Tails' Airborne Disaster

Story by Final_Furry on SoFurry

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Of all the places for disaster to occur, miles in the air was most definitely the worst location.

The sky was clear over the city of Station Square, a warm day that had been business as usual so far. Pleasantly sunny enough that Tails had decided to coil up his namesakes and go for a nice flight. It wasn't entirely unexpected that he should stumble upon adventure, but not like this.

The deep rectal vibrations began right as Tails was soaring directly above the bustling city center. He could even see the hotel and beyond it the beach he had crashed on in a previous adventure with Sonic.

Deep in Tails' bowels, the curry he had eaten for dinner the night before had started a rumbling chain reaction. Pressure in his guts increased sharply all at once.

"Gaah! Oh no!" He shouted out, head turning to his rear end.

With a grip on each fuzzy butt cheek, he strained to hold them together. Trying in vain to delay the birth of what felt like the antichrist.

The cramps and convulsions in his rear end spread to one of his tails and this threw his flight off. He began to spin around until the force pulled his arms out front and he flailed completely out of control.

In that moment, his bowels completely voided themselves. Diarrhea erupted from the Fox with such thunder and fury that it would have put any volcano to shame. The liquid poo flowed, surging with wet pops as giant green turds were launched out of his butt.

The people below were defenseless. The first rock hard turd slammed down between a couple enjoying an outdoor coffee shop, shattering the glass of the table. The hard turds pelted down as the diarrhea sprinkled like rain. Windows were shattered with loud crashes as cars were peppered with dents and splatters of wet brown.

Screams rose up from the city as the citizens ran in every direction.

Onward Tails spun in the air, propelled more by his thundering bowels than his tails.

Amy rose exited from one of the buildings and seeing the commotion, she glanced up, not knowing what to make of the sight of her friend spinning overrhead. A glob of unholy chunky liquid slapped her directly in the mouth and she collapsed backward as the storefront was painted in huge splashes of brown.

At last, Tails had descended enough to smack into a street light, his tails twisting around and hanging him upside down. He swung like a pendulum as the fountain of diarrhea flowed thickly in an arc around him.

By the time he settled in place, a high pitched squeaking sound heralded one last enormous, gnarled turd that strained his buttocks to its very limits. The radioactive green log pinched itself off and thudded to the sidewalk, cracking the concrete underneath it.

Tails hung motionless, the liquid poop in his fur hardening.

Watching from a third story window was another of Tails' friends- Knuckles the Enchilada. He had witnessed the entire incident . Seeing the splattered scene below and the sight of Tails hanging from a street light with the liquid poop hardening where it soaked his fur, the Echidna felt his four headed cock grow almost painfully stiff with excitement. He ran the raw red, wet mass of his cocks and ran them between his fingers. He then twisted them together and began to stroke himself.

.After his third bone-rattling orgasm splattered onto the window, Knuckles smiled.

Tails was still hanging from the street light, motionless with his body looking almost deflated.

"You really knocked 'em out of the park, kid," Knuckles said lovingly before turning away with one last whimsical sigh.