Dark Mood (semi-final)

Story by Dark Alpha Wolf on SoFurry

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This story was started when I was listening to some pretty somber music (aka, theme music from the old days of the WWE (once the World Wrestling Federation) and Undertaker and his Ministry of Darkness), and I decided to base my story about what I would type when I was listening to that. So it's a little grim in the beginning, yes, but it's a work in progress. Plus, this is my first submission, so I hope it goes well! Thanks a lot to all my friends out there!!! Happy reading!

Oh, and the disclaimer I suppose I have to put, since this will eventually contain some "adult-related" themes, ergo I caution anyone opposed to nudity, vivid anatomical description, etc. So, 18 and over, you know the drill. (Who reads these things anyway? lol)

And now on to the show!!!!!

Dark Mood_ (started 1/26/10)_

_ It's been a Hell of a day. I just need to sit down . . . My feet are aching, my whole body hurts like a sunnovabitch, and I just can't concentrate._

_ But of course, I can't even get in the God-damned door for_ two seconds before I'm getting a railing from my elders... Feh... If they can be called elders... They don't care about me, they just use me like another motherfuckin' tool. Social security money and a write-off on their taxes. Heh, nice joke, Mom and Dad. It's fuckin' hilarious_..._

_ "You little piss ant, where the_ Hell where you!? You are late, mister, and we told you specifically to be here five minutes ago_! You are_ grounded_, mister! You hear me!?_ Grounded_, damnit! For the rest of this_ weekand next week! That means that concert you wanted to go to tonight? Gone! Finito, no mas, nada, nein, nyet! And any calls from your little motherfuckin' ruffian friends!? De-nied! Re-jected! No t.v.! No computer! No video games! No motherfuckin' NOTHING_!_

_ "Have fun in your room," my father snickered, then went into his room. Probably to watch porn. Feh . . . Idiot thought I didn't know, but oh did I ever. I hated having to block out his pitiful moans and outbursts from ruining my sanity. Good gods..._

_ I bit back an outburst, knowing it wouldn't do me any good. Last time I had talked back to him, I'd been left to starve for three days . . ._ after being beaten down like a criminal and sentenced to my room for a month, not able to get away to school, since it was summer. I still hated the bastard for it. If I died, he wouldn't care. It would just be less money to line his pockets with, but also one less mouth to feed. Hell, if it wouldn't cost him money every month, he'd probably do me in himself.

_ With nothing but a bitter acid taste in my mouth, I went upstairs, closed the door, locked it, and defied my father at the first chance I could. I set my music on high on my mp3 and turned on my computer, wanting to dull the useless weekend into submission with music and stories and videos to listen to and to read and watch._

_ I pulled up an old story of mine that I had been working on for some time, but had gotten stuck on and had almost forgotten about._

_ It was called "A Day at A Time." The main plot of the story was about living life "a day at a time" and getting through its challenges and obstacles. It featured a character I had created in my sole image, portraying unto him problems that I had faced and was facing in real life (and some that I made up, though they too were based on my life). But I guess I'd be lying if I said he wasn't different from me in the best way possible..._

_ He was a furry._

_ Now I know what you may be thinking, "What in the name of *insert random word here* is a furry?" Well, to know what a furry is, you have to know what the furry subculture is. What_ that is is a distinct like in people around the world who prefer anthropomorphic animals (animals with human traits like walking on two legs, conversing via a common tongue (such as English or French or German), and etc.) to conventional everyday characters.

_ My character was an anthro (short for anthropomorphic...it's just easier to say, for the love of *insert alternate random word here*) wolf._ Canis lupus_, to be exact (also known as the gray wolf). His name was Solanis Lukoi, better known as Sol._

_ He, like me, wasn't popular at school. He didn't wear the greatest of clothing, nor did he look the best out of the crowd at school. He didn't act mean to people or anything to divert attention away from himself (unless somebody deserved a shot in the face or in the guts...then _he wouldn't hold back, which is one reason after a fight in second grade that even those who'd grown up to be in the popular cliques didn't mess around with him). He wasn't emotionally depressed, either, which was one of the common misconceptions about him. People just didn't bother to try and get to know him so that they could realize that he was just a nice guy with a bad reputation...and that wears on anyone after awhile.

_ I just felt like blowing off some steam at the time, and I really felt like this would work as a release valve. I started venting, telling about how my...well, Sol's parents,_ like mine, were treating him totally unfairly and had just sentenced him to about the same punishment as I'd just received. Only this time, however, Sol's father had the absolute audacity to throw a cheap shot at him, blindsiding him and knocking him to the ground.

