Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 15: Dresnath's Forces

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#19 of Order of the Black Foot

So far behind with these things...Anyway, a chapter sponsored by FA: Leon_Therma and showing off some of the less magical troops of the Order.

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Order of the Black Foot

Chapter 14: Dresnath's Forces

Sponsored by Leon

By Draconicon

Getting rid of Joan was seen as a massive victory for the rest of the Order, but to Dresnath, it was just the first step. Perhaps not even that; the dragon was only getting himself back on track with her gone, rather than actually pursuing the goals that Draconicon had given him.

He walked among the soldiers that he'd picked out of the Order's basic soldiers, looking them over. There weren't many; out of the four thousand or so that he'd examined, he'd only chosen fifty-nine of them. Most people would think that would hardly be enough to do anything to the Theocracy. He planned to prove them wrong.

The dragon walked down their ranks, each soldier standing precisely five feet away from the one behind, ahead, and to either side of him or her. They were all posed with their arms behind their backs, their heads forward, and their eyes clear. Not one of them looked at him as he walked by, and he nodded in approval. He'd picked those that he was sure had some level of discipline that he could use, so he didn't have to pound it into their heads the way that he'd done with some of the earliest recruits.

Dresnath slowly shook his head as he reached the back of the recruits, looking them over. Fifty-nine soldiers with the best potential he could find. Not the best that there were - there were others that hit harder, others that were faster, others that could shoot further - but the ones that were best suited to the things that he had in mind for the war.

He'd spoken with Draconicon at length about the things that he'd need to do in order to win this war. The dragon had a number of plans for keeping the paladins at bay, keeping them on the back foot. Dresnath understood that. The point of a general was to execute the strategy of his superiors.

That said, he knew what it would take to bring down the Theocracy, and he knew that simple magic wouldn't be enough.

Give me the men to train for hard-hitting, deep cover missions. I will take down their forts. Burn their supply lines. Ensure that their Inquisitors are busy in every corner of the Theocracy that we want them to be. They won't have the time or energy to come after us when we finally make our move...and if we're lucky, they'll already be half-dead with their leadership.

He wasn't planning on making a corp of assassins. Havok and Hanna had that corner of the operations covered. No, what he wanted were ten teams. Ten teams that could strike hard, strike deep, and make damn sure that the Theocracy felt it whenever they came calling. He was going to make sure that their name was feared, that their work was fierce, and their deeds were remembered for years to come.


They whipped around, slamming their heels together and standing with their arms at their sides. Dresnath nodded at them, the dragon removing his upper armor and letting it hit the ground, exposing the footprint on his chest.

"This is the mark of our cause. The Black Foot. To everyone in the Theocracy, this is a mark of a terrorist organization. Some rogue army, some force that wishes them and the Church ill. That we are devil worshipers, that we are evil, that we are a plague that must be stopped.

"Only one of those things are true, and we all know which it is."

The troops smiled, though only slightly, and not all of them. He knew that they knew the stakes. He wasn't telling them anything new. Dresnath reached up to his chest, tapping the mark.

"We stand against the Church, against the power that they wield over everyone, and the tyranny that they're bringing down around us. So far, it has only been the mages to suffer. So far."

He looked around them. None of them were mages, none of them spellcasters, but they had all joined for some reason or other. Family, perhaps, or a personal vendetta against the Church. Perhaps even old members of the government that came before. It didn't matter. Now, they were all members of the Order, all under the same banner.

"But we know that it won't stop there. The mages, once they are gone, will no longer provide a target. They'll move on to something else. People that disagree, that don't pay the full taxes, will be labeled as dissenters, arguers, dangers to the public order. They will be made a target, and soon they'll be eliminated.

"One by one, all the pieces of our lives before the Theocracy took power will be taken away, replaced by paladins, Inquisitors, and their power structure, their hierarchy. We will be nothing but the subjects of a church state.

"And this, we can't allow."

He tapped the mark again.

"The Black Foot will stomp out the shining sun of the church. When the time comes, we will crush it beneath our heels, and we will show them the true power of a people that refused to be ignored, who refused to be conquered. Do you stand with me? Are you ready to learn how to fight them, how to break them, the way that they've tried to break you?"

