Sabetha, The Walker of Fate - Chapter 2, Growing Changes

Story by SabbyKat on SoFurry

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#3 of Sabetha, The Walker of Fate Series

Chapter 2

Growing Changes

"Mmm...?" Sabetha mumbled hearing the sounds of birds chirping, her eyes slowly opening.

"Ah, you're finally awake," Soft, gentle voice said. Sabetha looked up groggily seeing Tremi sitting on the stump above her, a small smile on her face.

"W-Wha... why didn't you wake me up?" Sabetha muttered sitting up, covering her mouth as she yawned, now back in her normal human appearance.

"I saw no need to. You were sleeping quite contently, so I thought I would leave you be," Tremi said. Sabetha stood up stretching her arms into the air, a wide, excited smile growing across her face. She was only wearing a skin tight short sleeved black t-shirt as always, only her violet colored panties were on, having kicked her pants off being to warm last night.

"Yeesh. It's lucky I convinced Mother to get me all these static free clothing," Sabetha muttered sliding her thin jeans back up doing them up.

"It was rather difficult to convince her of many items you need. Such as always needing to use a straw when drinking a liquid." Tremi said chuckling softly. Sabetha just grinned.

"And always having a light on in my room so it didn't get too dark... and when I went outside, I had to tuck my pants into my socks and wear gloves even in the summers to make sure I didn't touch any trees or plants," Sabetha said letting out a deep sigh picking up her backpack throwing it back onto her shoulders. "But I learned how to deal with it, beyond me being dumb and stepping into a fire," Sabetha grumbled, Tremi giggled softly rising to her feet.

"Where are we heading to first?" Tremi asked curiously, Sabetha grinned at her.

"The next town. It's time to see the world and the wonders it holds with our own eyes!" Sabetha exclaimed raising a clenched fist into the air.

"Mmm! It's such a nice, sunny day out." Sabetha said smiling widely walking along a wide dirt road, a vibrant, dense forest surrounding their them on their left with smooth, light Grey cliffs on their right, the road following the cliff and its gentle curves and turns.

"Just remember you must not allow any 'accidents' to happen while we are near other humans," Tremi said glancing down at Sabetha with her typical calm, graceful look she always had on her face.

"Yea yea, I know. Who needs my mom? I have you to fill in her for her!" Sabetha said covering her mouth giggling. Tremi smiled fondly, "but I wonder what Pokemon actually live around here? I've only seen a few back home," Sabetha muttered scratching the back of her head looking around confudled.

"Mmm... I do not know. The town of Cindel ahead will likely be able to tell us such information, and warn of us anything that may be dangerous as well," Tremi stated calmly. Just then distance sounds of someone yelling in surprise echoed out causing both Sabetha and Tremi to look at the forest.

"Who was that??" Sabetha asked curiously walking over to the forest cupping a hand to her ear.

"I do not know. I do not see any travelers besides ourselves nearby," Tremi said slowly scanning the area.

"I hope it's not someone that's hurt," Sabetha said in concern looking back at Tremi.

"I do not believe so. It sounded more of a startled cry, likely a wild Pokemon surprising a human," Tremi said with a small smirk.

"Geez! You are so annoying! Always calm and collected! You should be making up a story with me of what it COULD be, and try to scare each other!" Sabetha exclaimed with an annoyed look in her eyes pointing at Tremi, who stared back at her blankly. "AHHH!! YOU ARE SO INFURIATING!!" Sabetha screamed grabbing her head in frustration turning away. Her eyes lit up spotting movement in the forest, a shadow suddenly lept out of the forest crashing into Sabetha sending her back first onto the road.

"W-What the?!" Sabetha stuttered opening her eyes feeling an icy lick at her cheek. She was now staring eye to eye with a frosty blue Pokemon sitting on her chest.

"Oh no!" a voice cried out, Sabetha and Tremi looked at the forest seeing a young girl running at them with a panicked look on her face. Her hair was a deep Sapphire Blue left naturally rolling down behind her shoulders. Her eyes a bright hazel. She wore knee length, loose white shorts with a thick blue stripe down the outside of both legs. A figure hugging, icy blue t-shirt covered her torso with a backpack hanging loosely behind her. "I hope she didn't hurt you! She just suddenly bolted off!" the girl exclaimed in a friendly, worried tone rushing over plucking the Pokemon off of Sabetha, placing it down on the road. "Frinny! You know better then that!" the girl said shaking a finger at the Pokemon, who refused to shift its gaze off of Sabetha. "Are you ok? I hope she didn't hurt you!" the Girl exclaimed fearfully, reaching a hand down to Sabetha, who smiled widely.

