Lessions Learned Chapter 1

Story by tsukishiro626 on SoFurry

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Hey everybody!!!! This was a new idea I thought up one day in math class while I was supposed to be practicing trig identities, but oh well! lol Anyway, time to get the legal stuff out of the way. This story will contain gay relationships, furry characters, and explicit gay content. If you don't like any of this, don't read!!! The characters Caid and Cody belong to Caidezes and Cody Furlong respectively, and all OC's belong to me, TsukiShiro. Now, ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!

Chapter 1: First Meeting

"Damn it, Caid! Why are you so good at these games? What, do you spend all your time online?" He fumed at his best friend, to whom he had just lost for the twentieth time in a row. It was one of those real-time war shooter games that seemed to be so popular these days. "You know I hate these games"

"Yeah, well, do you know why you hate these games, Aiden? It's because you suck SO bad!" laughed Caid. At that, Aiden turned to face the jovial liger. His fur was the luscious color of fresh honey, accented by bold black stripes. Around his wrists and ankles there were cuffs of burgundy fur, the same color as the medium length locks piled on his head. His tail was long and slender, tipped with a lionesque tuft of fur, the same shade as his mane. He was wearing his favorite outfit, a black T-shirt that had a blue flame design along the sleeves and the bottom of the shirt, with the letters "RAWR" printed on the front, gray shorts with a dragon design on it, sandals, and his signature jewelry; a gold necklace adorned with a sun and moon motif, and rings on both of his middle fingers, one a sun, one a moon.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..."Aiden grumbled as he reached over with his left paw, and pressed the button to turn the game system off. Aiden himself was a wolf with warm, auburn fur that covered his whole body except for under his chin, down across his chest, and into his pants, which was a rich cream color. His paws and arms were the same shade of cream up to his elbow, where the fur gradually returned to auburn. His eyes were of the purest sapphire that could be soft and loving one minute and yet could turn as hard as the stone they so resemble the next. He was wearing what he always wore at home; an olive green hoodie that had "Mount Vernon, 1674, Virginia" emblazoned on the front, and a pair of gray sweats. Aiden heaved himself off of the couch with a grunt and said, "Hey, Caid, I'm gonna go get me something to drink, you want anything?"

"Yeah, you got any Cokes?"

"Yeah, I'll bring you one."

"Thanks." Aiden sauntered out of the T.V. room and headed to the kitchen. When he reached the spotlessly clean, though small kitchen, he muttered to himself, "Jeez, sis, you're such a neat freak....." And with that, the wolf grabbed the handle of the fridge, jerking the door open, causing a bottle of mustard to fall to the floor. "Damn it..." he cursed as he stooped down to retrieve the offending bottle. After replacing the mustard, Aiden reached in the fridge, grabbed himself a bottle of water, then looked up to the top shelf, where his sister thought that all sodas should go. There was quite a selection, all Coke products (mind you); Cokes, Diet Cokes, Sprites, Vanilla Cokes, Cokes with Lime etc. So he called back to his best friend, "Hey, Caid, what kind do you want? We got Regular, Diet, Lime, and Vanilla."

"Dude, I don't care, just bring me some caffeine!" came his reply from where Aiden had left him. Grabbing the nearest regular Coke, he closed the fridge and headed back to the T.V. room. As he walked in, Aiden tossed the Coke to the liger, opened his water and took a swig. Suddenly, he heard a loud hissing noise and a quick curse to his left. Caid's soda had spewed from the can when he opened it, soaking his shirt and leaving a damp spot on the carpet. At that, Aiden exclaimed, "Oh, Damn! Raine's gonna be so mad!" He dashed out of the room to grab a towel out of the bathroom, calling back, "Go grab a shirt out of my room and throw yours in the laundry basket." When he reached the bathroom, he grabbed a towel to sop up the Coke and rushed back to the T.V. room, in a hurry to get to it before the carpet dried.

