Chapter One

Story by Tums on SoFurry

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#1 of Chamber of Pleasures

Five feet and seven inches of beauty, lithe figure the epitome of perfection. Breasts were just a handful, and while body was well kempt there was no hard muscle, nor too soft curves, just enough soft skin to keep bones from protruding uncomfortably. Or, better yet, unseemly. Slender back was smooth, unmarred, and at the base of her spine grew a tail, long and supple, though proportionate to her body. That body was covered in soft fur, from head to toes in a smooth coat of light brown. Head was a mingling of feline and human, muzzle shorter than her four-legged kin, whiskers in place, eyes gold and pupils thin slits as reflection was watched in the mirror. Pawed hands moved upwards, roaming that face, playing over aristocratic cheekbones, up to smooth brow and then to thick locks of reddish-brown hair. The hair was mussed, falling about her face in disarray, framing it quaintly. The appearance of one recently tumbled. A low rumbled escaped the bi-pedal feline, as to the left she reached, hands seeking and finding the open front vest she favored. As it was slipped on and smoothed she lifted a hand again to that perfect face, running it over the swollen lips of her muzzle. Kissed lips.

The vest of gold satin ended just above her navel, open in the front, sides just covering those breasts, perked nipples easily noted through the soft material. Slipped on next was a pair of tailored breeches, beginning at the hips, ending just below her knees. Barefoot she would go, and so shoes were left to lie at the foot of that wonderful mirror. A glance cast about the room, and a scarf was noted, a smile gracing those abused lips. This, red in color, was tied about her waist. Feminine touch to masculine outfit. Only a fool would see her as anything but female, though. A blind fool.

The small room was given a once over. It was dominated by the large bed in the far left, a chest at the foot of said bed, a stand beside it. A mini bar graced the other side of the room, across the floor space, and beside it a fireplace, before which on the floor were strewn thick furs. The irony of having her floor covered in the pelts of her kin, no matter their lack of sentience, thrilled her. This mirror, directly opposite the door, had beside it on the left a rack to hang clothing, and on the right the only window in her room. There was no fear of being peeped at, not that she would have minded, but her room was at the top of a four storied building. Who would bother the climb?

That door opened without so much of a knock, and she turned, a smile lighting her face, those golden eyes. At the doorway was a large ursine. A bear, seven feet of thickly furred muscle and bulk, beady black eyes lost in the folds of his face, the length of his muzzle. But he was smiling, a soft kind smile, that of a friend.

"Ready?" she nodded and stepped away from her mirror, giving one last look to her appearance.

"As ready as I'll ever be, sweetness." The grizzly snorted, then offered his arm, which

was taken, and the two left the room, door clicking shut behind.

Cages surrounded the bar, and from them came a mingling of scents. Fresh hay, clean fur, herbal remedies, blood, sex. Together the smells were quite pungent, but the everyday patrons of the establishment were quite used to it, able to ignore it. And with that power came the ability to ignore the soft pleas of those within the pens. Each held a single being, chained down to a post in the center of the individual holding cells. Either by wrist, ankle, or neck shackle. Some were lucky, fully clothed and bound by only a single chain. Others, those less fortunate, were helpless in their bonds, nude and left to be prodded by those so interested.

Behind the bar, portioned by a wall, and so forcing bar patrons to leave their comfortable seats, drinks in hand still, was the stage. Upon it three poles, one forward and in the center, those at its sides positioned further back. Before the stage the floor was covered in cushioned seats, and in the center of all those seats was another raised platform, this bare of anything but the soft furs that covered it.

It was the stage and not that other raised dais that had the crowds attention now, for walking onto it was the lithe form of a cheetah male, clad only in small bells, which graced wrists, ankles, and the tip of that swaying tail. The cheetah watched the crowd with golden eyes, looking over those watching as he sauntered over to the center pole, his pole. Females aplenty, powerful woman who stared directly at him, met his roaming gaze, challenged it. And later... later they would beg for him, just like the unfortunates in the pens. There too were males in the crowd, males with an interest in him, or accompanying the females. The occasional one or two who were here to learn a lesson in dancing. He was the master here, entertainer extraordinaire. They came begging for him, his body, his skill. And he refused them all.

Walking amongst the eager patrons were bar tenders, taking orders, delivering drinks, removing emptied glasses. Friend's of his, fellow workers, and offered winks as slender padded fingers wrapped themselves about the center pole, gripping it firmly. Left leg lifted, hiked and then curved about the pole, hooking the bar behind his knee, as if to bring it nearer. With little effort his body was drawn to the pole, hard against the cool metal. And his eyes never left the crowd, caressing his audience as his body began to caress the pole.

