Coffee. (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#21 of Short Stories

A gryphon makes coffee.

~ Victoria leaned back in her chair, seated at the kitchen counter. This was no time for delays such as walking into the kitchen or strolling to dining room. She had quite reasonably sat herself down right in front of the action. The coffee maker gurgled softly, the water began to boil, and Victoria let out a bit of a bubbly purr.

~ "Hey, Chuck.", the gryphon commented in a calm tone, "Wake up if you `awnt coffee." The hen hadn't any intention to leave any of the precious beverage remaining in the pot by the time she'd consumed her morning dose, but would feel guilty if she failed to extend some amount of opportunity to the dragon. The pot began to fill with the smooth brown liquid, spurting down from the mechanism in bursts of flavor and joy. It would only be a few minutes more.

~ As she waited with patience afforded only to those that are merely mostly awake, the gryphon calmly examined the borosilicate glass mug between her paws. She liked this mug. The pattern along the outside matched the pattern of the plates her family had when she was growing up. Her ears perked at the sudden silence, the machine having come up idle and the glass pot as full as any hen could hope. It was times like this, with a full pot of coffee and a dragon sleeping on the couch that the gryphon wished she could smile.