Do You Want Any More Sushi?

Story by Torakuma on SoFurry

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A father and son bond, by eating sushi :3

"Do You Want Any More Sushi?"

By: Tora"fucking"Kuma

For: Rakko/Rakkit/Rakkotsune/My <3

"Do you want any more sushi, Rakkit?" The fox asked holding up another platter of round little wheels of rice and seaweed. He was dressed in simple blue work clothes, having just gotten home. His fur was a little matted and his eyes a little sunken, but he was still a handsome fox, not much older than fifty.

"Naw... Mom seriously bought too much. I don't think I'll be able to eat this stuff ever again." The younger fox spoke while his paw rubbed his belly. He wore a nice grey hoodie and dark blue jean shorts, his head fur done up in just the right way that made him look smart and cool at the same time; matching perfectly with his thin framed glasses.

The kitchen around them was normal, nothing too special about it, except that there was now a bunch of sushi out before the two male foxes, leftovers from the night before. They went out to eat, and the mother of the young adult fox proceeded to order four of everything. Now, when you order sushi, one order is four pieces of sushi, so instead of getting four pieces of everything, they got four orders of everything.

Rakkit looked down at the spread of rolls before him, a sea of tuna, salmon, shrimp and vegetables. He was going to have sushi for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a week, thanks to his mother. He had an unspoken joke between him and his father and they simply grinned while they eyed the other, holding back their chuckles as they basked in their fullness.

In truth, the young fox wanted to get back to his computer, talk to his secret boyfriend and do some homework, but he found himself enjoying the ambiance the two of them seemed to have created. He looked as his father, picking up another piece of sushi in padded fingers. His father was bigger than him, always had been. He remembered the photos his mother had showed him of the older fox when he was twenty years younger, a hulking male, for a fox. And now, it was clear he didn't have his father's genes, he was much skinnier, much more into reading and learning, and when the guy watched hockey, he just couldn't get into it.

Regardless, they still had their bonding moments, usually like now, when he first comes home from work, and their mother was still out. Even now, as he watched his dad paw his belly like he just had just done moments before, it made him smile and revel in the moment.

"Bet you can't eat another order." Rakkit said and the older male looked at him, a smug grin on his muzzle that said 'you're on'.

"I know I can, you see this?" He said and patted his belly. It wasn't the biggest one he had seen, but it was his father's and it was better than most in his opinion. "I bet you that I can, and that you can't."

"Oh boy," Rakkit spoke, trying to sound unconcerned, but his stomach disagreed. He was very full, almost painfully, and the pieces were huge, packed with rice and sea meat. But in the spirit of competition (something he didn't usually have) he said:

"You're on."

"What should we bet then?"

"Bet? Who said anything about a bet?"

"I'm the older fox here, I make the rules."

The younger fox scoffed, not wanting to show his abdominal discomfort, so he agreed. His father grinned and nodded in pleasure.

"Okay," He spoke, picking up a piece of sushi, held poised to his mouth. "If I win, you have to do the yard work for a week."

"Deal." Rakkit said instantly, he didn't mind shoveling snow so he had no problem making that bet. He was a little frustrated, however, at his father having come home moments before he had finished pawing, and now wanted to return to it, but he was intrigued to see where this could go. "And what if I win?"

The father thought for a moment, waving the sushi roll through the air absentmindedly. Rakkit could tell he was contemplating the situation, and couldn't help but think of all the degrading things he could have his father do.

"If you win, I'll agree to do you a favor." He shrugged, obviously being unable to make up his mind. "You can shovel the snow, and I could, I don't know, do your homework."

"I'd fail if you did my homework." Rakkit said sarcastically. "You don't know the difference between Basidiomycota and Ascomycota fungi do you?"

The older fox stared back, clearly thinking the boy had spoken a different language. It made the younger giggle to himself.

"Sure, you can do me a favor, but I'll tell you what it is after I win." Rakkit egged his father on. This was as competitive as he got. Normally, he'd rather die than sit through a game of Hockey. You can't even check the players out because they're always hidden behind a stupid mask and bulky pads.