"N-No, I'm fine," Sabetha said laughing happily taking the girls hand climbing to her feet. The girl smiled back at her with a cheerful look, her eyes closed.

"I'm really sorry about that. She just darted off for no reason at all! It's completely unlike her," the girl said with wide, exaggerate eyes.

"Hehehe, it's fine! She didn't hurt me. That's a Glaceon, right?" Sabetha asked curiously, the girl looked at her surprised.

"You like them too?" She asked with an excited smile causing Sabetha to laugh weakly looking to one side.

"I kinda have no choice in the matter," she thought feeling an uneasy sensation in her stomach.

"Oh! Excuse my rudeness," the girl said stopping, bowing her head politely. "My name is Sapphire Yonka. A pleasure to meet you! I was just on my way to the town ahead letting Frinny here have a drink a small creek running through the woods nearby. She tends to get veryyy grumpy if she doesn't keep nice and cool!" Sapphire said giggling happily looking down at the Glaceon with a smile.

"Really? It likes water??" Sabetha asked with a curious excitement having met very few Pokemon over her life. Sapphire stared at her skeptically.

"You're a newbie, aren't you?" Sapphire asked with a friendly smile. Sabetha cringed, laughing sheepishly rubbing the back of her head nodding her head looking down shamefully.

"Oh, and I'm Sabetha. This is Tremi." Sabetha said smiling politely.

"Hello," Tremi said nodding her head. Sapphire's eyes shot open stumbling back a dozen steps with wide, shock filled eyes.

"D-D-Did it just TALK?!" Sapphire cried out pointing at Tremi, who simply stared back calmly. Sabetha keeled over giggling at her reaction.

"Yep! Tremi has always been able to talk. I never did figure out how, but it's great!" Sabetha exclaimed with a wide smile. Tremi looked away without another word.

"You do what...?" Sabetha asked with an upraised eyebrow, the group had continued on their way down the road towards the town ahead.

"Hehehe, I like taking Pictures!" Sapphire exclaimed holding a camera up into the air smiling cheerfully with closed eyes. "Especially of Pokemon! Frinny here however, really hates it," Sapphire giggled happily smiling at the Glaceon who was glaring at her from the corner of its eyes. "Oh, and this is Frinda, but I call her Frinny," Sapphire explained pointing at the Glaceon who remained looking on ahead with an icy glint in her eyes.

"I love taking pictures of Pokemon, especially the cute and cuddly ones!" Sapphire exclaimed wrapping her arms around herself rocking back and forth with a giddy look on her face. Tremi and Sabetha stared at her with dumbfounded looks on their faces.

"A-Ahahahaha! I see!" Sabetha said laughing weakly rubbing the back of her head.

"Would you mind if I got a Picture of her?? I haven't met a Gardevoir yet, and she is such a pretty one too!" Sapphire said smiling widely with closed eyes.

"Tremi? Oh, sure," Sabetha said smiling back. Tremi sharply turned her head looking down at Sabetha with surprise that she had agreed.

"Hehehe! Perfect! Elegant, yet shy." Sapphire said smiling widely rising up from a crouched position, a rectangular Camera in hand.

"What...?" Sabetha muttered looking down realizing Frinda was rubbing up against her leg.

"Wow! That's really weird... Frinda is usually for cold and unfriendly to strangers, but she's acting like she really likes you!" Sapphire exclaimed with clasped hands, a huge smile on her face watching the Glaceon. Sabetha laughed weakly.

"H-Hahaha... I know why," Sabetha muttered feeling uneasy.

"Uhm... how many Pokemon do you have?" Sabetha asked curiously trying to change the topic, Sapphire stopped smiling at Sabetha.

"Frinny isn't 'my Pokemon', she's my friend! Right Frinny?" Sabetha asked crouched down scratching behind the Glaceon's ear getting a content murmur from the Pokemon rubbing its head up against Sapphire's hand.

"And is she yours?" Sapphire asked pointing at Tremi, Sabetha grinned.

"She's my best friend, my Sister even. The only time I've ever considered her 'mine' was when I first captured her, which she chose willingly," Sabetha said smiling at Tremi, who looked away blushing not used to socializing with others.

"Hahaha! I can't blame you though! It must be so neat having a Pokemon who can talk to you!" Sapphire exclaimed smiling vibrantly, the small town Celinda came into view as they turned a bend.

~*~Having reached the small, mountain town, the pair decide to catch a bite to eat at a local restaurant~*~

Sabetha sighed, staring off blankly lost in thought, "the symptoms are getting worse. When Uncle Rod came over last Christmas with his Jolteon, it didn't react to me like that."

