragged words into my ear.

He, he did like this, really like this, just realizing that made me feel a strange fulfilment, a happiness that touched deep, all the way down.

Our cocks rubbed stickily against each other the ecstatic heat making me light-headed, giddy as I more boldly explored, touching, feeling his muscles, my purring sounds of awe vibrating in my chest, answered by fierce growls, as he raised one arm, the other still wrapped around me as he panted.

"You wanted this, now, get your present and show me you are worth it." I was pulled up, my head pushed right into the small shallow cave of muscular flesh, his tawny fur all damp there, smelling intensely of his sweat, his musk...

It was not a clean scent, it was primal, heady, dirty in an arousing carnal fashion, the pure essence of my brother...

I felt my cock so painfully hard as I let my nose be buried in there, breathing him in deeply, the scent of his unwashed, healthy and masculine body, of a wild lion. Like the hazy fantasy of being hunted in the untamed savannah, where any pretence of civilization was stripped away.

He was the lion and I, a mere cheetah, was his prey.

Jake groaned, his arm locking around me, trapping me in the embrace of buff muscles and man sweat as he began to fondle my ass, pushing our cocks together with a lusty growl, giving me a slap on my firm butt, signalling me to show him my devotion to his body.

I did not hesitate as I began to lick, my hands resuming their worshipful caresses as I felt on of his fingers pressing against my asshole, teasing, slowly pushing against the ring of muscle, retreating again, then pushing deeper.

His salty taste was too much, the heat, the throbbing rod against mine, the feeling of his furry balls, his closeness, he sound of his ragged moans as he fingered me, pushing, his body so gloriously male and strong and... "Hnnnh, Ja, Jake, I, I..." I felt the wonderful throbbing sensation as my already overstimulated cock ad my tightening balls where pushing over the edge, drawn out by my feeble attempts of self control.

But Jake just growled in return, his grip tightening, his own body tensing as he panted into my ear. "Oh, you're good, Haaah, god, you don't stop, yes!" He bit my ear, his growl threatening, making my heart hammer and my cock, oh, Jake! We both came, my moans and cries feeble like that of a kitten as I felt my cock spasm, feeling his scent gain a new wonderful note of sex and wanton need as his thick cum splashed against me, both of us bucking in wild jerking spasms, my head released, pressed against his chest as I felt the hot spunk soaking into our fur.

It felt more amazing than any orgasm I ever had, the heated endless seeming moments as we lay together, me slumped against his muscular chest, feeling wonderfully bare, wonderfully free, all strings tying me to thee miserable trot of everyday life cut loose, to melt away into the lusty haze of primal passions.

"Are you, are you going to eat me now, Jake...?" I asked, looking up, not afraid, more expectant, wanting more of his appreciation, wanting to be good for him, the one who had praised me, said that he wanted me...

He just chuckled, lazily, still panting, his cock warm and half erect against my body.

"Not yet, my little cheetah..." He licked slowly over my cheek, stroking and fondling down my back.

"I said I want to fuck you, and fuck you I shall..." He pulled me back against his chest, deeper, so that I could feel his heartbeat, and further down the soft sounds of his stomach, gurgling in anticipation.

"Be glad, you will get he chance to explore my body some more..." He grinned, making me blush again, feeling that same pleasant feeling of exposure, exposure and acceptance.

"I know you want it, I know you crave for more and I like to feel it when you cannot contain how much I make you want to submit to me..." His grin was fierce again as he guided my hand to his thick, half flaccid shaft, to the heavy sack of his manhood.

"Now, what does a good little slut say, eh?"

I felt the heated rush through my body, as I slowly, very hesitantly stroked over his impressive equipment.

"Please..." I looked at him, knowing there was no pride, no restraint, no modesty in my gaze.

"Please big bro, let me, let me show you how hot you are, all of you..." The heat rose to searing intensity as I saw him grin.

"Very well little brother, show me if you are a good slut, worthy of being my meal..."