Bells chimed as his dance begun, tail lifted high, end flicking out of time with his movements, adding an odd ring as two different tunes played. But that was the beauty of his dance, of watching Teneis perform, and thus why he was so popular. Nothing fit, and your mind had to fight against the tinkling of the bells as you watched the fluid movements of the cheetah male, watched as he loved and made love to the pole, climbing up it, sensually sliding down. There was no better dancer here, though they all possessed wonderful skill. That had to, trained by him as they had been.

And the crowd wasn't alone in their captivation. Regais Malen, owner of the establishment, found himself as caught up as the rest. The black furred wolf was hidden in the shadows of his balcony, which opened up into the upper walls of the main chamber, allowing him to watch the activity of his establishment unseen. No one knew of his little balcony, as the door to it was hidden in his room, and the balcony itself in a corner lacking lighting. His black pelt was all the camouflage he needed, though he didn't care much if he was noted or not, most times. This, now, was one of those exceptions. His sexual preference was quite open, as he sought for his bed beauty, be it male or female in form. But here was one he desired that had refused him. Refused him once too often. Regais turned from the railing, paws removed from the smooth wood there, and went to the door, slipping into the room, his anger causing the door to slam, the sound echoing down into the main chamber, but it would be ignored, or passed off as something else. With a growl he went to his bedside, tugging the thick rope there. Teneis would regret his refusal.

The dance was ended, the crowd remained, calling out, clapping softly. The sound was never much, but the brightness of eyes, the lust he saw, was all he needed, all that made him want to perform again, later, and tomorrow, and every day until his eventual retirement. The cheetah left the stage, hoping from it, moving off, around it, taking the long way to the bar when he could have slid through the back curtains and been there. But he enjoyed slipping past the crowd, through them. The touch of hot bodies stirring him. Tall form was able to look over some heads, scan the crowds for a place to set himself, a good viewing point for pleasant company. Noted was the newest employee, a soft brown feline in short top and pants. She turned as he looked over her back, revealing that the top was an open-front vest. Daring. Golden gazes met, clashed, and he found a smile lifting his lip. He would have to introduce himself. Turning to head her way, Teneis found himself suddenly stopped, facing a large grizzly guard.

"You're to come with me." Teneis tilted his head, looking up at his co-worker, wondering at the summons. Only Regais could... he snorted and gave his head a shake, black hair shifting, falling, the few braids unbeaded, as always during a show.

"I've already spoken to Regais today." He couldn't place the bear's name, couldn't offer a grin to charm his way out of it. And then he felt something large press behind him, a firm hold to his shoulders.

"As have we." He was lifted easily, and upon craning his head found that Ursula, the huge polar bear, held him in her claws. He didn't struggle, knowing what damage she could inflict, knowing it was useless.

"Well, why didn't you say so, sweetheart?" came out a soft purr, and the large female growled at him. With a sigh the cheetah found himself led off, looking back to see the grizzly following, and behind him the newest staff member watching in amusement.

She was attracting attention, and that of the most popular kind. The cheetah had been so close, so near to her, was obviously intent on introducing himself, maybe getting to know her better? She shook her head, regret briefly reflected in golden eyes. He would have made her value skyrocket, had she merely been seen talking to him. Instead he'd been escorted away, and as she followed the bears trek, found that they led the cheetah to an empty pen, opened it, and set to restraining him. A worker? Penned? The loincloth was taken, leaving the cheetah male bare, and she shook her head and turned away. He had stolen, no doubt, or displeased the owner. Though how such a male could displease. Another shake of her head, waves of red-brown swaying.

"Yaerna, yes?" turning at the sound of her name the brown femme found herself looking up, into the soft brown eyes of a black furred wolf. He was tall and well kempt, decked in unwrinkled slacks and a vest much like her own, though longer and tailored for his larger frame.

"Yes." Her voice was a deep purr, as always, though she could feel a real purr fight to begin, to want to rumble free. He was beautiful in his own way. Canines weren't her favorite, as a feline she tended to prefer the same sleekness of her specie, but here was an exception. While long coated, there was no shagginess in it, and his professionalism, well, turned her on.

"Regais Malen." He smiled, lips tucked over teeth, at her widened eyes. Here was the owner of the chambers, so rarely seen, introducing himself to her. And instead of bowing she managed to smile up brilliantly, offering a hand. He took it and kissed the top, flattering her. The flush of skin was evident, the heat rippling off of her.

"I enjoy meeting my new employees, acquainting myself with them." Yaerna nodded, hand withdrawn, still smiling up at him. As tall as she was, he had her beaten, at six and a half feet. Six and a half feet of perfection. But that was what their world was about, perfection.

"Do you wish to be better acquainted, sir?" and he laughed, a deep rumbling sound, apparently not used to such bluntness.

"Indeed. Come, Yaerna, let us learn each other." Away she was led, her first true assignation, and with the owner of the pens. Those that knew him and noted it then looked to the girl he led, noted that they walked nearly beside. She would be remembered, remembered and soon popular.

