Bad End 1 - Rubber Cocoon

Story by Muttbunch on SoFurry

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#1 of Bad End Series

The Bad End Series is a series of shorts written to emulate various Bad Ends often found in old Choose Your Own Adventure stories, only these adventures tend to end much more erotically...

In this story, you discover why it's not such a good idea to go around poking rubbery balls lying conspicuously unguarded on pedestals

Throwing caution to the wind, you reach out to the shiny round object on the pedestal. It feels cold and slick as your fingers brush against it and you have a second to relax before things start to go wrong.

The surface of the sphere appears to ripple and extend outward toward your fingers, the material latching on and beginning to travel up your arm. You pull back in alarm, but the material stretches with you and continues its advance unabated.

With your other hand you try to grab the material and tear it off of you, but it's like trying to grab a handful of water and your fingers pass uselessly right through the strange cool goo. You gasp in horror as you realise all you've managed to do is get some of the goo on your other hand which also begins to advance up your arm.

Upon reaching your elbows the goo begins to stretch across you, heading for your torso and pulling your arms against your sides. You try to pull back but it's surprisingly strong and holds you in place as it spreads up and down, aiming to coat your entire body.

As it approaches your mouth you think to scream for help, but it's already too late, the goo spreading from bottom lip to top and forcing your mouth closed. The goo at your bottom half begins to bridge between your legs, forcing you off balance and causing you to fall to the ground. By the time you've recovered from the fall your legs are already completely covered, forced tightly closed in the confines of the strange goo.

The last thing you see before the goo cover your eyes is your own body from the neck down, completely encased and mummified in the rubbery goo, then you feel the goo creep over your head and meet with the rest moving up the other side, completely sealing you in your rubber cocoon.

Only your nostrils remain uncovered, allowing you to take frantic breaths as you wriggle helplessly in complete darkness. Mustering all of your strength you struggle and scream as loud as you can, but the goo has you encased tightly and your actions result in little more than impotent wiggling and muffled yells.

At least now you'll have plenty of time to think about why you shouldn't go touching strange things lying on pedestals.