Jake lay on top of me, both of us on the living room floor now, panting, sweaty, our cocks aching from numerous orgasms, his still deep inside of me, warm and thick having just filled me with another load of his hot, slick cum... He was firm and thick, stretching my ass, but slick enough to glide in. It had not taken long for my body to adjust, doubtlessly the secret self molestation, the toying with lotion slicked fingers and less conventional objects had prepared me to take him, to let him fuck me hard and fast, not needing to hold back.

Jake had a wild and feral gleam in his eyes. He had made me confess to him how I had fantasized of him and me in the savannah, being hunted, pounced, fucked and eaten...

And our initial gentle sex had grown wilder, fierce and merciless, like wild beasts.

I was whimpering, still hard, worn out and helpless, and he knew it.

There were no words at this point, just a fierce, growling kiss as he ravaged me with lusty hunger, no more gracious allowances as he thrust his own still firm erection inside, his now familiar but still irresistibly enticing mouth hungrily invading mine, our bodies rolling over, him leaning against the sofa leisurely now me on his lap, still impaled on his cock as he took my arms, unresisting, slowly breaking the kiss with a grin.

"It's time for you, little brother. I am hungry and you just smell so delicious, all flushed and sweaty and well fucked..." He licked his lips, making me whimper with the unbearable tease. I did not need to say anything, he could read in my eyes that I was his and that whatever he did, I would be his submissive bitch he could do with as he pleased.

When he took my forepaws in, the slick, slippery warmth felt weirdly relaxing, my worn out, well fucked body offering no resistance as he began to open his jaws wide, beginning to swallow with a weird, muffled moan of a sound. I could not help the feeble, pitiful sound of ecstatic arousal at the contentment I could feel, the still fresh feeling of embarrassed gratitude, for being praised, for being shown I was good for something, that I was, tasty...

I slid in to my elbows easily, feeling the movement making his cock push against my most tender parts again, making me whimper softly as I felt myself mouth to mouth with him again, only that this time, he did not kiss me, he just grinned, giving me a last lusty and appreciative glance as he opened wide and engulfed me whole, his tongue starting to lick, over my arms, my face. And then, with another swallow, my own pits, the fur stained with sweat from the intense sex. I was feeling embarrassed and then, then half delirious when I felt him explore them, lick up my own scent with a rumble of apparent delight.

I moaned with helpless arousal, my cock springing up, teased to full hardness as his started to slide out, slowly, inch by inch till his barbed tip rubbed against my sphincter, his thick head spreading me wide, till finally, finally he released me, swallowing deep with a wet, lewd sound that send me further down, further...

My violet fur got matted with his saliva as he playfully licked my chest, my abdomen, my belly button and then...

I was thrashing wildly when he started to swallow my cock, his tongue lapping up my cum, the cum he had made me spill, tasting me as he took my legs with his hands, played with them as he fingered my ass, pushing against the well stretched opening.

I slid further, feeling his fingers replaced, now holding me firmly as his tongue pushed against where his cock had been, tasting my hole, tasting his own cum running out, pushing, aaah, pushing in, too much, too...!

I let out a muffled scream of helpless longing as my cock splashed another load of my cum, over his tongue, he, he was milking me, god, Jake... I felt my body quiet down, the thrashing spasms over, just a warm, wet slide as his velvety smooth throat fit around me snugly, lewdly sensual, my body firmly squeezed around, shown where it was meant to go, slicked up to slide down to its destination...

If I regretted anything, then it was that after all the fucking, I was almost to exhausted to fully take in the feel of it, the mixture of degrading lewd physicality and the primal, self affirming knowledge and feel that I was fulfilling a purpose, and doing it well.

The snug heated tightness around my cock and balls, the lack of air, when I finally slid down to a foetal ball inside of the tight stomach. I felt mindless and needy, just a horny animal, unable to fully process what this meant, or too submissive to care.

All I knew was that I was where I was meant to be, and that I had been appreciated as I felt the tremors of a pat against my fleshy confines, a hardly audible voice that nevertheless filled me with a blushing pride.

My cock was aching, tingling slightly, but so hard...