"You ok?" Sapphire asked leaning down staring up at Sabetha.

"H-Huh? Oh... just day dreaming," Sabetha said smiling weakly holding a sandwich her Mother had made before she left. Tremi was sitting beside her silently munching on half of the sandwich Sabetha had given her.

"Sooo, how old are you?" Sapphire asked staring at Sabetha with a curious look chomping down a fork of Salad.

"Me? Oh, I turned Nineteen three days ago," Sabetha said with a small smile taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Really? Well, happy birthday then!" Sapphire exclaimed cheerfully with closed eyes.

"T-Thanks," Sabetha said blushing softly looking to one side. "What about you?" Sabetha asked looking back at Sapphire, who blinked, her fork in her mouth.

"Me? Oh, I'm Seventeen. Though I've been out traveling the world since I was Fifteen. I left two Winters ago deciding to take pictures of cute Pokemon and the various places of the world!" Sapphire smiling with a giddy look on her face.

"Oh, you're lucky. My Mom wouldn't let me leave, until I told her a month ago that I'm of age and am going to leave with or without her consent. She has been guilt tripping me ever since, but I think she understands," Sabetha said snickering, slowly shaking her head with a smile on face.

"Well... I guess this is where we say good bye, huh?" Sabetha asked in a depressed tone, the pair now standing beside a large fountain the center of the town.

"Mmm... you have no where to go, right?" Sapphire asked staring at Sabetha curiously tapping her chin. Sabetha slowly nodded her head.

"I just left from home yesterday. I don't even know where I could go from here," Sabetha muttered rubbing the back of her head looking around as if confused. Sapphire smiled widely clasping her hands together.

"Then why don't you both travel with me?! I mean, I'm not going anywhere specific either, just floating around the world letting life take me from place to place seeing new places and things! I mean, it beats being alone, right?" Sapphire asked smiling widely with glossy, hopeful eyes. Sabetha's face lit up, a wide smile growing across it.

"Really? That's okay with you? Then sure!" Sabetha exclaimed excitedly. Tremi suddenly grasped Sabetha's arm causing her to look up at Tremi confused.

"Sabetha, may I speak to you for a moment?" She said staring Sabetha in the eye with a serious look.

"A-Ahahaha, just a second! I'll be right back!" Sabetha called out stumbling sideways as Tremi dragged her off into a brightly lit alley.

"Hehehe, you want them to stay too, don't you Frinny?" Sapphire asked smiling at the Glaceon, a tiny grin on it's face staring at the Alley, her tail flicking slowly behind her.

"Sabetha, we cannot travel with this human. It has proven difficult enough to hide your condition from strangers and your Family, but they will be with us at all times. If you are discovered, and those who did this to you learn where we are, it could prove a very dangerous situation," Tremi said holding Sabetha's shoulders staring at her with serious, scolding eyes. A sly grin grew across Sabetha's face.

"Do I hear jealousy in your voice?" Sabetha asked pointing at Tremi, her face went red.

"T-This is not about jealousy. You know the danger we will be in, that she will be in if those people find us, Sabetha," Tremi said in a firm, concerned tone. Sabetha sighed softly glancing to one side with half closed eyes.

"How about: if I change in front of her even once, we split away from her for good. okay? They won't be able to tell where we are if we split up and she tells them anyways," Sabetha said softly. Tremi closed her eyes releasing Sabetha's shoulders.

"...That is an acceptable compromise, though one I do not wish to take place," Tremi said in a defeated tone. Sabetha smiled widely.

"Woohoo!" She cheered lunging at Tremi wrapping her in a tight hug. "I promise I'll be good! It's going to be so much more fun with more of us!" Sabetha exclaimed smiling widely, Tremi remained silent still disliking the idea.

"Welcome back! Everything ok?" Sapphire called out waving at the pair as they reappeared out of the Alley.

"Yep! We were just discussing this matter since we're a 'team', and Tremi agreed with it," Sabetha said smiling widely.

"Woot! Well, I was going to head to some ruins of those 'Ancients', the race that vanished millions of years ago. I heard there were ghosts there toooo!" Sapphire said holding her arms up trying to make a scary face, but Sabetha nearly fell over laughing at her.

"Well, that could be interesting to see! I've heard about those ruins, but never seen any myself. Though Ghosts don't exist," Sabetha said smiling. Sapphire covered her mouth giggling, the group making their way to the west following a dusty beaten road.

