Dragon's First Moon

Story by Shiveneve on SoFurry

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This story was written at the request of my wing-brother Narse. It's mostly a transformation story with quite a bit of semi-consentual yiff and an attempt at a decent plot to compliment the entirely gratuitous sex. There are spelling and grammar errors. I corrected at least a dozen of them already and I'm certain there are far more that I've missed, but do your best to ignore them please when you comment, I'm not looking for a Pulitzer here. If you get your paws messy, then that's praise enough for me ;)

This story is quite long. Feel free to skim it if you're just here for the yiff, I won't mind ;)

This story was written at the request of my wing-brother Narse. It's mostly a transformation story with quite a bit of semi-consentual yiff and an attempt at a decent plot to compliment the entirely gratuitous sex. There are spelling and grammar errors. I corrected at least a dozen of them already and I'm certain there are far more that I've missed, but do your best to ignore them please when you comment, I'm not looking for a Pulitzer here. If you get your paws messy, then that's praise enough for me ;)

This story is quite long. Feel free to skim it if you're just here for the yiff, I won't mind ;)

"No you certainly may not go out tonight!"

"But Dad...!" Whined Robert, the eighteen year old protesting vehemently against his father's firm commands, "Come on! It's Halloween! All the other seniors are out partying, and I just had my birthday, this is my first chance..."

Mr. Drache looked up sharply at his son, cutting him off with a firm silencing motion of his hand. "Your first chance to get drunk? Your first chance to do drugs? What do you think your friends are going to be doing at this party of theirs? Besides, I need you to stay home and watch Haley and Mitchell while you're mother and I go to the office engagement."

Robert snorted and draped himself over a nearby chair, muttering under his breath as he reached for the remote, thumbing through the channels half-heartedly. He glowered at a weather report, thunderstorms in the area, which seemed to match his mood perfectly. There was no point in arguing any further, when Mr. Drache made up his mind, heaven and hell couldn't move him.

Here he was eighteen years old and he couldn't go out on the biggest night of the season. Halloween was the only school holiday until Thanksgiving, and since everyone went home for turkey dinners, there wouldn't be any raves or parties that weekend! No, if he missed tonight, he'd be stuck a social outcast until New Year's; he'd be forced to sit and listen to countless retellings of how excellent the Halloween rave was from his lonely spot at the outer tables of the Centerville school cafeteria.

If only they'd let him go! He knew he could be the life of the party. He knew all the songs, and could dance at least as well as any of the other guys. He had his outfit all planned, fishnets, leather, lots of sleek and polished black cowhide, each piece linked together with silver chains and buckles. Sure the rebel biker look hadn't really been in for a while, but Robert had worked hard for his slightly athletic build and the fishnet and leather combination showed him off to effect.

He would of course never wear something like that any other time of the year, his parents would be sure to find out and promptly take it from him, but at the party he could probably get away with it. Even if he couldn't, this was his final year in school and the impression he made at the party would likely last him until Spring Break! But all of that meant nothing to Mr. and Mrs. Drache. He wasn't even allowed to go, though he promised sincerely to stay away from any drinks or drugs in the "remote" chance someone should bring any.

His mother walked past, seeing him sulking in silence and giving a soft sigh, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek. He was brooding too deeply even to express his usual rebellious disgust for such signs of affection.

"Try to make the best of it dear. Hailey and Mitchell just finished dinner and I put them upstairs with a movie. Try and get them to bed around 8:00 as usual." She paused, waiting for a reply, but Robert simply grunted and continued to stare at the TV as if she weren't there. Mrs. Drache knew he would take care of things well though, as he always had in the past, once he got over his disappointment. "We'll be back late. These office parties always go longer than expected. You have our cell phone numbers if anything happens, but the party is over in Lanallex Springs so try the neighbors first in there's an emergency."

After a few moments, Mrs. Drache turned toward her husband, exchanging a glance, her voice dropping to a worried whisper, obviously talking about him. He shut it out, not caring to overhear or listen to his father's reply.

A minute or two later the firm shutting of a door and the click of the lock signaled that Robert's parents had left. He spent the next hour or so in front of the television, idly flipping between the latest poker tournament on ESPN and a special on animal planet involving Komodo dragons. The weather outside started to get a bit dark and wet, but it hardly mattered to him, he wasn't at the rave. Maybe the party would get rained out... but no, they always had tents and such planned for these things.

With a sigh he settled back and watched the show. He was starting to get interested in the dragon special and particularly the parts involving reproduction when he heard the patter of little feet on the floor above, the movie apparently had ended. Turning off the television he headed for the stairs to collect his younger siblings before they got into any trouble.

Just as he reached the stairs, the telephone rang. Hastily he reached for it, knocking the unit off the table near the stairwell and just barely grabbing it in time. Annoyed and in a hurry to get upstairs, he thumbed the answer button and growled into the receiver, "Hello?"

"Robert!" The too-peppy voice of Sarah, his girlfriend came back to him from the speaker, "Sandy and I just picked up Carl; we're headed over to your place now. You ready to go to the rave?"

Robert cursed under his breath, then licked his lips, "Yeah Sarah, about that..." Just then a beep signaled another call coming in. "One sec. Got another call... don't go anywhere!"