There were groans, rocking motions from outside, and my own hands began to wrap around my cock, feeling a strange aching pain in my chest or, from my own stomach as my skin began to burn, not enough to be painful, just enough to make the physical need unbearable. I, I needed to come, needed to...

My moans and wriggling only caused a reverberating chuckle as the moans from outside grew louder.

My big brother, my big brother had devoured me and now, now I would be just food, just nourishment for his body, god, I was, just there for this, was meant to be this and...

I heard the moaning rising to a climax as my squirming became more intense, desperate as I felt the rush of shameless ecstasy at my fate, feeling the gurgling, the contraction, knowing that I was ready to be processed, just like any other meal.

Jake, Jake was jerking off to this and, and I... A growling rumble, a sudden contraction that made my bones creak feeling the burning tingling in my cock as I shot my load against the smooth walls, feeling a lewd sense of satisfaction as it mixed with the pools of burning ooze around me.

I heard a loud burp as the walls around me contracted again, my head swimming with fatigue ad pain.

But, but the pain seemed surreal, as if something already had taken the edge of it, just leaving dull, overwhelming force, as my muscles relaxed, my whole body just shutting down, letting the wave of pain and lewd pressure flood over me.

That sharp pain in my chest, as if something was burying into my flesh...

But it all did not matter now, nothing of it, nothing of me...

I had filled my purpose and that, that was enough...

My muzzle twisted into a grin, a content smile as I felt the leaden weight of unconsciousness, mercifully taking me away as my body was made to fill its role, as food...

(an alternate end)

I felt dizzy, a rustling around me, like soft wind a dull sleepy feeling, as if I had just woken up. My eyes were shut, my body, all of it felt strangely numb, boneless as if I was drunk on some sleeping pill or strong pain killer. There was a strange scent all around me, herbal, sweet... I tried to open my eyes, but even that seemed difficult, and, weirdly sticky... Something was sticking to me, or clinging like the residue from some oily liquid.

"Hnnnngh, hmmmmh..." I moaned trying to move, feeling my muscles slowly responding, raising my arms as I blinked again, my lids now cracking open, feeling as if had been crying...

"Hey, slow there, little bro." A gentle voice, from quite close, a firm, male voice... I could not quite see, just a blurry shape, my eyes blinking, feeling a firm hand reaching for me, warm, warm and familiar... "J, Jake..." I coughed, my voice sounding soar and brittle even to me. "Jake..." I could just get out his name, like a mantra, before I felt him wrap his arms around me, pressing me against his body, his warm body smelling wonderfully of him... "Jake..." I felt my voice stronger now, but in return, it was more a whimper, my body feeling flushed with a needy, warm feeling as I clung to him, feeling his body against me, his soft voice in my ears.

"Hey, I'm there, no need to be all soppy, you're ruining my rep, you dummy!" He chuckled, drawing me closer despite his words, his embrace very firm and surprisingly loving...

I could see clearly now, his golden fur, the dawn sky, just enough to make the strange arching leaves around us show up, a plant, some strange plant...

It took me a while to realize that we were in our garden, my stepfather's garden that was.

Then the memories came rushing back.

"Jake, you, I, I thought you had eaten me, did you...?" I stumbled, not quite knowing what to say, what, what explained me still being here, alive...

The large lion just chuckled though, pressing me close to his chest for a bit and giving me a playful nudge.

"And you think I turned all soppy hearted and spat you out again?" He grinned, letting me go, but still holding me, turning me around to face the strange plant thing.

It was all green, no brown parts as if it had all just freshly grown, a large, broken pod or something hanging to the ground, apparently the source of the peculiar scent I had awoken to. It was really big, big enough to fit me inside... Big enough... I swallowed, looking at Jake, then down at myself, noticing that something green was still sticking from my body, from my navel, a vine or something that connected to the oversized pod...

"What, what is this thing? Why, why am I still alive...?" I let my fingers nervously trail to the vine like thing, feeling that my fur was still a bit sticky, a very faint residue of whatever had filled that pod.