The crowd cheered, and he smiled as he raised his hand.

"Are you with me?"

They cheered again, louder.

"Then let's get started."


The first week of training was hard, harsh, pushing the entire group to move faster than they ever had been pushed to run before. Running was part of the general training and exercise of all soldiers, but Dresnath pushed it harder, faster. He wanted every member of his special corp to be able to outpace the other members of the army. He wanted them to cover any distance with the speed of a cheetah and the endurance of an elephant. The dragon intended to see that they were nothing but blurs on the battlefield.

They collapsed regularly, but he was always there, pulling them up and dragging them forward. They would fall, collapse again, but he never let them stay there. The general of the Order was always pushing them harder, faster.

By the end of the week, they were getting there. Not completely, but somewhat, starting to move faster, starting to run longer. It wasn't everything, but it was a start.

The second week, they started with swimming. Aquatics took to it faster, obviously, with otters and a couple of dolphins able to move at high speed through the water, but he pushed everyone to learn how to swim, how to move faster. He had the Order teleport them to the far north, making them swim in the glacier runs to get faster, to get harder.

Only the bears loved him for that.

Every week, he added something new. Speed, swimming, archery, strength training. Everything that he could think of, he forced onto the trainees, making them learn how to do everything that he did.

The squad that knows everyone's abilities, whose capabilities are equal, is the squad that will not fail if one of them is lost, was his philosophy. It was a harder one, one that pushed people to move faster and be better than they could otherwise be, but it would be the thing that saved them in the end. If they lost an archer, someone else could pick up the bow and cover their retreat. If they lost a swimmer, another person could leap into the water after them.

There would be specialties - there always were - but he would make sure that everyone knew the basics.


It was a month into their training when he received the first visitor after dark, one of the otters coming to his tent. Dresnath opened the flap and let him in, directing him to a chair after taking a seat for himself.

"Speak. What do you want?"

"Well, sir, I was coming on behalf of a couple of the soldiers."

"On behalf of? I thought that you knew by now that you could come to me with anything."

"We know, we know." The otter nodded. "But, well, there was something that I wanted to discuss...privately."

The dragon arched an eyebrow, but gestured for the otter to continue.

"Well...we've been training really hard. Do you think...do you think that we've gotten better? We're...well, we're honestly not sure."

His other eyebrow went up at that. The idea that any of the soldiers weren't sure about whether they were improving was insane. They had been improving at a rate that was the envy of the rest of the encampment. His methods had been harsh, but he would put most of his special forces up against anyone else that served as a soldier. Not Hanna, Havok, or any of the mages, admittedly, but against anyone else? Definitely.

The otter continued, though, and he started to understand.

"See, we can't...we still feel like we're the same as we were when you first recruited us. I thought that we might be even better by now, but you keep having to help us up, making us move faster. I thought we'd be like you by now."

"You think that, just because you're still running around and I'm still helping you, that you haven't improved?"

"Well, doesn't it sound like that?"

Dresnath chuckled. He looked around his tent, thinking for a moment, before he pointed towards a desk that laid against the wall. He never used it, as the paperwork could always be done elsewhere - and he didn't like doing it to begin with - so he pointed at it.

"Punch the top of the table."


"Just punch it, do it."

The otter stared at him for a moment, but the obedience conditioning eventually won out, and he walked over to it. The otter held his hand up, gave one last glance back to make sure that it was alright - it was - before bringing his hand down, hard.

It splintered the table right down the middle, breaking it into little bits and pieces. The otter jumped back, staring at the mess that he'd caused, and then looked down at his hand.

"That...that should have broken my hand or something..."

"Perhaps it would have, back then. But you've been improving. There's more to go, but you're getting better every day, and there's no reason to think otherwise."

"But...but everyone else -"

"I'm helping all of you because I'm that much stronger than you. I've been working at this for my whole life, taking on missions and doing things that should be impossible to make a living. If you think that you're going to be that good in a month, you're wrong, but you're better than most of the other soldiers, by far."

