Autumn's Memories - short poem

Story by Fane_Vulpesaur on SoFurry

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This year I learned to appreciate the changing seasons, so what better way to show my love for it than to write a little poem. Haha. I hope you all enjoy. I wrote this on 10/2/2017.

Written by me, Fane Star.

We begin to wave farewell, To the hot and sunny days, Welcoming the chilly air, and the nights around the flames.

As the leaves change their color, To begin falling from the branches, They bring to life our youth, and our years of constant play.

The piles of colorful debris, Scattered in the lawns, Waiting for the youth to play, for hours bright and long.

Heated water and milk, To be poured in powdered cocoa, Paired with desired sweets, and dinner by the fire.

As the plants finally wither, Snow takes the stage, Blanketing the streets with white, and icy winter days.

Like all of the great seasons, Autumn is not just a departure, It's our renewal, and a greeting all the same.

Written by: Fane Star