_ "You stupid little bastard!" his father shouted down at him, "We give you a home, food, put clothes on your back, and you have the_ nerve to treat us like this_!?! I oughtta boot your ass to the curb and see how the fuck_ you fare!"

_ He looked to his mother with pleading eyes, silently asking her to help him. As with every time before that, she looks away with near-uncaring eyes, pretending to worry about something else._ That hurts, Mom...it hurts bad... he thinks.

_ He doesn't give his father the satisfaction of seeing him cry, of seeing the tears of pain streaming from his eyes. He looks down, gritting his teeth._

_ "You insolent little_ bitch_!" his father snaps, aiming a sharp kick right into his ribs. It feels as if he broke one or two..._ And of course he would be wearing his steel-toed boots, the cruel ass... "You fuckin' look me in the eyes when I talk to you, boy! You hear me!?"

_ He looks up, and his father actually staggers a step backwards._

_ "You...have the balls...to hit me...to kick me...to hurt me...to abuse me...to show no respect for my life... And I...your only son...am forced to take...every single shot you throw at me...like it's cake you're giving me instead of a steel-toed shot in the ribs... I have to cover the bruises and the scrapes and the scars from years past...everyday so that the people at school won't get worried and suspect something... And_ you_..." he snarls, getting to his feet and looking his mother straight on, not letting her eyes wander, "have the absolute gall just to sit there and act as if we're a perfect little...happy _little family with no problems and no worries...while your own son is beaten mercilessly by the man who helped raise him, who helped give you this delicate life so as to further on your despicable legacy..." He snarled, eyes shifting between his father, who looked more scared than he had ever seen him in his entire life, and his mother, who stood in what could be considered almost pure awe.

_ His father now stood back from him, his face a mix of horrified and furious emotions mixed in here and there. He hands were scrambling to find something, probably just to hold him up. Sol decided to keep on the offense._

_ "You motherfucker . . . You never loved me, did you? You always just_ used me, like another disposable little tool in your arsenal, another soldier in your army of fools . . . Well, no more. I'm done being your little fool and hiding the pain you cause me and hiding the wrongs you commit. When people see the bruises and the scars, they're gonna ask what happened... And I'm going to tell them all about it_..." he growled, a smirk crossing his face._

_ His father's hands had stopped scrambling and he had stopped backing up, but his face was still that confused mix of emotions. He suddenly smiled, though..._ Why is he smiling? was all he had time to think before that smell entered his nostrils and he knew why his father was happy. Metal, old shells, oil...


_ His father laughed at his reaction as he raised the pistol, pointing it straight at him. "See, you little dumbfuck? I'm_ smarter than you. I've got the gun, not you. And now, you won't be showing anybody anything . . . " he snarled, taking off the safety and jacking the slide back, pulling a bullet into the chamber as he readied to fire.

_ His father smirked, a hint of fang showing as he sighted down the barrel. "Goodbye," he snarled._

_ Suddenly, in a blur of motion, his mother had her foot between his father's legs and his father was dropping the gun, his face now strewn into nothing but an expression of pain as he, himself, crumpled to the ground clutching himself._

_ Sol was shocked at this radical change in his mother. He could not believe she would outright defy him like that. It was... almost as if a miracle had happened right before his eyes... But...but miracles didn't happen in real life... Miracles were for sappy movies where the hero saves the girl, the bad guy gets what's coming to him and the happy couple ride off into the sunset together... Right?_

_ What happened next, however, would probably have stunned anyone else into silence for life...or the next few moments, at least._

_ His mother slowly picked up the gun, a somber expression clear upon her face. "I'm sorry, son..." she almost whispered. "I'm sorry for everything that we've put you through over the years... All of the beatings, the lashings, the punishments, I'm sorry for it all..." You could see tears in her eyes, her hands were shaking with the effort to even hold the weapon in her grasp._

_ Tears came to his eyes, the physical pain long forgotten. His mother... His own mother... "Why, Mom?" he asked, in that stupid movie clich_é line that every good late hero has to say. "Why?"

