Night thoughts - 12. - Because Y Knot

Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Night thoughts - .12 - Because why not


Patience an empty shot glass, I've taken what I could

Beyond the blur, there doesn't seem to be a cure for everything not good

Steady feet shake as the world comes undone from within

I can't help but walk on, singing a made up song, as I can't shake a stuck grin

It can't be so easy, to see past the sun, & know what's in sight

Loosely I sway to & fro, back into what I do & don't really know

I have to admit, many a time, I did quit, with all of my might

At the end of each time, the crowd was too loud, & I didn't care anymore about the show

Something gives inside, more than I'd like to admit

Somehow finding less each time, to try & hold to, it jus seems in this endless search, my mind just wants to quit...

It's almost worthwhile not to share everything that eludes many who walk blindly among self-reassured delusions

To see them, rock bottom, yet happily struggling, leaves me thoughtless, almost as if the "bettering" would just be an intrusion...

Anyhow, even now, if it wasn't for the music that soothes me, I don't know if I'd be where I stand today

I think, if anything, I simply would have just done what's expected, & simply gotten carried away

Always another choice, in these stupid crazy times, I only listen to my own voice

Unless the others can see, the advice is nothing to me, if only based on actions that are their own, & not universally understood

In short... someone's definition shouldn't be considered truth, if it only worked in their case... it's not really a wise decision to consider good...

Eh, decide what you want, if it helps, follow the other people off the edge

If you somehow find peace with eyes closed simply falling from the same ledge

I don't know, it jus seems silly

The same way a trailer, & bad teeth with similar choices, makes a hillbilly

People are not all what you don't know...

They are 90% mistaken on how you see them, yet that reassurance is what allows them, to continue, to grow...

Mistaken is human, we are imperfect by nature

We were born, with opinions torn, & spend time, mending our minds, all the while, looking for a materialistic cure...

...and that's okay... it's just... another day...

---Thanks for reading---