"Robert, it's mom." The voice of Mrs. Drache came back over the line, strained and a bit thin, "The weather over here is horrible, thunderstorms all through the area. They cancelled the office party because the bridge flooded, but we're stuck in Lanallex until it the river goes back down. They're saying tomorrow at the earliest."

"Wow, are you two ok?" Robert was genuinely concerned, maybe he was a rebellious teenager but he still loved his parents most of the time, "No one's hurt, the car isn't flooded or anything?"

"No, no, don't worry about us." Mrs. Drache reassured him, "Your dad turned back at the bridge, we're looking for a hotel to spend the night. Do you mind taking care of Mitchell and Haley if we aren't back by tomorrow morning? It's a Saturday so just make sure they don't sleep too late or watch anything inappropriate on the TV..."

The wheels in Robert's mind were already turning before his mother finished. Yes, if he put the kids to bed a little bit early this just might work. "Sure mom, I'll take care of it, don't worry. Oh and I'm sorry for being disrespectful earlier."

"I understand Robert," Mrs. Drache assured him, "And thank you. Hopefully we will be home early tomorrow morning."

Robert quickly said his goodbyes and switched over to Sarah again, "Hey Sarah, if you guys don't mind, let me get the little ones down first. I can have it done in fifteen minutes."

"Well hurry up Robby, the rave is probably already started. But it will take us ten minutes to get to your place anyway so that's no problem." Sarah said her goodbyes.

Robert immediately hung up the phone and raced upstairs, "Haley, Mitchell, alright you two it's time for bed."

The little ones, one boy, one girl, naturally wanted to stay up late since their parents were gone, but Robert used an old trick of the trade, pulling out a stash of Tootsie Pops he kept for when he had to babysit. Each of his siblings got one sucker now and the promise of another one when they woke up if they went to bed and didn't make a peep. Since Mrs. Drache never let the kids have candy it was an effective bribery mechanism. Lights out and nightlights on it was the space of a few minutes before both children were fast asleep, time Robert spent putting on his leather. He hurried down to wait outside so Sarah wouldn't honk the horn when she drove up.

The sky was heavily overcast but already showing signs of clearing up, at least temporarily. Thunderstorms tended to blow by pretty fast in this part of the state, dumping enough water to cause floods and damage roofs and then hurrying on to the east. Still the clouds would remain throughout the night with only brief glimpses of the moon and stars behind them, and a strong possibility of further rains.

Sarah drove up fairly soon after in her convertible, rolling down the window and whistling appreciatively at Robert's chosen outfit, "Nice love, I'll have to watch you with all that skin showing, every girl is going to want to pounce you." She grinned wickedly, her own style of dress for the night even less conservative then his.

Robert flashed a smile and licked his lips, "If they do it will be because all the guys are too busy looking at you." He slipped into the passenger seat placing his hand on her knee and giving an affectionate squeeze and a short kiss.

"Hey you two love birds let's get this show on the road." Giggles came from the back seat where Sandy and Carl appeared to have started the party early, both with an open bottle in hand as they sat rather lewdly pressed against each other. Robert was going to make one of his characteristically snappy come-backs when Sarah gunned the engine and sped off down the road. Since the rain had stopped she decided to put the cover down at the next stoplight; Robert moved closer to put his arm over her shoulder and snuggle a bit as they drove.

Just before they arrived at the rave Robert felt a sudden stab of pain in his forehead. He lifted a hand to press between his eyes, "Ow... what was that?" He shook his head side to side as the sensation faded.

Sarah looked over at him with a raised eyebrow. "What was what?"

"Oh nothing, just a sharp sting or something I guess."

Sarah shrugged as she pulled in to park, "Probably just a bug, one of the hazards of driving a convertible sometimes. Well, we're here! And look, the moon just came out!" She pointed up toward the sky where a full moon had just broken from beyond the clouds.

Robert couldn't look, suddenly he felt very woozy. "Uh... Sarah, look you go on ahead. I need to... uh... woah I don't feel that great."

Sarah blinked at him pressing her wrist to his forehead to check his temperature; he didn't feel warm but his skin looked a bit... grey. "Why don't you visit the portables? They're over there just to the side of the entrance. I'll wait inside the main tent for you." She walked over toward the entrance, passing by a group of three partygoers who had decided to dress up like pirates. After all the party was on Halloween night and many of those in attendance had chosen to come in costume.

Robert nodded and headed quickly in the direction indicated, waves of nausea causing him to quicken his pace. Hurrying into one of the empty stalls he latched the door behind him, the only light coming from the moon filtering through a small window near the top of the portable.

The nausea continued but he didn't really feel like throwing up or as if he needed to use the bathroom. Actually he wasn't sure what he felt like; he'd been sick before but nothing even remotely similar to this. It was almost as if his stomach were turning loops inside him, accompanied by the pain at his forehead. Pressing his hand once more to his hairline, he gave a start as he felt a distinct bump forming, quickly swelling to the size of a goose-egg. "Did I hit my head on something?" He muttered to himself quickly pulling out one of the toilet liners and perching on the seat, still in his leather pants.

The bump was alarming but it served as distraction from his nausea. He didn't remember hitting his head on anything and surely and insect bite couldn't cause this, but for whatever reason the bump continued to swell larger and larger, until he figured it must poke out an inch at least. That's when the other pains began.