"Hm hm hm..." Frinda chuckled evilly staring at Sabetha tagging behind the pair of girls talking to each other, laughing loudly.

"I do not what you are interested in Sabetha for, but please, do not make things more difficult than they already are," Tremi said staring down at Frinda, who glancing up at Tremi with a tiny grin.

"She's strange. I can smell something not quite right about her and I'm rather intrigued. I'm going to find out what that is whether you like it or not," Frinda said with a defiant grin aimed at Tremi. Tremi stared down at Frinda with a threatening look, but otherwise remained silent looking on ahead following the pair of giggling girls.

"Blegh! Storm Clouds, what terrible timing, we're too far from Town to go back!" Sapphire whined staring out ominous looking dark Grey clouds rolling over the western Mountains.

"Ugh, and that's one thing I forgot, an Umbrella," Sabetha groaned realizing how much trouble she was in if she got wet.

"It's going to darken sooner because of the storm, and if it begins to rain and lightning out, we're in some serious trouble," Sapphire muttered tapping her chin hard in thought. "We should find somewhere to make camp," Sapphire muttered suddenly diving a hand into her pocket.

"Shouldn't we try to make it back to town? I think if we make a run for it we can make it." Sabetha said looking back over her shoulder at the town off on the horizon barely noticeable.

"Nope! Follow me!" Sapphire called back leaping down the side of the path into the ditch, running off into the forest, Frinda quickly followed.

"Uhm... I guess we follow her?" Sabetha said shrugging with a confused expression.

"Wow!" Sabetha gasped in surprise watching Sapphire push back a leafy push revealing a large cave in the side of a rocky outcrop. "How did you find that?!" Sabetha asked looking at Sapphire, who grinned widely holding up a Grey pad.

"It's a device my Uncle gave me before I left on my journey! It holds maps of every area in the world, including caves. Pokemon location and their data, photos, and dozens of other neat things! I uh... just kinda forgot about it until now, hahaha," Sapphire said laughing sheepishly rubbing the back of her head as a loud clash of thunder caused the group to jump.

"Eek! Rain!" Sabetha cried out seeing a rain drop fall in front of her. She reached up covering her head, yet she felt nothing slowly looking up.

"Wow! Pretty!" Sapphire gasped with a wide smile, a shimmering translucent 'dome' over head.

"Sabetha, get inside," Tremi said in a stern tone. Sabetha laughed weakly nodding her head.

"Thanks Tremi," She whispered with a smile, entering the cave.

"Phew! Just in time," Sapphire said wiping her head in relief staring out across the rather small cave, outside had turned into a downpour of rain, lightning lightning the cave up constantly.

"It's lucky we had all this dry debris too!" Sabetha exclaimed smiling contently holding her hands up to a small fire they had made from leaves and twigs that had collected in the cave.

"Hehehe, you want me to let 'him' out, don't you Frinny?" Sapphire asked giggling softly seeing the Glaceon staring at her. Sapphire reached down pulling out a small Pokeball, Frinda's tail beginning to slow flick watching on. "Well, come on out here, Lefy!" Sapphire exclaimed holding out the wall releasing a bright flash of red light, a figure appearing a foot away.

"Eek! Hehehehe!" Sapphire burst out giggling being sent toppling over, a hyperactive Pokemon licking at her face excitedly.

"You have a Leafeon too?" Sabetha asked wide eyed in surprise staring at the Pokemon which had long, leafy ears along with a leafy tail that was flicking at a blinding speed behind it.

Sapphire giggled grabbing the Pokemon lifting it off placing it beside Frinda as she sat back up, wiping her face with her arms. "Yep! Bleh!" Sapphire said in a playful tone sticking her tongue out at the pair of Eon's. "I know, I know. Go on you scamps, don't go too far," Sapphire said shooing the pair of Eon's away seeing them both staring at her with expectant eyes. The pair suddenly broke off, running out of the cave into the raging storm.

"Uhm, is it safe for them to go out in that?" Sabetha asked in concern staring at the cave entrance, jumping slightly as a loud rumble of thunder echoed into the cave. Sapphire smiled at Sabetha nodding her head.

"They won't go too far, they just like to have their 'play time'," Sapphire said covering her mouth breaking out giggling. Sabetha raised an eyebrow not catching the joke.

"Do you have any other Pokemon?" Sabetha asked curiously, Sapphire smiled widely nodding her head pulling her back up onto her lap. Tremi remained silent sitting at the far side of the cave, her knees up simply being content listening.

"Yep. She's really, really shy and I don't bring her out as much as I should, but I think I can make an exception tonight, just don't make any sudden moves please," Sapphire said smiling at Sabetha, holding the ball out.