"Fine," He said and grinned evilly as he pulled another three pieces before him. Rakkit smiled, more so on the inside then on the out, and gathered up his own four pieces. When they were ready they shook paws, just as I sign of good sportsmanship, and then dug in.

His stomach was already painfully full but the first piece went down just fine, but when he held the second up to his muzzle, he felt a wave of nausea wash over him like a mudslide in Tahiti. He peered over and to his surprise his old man was still only getting the first one down. It seemed to give him the strength to carry on, to take the next bite and swallow the roll down his throat.

He was up by one, but by the time he finished with the third one we was ready, more than ever, to puke the contents of his stomach into his lap as his head hung in fatigue.

"What, are you giving up?" The older fox spoke with an arrogant voice of a victory foreseen. Rakkit just hid his grimace and showed his pops the white of another smile. They both had one piece left, his stomach ached with raw fish, but he didn't want to give up, not when there was something that he could actually beat his father in. The older male laughed and brought the final roll to his mouth, and with a final wink he went to take a bite. It was over, he had lost and he knew it, his own roll only halfway to his muzzle. He knew his fur must have been tinted green with sick and it only added more to the shame he felt bubbling up in his bloated belly. He stared at his father, his triumphant win, and smiled...

The older fox had frozen as a strange rumble came from his extended belly. The young fur rose an eyebrow and stared, perplexed. Why had he stopped? His father frowned, his glorious grin faltering as the noise from his belly reached his grey tipped ears. Rakkit knew he felt it too, but before he could speak, the fox set his roll down and smiled.

"Guess I just need to loosen my belt." He spoke as he placed his paws on the sliver clasp. It brought the young fox's eyes down instantly. He watched as he slipped the leather from the loop and unbuttoned his pants button.

This was the closest his father ever came to being nude outside of his bedroom. He was usually a very moralistic guy, so it made this kind of 'rare treat' even more enjoyable. He never thought about his father that way, but it was always interesting to see his maker, exposed like that. He knew it was wrong to think about, but he was 'his' son, not 'his' father. It was okay for the son to think those kinds of things, right?

"There," He growled with a satisfied look before turning back to his tuna roll. Rakkit wanted to say that was cheating, but he wanted to saver the image of his father with his denim pants undone. "Okay, now I can..."

Another rumble came, and this time it twisted his father's muzzle in obvious pain. Rakkit brought a paw to his muzzle and stifled a giggle at his father's poor attempt to 'make room'. The fox looked over at his son and forced a grin.

"No problem." He spoke and gingerly rose from his seat. Rakkit's heart almost stopped at the rasp of a zipper. He watched, almost in blissful horror as those aged paws wiggled the loose jeans down off his waist and down to his ankles where they were kicked aside. His father wore a pair of black boxer shorts with red hearts. He would have laughed if this wasn't the first time he had seen his father in his underwear since he was five. "Guess I needed a bit more room."

"Why don't you just take the rest of your clothes off?" Rakkit said sarcastically, trying not to stare at the fly that just barely concealed his father's sheath. It was so surreal; his father grinning like a fool with his maleness so close to being exposed. Rakkit knew his father didn't even suspect that his own son would be looking. So he didn't feel so bad when he stole a few glances.

"Is that what you would have wanted if you won?" The older fox said, rubbing his paws together, ready to sink his canine teeth into the spicy tuna. The words made the ears fall back on the boys head. He had never told his parents anything, never hinted at being gay, always kept his porn on his PSP and never gave them a reason to ask questions about anything other than school.

"What?" Rakkit replied trying his hardest to sound shocked or grossed out, but not doing a very good job of it. His voice was shaky; his eyes darted from fly to eyes and only prayed that it wasn't noticeable. The thought of seeing his father naked wouldn't even register in his mind; it had always been a mystery, enigmatic, impossible. He knew that some fathers would take showers with their really young sons; his never did that, being the ethical furson he was.

"If you shove that Spider Roll down your throat, and I can't eat this, which I can," He paused to take a breath, rolling the sleeves of his shirt up his black and orange arms. He was really serious about this, and the scary thought was that he wasn't drunk or anything; he was just his sober and increasingly sexy father. "Would you have me take off my clothes in shame?"