Crying out suddenly in surprise Robert jumped up off the seat. Something had bit him! He looked around frantically but in the dim light he couldn't see anything. Reaching his hand to the back of his waist though, he could feel another large bump forming right above his tailbone poking through the leather. Damn that stung! But what could have caused it? There was certainly nothing in the toilet large enough to make a bump like that! But before he could puzzle it out he felt several more sharp pains in his feet, his ankles and wrists, and just above his ears.

He closed his eyes and moaned as his body seemed to erupt with painful bumps, a staccato of snapping sounds like bones cracking shot down his spine as a series of the small protrusions poked into the leather along his back. He could feel all of them pulsing, throbbing as they steadily increased in size, swelling up like fleshy knots. But as quickly as it started the pain faded, giving him a few moments to catch his breath.

There wasn't any sort of mirror inside the portable but Robert knew what he would see if he looked; he could feel them still there though he had no idea what they were. The goose-egg on his forehead seemed to be almost two inches long, curving slightly; he thought he could feel a strand of skin connecting it to his scalp. Sort of fin-like, it resembled the boney finger and thinner sail of a bat's wing or a fish's tail perhaps.

"What... the... fuck." Robert slowly felt the bump again but his fingers weren't lying to him. Another distraction soon presented itself to him though; really it had been happening for a while now, but he had understandably failed to notice. His leather clothing was swiftly becoming far too tight, cramping his legs, pinching his shoulders, creaking with the swell of his lungs inside his chest. Robert was increasingly getting closer to panicking as he felt suddenly constricted all over, as if his body were too large for his clothing or as if he himself were too large for his body.

That second thought didn't make much sense but it would explain why he felt all these bumps erupting out of his skin. The one at his backside was becoming especially prominent, widening as well as it strained the fabric of the leather. Without even thinking he reached back and raked his nails against the taut cowhide shredding it easily to let the emerging length of... of whatever it was through.

Wait a minute. He gazed down at his hand in shock. Sure enough though it was his fingernails that had so effortlessly parted the cured leather garment, or rather his new claws. Thick and gleaming in the dim light of the moon the ebon talons extended sharply to a length of an inch past his fingers. Flexing his hands in awe he saw that the talons were fully retractable and that his fingers had thickened considerably to accept the new girth of each nail. Just a bit further down a rather wicked looking dewclaw had sprouted from the bump on each wrist.

"What is happening to me?" He whispered harshly with panic in his voice just before a seizure of pain gripped his face. Mindful of his claws, it was all he could do to retract them before clasping his head in his hands, pain pulsing through his jaws, his nose, his cheeks, shooting up through his eyes and into his skull. Even as he held his face in his new "paws" he felt the bone start to crack and give, reshaping itself into, into what? He couldn't even imagine what it looked like now, much less open his eyes to try and see.

At last Robert could take no more of this, the pain overwhelming him. Blinded both physically and mentally, his arm shot out slamming the door to the portable open with force enough to snap the lock clean off! Stumbling out into the full light of the moon he collapsed upon the ground writhing in agony. But the instant he stepped into the moonlight everything changed.

A sudden surge of energy filled his body at the caress of those silvery beams. No longer filtered by the thin plastic of the stall's tiny window the power of the full moon coursed through him, embracing him, changing him. Something about the pure light took away the pain replacing it with another equally powerful sensation in barely a heartbeat. Where before Robert's senses were overwhelmed with burning fire, now he felt the cool wash of pleasure through his entire form.

Something in his mind abruptly altered he slipped into the grip of the pleasure, finding the changes as good and desirable rather than alarming and strange. Rising to his feet Robert opened his eyes to feast upon his new talons. Slowly flexing them and admiring their strength, the smooth way his claws retracted until only the tips remained. Testing his dewclaws, he nearly purred deep in his throat at how swiftly they came to bear at his call looking wickedly sharp but with a flick of his wrist returning to hide beneath the skin.

As he gazed at each paw he realized there was something blocking part of his vision. Raising a talon timidly to the front of his face he started, surprised at what he found there. A rather thick, bony protrusion had replaced his human face. Feeling back with his hands he got an idea of the general shape. A wide set of jaws lengthening into a broad snout, set with many teeth. His nostrils had risen slightly and pressed forward to sit along the top of this new muzzle. Robert's face felt a lot like he imagined those Komodo dragons he'd seen on TV might feel. Oh no.

Suddenly it all came together, his recent birthday, the moon, why his mother had sounded worried just before they left, and the changes. Hell even the last name Drache made since now, German for dragon. His parents, no, not just his parents but he as well, they were all were-dragons!

Suddenly the temperature seemed to sore within him, as if he were on fire with the lighting of the dragon's torch inside him. Power surged through him, energy, and pleasure, stronger even then when he first stepped into the moonlight, driving away any hesitation and replacing it with pure lust. A moan of mingled horror and fascination escaped his scaled lips as a dark thrill coursed through him, he was a dragon! Robert tilted his muzzle back and howled to the moon, embracing the transformation and letting it flow through him for the first time.

As he surrendered himself Robert began to feel the ecstasy of the change increase dramatically. His tail, that's what the bump at his tailbone had to be of course, swiftly expanded past the limits of even his torn leather pants; the leather gave way easily around its girth, widening with a surprisingly satisfying tearing sound as the massive, fleshy appendage quickly lengthened, dragging the dirt already and extending a good three feet behind him along the ground. It thickened considerably at the base, but tapered to a nice, rounded tip of two or three inches across.