"What in the world is that??" Sabetha asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement seeing a glossy eyed, serpent like Pokemon looking around with a spooked look. It's body was a light blue with small white fins on it's head, with a white underbelly.

"Drina!" Sapphire exclaimed with a wide smile holding her arms out. The Serpent like Pokemon looked up at her, literally lunging at her diving into her lap, burrowing between her legs trying to hide. "Hehehe! This is Drina, the Dratini. I met her not too long ago at Lake Ishiso. She was being attacked and picked on by the other water dwelling Pokemon there, until I came and chased them off. She was cowering in fear not trying to fight back at all... sigh. After that she kinda wrapped herself around my leg refusing to let out, so I decided to capture her and take her with me since that seemed to be what she wanted," Sapphire said smiling fondly running her hand gently down the Dratini's back causing it to relax in her lap. "She's very gentle, and I'm trying to get her to open up a little bit more," Sapphire said giggling softly, a fond smile on her face.

"So you've never, ever put Tremi in her Ball besides the time you caught her?" Sapphire asked curiously. Tremi glanced at Sapphire from the corner of her eyes.

"Nope. She eats, sleeps, and talks just as I do. Well... she actually talks BETTER then I do," Sabetha said rocking her head to one side laughing bashfully. Tremi suddenly rose to her feet, glancing down at Sabetha as she walked by.

"Tremi? Are you ok?" Sabetha asked curiously feeling a strange 'vibe' from her watching Tremi disappear out into the dark, stormy night.

"Is everything alright?" Sapphire asked in concern watching Sabetha stand up, her gaze staying locked on the dark entrance of the cave.

"I don't know... I'm going to go check on her," Sabetha said looking down at Sapphire. "This isn't like her," Sabetha said in concerned tone walking towards the cave's entrance staring out into the darkness seeing not a soul in sight. Sapphire watched on with concerned slowly stroking Drina's body, who had drifted off into a content slumber.

"Where could she have gone in this storm? That's not like her at all to just disappear without a word..." Sabetha thought, concerned holding a hand over her eyes scanning the surrounding forest with each flash of lightning. "I can't just stay here and worry, I need to find her before she gets hurt!" Sabetha thought stepping out of the cave feeling the heavy rain hit her, her pupils went tiny. "Oh crap. I just walked out into the rain, didn't I?" she thought her heart stopping, a strange bubbling began to creep up her left hand. "I-I'm going to go look for her! D-Don't follow me!" Sabetha called into the cave watching the bubbles rapidly moving up her arm, rushing out into the dark night.

"That silly girl! She didn't even bring a Jacket! She's going to get sick," Sapphire said sighing softly, slowly opening her eyes staring down at Drina. "Though they are really interesting... just like you, Drina," Sapphire whispered with a tiny smile on her face.

"Damn, why now?! Why didn't I think before I acted!" Sabetha exclaimed running along the rocky outcrop trying to get out of view, her arms had turned into a smooth, light Blue color, her hands had became webbed and her stature was rapidly shrinking standing no taller then a child. As the bubbly sensation washed over her head, her Emerald Green hair vanished being replaced by sturdy fins, a white 'collar' had appeared just below her neck. She let out a deep, exasperated sigh. "I don't have time for this now! I need to find Tremi!" She thought taking a step forwards, letting out a bubbly cry falling face first into the mud. "Ugh... I forgot how horrible this form is on land," She groaned in a bubbly tone, wiping her face free of mud rolling over onto her back.

"I've got no choice, these bulky clothes have to go or I'm going to get no where, especially when they're soaked!" she thought kicking her legs wildly, her shoes slipped off her slippery skin without problem being followed by her waterlogged pants revealing her shortened, light blue legs. "Of all the darn Forms I change into, THIS one is the worst!" Sabetha thought struggling with her shirt, finally managing to pop it off over her head. She now only had on her Verdant Green panties and bra, breathing a deep sigh of relief shakily climbing to her feet.

"Ahhh... I forgot how nice water, especially rain feels on the skin when like this," She murmured looking up at the sky with closed eyes. "No! I have to stay focused!" Sabetha thought walking forwards, crying out as her foot went up over her head crashing back first into the mud. She let out a pathetic whimper. "This is not going to be easy," She thought with teary eyes.

"Tremi!" Sabetha called out in a soft, bubbly tone barely able to hear herself over the clashing thunder. She sighed loudly closing her eyes. "This isn't going to work. I just can't make a loud enough voice when in this form," She thought plopping down on a fallen tree, propping her chin up in her small, childlike hand.