'Almost word for word.' Rakkit thought as his mind spun from the comment. He took a breath; thought of the word 'no', readied himself to shake his head furiously, refuse such a ridiculous proposition, and instead nodded and breathed a very faint "Yes."

His father didn't frown, didn't shake his head, raise a fist or his voice in violence. Instead he nodded in reply and smiled. The young fox just stared on, unable to say anything else, not stunned, just, not believing. In himself or in the words he or his father had spoken. He shifted his weight in the barstool and realized he had picked up his last piece, holding it to his muzzle, ready to eat it. He turned away from his father and took a breath. He could still feel the pain, the rumbling in his own belly, but he opened wide. The taste of crab filled his mouth, the salty taste of seaweed teasing his taste buds.

It was a wonderful taste; he couldn't explain it, having eaten more than fifty rolls since the night before. But despite the churning in his stomach, the sushi seemed to slip down his throat with ease, settling gently within him. The pain seemed to stop.

He looked to his father, just finishing his last bite with a grimace; he just made it. The big guy could eat, but so could he, in spite of his smaller size, and if anything, they both won. And those were the very words that came from the old-man.

"I guess we both have to do what the other says." He spoke with a paw on his stomach, this time in discomfort and not in fulfillment. Rakkit couldn't imagine why. Why the older fox would even want to do that, he didn't know. He was the guy's only son, he felt ashamed to admit to his father that he was gay, in fear of disappointing him, but this, this could be his one chance to come clean, to tell him everything, at least since they would be on the topic shortly, if his father complied.

"I guess so." Rakkit breathed, feeling the strain on his own belt.

"Good, because I didn't clear the snow off the walk this morning." The older fox said and grinned in a taunt. It wasn't fair, but it would be worth it if he got to see his father's unmentionables. "I guess I should go take a shower, is mom doing laundry tonight?"

Rakkit nodded, his ears flat against his head and remained seated in his stool while his father rose. He was a handsome fox now that he stopped to actually judge him on his looks and not as his dad. He found that his internal attraction meter inside him was rising up to an eight of out ten. He had never checked his father out, or looked at him in lust, but he felt him doing it now. And for some strange reason he was getting hard at the thought that he suspected that his father knew everything he was thinking.

"Dad, there's something I need to tell you." The fox examined him for a moment, appraising him somehow, reading him like a book. He knew parents had a certain amount of instinctual knowledge, but there was no way he could already know, could he?

"It'll have to wait until after my shower." The older fox said and stretched, reaching his paws into the air as he grunted. "Worked all day and I need a hot one."

"But..." The young adult protested. He wanted to let everything out, share with his father all the trouble's he's been facing, that's what father's do, right? And if he knew, why was he putting it off.

"No buts" He spoke suddenly, not out of anger, but hell if Rakkit knew what. His features softened and he lifted the shirt off of his larger frame. It was reasons like last night that had added to the mass of fur before him, but his father never looked more...gorgeous. He stared back with those beautiful brown eyes, stern and loving. It had been forever since the boy had used the word daddy, but he wanted to now, more than ever, to lunge into his arms and hold him close, call him 'daddy' and enjoy the simple embrace of a father. He remained sitting.

With that the black boxers fell to the floor and there he was, in all his mighty male glory, the fox who had made him, had been there when he had come into this world. His white chest fur was stunning, having never truly lain eyes on it before. The white fur fell, outlining his sturdy form until it sank to his sheath that rose above two mature and massive balls; the sheath itself soft but still impressive in all its furry goodness. Rakkit could only stare, not blatantly, only in admiration, in silent reverence.

"Have fun in the snow." He spoke deeply as he turned around; giving his son an entire three sixty view of the fox. His tail swished through the air as he begun to walk away from the counter, his lumbering form casting shadows from the lights down the hall.

It was only a moment before it was over, leaving the eighteen year old fox to stare at the hallway as his father's tail disappeared with a final fatherly smile, warm and heartwarming. All he could do was sit and wait; listening as the shower began to run. Wait as his father cleaned his wonderful body, waited to speak, to share his innermost thoughts with him. For another moment like this, he would wait as long as he had to.


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