Robert's legs and hips began to bulk up, gaining the strength and muscle to support his new tail, but more than that as well. He began to feel like a body-builder all over as strength blossomed in ever muscle. Thighs bulged and calf muscles stretched the limits of his leather pants, adding to the damage done by his tail as the material started to part, ripping along each pant-leg in several places. His chest heaved as thick pectorals defined themselves within his fishnet and leather vest, snapping the straps struggling to contain them. His biceps doubled in size, his shoulders seemed to swell up like bowling balls.

Robert was in pure, blissful awe, each individual transformation alone sending him enough pleasure to swamp his poor mind; taken together they reduced him to a gasping, hissing, burgeoning hulk of growing muscle. The pleasure was beyond sexual, so strong that he didn't even notice his growing arousal until his belt-buckle snapped, releasing the swelling monster that had been building between his inner-thighs.

Slapping against his belly as it freed itself from the leather prison of his tattered pants, framed by a now perfect six-pack, Robert got his first good look at his new draconity. Even taking into account his burgeoning thighs and thickening build as new muscles built all over his frame, his first impression of the new dragon member adorning his groin is one of sheer size. Robert had never been a runt in the underwear department, topping most of the guys in the locker room back at the school, but not even that could explain the foot long, three-inch thick beast staring up at him from his hips.

His cock was beautiful, a masterpiece beyond anything he'd ever dreamed of possessing. The thick length sprouted uncut from a sizable sheath, nestled against his pelvis atop a pair of grapefruit sized testicles. Tapering gradually from base to tip, Robert now sported three large ridge-like rings along the shaft, and a nice, spaded cocktip which angled upward toward his belly. Robert could even feel a knot forming at the base of his shaft, still inside his sheath as his arousal continued to grow. As if this weren't enough, even as he watched, he realized his cock had started to flex and curl instinctively. A few heartbeats later he realized that the entire length was fully prehensile, and he could control it with the slightest thought.

Amazed by all this, Robert hesitated even to touch the massive dragoncock, though his mind practically screamed at him with a sudden, insatiable need to try out his new equipment. He didn't get the chance, as the transformation continued. Writhing in ecstasy once more, Robert nearly collapsed to the ground as he suddenly felt his balance shift, his feet, which had been cramped inside his shoes ever since his legs expanded, suddenly tore through the tough leather sneakers as they all but exploded into massive, five-taloned paws not unlike his new hands. He lurched upward, his mighty cock bobbing in the air and slinging a rope of pre in front of him as he suddenly assumed a digitigrades stance. The small bumps at his ankles blossomed into another set of dewclaws, a pair of non-retractable sickles, deadly sharp.

At this latest change, the blossoming were-dragon found it easier to lean forward letting his tail counter his upper body as that broad length continued to grow behind him now roughly his own height in length; strong and supple, he was quickly learning to control it to aid his balance. He savored the strength of that powerful appendage as he waved it back and forth behind him.

The pleasure continued unabated as further up from his tail, Robert felt the rest of the little bumps along his spine blossoming into slender spikes, joined by a delicate membrane that he discovered at first by touch of air against its sensitive sail-surface. To his surprise, he realized he was feeling the changing air currents around him, his body instinctively trying to move with the wind. But that didn't make any sense! He didn't have....

A shock of pleasure mingled with pain broke that thought quite solidly as his shoulders fragmented; two thick columns of bone and sinew to rival even his now very powerful arms blossomed out from either side. Triple jointed, and capped with five, slender but very strong fingers of bone, the strange appendages swiftly transformed themselves into a pair of heavy wings brimming with energy. Robert knew at once that these appendages held power, tremendous power, and that he could easily bring into flight anything he was capable of lifting with his thick arms.

A final ripple through his skin heralded the last of the changes, his body warping again as he abruptly doubled in size all over. Tearing through the flimsy remnants of his human flesh and rising from the ruined shell, he emerged sheathed in glistening ebon scales, hard as steel, supple and slick to the touch.

The proud dragon now stood a full twelve feet tall or more, without considering the way he leaned forward with his tail counter-balancing behind him. Robert's talons were the size of knives, his dew claws like thick threshing blades; his fangs would shame the jaws of a shark. And hanging between his hips he now hoisted a two and a half foot snake of dragon sex flesh, topping six inches in girth with ease.

The feelings, both physical and emotional of his transformation finally overwhelmed him, casting his muzzle back to the sky and howling again in pleasure, only this time his voice tumbled forth in a deep, seething roar of power. His thick maleness throbbed beneath him, the full ecstasy of the change quickly becoming something undeniably sexual. He felt like he were in heat, did male were-dragons come into season? Robert dripped tablespoon-sized drops of pre on the ground, sizzling where they hit the pavement as if warmed by an internal flame. His prehensile length curled and flexed as if possessed with a mind of its own.

Hissing in pleasure, the new dragon realized that heat or not, his body required him to sate these needs immediately. Glancing around, he was disappointed to find no one else near the portables. It was probably just as well, in reflection, it meant no one had seen him yet. Standing there in the full moon as a twelve foot tall paragon of predatory might with a raging hard-on to make the most ridiculous porn-star props look tame, he probably wouldn't inspire a "respectful silence" in any potential audience. Most likely they'd send up an alarm that would have the whole rave panicking, not what a dragon in need especially wanted to deal with.