"It's Soma." Jake grinned, catching my hand, placing it against the vine at my navel.

"Go on, you can pull it out, it has done its job..." He had a wide grin, one that seemed smug but also a bit giddy.

I nervously extended my claws, tentative, fearing that it would hurt to pull at the thing. All it did though was itch a bit, a tickling sensation as it came loose, showing a crumbling, slightly wilted looking end and revealing a perfectly normal seeming navel.

"What, what is that, that soma thing...?" I asked, looking at him, not at the weird plant, tentatively making a step forward.

Jake pulled me close again, chuckling good-naturedly. His clawed fingers combed through my fur as if he was exploring me, wanting to make sure of something...

"A seed of life..." He cupped my chin, making our eyes meet. "Good little brothers like you are just too hard to come by to let go of that easily, so, this was for you, that morning, in your cereals... A little something to bring you back after I had a good filling of tasty little cheetah" He grinned, ruffling my hair, making my cheeks flush.

"So, you, you do want to, to keep me, I mean, for, for good...?" I was shivering, a bit afraid, afraid he would be taking back what he had laid in front of me, that this was just a one time deal, just a little respite...

"I sure do." He pulled me up, giving me a rather deep, exploring kiss flooding my mouth with his heat, the taste of his breath, his tongue pushing in till I was limp and whimpering in his arms.

"You are mine, and no matter what happens or what I do to you, I will always get to pick you up again, my prey, my little brother, mine..." He grinned fiercely, but, but there was also a tender expression in his eyes, something that told me that I would be more than just a toy, more than just a thing, someone cherished... I felt a slight burning at the corners of my eyes, quickly burying my face in his strong, muscular chest.

That was enough for me, I could ask him the details later, I would have time..

"Hey, come on, don't be such a wimp now, hey!" He chuckled, pressing my head closer, blowing playfully into my ears until I could not help laughing, the sobs dying down till all that was left was the warm comfort of his embrace.

"Before I forget it, I, umh, have something for you, a proper present, even if it is a bit late now..."

He grinned with a mixture of unease and attempted nonchalance, picking something up from the ground, something black with a gleam of silver.

I looked at what he held out, a black leather band, a collar with a tag on it, my name and his, claiming me as belonging to him.

"Happy birthday, little bro." He sill held the band out in front of me, his deep yellowish green eyes fixed on me.

"Do you like it?" He asked, his muzzle slowly forming into a grin as he saw my own expression, as I threw myself into his arms, rubbing my cheeks into his wonderfully strong chest.

"I, I love it, I shall wear it everyday, always, I..." I had to catch my breath, feeling his hands on my shoulders as I was firmly held where I stood.

"Good, good boy..." He chuckled, putting the collar in its place and locking it tight.

"And you better be doing so, because I heard from your teacher that he threatened to eat you himself if he caught you slacking off in class again!" I blushed, Jake just chuckled though.

"Umh, do I, do I still have to go to school then? I mean, if I am yours, with this and all..." I looked at him pleadingly.

"You finish high-school, little bro, college we can talk about, but you better shape up, cause I will not allow anyone else to have you without my permission, soma seed or not, so you better stop ogling guys and start paying attention in class or no sleeping with me any more!" He grinned at me, shaking his head, his gaze adamant.

"Ah, that, that is not fair! That is the only thing I ever liked about the damn place..." I slumped my head, sighing before I replayed parts of his last comment in my head.

"Umh, say, does that, does that mean I get to sleep with you now...?" I looked at him with a half hopeful, insecure glance. He grinned, pulling me close and stroking behind my ears.

"You sure do. I told you, you are mine now, no more keeping a room of your own and jerking off under your blanket..." He chuckled, teasingly stroking around the base of my tail.

"Come, let us go. I explained stuff to mom and dad. It is almost morning, but, let us go and sleep, okay, little bro?"

I felt a warm wave flowing through my body, my eyes tingling a bit again as I nestled my head against my brother.

"Sure... Let's go." I felt my muzzle shift into a grin.

"Thank you big bro. This was the best last birthday I ever had."