_ "I've hurt you, son..." she said, her grasp starting to affirm itself and her arms beginning to steady as the barrel slowly rose up and up. "As a mother, no one hurts my baby boy... You remember that bully in second grade that was beating up on you?"_

_ He wiped away a tear. "Yeah, I remember him. Derrick Barnes, the bastard..." he chuckled._

_ She smiled slightly. "And do you remember what I told you to do if he ever dared lay another finger on you?"_

_ He nodded. "Clear as crystal. Quote, 'You kick that kid dead straight in the balls, then you feed him his own teeth via the Haymaker Express,' unquote," he said._

_ "That's right," she said, chuckling a bit herself. "I wasn't going to let some schoolyard punk try and pick on my little ray of sunshine..._ Mi rayito del sol_," she smiled, the barrel having reached face level now and holding steady._

_ "But Mom... Why would you do this to me? This will hurt me more than anything else... More than Derrick, more than Dad, more than the food in the café, more than anything!_ Why_, damnit!?" he cursed her._

_ "You don't understand, son...Solanis," she corrected herself._ Oh no... You know she's getting serious when she uses someone's full name he thought. "This is not to hurt you. This is so that you won't feel more pain, so you won't suffer anymore, so that you'll never have troubles again_. I'm trying to_ help you!"


_ She whispered something, and a shot rang out._

_ "I'm know...and I'm sorry..."_

_ "Brilliant!" he cried out, reading and re-reading the final words. He clamped a hand over his mouth quickly, however. Such outbursts could betray the fact the he was having_ fun_...which was strictly forbidden when in punishment. His parents might as well have written the rule "No fun" when they defined and beat into him the rules of life as his earliest memories._

_ When he didn't hear angry footsteps coming up the stairs, he figured he'd gotten lucky and maybe the sound of one of his father's moans had overshadowed his shout. "Whew... Way too close," he whispered._

_ This continued on for a few hours as he typed furiously, feeling the words simply flow from his fingertips and on to the screen. It turned out that the entire sequence had been a daydream to Sol and that, like himself, he had come home late, been punished, and sentenced to a grounding. "Yeah, life sucks, Sol," he absently told the screen, as if his character could hear him. "But of course, we move on."_

_ _ It's annoying to have to move on... came a voice in his head.

_ He instantly backed away from the computer and stared at it as if it had come alive. Then again, he_ had just heard a voice...

_ _ No, you're not going crazy the voice said again, I'm really talking to you in your head.

_ "Who are you?" he asked aloud, as if the person would magically appear before his eyes._

_ _ I am who you have made me, Sol... I am all that you have ever wished to be in your life made real.

_ "Okay, this is officially freakin' me out, now," he said. "I don't know who you are or why you have deemed me fit to talk to, but unless you're going to give me better parents who love me for me, a perfect life without all of the annoyances that I have to suffer each day without end, and the ability to become a furry, I would love to bid you ado," he went on. If he was going to ask for something, then by the gods he would be specific about it. He'd seen far too many movies where wishes and not being specific went down very badly..._

_ The voice chuckled._ Well at least you were specific in your requests it noted, and he mentally congratulated himself. Sadly, I cannot give you a perfect life nor more loving parents, as that is the way of nature to be cruel to those who are young and still learning its complex and mysterious ways.

_ He counted. That was only two of three... "What about being a furry? Can I still have that?"_

_ _ A furry? he seemed to ask almost sarcastically. I assume that you mean an anthropomorphic creature, yes?

_ "Yeah. I wanna be a big wolf with fur black as midnight and streaks dark as blood and long hair black as sin, with big amber eyes that glow in the light of the full moon as my mouth full of viciously sharp teeth lets go a howl to frighten even the most solid of souls. Please... Please grant me this. I will be forever in your humble debt, but please, set free my soul and let my body change its shape into that which my mind aches to be released," he practically begged._

_ The voice didn't answer for a minute, and Solanis feared it had left him._ Is this what you wish to become? the voice asked, and suddenly his vision was overtaken by an image in front of his eyes. He was utterly stunned. It was as if his dreams had been realized and made completely real.

_ Before him stood a six, no, a_ seven_-foot anthro wolf, with fur blacker than any he'd ever seen, crisscrossed by two blood-red streaks that came down the left side of his body, from the head down past the high-centered pointed ear and the eye to the center of the wolf's perfectly-toned abs. His patterning ran all down his back, as well, with intricate patterns working their way down in an almost tattoo-like fashion, over his shapely muscles and even down to a near-tribal pattern on the tail._ A tail!The Holy Grail of animalhood... Or at least, almost...