He needed to stay hidden for now, to stalk his prey without inciting the rest of the flock to flee. Pulling the shadows around him instinctively, the were-dragon discovered that it was very easy for him to hide if he wanted to; his black scales dulled and his wings draped over him, almost as if the slightest bit of dark embraced him and sheltered him with her womb. Flicking his snake-like tongue out to taste the air, Robert.... no, that name made little since to him now, Wraith would be his new name.... Wraith detected a familiar scent.

"Are you sure he hasn't gone in already miss?" The bouncer stationed at the entrance to the tent was talking to Sarah.

"No, I'm sure. I came with him and I've been waiting here the whole time. He was sick and went to the portables, but that was nearly an hour ago! We need to check on him."

An hour, Wraith's mind reeled. Had his transformation really taken that long? Amazing that no one had seen him in that time, but then again, perhaps he spent most of it in the stall. "Also it is Halloween," he thought with a smirk, "Perhaps they thought I was just a spectacular costume malfunction." His massive cock throbbed beneath him; this was no costume dragon.

The timing made sense though; the party seemed to be in full swing now, loud music blaring as thousands of glowsticks provided the only light besides the full moon. He wondered why he hadn't noticed it before, but then again he had been a bit pre-occupied. Still the mesmerizing undulation of a hundred or so nubile bodies in the dark beneath the tent brought his mind back to the present; his thoughts faded once more into feral lust. But he had caught the scent, the scent of his mate, had seen her slender form talking to the guard. No other would do; he had to get her alone.

With a snort and a puff of smoke rising from his nostrils, he faded back into the shadows, lurking close by as they neared the row of stalls. The bouncer knocked on the first one in the row, then opened it to look inside. In that instant Sarah felt an odd sensation of being watched, but the guard was distracted with his brief search, and didn't notice as she reached to warn him. Nor did he hear her scream, muffled as it was in the thick-scaled paw of a dragon. He caught a sense of movement out of the corner of his eye, and quickly turned around to see.... absolutely nothing.

Wraith huddled in the darkness, holding the fragile female within his powerful grip, sheltered from prying eyes by his dark ebon wings. The bouncer must have looked right at them as he circled the stall, wondering where the girl had gone. But at last he left, muttering about teenagers and their pranks, and hoping that no one had tried to slip inside without id while he was away from his post.

Wraith smiled, practically purring as he dipped his muzzle to survey his prize. He let his long, snake-like tongue taste the flesh of her cheek. He remembered that flavor, from when he used to be Robert, but as a were-dragon she tasted so much, more. The flavor held a fullness that highlighted the increase in his sensory perceptions in a way that his earlier scenting hadn't. He realized that he could taste the fear on her, her sweat, her skin. He could taste what she had eaten for dinner, the makeup she had put on this morning, where she been before the party, who she had been there with. His sapphire eyes focused on her, reading the stark terror in her gaze as she looked at him. He could see that easily, his slitted, reptilian gaze could pick out the very pores in her face with crystal clarity.

The fear he read in his mate tugged at the corner of his mind, but his feral lust overrode any sensibility. He had her, he knew her by sight, by scent, by taste, and by touch. He would take her to sate the need inside him. Using the shadows for cover, he sought an open space where he could make love to his girl without fear of discovery. The rave was in a clearing, inside a large tent with auxiliary tents set up for concessions. All around the clearing large trees closed in, the Centerville City Park being heavily wooded with only the clearing and a few nature trails cutting through the thick trees. Even as a dragon Wraith didn't trust himself to not get lost and he found besides that he had an instinct fear now of places where he couldn't fly if need be. The nature trails were out of the question, which meant finding an unoccupied tent, perhaps one used for spare supplies.

Clutching Sarah tightly to his chest and trying to ignore the raging maleness which demanded he stop everything and fuck his mate right here, damn whoever might see them, Wraith skirted the shadows at the edge of the rave trying to find a likely spot. Music blaring, lighters and glowsticks blinking through the huddled masses of alternately costumed or scantily clad teenagers, Wraith had little to fear from discovery as he made his search around the perimeter. At last he located a likely spot, a tent that seemed to be used to store the tools needed to set up and tear down the rest of the party. Ducking inside he shifted Sarah to the other paw and quickly as he could he cleared the various tools away by pressing them out the back of the tent, hoping no one would notice. His need demanded that he wait no longer though, if anyone did come along he would simply have to deal with them as an obstacle to his lust.

Laying Sarah back tenderly upon the floor he started to lift his paw away from her face. A quick inhalation signaled her preparing to scream once again but a firm growl and tightening of her grip silenced that. Wraith wasn't sure he was capable of human speech anymore, but his mind was too driven by lust right now to care. At last he had his mate alone, and his massive dragonhood would wait on him no longer.

Reaching his sharp talons toward her face Wraith gently caressed her cheek; cupping her tiny skull in his paw he tilted her head to fix her gaze upon that awesome spire of draconic maleness pulsing between his legs. Sarah was too stunned to even think about screaming again as she watched the snake-like member coil and flex its incredible length. His ebon flesh drooled thick ribbons of steaming-hot pre upon the ground at her feet, pulsing in rhythm to the music filtering in through the flap in the tent.