"Anytime water touches my outer skin, I change... any form of plant life touches me, I change... Electricity, I change... Fire, I change... pure darkness? I change!!" She thought grabbing her head in frustration. "I keep my thoughts and can still talk, while maintaining a 'human like' form, yet I look like a Pokemon! Sigh... I guess I really got my childish Dream, huh. Except it's a nightmare now, not a dream," Sabetha thought staring at a puddle in front of her, the rain sent rippling waves across it.

"Back when this first started, it was nothing. A bit of fur, my skin color changing ever so slightly... sigh. But as time went on it got worse, and worse, and now look? I'm shrinking in size and look just like a Vaporeon! I'm literally changing into these forms for real," She thought staring at her webbed hands, leaning forwards placing her face into her hands letting out a trembling sigh of fear of what was happening to her. Her sensitive finned ears suddenly twitched causing her to look up to her left at a bunch of thick bushes. "What was that?" She thought curiously hearing what sounded like someone talking, deciding to check getting onto all fours crawling over to the bushes having given up on trying to walk on the slippery mud.

"Oh my!" Sabetha thought covering her mouth, her black, beady eyes locked onto the scene in front of her.

"Hehehe! Ohhh, I missed you so much Frinda!" Lefy exclaimed with a wide, energetic smile on his face currently mounted up on Frinda's rump. Frinda's head was resting on the cool grass, her eyes closed with an amused grin on her face letting Lefy do his duty quickly rolling his hips back and forth.

"Are they mating??" Sabetha thought, her body suddenly locking up.

"Wait wait... WHAT THE HELL?!" Sabetha thought grabbing her mouth trying to not cry out in shock. "How am I understanding them?!?!" she thought with wide, shock filled eyes. "Wait... is it because I'm like this?" she thought looking at her hands. "I've only been near Tremi when I changed, and she can already talk," she thought shaking her head. "I should leave. I shouldn't watch such an intimate time between them," Sabetha thought turning away, but she paused gritting her teeth raising up a shaking fist. "Dah! Fine! I'll just watch a little longer, I've never seen Pokemon mate before, nor have I heard another Pokemon talk before. Just for a little bit," She thought crawling closer on her knees, parting the bushes.

"But why are they mating??? I thought Pokemon only do it to reproduce, and Frinda wasn't acting strange at all," Sabetha thought with wide, curious eyes watching Lefy plowing into Frinda with an absurd speed.

"Enough of that." Frinda suddenly interrupted lifting her left hind leg up, pushing Lefy back who continued to hump at the air as he fell back in slow motion.

"Ooph! Hey!" Lefy exclaimed in a high-pitched, energetic voice rolling onto his side.

"Do you have an objection?" Frinda asked glaring at him with a dark, icy look causing the Leafeon to recoil, laughing weakly shaking his head. "Good... we have been getting less chances to do this, and I want my full fill of it, and you're going to do just that," Frinda said softly, rolling onto her back, spreading her legs apart. Sabetha's eyes widened even more seeing a small slit just before Frinda's tail.

"Is that her...?" Sabetha thought looking down at her panties, then back at the scene with a curious glint in her eyes.

"But we already did thisss!" Lefy whined, Frinda sighed loudly rolling onto her side.

"Fine. We won't continue then," She said calmly. Lefy flinched, his eyes widening feeling his length ache in pain.

"Sigh... okay," Lefy said making a pouty face walking towards Frinda, a sly, amused grin growing across her face rolling onto her back.

"Good boy. You should know by now I'm in control," She said with a small grin on her face, her eyes half closed leaning forwards watching the male Pokemon stop by her nether region sniffing at it causing her to quiver.

"Oh well! Frinda tastes good!" Lefy exclaimed with a wide smile, leaning down delivering a quick, heavy lick to her slit causing Frinda's eyes to close resting her head back letting the male go to work.

"S-She's very controlling," Sabetha thought looking down at her panties again. "I wonder how it feels to have a male lick you there?" She thought feeling a strange tingle appear. She hesitated going a deep blue in the cheeks looking back out at the scene seeing Frinda had locked her legs around Lefy's head as he feverishly ate her out.

"W-Why am I getting such a feeling from watching Pokemon do this? It's natural!" She thought looking around cautiously. "W-Well, I guess there wouldn't be any harm if I just touched it a little," she thought reaching down grabbing a hold of her panties, breathing in deeply slowly sliding them down to mid thigh length still on her knees. Sabetha reached a hand down, hesitating mid way looking around again cautiously making sure no one was nearby. "I've only done this a few times, but I know touching down here feels nice," she thought looking through the bushes watching the pair, letting out a soft gasp as her cool, moist fingers found her warm pedals.

