Into The HypnoDen (Part 3)

Story by LokiTheWusky on SoFurry

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#3 of Hypno Den Stories

A continuation of the Hypno Den Series.

~ From Rayden's PoV ~

After I left the room of our newest boy, I decided to make a quick trip down to the power room to make sure things down there were going well. As I made my way towards the back elevator, I noticed most of the rooms were empty as everyone was gathering up in the main part of the club. "That boy will be in for the time of his life.." I chuckled softly and entered the elevator, hitting the B3 button on the elevator panel. The elevator shuddered a moment as it slowly began its descent to the lowest floor of the building, hidden well below ground. After a short ride, the elevator dinged as it came to a subtle stop and the doors opened. Making my way down the short hallway, I walked up to the keypad and entered the code for the sealed room, and upon entering, I glanced around at all the pods that filled the massive warehouse sized room. "Heh, this always has been one of my top favorite things about this place...." I thought out loud, soft moans escaping each and every pod in the room. I walked around, glancing inside each pod on the base floor of the warehouse, making sure each of the newest volunteers were doing alright, and was quite pleased with the amount of cum that was being extracted and milked from each one. On each pod there was a counter showing just how many orgasms each pod had collected from its occupant, some ranging anywhere from 15-20 from the ones who had joined earlier today, to some of the older volunteers numbered well over a few hundred. Now, the best part of these particular pods is that they keep the occupant well fed, all dietary needs being met, small electrodes keep the muscles worked so that upon leaving the pod, they would be in better physical shape than when they entered, and due to the specifics of the dietary fulfillment given by the pod, any need for a bathroom is eliminated, maximising the time that the occupant can spend being edged, and milked repeatedly. All the while that this is going on, the occupant gets to live inside a virtual reality of their choosing, living out a life of their own design, creation, and control. In all seriousness, they get to live a life they want to live, and basically have all the sexual pleasure they could ever ask for, only price is that I get to collect their cum, to power The HypnoDen and supplement some of the more creative aspects of the place. As I continued my walk around, I made my way to a room in the back that held a massive tank, roughly able to hold 1,000 gallons of liquid, in which all the cum extracted from the pods was deposited into before being converted into a power source. Currently, the tank was near full, which meant that anything in excess, would be sent to be mixed with a mixture that was added into the drinks for the parties used for new members of The HypnoDen. All it did, was greatly heighten the arousal and sexual sensitivity of whoever consumes it, which in most cases, was everyone at the party, resulting in a massive orgy. I chuckled to myself at the thought of all this and even found myself growing quite hard. Reaching down and stroking myself a few times, I made my way over to a phone on the wall and called one of my boys upstairs. "Things are looking pretty good today, should be an eventful party, go ahead and start without me, I'll be there shortly." "Yes, Master." Was his only reply before we each hung up the phones. Up in the main part of the club, loud music began playing as the drinks begun being made and handed out and the partying began. "Time to see how much that boy's got in him..." I grinned at the thought of the show as I entered the elevator, turning to face the door as it closed, shuddering gently as it began its ascent.