Sarah shook her head slowly in disbelief, shivering with overwhelming terror at this monster and his obscene, hideous flesh. Her mind wasn't able to comprehend that he would actually use it on her. Nothing had ever happened like this to her before, nothing even close. She was still a virgin no less; though if things went as she had planned Robert would have ended that tonight. But this creature obviously wanted the one thing all females could provide. Well, with teeth like his, the were-dragon could easily sate other hungers upon her flesh as well, but she didn't dare let herself think about that right now. She couldn't scream; he'd kill her. She couldn't fight; he was too strong. All she could do was cry and plead with whimpered whispers for this horrible nightmare to end, while outside the rave continued unaware of her plight.

Growling low in his throat, Wraith slowly dragged his talon-tips lower upon the supple form of the female beneath him tracing her curves through the scant fabrics hiding her delicious flesh. His claw curved ever so slightly, catching against the collar of her vest and slowly ripping down the front. Inch by inch, his feral mind ignoring or perhaps even relishing her choked sobs and the tears streaming down her face in fear, he tore the useless clothing off the pristine skin of his mate. The last thread parted with a snap, cast aside to leave her supple, pert teenage breasts in free defiance of gravity upon her chest. She was a vision to his eyes, more seductive than any of the hundred other teens writhing and dancing on the grass under the tent outside.

Wraith lowered his muzzle, warm breath bathing the soft flesh and stirring her nipples to arousal. He extended his prehensile tongue to lightly tease and brush the small thimble-sized nubs topping each breast, drawing a shiver from his mate, whether of pleasure or of horror he cared not. Lavishing her gentle, feminine form with his delicate touch, he tasted her with enthusiastic relish, taking his time until he felt her trembles start to ebb. She moaned reflexively as his marvelous tongue brought her to lactate, summoning a smirk to his fanged lips.

Trailing the snake-like oral appendage along her neck he brought his tongue up to her lips and gently but insistently pressed inside. Wraith felt her gasp as he tasted her mouth, the prehensile satin ribbon curling around her own tongue, prodding at her teeth and testing the entrance to her throat. His saliva drooled over her shivering face, heating her skin nearly to the point of pain at the touch of each drop. But it wasn't long before her whimpers grew softer, and then ceased altogether as she found the taste of this were-dragon's saliva to be a curious aphrodisiac. Or perhaps his gentle touch and the full, heady nature of this deep French kiss had begun to finally erode her resistance.

A crack of lightning sounded in the distance, followed by reflexive screams from the tent outside as people huddled in close to avoid the returning rain. A steady patter of falling water beat a staccato against the top of his tent, but Wraith's heart was pounding too fast and too heavy for him to notice. The music continued after a moment, unabated, a low, pulsing beat that signaled the kind of sensual, slowly shifting dance meant to simulate the act he would soon be performing with his mate. Amidst the rain, scant meters away from hundreds of people, with the rhythm of the thunderstorm and the band playing in the background, he would consummate his love, and sate the feral lust inside him.

Wraith brought his thick talons lower, tracing over the athletic belly of his chosen mate, along her hips, using his talons to cut small ribbons from her tight, crotchless shorts. Her face still captured with his muzzle's oral attentions, she couldn't look to see what he was doing. But Sarah didn't care anymore, the scent and saliva of the massive were-dragon having performed its task and brought out her dormant arousal. She half-lidded her eyes as she felt his talented claws disrobe her, tracing now over her thin, pink panties, already dampened with the beginnings of her own sort of heat.

Arching his back and lowering his hips, the mighty were-dragon shifted his massive paws to either side, spreading her gymnast's legs into a full split. Sarah had always been remarkably limber, and had a habit of demonstrating it in ways that left Robert uncomfortably aroused in her presence. Now Wraith would put Sarah's talents to their full test, lowering himself to left his heavy cock rest against her damp panties. The thick tip tapered to a girth seemingly as big around as her slender waist! All the rain in the state could not make her cute little panties any more wet then had the touch of that massive shaft.

Despite his impressive width, Wraith had little trouble using his prehensile length to nudge beneath the hem of her undergarments. A quick jerk of the snake-like shaft, and the damp cloth parted, revealing her dripping femsex to the eyeless gaze of his hungry dragonhood. A purr rose in Wraith's throat as he sampled her heat upon the tip of his cock, feeling her quiver. Her body subconsciously resisted the presence of something so hideously large, fighting with her mind that was now singularly focused on somehow getting it inside her. Ultimately she had little choice, as the massive were-dragon began to press that firm tip against her virgin sex, slowly spreading nether lips of her labia around his turgid shaft.

As the thunderstorm continued to build, accompanied by the music and the voices of the teens outside rising, Wraith did his best just to fit the first few inches of his powerful, writhing member into his mate's tight cunt. Sarah shivered and moaned anew, this time in fear instead of pleasure, feeling that heated length slowly spread her impossibly wide. His steaming pre soaked her inside and out, strangely tingling though she knew the heated liquid should burn like crazy. Instead it simply relaxed her muscles, invigorated her skin, and stimulated her arousal to untold heights. She never dreamed her first time would be like this, the young virgin knowing she could never take the were-dragon's length, and yet that was exactly what she was now doing.