"Mmm! Stop," Frinda ordered releasing her leg-lock. Lefy looked up at her confused, licking his licks clean of her frigid juices. "Mmm... you've been a good boy, so I think I'll return the favor." she said grinning seductive, gesturing at him with a claw. Lefy's eyes lit up, a wide, excited smile on his face knowing exactly what she meant.

"What are they doing now?" Sabetha thought stopping her touching seeing Lefy was pacing around her, stopping so his face was looking down at hers, but then he walked forwards so he was over top of her, but their heads at opposite ends. "Oh my...!" Sabetha gasped going wide eyed hearing Lefy let out a soft whimper, Frinda had leaned up beginning to give his length slow, playful lucks.

"H-Hahaha! You're the best Frinda!" Lefy laughed happily leaning down forcefully wriggling his rough, feline tongue into her pussy causing Frinda to let out a sharp gasp.

"Oh god," Sabetha thought falling rump first back onto a grassy patch of land that wasn't mud spreading her legs apart. "I don't know why, but this is feeling so good...!" She thought biting her lips slowly sliding her finger up and down her naturally moist slit, sliding her finger in a tiny bit. She raised up her other hand biting down onto her finger, her eyes closed tightly slowly sliding a digit into herself, her body trembling from the intense sensation she felt hearing Frinda and Lefy gasping and moaning nearby.

"Mmm!" Sabetha whimpered quietly leaning back sliding her slippery finger in back and forth with fast, deep strokes, her entire body was tingling, her breathing becoming a heavy and deep.

"Oh Frinda...!" Lefy's voice echoed out signaling he was about to cum. Sabetha's whimpers grew louder imagining instead of her finger, it was Lefy licking at her sensitive slit. A nice, strong male...!

"DAH!" Sabetha gasped gritting her teeth thrusting a second finger deep into her canal as an incredibly intense orgasm tore into her, her entire body trembled as she rode it out. The sound of Frinda and Lefy reaching their own climaxes echoed out being silenced by the loud rumbles.

"O-Oh... oh..." Sabetha panted finally managing to relax, whimpering softly as she slid her fingers out of herself raising them up, spreading them apart staring at the sticky liquid, her cheeks going a dark blue. "I-It's never felt that good before... w-what just happened to me? It felt so good," Sabetha thought blushing.

"Well well well... so I did hear an orgasmic cry of bliss come from this direction," a soft, sly voice echoed out causing Sabetha's heart to stop, looking to her left seeing Frinda's head poking through the bushes, a wide grin on the Glaceon's face staring at Sabetha's exposed rump.

"Ack!" Sabetha cried out grabbing at her panties frantically, yanking them back up into place crawling back.

"What what?" Lefy asked popping through the bushes with a curious look, his eyes bulging seeing Sabetha. "Wow! Now that's a hotty of a Vaporeon!" he exclaimed with a wide, excited grin. Frinda flinched, slowly turning her head glaring at him.

"You little...!" she snapped slamming her head into his side sending him tumbling into a muddy pit.

"Bleh! Hahahaha! I meant you too Frinda!" he called back laughing happily shaking himself free of mud. Frinda let out an annoyed sigh opening her eyes staring at Sabetha sitting her rump down on the cool grass.

"What are you? Wait... you're that human who is traveling with us, aren't you? I knew I smelt something strange from you, you smelt like one of us rather then a human," Frinda said with a small, sly grin growing across her face seeing Sabetha's horror filled eyes, her mouth was open but no words came out too embarrassed being caught masturbating.

"Well, since you seemed to have had your fun watching me and the rocks-for-a-brain over there, I think you owe me some answers specifically why you were watching us, and what you are," Frinda said calmly staring at Sabetha, who quickly stood up, crying out as she slipped falling onto her back.

"I-I was just passing by and I heard a strange noise! I came to check, that's it!" Sabetha exclaimed in panic. Frinda grinned, her eyes closing half way.

"And that sound made you decide to please yourself?" She asked in a perverse tone seemingly amused at Sabetha's embarrassment. "Hmph. That's fine. At least someone can enjoy such an act without being a beast," Frinda said coldly glaring at Lefy from the corner of her eyes, before looking back up at Sabetha.

"But I would like my second question answered, what exactly are you?" Frinda asked raising her eyebrows slightly. Sabetha hesitated looking to her right at Lefy, knowing she had no chance in hell of fleeing, not even being able to stand on two feet.

