Offer Declined (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#44 of Short Stories

An officer of the sunken Avian Fleet declines the offer of a job.

~ Captain DeCaro settled back into his chair as the rabbit returned to the table with a pair of drinks and a friendly smile. William smelled strongly of grease, surfactant, and cheap wine. This didn't bother the macaw, as there were not many aboard the asteroid station who didn't smell of some combination of at least two of the three. He held his beak slightly agape in mimicry of a grin, "You are as gracious a host as your reputation claims, fellow businessman. What sort of cargo might you have for a humble courier as myself and my ship?" He pulled the offered glass close to him, though it didn't escape his notice it was too tall and narrow for anyone with a beak to drink from.

~ William kept up his wide, intermittently toothy grin. "Not so much something I've got here for ya, I've got something somewhere else for you to bring to somewhere else." He took a long sip from his bright red drink. "I'll have the details shertly.", as he began to rummage in a shoulder bag for a tablet. st Captain DeCaro clicked his beak softly, as if ruminating on the notion of a pickup job. A soft voice replied into the earpiece he concealed under his feathers, "We can hear you both, Captain.", the navigator volunteered. This put him a bit more at ease as he glowered at the inconsumable drink and waited for some foolish plan to be offered. Likely another heist to be turned down, but worth hearing out.

~ The macaw took the initiative, "So, where's the starting point for all this?", not really paying attention to what William said as much as how he said it. There was something unusual about the job, the merchant of ill repute seemed like he didn't have any other options to hire this job out to if the Captain declined. "And to where would I take this... merchandise?", the answer delivered with the passionate apathy of a lie. It was beginning to sound like the job ended at the first stop, possibly even shortly before. Concealed beneath feathers and the ambient noise of the bar, the navigator volunteered calmly, "...based on how out of the way the starting point is, and what sets that port apart from nearby hiding spots that would be well, a lot better at hiding, whatever he's got is big. Heavy destroyer big, at least. Maybe even the size of a lancer."

~ The pieces settled into place as William discussed the terms of payment and possibilities of bonuses for speedy transit. DeCaro stared down into his hand, remembering all the times he'd presented it to a ship of the Avian fleet for verification that he was a bridge officer. He clicked his beak twice, paused, and again more forcefully. That seemed to get some attention.

~ William's ears perked up, "Oh? You'll be taking the job, then?" The rabbit was suppressing the glee appropriate to a fox who'd found a bag of chickens trapped in a box.

~ To his earpiece, the first mate simply reported, "Copy. We'll be ready for launch shortly, Sir. Make your exit as you please. Confusing is good."

~ Mustering his resolve and poise, the Captain rose from his chair and fanned his wings. Incomplete as they were, they still made for a looming silhouette as he hung upright for just a moment before he came down upon the table with a combination of fists and indignation.

~ "I am commissioned an officer of the High Fleet, and I will not sully my ship or my pride with such smuggling as you've to offer! My home world is in cinders and my ship is a slag, but you cannot raise a price worth my dignity. Good day, and may you find a fool worth their wages for your task."

~ The theatrics were sufficiently overblown that the Captain managed to sprint most of the way to the ship before the rabbit even deployed his goons. A phoenix, drenched in sweat and wearing only a bed sheet lingered sheepishly in the airlock. DeCaro chuckled wryly to the crewman, "Sorry for the abrupt recall; I'll cover the cost of new pants, pockets and their contents.", carding them both aboard with his own key.