Wraith pounded furiously into the tight sex of the female between his hips, deepening their kiss to lap at the entrance to her throat once more as he finally forced his thick cocktip fully inside her. Were he to glance back, he would clearly see a thick ridge running upward from her hips along her abdomen where his shaft had pierced her, claiming her innocence in the carnal act of heated lust. His pre continued to pour out inside her as the thunder and lightning crashed. The rain pouring down in defiance, spattering against the roof of the tent in taunting challenge as if telling him he could never match the yield of the storm. Oh but he would try!

Growling and planting his paws wide-spread, he leveraged his weight, stiffening his cock and using the power of his massive thews to drive himself further inside her. Slowly Wraith could feel her opening up around him, Sarah's petite form swollen with his heat embedded deeply inside her. He passed the first ridge, drawing a moan of ecstatic pleasure from his mate's lips sealed tightly around his tongue. She pressed back against him, her hips impossibly rising from the ground as she sought to tug him deeper inside her, the tiny female overwhelmed with the rapture of his lusts enacted on her human form.

Another crash of lightning struck the earth, this one close enough to highlight Sarah's face. The peeling thunder did little to rival the pounding heartbeat of the were-dragon as he saw his mate's eyes staring back at him, each orb sharing his own slitted pupil. Whereas he sported a deep sapphire, Sarah's eyes shown bright emerald in the fading flash. Roaring out in glee, unafraid knowing that his voice would be mistaken for the storm, he fell upon his mate with renewed passion. As he forced himself upon her, driving deeper and deeper inside her flesh he felt the transformation begin fueled by his own energy.

But he was a were-dragon, and the power of the moonlight fed him. Tearing his muzzle from hers, he knew that his mate needed that same energy, and soon or he would end up killing her. Reaching up he shredded the roof of the storage tent, letting the rain poor in on them as the tent collapsed. Tilting his muzzle to the sky he called out to the moon, howling in need and pleasure. The music stopped, as all around the teenagers turned as one, spellbound by the sound of his voice as he repeatedly cried through the thundering storms.

Suddenly a shaft of pure silver burst through the clouds, highlighting Wraith and his new mate in a nimbus of glory as the rain washed over their mating forms. The energy filled him, flowed through her, and with renewed vigor he began to pound anew at her clenching, rippling sex. He felt her change around him as his cock slipped in past the second ring, her tight vagina transforming into the female equivalent of his impressive cock. She was deep, deep enough to take him all the way, and thick, corded muscle lined her satin walls; they gave her strength enough to grasp him and hold him firmly inside her, despite all his might.

He could feel her tail, jutting forth from between the cheeks of that perfect ass to trail along the underside of his own, writhing up to intertwine in passionate embrace. She anchored him firmly to her, the two were-dragons writhing and moaning in bliss as they pounded their hips sensually against each other. Heedless of the dozens of teenagers crying out in fear and panic their screams drowned by the roars of the dragons and the thunderous fury of the storm, Wraith and Sarah knew only the touch of his body to hers, in hers, as they mated with increasing abandon.

He felt her talons, newly formed and raking against his scales slickened by the storm above. Far from an act of resistance or anger, he felt the touch as pleasure, the razor sharp claws skittering over his ebon hide oddly stimulating, arousing. Wraith saw Sarah's face transform into a muzzle like his, before powerful arms to match his strength grasped around the back of his head and pulled him into a deep and fiercely wild kiss. He felt the touch of a tongue every bit as dexterous as his own, dance inside his muzzle as he kissed his dragoness for the first time.

The people scattered, the moonlight tableau of dragon and dragoness mating in feral passion clearing up the drug and alcohol haze of the rave and sending the teeming masses scattering for the parking lot. The band left their instruments behind, leaping from the stage into the crowd and racing for the exit only heartbeats behind the panicked security guards. Wraith and his mate could have cared less, the noise not even distracting them for a moment.

At last the male were-dragon managed to get his third ring inside his changing dragoness, just as her wings erupted from her back, threshing against the grassy floor surrounded by the remains of the utility tent. She writhed at the intensity of the transformation, combined with the power of sex as Wraith pressed deeper and deeper inside of her, spilling his pre against the entrance to her very egg chamber. His arousal at it's utmost, he found himself pressing the firm knot, at last revealed from his sheath, against the tight embrace of her labia. Groaning in pleasure he ground his flesh between his hips, begging her to spread for him and accept him fully.

Sarah... but no, again this name meant nothing to her now, she would call herself Satin after the ebon, feminine touch of the night... Satin trembled beneath her mate as the last of her changes took place, her size increasing as she shed her skin for soft, supple scales. She was now the mirror image of Wraith, save for her eyes, her large, soft-scaled breasts, and her deep, welcoming cunt. Rain sprinkled down over her thick hide, steaming with the heat of their passion, as she shimmered in the moonlight and reflected flashes of lightning.

Together the two of them cried out in bliss muffled through the tight embrace of their muzzles, sharing the passionate caress of their tongues within. Wraith's paws found her breasts once more, squeezing them more firmly now as her milk ran in rivulets alongside the cold rain. Satin shivered, spreading her hips as far as she could, finding her new form even more limber then as a human. Wraith responded by driving his knot at last through the lips of her sex, his meaty tip piercing the seal of her womb. Time stood still despite the crash of thunder and the drum of rain against their scales as they tore their muzzles apart, letting loose a low resounding roar from the depths of their feral hearts. Wraith trembled; Satin writhed beneath him. Together the two of them called out each other's names to the moon as he bathed her womb in his seed.