The look in the otter's eyes told him how much the soldier needed to hear that...and it gave him another idea. He smiled.

"Do you need to know more about how much better you are?"

"I...wouldn't turn it down, sir."

"Then know this. You and the others are the only ones that might earn a little bit of...specialized attention from me. Not just on the battlefield...but in my tent, as well."

Just as he'd been gambling, the otter's eyes went wide, and the off-duty clothes that the little swimmer wore started to tent in the crotch. He smiled to himself. Yes, they were all eager, alright. Eager for attention, affection, and validation. They would do all that they could to get it. Perhaps he had skimped on it a bit much lately, but he could start making that up soon...

He patted the otter on the arm.

"Go and tell your friends that the people that win the archery contests tomorrow will receive special attention like that, tomorrow, after the day is over. I'm sure that you'll have no trouble getting them to pay attention and work hard."


He was right. The otter - named Saul - had never been that great in the marksmanship categories before, but he had pushed himself hard. He hadn't won, of course - one didn't go from mid-ranking to winning from motivation alone - but he moved up from rank 30 to rank 20. Others, he assumed the otter's friends, moved up even higher, getting to a point of being in the top five.

It wasn't winning, but it was close enough for him.

Dresnath sent a few discrete runners to the soldiers in question, and retired to his tent. He sent out a few other messages to Draconicon, explaining what he was doing, before he sat down and waited for the soldiers to come to him.

And come they did. Three of them, an otter, a bear, and a lion, all three dressed in their off-duty leathers, just enough armor for protection in case of a night attack, but still clingy and comfortable enough for daily wear. He smiled at them, gesturing for them to take a seat on the floor.

"I think that your friend, Saul, has told you exactly what you've won today."

The three of them blushed slightly, the otter in question rubbing the back of his head. The lion looked away, his cheeks burning, while the bear nodded with a smirk.

"Yeah, he told us." The bear chuckled. "Sounded pretty darn eager when he was telling us, too."

"Yes, he was quite eager when he was telling me, as well. It seems that the three of you did quite well in archery, in terms of improvement. No winners, admittedly, but you certainly have done better as a result of your motivation."

The dragon smiled, reaching down to his boots. They were tight enough on his legs to need some slow attention, otherwise his feet would feel like they were expanding in them as a result of the increased bloodflow. He undid the laces, taking his time as he looked them over.

"You will get your reward. Tonight, you will serve me directly, and I'll give you the best night of your lives. Keep improving, and you might just earn more of these."

"You're kidding..."

He looked at the lion, and slowly shook his head.

"I'm not kidding in the slightest. Now, I think we already know who is doing what...Bear. Your name?"


"You're going to be giving my feet a good working over. They've been in the boots all day, and judging by that smirk on your face, you know just what you want."

"Read me like a book, sir."

He nodded, turning to the lion.


"Jonah, sir."

"Jonah. I'm going to have you start on my dick."


"Cats like the cream, I'm told."

The lion blushed worse, but slowly nodded. He started to get up, but Dresnath gestured for him to stay where he was before turning to Saul.

"And you. I believe that you deserve a different sort of reward."

"What's that, sir?"

"I think that you need a coating along your paws. You've been quite the swimmer lately, and they've been...drying out, I'm sure. You'll be using your paws to help get me off, and - presuming there's any 'cream' left after Jonah has finished - you'll be rubbing it in. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Alright, boys."

He finally dragged his boots off, pulling them off of his legs and letting his feet out into the open air. The soles were damp, and the toes were just a bit steamy from the long-enclosed heat. He flicked his toes around, and smiled.

"Let's get to work."

His soldiers were quick to follow his orders, just as they were trained, and he was soon grinning to himself as he felt a thick, heavy tongue running along the underside of his soles. The bear was eager as he had expected, and the dragon sighed as he felt the wide tongue working over his soles and towards his toes.

The lion and the otter were just as quick, finding the latches and snaps in his clothes, and even finding the little bits and pieces that would allow his cock to flop out without the slightest hesitation. Lion tongue and otter toes gripped at the tip and base of his cock respectively, nudging it and building it up, and he groaned under his breath as his soldiers worked as efficiently as he'd ever hoped.