_ He returned to the front of the 3D image and he gasped quite audibly. The wolf...the thing he wanted to be more than almost anything else in the world...had a massive sheath, filled with an assuredly massive length of wolfhood. And those sumptuous orbs of sweet deliciousness, full to bursting with sweet, delicious seed..._

_ Now, it should be noted that, not exactly being deprived of the Internet (there's a shock, seeing as how he was deprived of even his constitutional rights in his own home), Solanis wasn't virginally noting the wolf's package...but_ damn did he look so hot!

_ He delicately reached out to feel the wolf, and was shocked to find that it was real! The fur was so soft, so inviting, and warm from the blood pumped by a living, beating heart! The muscles were toned and firm, scrumptious! Yes! Oh good_ gods_, yes!!!_

_ _ I reiterate, is this or is this not what you wish to become for the rest of your life? the voice asked, though the tone in which it asked made it evident that he knew precisely what the answer was.

_ "Gods, yes, please!" he almost shouted, then remembered himself and quieted down to an eager whisper. "I want it more than anything in the world! Please, don't make me go without it a single second more! Please, I beg of you!"_

_ The voice chuckled yet again, though this time it sounded louder._ Then I shall make it so. But I warn you: this will be very painful. You will ask me to take it back, I am sure of it. To let your life go on as normal if I would just take away the pain. You will say that you will give me anything, anything at all if I will just relieve the pain. But I cannot. Once the transformation has begun, nothing, not even my power, will stop it. And so I must ask if you are sure in your decision.

_ Solanis practically wanted to howl. "Yes, please, give it to me! Gods, let me have it!"_

_ _ As you wish.

_ The image in front of him disappeared and suddenly a pain shot through him like no other._

_ As if Hellfire were engulfing him and pure high-voltage electricity were flowing through his veins, he saw himself fall to his knees. The pain was indescribable as his body began to push out with a will of its own, his limbs lengthening and his nails turning to claws before his eyes. He was shocked to see, right before his eyes, his face pushing out and becoming covered in fur -_ black as sin_, he thought,_ just like I asked - that followed all the way down his body in a single line from head to groin, spreading outward from there. His tailbone, too, ached. But suddenly, he turned to see that he had a glorious tail_! And the red streaks in his fur were absolutely brilliantly placed, just like upon the image._

_ Then he looked down and was stunned, even through the pain, that he was growing_ down there_, as well. His six-inch penis had easily doubled itself, but was now becoming covered by a thick, furry sheath. His balls were growing so big that he thought they'd burst from the amount of seed they'd probably be able to hold._

_ But that still didn't stifle the pain._

_ _ Gods, it hurts! he thought. He hadn't been kidding when he'd cautioned him. Damnit, please! Please...take away the pain! It hurts so damn bad! Please, just stop it! I'll do anything, anything, just please stop it!!!

_ _ I cannot do anything he said. I told you this would happen.

_ He screamed as the pain became so intense he lost his vision. Suddenly, though, his scream became a long, drawn-out howl, deep and sonorous. And then it all just went...black._

_ He must have only been out for seconds, but it felt as if an eternity had passed and he had been unconcious for all of it._

_ He wearily stood and noticed now that his feet were digitigrade paws._ Sweet... he thought.

_ _ Allow me to show you how you look in the old movie cliché way the voice said. A mirror suddenly appeared before him and his mouth, now a muzzle, dropped open.

_ He looked exactly as the figure had, muscles, fur, claws, massive wolfhood,_ everything_! Somehow he had become clothed to an extent, as well, though those were not his clothes..._

_ _ I took the liberty of upgrading your wardrobe to fit your new self. I hope it is to your liking.

_ And damn if it wasn't! A massive open trenchcoat, black leather with with dark crimson trimmings that flowed all the way down to just below mid-calf. He also wore long baggy pants covered in chains, just as black as his trenchcoat with just the same color trimmings. He even sported a collar around his neck, with small spikes glinting in the fading light from outside that managed to stream in through his curtains._

_ _ That's a little something to remember me by the voice chuckled.

_ "Don't worry, I'm not gonna forget this_ anytime soon!" he said.

_ _ Hopefully you'll adapt to it quick, because you're about to have a visitor who is going to try and kill your buzz...and maybe you, too he added.

_ _ Dad was all he thought.

_ His father burst through the door, vicious-looking leather belt in hand, and was practically on the verge of foaming at the mouth. "You little piece of shit, I thought I told you-!"_

_ He cut himself off at the vision of the huge wolf in front of him, practically gaping at the sight. Solanis turned his head to his father, and saw in his eyes the reflection of his own: fiery amber._ Yes!

