Badger on a Moon (Ferret and Badger part 2) (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#19 of Short Stories

A badger performs maintenance on the moon. Heavy emphasis on description of sound.

~ Crunch.

~ Crunch.

~ The soil crunched softly beneath the badger's boots, as she cautiously wobbled her way back towards the crawler. Moon gravity wasn't so much a danger these days, as much an annoyance. If she fell over, it would be tens of minutes before she could right herself; time that she would rather spend practicing her violin as the crawler rambled on towards the next sensor node in need of maintenance.

~ Crunch.

~ Crunch.

~ The moon sized communication array, on account of being both made out of a moon and being a communications array, was crucial to the success of the nearby space port and a lucrative source of work for anyone willing to spend a great deal of time alone. The dust beneath her boots felt odd to her, no matter how many times she heard stepped in it. The sounds weren't coming up through the air, or echoing off of any nearby objects. Just what her suit conducted, with the faintest harmonics of the air in her suit.

~ Crunch.

~ Crunch.

~ The badger firmly grasped the handle of the embarking strut, which would pull her up to the deck. The machinery almost immediately set to its soft resonant hum. She flew up, inches per seconds away from the dusty surface.

~ Whirr.

~ Whirr.

~ The sun was rising, over the moon. She turned her gaze out and away, stealing a glimpse at the stars now fading away as her visor began to adjust for sunlight.

~ Whirr.

~ Whirr.

~ Ka-thunk.

~ Whoosh.

~ Click.

~ The badger fell backwards into a seat with a huff, and set to removing her helmet and gloves. She never understood how her wife could spend days in the suits. Her local area was again populated with unmolested sounds. She leaned forward, and with a now naked finger, tapped the 'Recorded Message' symbol. A ferret appeared on the screen, blurred and only partially colored for the moments occupied with the vidphone buffering the message. The badger smiled.

~ Sigh.