"Yes...that's it...get it good and hard for me, boys."

They nodded, looking up at him as they worked him. Saul was off to the side, supporting himself on his elbows as his webbed toes worked at the dragon's cock base, while Jonah dragged his rough tongue along the underside towards the head. Each little lick was enough to send a shiver down the dragon's spine, particularly considering how close to rough it was without actually being painful.

The best feeling, however, was the sensation of the bear working his soles. It had been a long time since he'd gotten a good foot licking - since the last time that he'd had a contract before the one that landed him in the Order, for that matter - and so it felt good to luxuriate in the feeling of someone giving their all to tease and clean his soles. He let out a long, happy sigh as he felt that thick, broad tongue working from his heel to his toes, and then sticking between each one, leaving them a slick, wet mess, and stringy with spit.

Jonah surprised him, however, as the lion suddenly slid his mouth down on the dragon's cock. Dresnath groaned, feeling those lips slide down to the middle of his cock, bouncing off of the otter's toes before pulling back up, and he looked down at his soldier - a two-weapon user, if he remembered right - and nodded his approval.

"Mmmph...good...good...keep on sucking..."

The dragon general leaned back, enjoying the mix of foot licking, footjob, and blowjob that he was getting, the three soldiers never letting up on his dick and his balls and his soles. They were all working hard, the otter pumping him, the lion sucking and licking him, and the bear almost devouring his feet in his eagerness to get at the sweat and the flavor down there.

He pressed one foot further down, grinding down on Samson's cock, and the bear growled in pleasure, thrusting up without the slightest hesitation against it. He chuckled to himself, curling his toes around the ursine's bulge.

"You cum, and you'll have to make sure that you lick it clean again."

"No problem, sir."

Nodding, Dresnath teased the bear while getting his cock properly sucked. He hadn't expected this sort of reward when it came to training up his special forces, but he sure as hell wasn't going to turn it down. He grinned, starting to buck his hips forward, grinding his cock into the lion's mouth and thrusting the slick head between webbed toes when he pulled his hips back.

"That's it, boys...almost there...getting real close now..."

In and out, in and out, wet mouth, hot toes, slippery tongue, wet webbing. All of it worked his cock like crazy, and as Samson took his shaft into his mouth, sucking on it and teasing it even further, the dragon growled in need, starting to feel his balls pulling up slowly, feeling his peak right around the corner.

"Back...Back, Jonah!"

The shouted command had the lion pulling back instantly, his mouth wide open as the otter's feet jerked him from base to tip, HARD. The dragon growled, holding back for a few more seconds before he finally lost control. Hot cum went flying, landing over the lion's face, and slowly dripping a few seconds later down onto the otter's paws.

Panting softly, he slowly pulled Saul's paws off of his cock, and then pointed towards the lion.

"Grind it off of his face, what he doesn't lick up."

"Yes, sir."

The dragon nodded, leaning back as the bear continued to lick and worship his feet, dragging that tongue from one to the other, always teasing, always dragging along the scales to get everything. He smiled, leaning on one fist as he watched the bear enjoy himself.

"You just love it down there, don't you?"

"Mmmph...it's not...a bad place, sir."

"How many of the soldiers want something like this, boys?"

Samson, Jonah, and Saul all looked at him, blushing, and looked at each other. He could feel a small conversation going on, a sort of mutual understanding being reached. Not like the Order's telepathy - that was too one-way for it to come out this way - but in the way of soldiers that had gone through hell together. Slowly, the otter turned to him.

"Um...all of them?"

Dresnath arched an eyebrow.

"All of them?"

"Pretty close, at least. I mean, most of the guys I've heard have said that they're closer to you than most of their family, considering how you're helping us."

The dragon hadn't expected that, though he supposed it had something of a ring of truth to it. They probably hadn't expected this to be so hard, or to make it so difficult for them. Even if they had, he doubted they'd expect their commanding officer to be willing to throw himself in and help them.

Well...this was something he could use.

"Alright. We have about a month of training left before we see our first mission," he said. "Let's see how much we can motivate everyone, now that I know you want this..."

The End