Their orgasm rivaled the very intensity of the storm surrounding them, Wraith's cock pulsing and sinuously squirming inside her, somehow intensifying the feeling of his girth spreading her to her limits. Thick ropes of dragon seed shot from the bloated tip to fill her womb, ripened with the fruits of first heat. They both knew she would carry eggs for him, the volume of his seed swelling her taut belly. Satin in turn did her best to milk her male dry, her tight cunt gripping and massaging his flesh with vice-like intensity, his lust-tortured mind would have been amazed at her strength if he could have managed a single sentient thought right then. Within the pleasure grip of his mate, Wraith was as helpless to her body as she was to his.

Great clouds of steam rose up from the duo as their heat overflowed at last, the gradually slackening rain boiling off their scales to rise into the moonlight. Panting heavily they returned to passionate kissing, Wraith's paws massaging Satin's breasts gently, affectionately as they held each other close, waiting out the pleasant bliss of afterglow until he softened enough to untie from her dripping cunt. Still in a mental haze of sexual pleasure, the duo looked over the deserted campground as the brief thunderstorm finally drew to a close. The place was deserted save for the two of them, still bathed in silvery moonbeams.

Uncoiling from his mate, Wraith leaned in for one last kiss, then stepping back, willed his body to change as he somehow knew he could. His feral mind having faded with the satiation of first lust, he felt a surge of guilt that the two of them had ruined the Halloween party and at having sex in broad view in front of everyone. Though he doubted either he or Satin would be recognized. He felt a need to distance himself from his dragon form for a moment to assimilate all that had happened.

The touch of Satin's hand shoulder, once again human as he was, did much to dispel the feelings of guilt, as he turned toward her with genuine affection in his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but she beat him too it, slapping him open-palmed across the face nearly hard enough to send him sprawling.

"You oaf! If you had told me it was you I wouldn't have resisted. You frightened me... Wraith." She spoke his new name without being told, somehow knowing who he was now.

Wraith worked his jaw a few moments; that slap had hurt! He would have to remember the new strength they evidently possessed in their human forms as well, "Satin, I'm sorry. But you know what it was like. I... this was my first change, and I didn't even know it was going to happen. I guess I wasn't quite ready for it. I'm sorry, I really am. But, I'm glad it happened." He winced, expecting another slap.

She stood there gazing at him a few moments longer, but they both knew despite her anger that they were fully, inescapably in love with each other. She sighed and dropped her guard, reaching out to embrace him affectionately. They both remained fully naked from the transformation, but neither of them cared as they shared this moment together.

Hand in hand in the light drizzle that was all that remained of the fierce thunderstorm, the two of them walked out to the parking lot together. Her convertible was gone; Carl and Sandy probably took it and bolted without bothering to wait up for their friends when the two "monsters" appeared, fiercely copulating by moonlight. But they decided to walk home naked in the night, using their talent for shadows to conceal them from any who might pass by. It would take an hour or so to reach Wraith's house, but neither of them felt at all tired.

Wraith laughed at the thought, "Do you know what we must have looked like? Fuck, I can't wait to hear the stories at school."

Satin giggled and nodded, leaning in to kiss her mate, "You did kind of make a mess of things destroying that tent."

They sighed as they remembered, falling silent and looking up at the moon. After a moment Wraith turned toward his mate, a grin spreading across his face. "Hey Satin...?"

"Mm...?" She raised an eyebrow at him curiously.

"Why don't we go for a flight?"

Satin and Wraith enjoyed the rest of their evening without mishap, though there were several curious reports of large bats spotted in the sky around Centerville Park. Wraith got home just before dawn, but didn't bother going to sleep. The moonlight seemed to have given him more than enough energy to last through the night until his parents arrived the next morning.

His mother seemed especially pleased to find him home safe and sound, though whether because of the storms or because she feared something else, he didn't ask her at the time. He felt almost certain that the real reason they didn't want him out that night, the first full moon after his 18th birthday, was connected to his transformation. Only several months later when he attended his first were-flight meeting and was formally introduced to the life of a were-dragon did he realize how right they were and how lucky he was.

A young dragon that changes for the first time on his own, unsupervised as he was, might injure themselves trying to fight the transformation. Worse than that, if there were no prospective mate nearby they would go into a sexual frenzy. Without Satin, he might have sought to sate his lusts on the rest of the teens at the rave, but lacking the feelings of love and affection he had for his mate, instead of changing them he would have ended up killing every last one. With a shudder at that thought, he leaned over and nuzzled against the beautiful black dragoness accompanying him. Now that had surprised his parents quite a bit, but he wouldn't have felt right keeping her a secret from the rest of his flight.

They were married quickly in a human ceremony, then again in front of the entire flight. And it wasn't long afterward before Satin began to show signs of the eggs developing inside her. She was certain there would be three of them, two girls and a boy; Wraith knew better then to ask his radiant bride how she could tell.

Oh yes, and they were right about the stories. No one believed the tales of two massive Godzillas descending from the sky to use the teens attending the rave as sex toys. Pretty much anyone brave enough to repeat it was laughed at and then promptly sent to drug counseling. But Wraith and Satin never laughed.

They were usually too busy staring into each other's eyes.