"I... I..." Sabetha stuttered looking around in a panic. Frinda smirked.

"If you won't tell me, then I guess that's fine. But I think you'll talk after I punish you for peeping," Frinda grinning lustfully walking towards Sabetha with a sway in her hips.

"Eep!" Sabetha gasped crawling away.

"Get away from her!" a voice echoed out through the rumbling of the lightning. Both Lefy and Frinda gasped in surprise as a wave of energy hit them, sending them skidding backwards across the muddy ground. Tremi lept down from a tree above landing in front of Sabetha in a crouched position glaring at the pair of Eon's threateningly remembering Frinda's comment from earlier.

"Tremi?! You're alright!" Sabetha exclaimed in her bubbly tone with a wide smile. Tremi snapped an angry, upset glare back at Sabetha causing her to cringe knowing she was in deep, deep trouble.

"Ow! What was that for? Yeesh, we were just asking why she looks like that," Lefy grumbled reaching up a paw rubbing his forehead feeling a dull ache from the psychic attack.

"It is our right to ask why, especially after she watched us during an intimate time, even having some 'intimacy' of her own," Frinda said with a tiny grin. Tremi looked back at Sabetha in surprise, who cried out waving her arms frantically.

"N-No! I Just heard a noise while looking for you, and and...!" Sabetha stuttered, Tremi sighed softly closing her eyes turning her back to the Eon's.

"We will leave so you two may return your 'time together'. I apologize for her interference, it will not happen again," Tremi said staring at Sabetha causing her to whimper with teary eyes knowing Tremi was going to scold her. "Do not pursue this matter any further," Tremi said looking back at the pair with a threatening look, a flash of light lit up the area as the pair vanished. Lefy and Frinda looked at each other confused at what had just happened.

"We are leaving." Tremi stated in a firm tone, the pair were now standing just outside of the cave near where Sabetha had tossed off her soaking wet clothing.

"Wait, what?! This wouldn't have happened if you didn't just up and run out without a word! You know I was really worried about you!" Sabetha exclaimed in in an emotional tone. Tremi glanced down at Sabetha with an emotionless expression on her face, the rain ran freely off her green hair.

"If you were discovered, the agreement was we would leave," Tremi said calmly with crossed arms, Sabetha hesitated looking to one side.

"Y-Yes... but... they can't talk to Sapphire, or humans. W-Well... except for me... I just learned I can understand other Pokemon when like this," Sabetha said quietly, Tremi's eyes widened ever so slightly. "Tremi, are you upset I forced you to travel with Sapphire? Do you hate her?" Sabetha asked looking up at Tremi who stared back silently. Tremi sighed softly closing her eyes.

"Sabetha, ever since that day... I have feared for you. Feared what would happen if they found you again... I have spent these last years attempting to hide this part of our past. If they discover where we are, you know as well as I do they will hunt us to the ends of the earth now that we are alone," Tremi said softly. Her eyes suddenly opened looking down seeing a pair of blue arms wrapped around her from behind.

"You always worry too much for me... but this is the first, and last mistake! I promise! I really want to stay with Sapphire, even if just for a little bit longer," Sabetha said resting her up against Tremi's back. The Gardevoir let out a deep sigh wiping the rain off of her face.

"I believe we need you to dry off before we are capable of returning." Tremi said in her normal gentle tone holding up a hand, a bright flash of light and a barrier appeared overhead stopping all rain from hitting them. Sabetha stepping back smiling widely.

"Good point! Though trying to explain why I'm in my panties and bra is going to be hard!" Sabetha said laughing happily, feeling relieved that Tremi in her own way agreed.

~*~Meanwhile, Frinda and Lefy, the Pair of Eon's were lost deep in thought of the earlier events~*~

"Hmm," Lefy muttered with a scrunched up face looking like he was thinking TOO hard. The pair were laying on their back in the grassy clearing they were at earlier staring at the dark, stormy sky. "I wonder what she was? She smelled like us, and smelled really good too." Lefy said looking at Frinda who was staring at the sky with a small grin on her face.

"There's one distinct difference between humans and Pokemon. How they react to a situation like earlier... a human will be disgusted and refuse such an invitation, yet when I said I was going to punish her, I could feel her excitement... no Human would react like that," Frinda said closing her eyes still grinning. "I'll make her tell me everything, all I need is to get her alone and she will scream the truth for me," Frinda said chuckling evilly.

end of chapter 2

Chapter 2! Bit of naughty play time, and it should let you see more of the characters, and I hope catch your intrigue! Hehehe.