A few minutes later, Caid walked in wearing one of Aiden's ubiquitous T-shirts and said hopefully, "Maybe your sis won't notice the stain..."

"Oh, yeah, Raine'll notice alright. We might want to go somewhere before she gets home..." Aiden said as he finished soaking up the Coke.

"Hey, I got it! We could call up Cody and see if he wants to go to the mall and grab a bite to eat!" Caid declared, snapping his fingers.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun! Plus, it'll keep us out of the line of fire when my sister gets home!" Laughed Aiden, "Just let me go get changed real quick."

"So, why did you two suddenly decide to come to the mall?" Cody queried, raising his muscled arm to scratch his cheek. Cody was a large, muscle bound tomcat who was the captain of the school football team. He had eyes of the deepest emerald that had many people, male and female alike, chasing after him because of the sense of mystery they offered. His lustrous golden fur was accented with chocolate stripes up his arms and across his back beneath his favorite black tank top. He wore camouflage pants with combat boots, and when asked why he dressed like that, he would only say that he liked dressing that way.

"Well, this doofus right here decided it might be fun to pour a whole Coke down himself and all over the carpet. And you know how my sister is; she's gonna flip when she sees it. So, we thought it might be a good idea to make ourselves scarce before she got home," Aiden replied, throwing a mock angry glance at the liger sitting to his right.

"Hey, I'm not the doofus here. You are, buddy! The Coke wouldn't have spilled if you hadn't thrown it at me." Caid bantered back, pointing his chopsticks at the auburn wolf.

"Well, anyway," said the reddish canine, "we're here now. So, any ideas about what we want to do?"

"No, but I just don't want to go on one of your shopping sprees, you fruit." Cody joked

"Hey, I'm not that much of a fruit, and anyway, I just like having a little variety to choose from, that's all." The wolf countered slightly defensively, taking a bite of his sesame chicken to cover up his slight embarrassment.

The golden tom realized that he had embarrassed the wolf, and said contritely, "Dude, I'm just joking, you know I'm gay too, so don't worry about it. Anyway, if you want to go shopping, let's do it! I need a new outfit."

"I'm game." Caid chimed in.

"Yeah, let's go check out that new store, Denim Haven. I hear it's pretty awesome." Aiden said.

After finishing their lunches and disposing of their garbage, the trio left the food court and headed to the far side of the mall, where Denim Haven was located. They spent the next hour or so browsing through the shelves and racks of overpriced jeans and T-shirts, trying out different outfits, and generally having a good time. After the novelty wore off, though, the three left the outrageously priced store empty handed. As they were heading back to their cars, Aiden suddenly remembered that there was a new book out in his favorite series, and he wanted to grab a copy.

"Hey, I forgot that there was a book that I wanted to pick up. You guys go on; I'll see you at school tomorrow." He said, and Cody asked,

"You sure, bro? We could go with you if you wanted."

"Nah, go on home. I mean, what could go wrong? I'm just buying a book." Aiden scoffed.

"Ok dude, see ya tomorrow!" Cody said, raising his hand to wave.

"Yeah, catch ya later dude! Tell your sis that I'm really, really sorry about the carpet, even though it wasn't my fault. And dude, you really suck at shooter games!" Caid laughed as he walked off.

At that, Aiden headed in the direction of the book store. In actuality, the book he wanted was the new book in a really popular series targeted at fifteen year old girls about a teen who is dating a vampire but might have feelings for her best friend, who just so happens to be a werewolf. Aiden didn't really think the story was all that compelling; he just thought it was funny how stupid the main character was by jumping off cliffs and stuff like that.