The pen holding him was small, designed for a shorter creature, but he'd been knelt there, chained to the pole with arms and legs alike, forced behind him. Tail had been left loose, but he was unable to draw it before him and cover himself. Sheath was exposed, though he didn't mind it too much, wandering around nude often enough. This was different, intended as humiliation. And all because he had refused Regais?! The cheetah growled, a low sound that frightened the human penned beside him. She moved to the other corner of her pen, only to find herself stroked by the rabbit within. Crying out again the human returned to the center of her pens, the chain about her neck allowing much movement, long as it was. And Teneis didn't bother comforting her, a lowly slave girl. She wouldn't be penned long, pretty as she was. Humans were rare enough that those penned were soon owned. And sure enough a figure dropped before her pen, on the seat there for the purpose of better viewing the slaves within.

"Furless and perfect." Came from the male, and the girl gasped as he spoke. That frightened, or unknowing? Teneis looked over the canine, a jackal, and snorted.

She's too nice for the likes of you.

The jackal turned to the cheetah, maw parting in a grin to find his friend penned. Plumbed tail swished behind him, and in the same feral tongue of gestures, growls, and whimpers he replied.

Cheat at your dance, Teneis? Chains become you. Especially with the bells.

The cheetah growled in reply, which had the girl again jerking in fright, gasping her fear.

The jackal shook his head at the cheetah.

You're frightening my prize.

He ignored the chuckle, the response, and looked down at the human. Her skin was smooth and slightly tanned; though he guessed it was a natural color and not the result of the sun. Her hair was dark, eyes a light gray, and her body as well formed as the felines here. He enjoyed felines and rabbits, easier to break, to dominate. Humans, though, were his favorite, and he rarely got the chance at one.

"A beauty like you should not be surrounded by such gloom, or in such a place." His gaze went to the bars of her cage, but the human had obviously taken his words as he had intended, with hope. Yes, there it was, lighting those gray eyes. The jackal was grinning still, maw parted in it, as he spoke up again.

"I shall release you of your confines, my dear, and perhaps better clothe you, as well."

He nodded, and she soon after, staring at him hungry for her release. The jackal yipped as he stood, moving off, and Teneis shook his head as the girl was in a moment released from the pen, removed and escorted away by a pair of black bears. She went willing enough, unable to understand the horrors that awaited her. But Tah'me enjoyed playing with his prey.

Teneis shook his head, hair moving from his face, and looked about the area. A lion lounged not far, tail in the air as he lay on his belly upon a couch, watching a set of pens across from Teneis, and he noted that many patrons were watching that pen, rabbits within left together, nuzzling and making love to each other. A mated pair, obviously. He hissed, rounded ears falling back. Poor fools. At least they were wise enough to know that, while penned together, they might not be sold together.

He was beginning to develop sympathy for the slaves, and this only after moments of being caged himself. A lot it did to you, the loss of freedom.

Yaerna lay beneath the wolf, groaning as he thrust deep into her, pawed hands wrapped about him, to his back, nails digging into the flesh beneath his fur. He was hunched over her, thrusting hard, quick, deliciously so. His grunts breathed over her face, muzzle parted and tongue lolling in pleasure. Her eyes were shut, though, enjoying the exquisite feel of his hard length, far too much to care whether or not a drop of drool hit her, though none did.

Here she was, rutting with the owner, loving it, and increasing her status. With a growl he caught her attention, and she felt the build up of her climax, felt it ready to come, and then felt the hotness of his seed jetting into her, the last few thrusts as the stream continued and then ended. There was disappointment, there, and frustration was in her eyes as she looked up at him, trying to smile amiably. It wouldn't do to let him know she hadn't enjoyed it.

The laughter was unexpected, but it came, and she canted her head, looking up at him still.

"Habit of mine, we're not done here." He slid from her, still hard, and then moved to grip her hips as he slid back. With strength one wouldn't have guessed at, she was flipped, to lay on her stomach now. The feline moaned lowly, a purr escaping her, rumbling through her, as his strong arms then moved under her, lifting her now to her knees. She folded her arms before her, to rest her head upon, as he hadn't requested she be fully on all fours. Rough pawed hands roamed over her rear, pinching it, smoothing it, parting it. Then over her back and tail, moving the latter to the side with one hand. The other hand slipped between her cheeks and lower, to pink entrance leaking his seed. Two fingers slid in, causing a groan, and began to move slowly. She relaxed then, to his touch, and wondered what game he was playing with her.

Then her tail was again moved, lifted, and a slick hardness at the hole there, the hole nothing should have pressed.


Grunting in reply, she shuddered, wondering if he'd go through with it. A moment later she had her answer, hissing in pain as slowly she was filled.