_ "You...have officially...punished me....for the last time," he growled,_ growled!, his voice a deep, rumbling alto. His father blanched and stepped back, a fear radiating through his eyes and emanating from his body in waves he could smell_._ Yech, rotten eggs. I knew fear stunk he thought.

_ "You...you...you...you're a..." he shook, his teeth visibly chattering._

_ "Damn right, old man. I'm everything you've ever feared I would become. I'm no longer under your thumb. And don't think that's gonna change," he snarled, bending down to look his father dead in the eye. "My soul has endeavored to become what you see before you, this massive wolf that encompasses absolutely every single aspect of my inner ambitions and goals. I will no longer be subjugated by your cruel hand and your implements of pain and hurt as I once was. I have been shown the light - corny as that sounds - and now I will become whatever I so choose!" he snapped, feeling higher and more mighty every second._

_ His father, however, was gaining a foothold on his emotions. "You think society is going to accept_ you_?" he spat, "A monstrosity like_ you_? Like Hell! They'll shun you the second, no, the microsecond you set foot or paw or whatever it is you have_ out that door_! You cannot hide that you are different now, and damn does it show! You will be the subject of rejection and dejection the minute you show that disgusting face in public, your best reactions screams from women and children and your worst gun barrels in your face. Like absolute_ Hell will you be accepted by anyone out there in what we normal people call 'The Real World.' Your idealistic ways will get you nowhere_!"_

_ Solanis growled at his father's fury, but in his now very lupine mind he was contemplating his words. Society would never accept him now as a person. He was definitely going to be the subject of highly-prejudiced scorn. The world wasn't kind to those who were different from the norm. Skin color and race and gender didn't much matter anymore since the rights activists cleared all that up long ago, but completely different_ species_? He'd be known as an alien among humans, and why wouldn't he? He was a seven-foot monster of a being, furry and with the power to rend flesh and crush bones where humans only dared to imagine such without the aid of their technology. Dear gods, the social aspects were not promising... And what would he do for a job? Something most likely without person-to-person contact. Telemarketing? Internet service ads?_ Phone sex? ((Author's note: Lol, had to put that in there. Sorry if that offends anyone.))

_ But then his mind flashed to the furry community he had found online, the myriad of people who dreamed and fantasized about worlds inhabited_ solely by people of the nature to which he now found himself in. Where beings just like himself roamed the planet in peaceful coexistence (most of the time anyway). It was for certain that they wouldn't all believe him - most likely blowing off his pictures of himself as a fursuit - but he could definitely try. And hey, if they did believe him, it could spark a revolution worldwide! (Okay, maybe that was a bit too idealistic... Baby steps...)

_ Then another thought: How would he have kids (err...pups?)? Was it possible to have children now that he was no longer (at least, bodily) human? Could it be possible that he wasn't the only one of his species (he knew that that was pushing things, but hey, if it happened to him...)?_

_ He snarled and ripped the belt away from his father, his anger flaring higher now that his focus was directing itself. "You see? This is why I could never live peacefully with you, damnit!" he snapped back. "You can't accept_ anyone just for who they are_! Everything has to go_ your way or it doesn't fly at all! Hello, wake up, Dad! Life doesn't always go the way you want it to!" He held up the belt. "And this? Corporal punishment won't get you very far anymore! Newsflash: We've officially entered an age where beating respect into people doesn't work! Please get with the times, Mr. Asshole! And if I wanted to, I could snap you in half_! This child is no longer going to be subject to your cruel reigns of hate and dictatorship! Never again will I be playing the serf to your imperial rule, father! Ever!!!" he practically howled._

_ And from that day forward, everything changed._

_ Solanis revealed himself to his furry community friends (Thank you, Internet! _he always thought) and they welcomed him with open arms. Once he was eighteen, he moved out of the house and settled down with a female he had met within the furry community. She, too, was an avid wolf-lover, and gratefully accepted him for what he was.

_ They are now in the process of trying for children...err, pups._

(Author's note: well now that that's basically done, I'm glad to say it's out there, and it's all good, and I'm happy to let you guys have at it with your comments and your weird randomness (lol, can't wait to hear what some people will put in for the early *insert random word* places). So thanks for the support this early on, I appreciate it hugely!

Oh, and uh, all characters are copyright my brain, lol, so NO TAKEE!!! MINE!!!)