Aiden walked out of the local book store chain ten minutes later with the new book in his paw. He looked down at the cover and wondered how a giant chess piece had anything to do with vampires and werewolves. Suddenly, someone pushed him hard from behind, causing him to stumble and drop the book. ** ** Just before he turned around to see who had pushed him, Aiden heard cruel laughter behind him. He knew that laugh. It was a laugh that had haunted him his whole time in high school. It belonged to a football player. Blake?..., As Aiden recalled, he was a black panther whose small amount of talent on the field made him think he was better than everybody else. That naturally led him to bullying anybody and everybody around him. And his favorite target was the auburn wolf. As Aiden turned, Blake shouted,

"Hey, FAG!!! What'cha got there?"

"Nothing that concerns you, Blake. Now leave me alone," Aiden said calmly, reaching down for his book. But before he could get his paw on it, Blake snatched it up.

"What is this? That stupid girlie book? You're such a fag! I bet you want the vampire and werewolf to fuck you, you faggot!" At that, Blake took the book by both of its covers and ripped it in half. Suddenly, a gray fist came flying from behind Aiden and connected with Blake's face, making him stumble back and bring his paw up to his now broken and bloody nose.

"Who the fuckin' hell are you?" Blake whimpered in pain.

"It doesn't matter," The stranger said, "Why did you do that to this guy? What has he ever done to you?"

"He's a faggot. Why should I be nice to him?" Blake mumbled through bloody lips.

"Leave this guy alone, or I'll hit you again," The stranger said quietly.

"Yeah, I'd just like to see you try..." The black feline said as he stormed past Aiden, whom he kicked as he went. Aiden tried to dodge in time, but was wholly unsuccessful. At this, the stranger lashed out once more, catching Blake square in the teeth. He winced in pain as he practically fell over himself trying to get away. Once the cat was out of sight, the stranger looked over to Aiden and asked, "Hey, are you ok?" Aiden, being hunched over from the pain of being kicked, looked up at his savior for the first time. He was a wolf with slate gray fur along his top jaw, over the back of his head-including his ears-, and down into the back collar of his generic white v-neck T-shirt. He had white fur along his bottom jaw that flowed down over his throat and over what was visible of his chest before it dove into the confines his shirt. Although the wolf had the most beautiful fur he had ever seen, Aiden realized that the most beautiful thing about the god in front of him was his eyes -flints of jade that shone with the same warmth as the verdant and inviting sunlight that filters through the trees on a warm spring afternoon.

The crowd that had gathered to witness the fight was slowly dispersing. A security guard, a tubby raccoon, walked up to the pair of wolves and said, "Alrighty, boys. Since you been fightin' in the mall, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. I'll escort you to the door." And with that, Aiden and the gray wolf were herded to the door.

After they were more or less shoved out the door, Aiden mumbled to the gorgeous wolf in front of him, "Thank you, but you didn't have to do that." as he blushed a little.

"It was nothing. I just can't stand people like that. Jerks who can't accept other people for who they are, and not what they are......are you really gay? Oh, god, I'm sorry, that was rude...." The wolf said, as he reached up to scratch his neck, but gasped in pain when he did.

"Here, let me see your paw. And yes, I am. And no, it wasn't rude." The auburn canine said, slightly worried as he reached out. The gray wolf complied, holding out his paw so Aiden could inspect it. "Mmmm.....looks like your middle two fingers are broken..."

"Don't worry about it; I'll wrap them when I get home. It's no biggie."

"No, no. I want to help, since you broke your fingers because of me. How about you come over to my house? I can bandage you up there, plus, I'm sure my sister made something nice for dinner. You could stay for dinner if you want."Aiden asked, secretly hoping that the other wolf would accept his invitation.

"Sure, I'd like that; by the way, my name is Mark."

"I'm Aiden. Nice to meet ya Mark. So, do you have a car? You could follow me to my house. "

"Actually, I took the bus here. I'm new in town so I don't know my way around yet. I thought taking the bus would be safer."

"Well that's great; we can just take my car then. Then I can take you home afterwards."

"Alright, then let's get going."


This guy sure is nice.... Aiden thought, as the two wolves headed back to his car.