The tournament and the aftermath

Story by Mew Sands on SoFurry

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#2 of A tale of good friends

Warning: This work contains explicit acts of a sexual nature. Continue reading at your own risk. For complete info on the restrictions please check your local laws.

This is my second lemon of the series "A Tale of Good friends"


The alarm rang just like normal: 5:30. I quietly turned it off, grabbed my communicator off my night stand and put it on. It was just another normal day. Only one thing changed: my relationship with Sparky. It was just two days ago I had woken up real early. < (See the end of Sparky's True Love)> We were now closer then just friends, we loved each other. Since that night we did it again, but only after we knew every one else was asleep. I walked over to the side of my bed, scratched Sparky's ears and whispered to her: "Good morning my love. Are you ready for the big event today?" She yawned a bit and nodded. I hugged her kindly as she hugged back. I looked over to see Mew wasn't in her bed. Sparky and I washed up, and I got dressed in my standard trainer's outfit. It consisted of a green vest with matching shirt, green and white shorts, a green hat, a belt with 2 standard pokéballs, and a green and orange pokéball, too. We walked downstairs to find mew had made breakfast and dragonite was still napping on the couch. We sat down at the table, said grace, and ate. After breakfast, we helped mew do the dishes. By the time we were finished, dragonite had woken up. We headed over to the pokémon center, where I picked up my charizard and healed up all the rest of the gang. My charizard was the second pokémon I ever caught.

When I caught him as a charmander, I had found him sobbing on a tree stump in the forest. A storm was approaching and he was exposed and out in the open. Just as the first few drops started to fall, I had reached him with an umbrella. Since I was already working on my prototype communicator, I put it on and said, "Don't be afraid. A large storm is approaching and it is starting to rain. I was making sure you would be all right."

"How can you speak in pokémon?" He said back.

" I have been working on a pokémon communicator. I am currently using my prototype so I can see if I can help you." I told him.

"Why should I live? My parents were both killed by guys of your kind in black coats. I don't know why they left me." He told me. I felt bad for the loss of his parents, so I told him: "Those guys that killed your parents were team rocket. They are a group of people that use pokémon for cruel and unjust intentions. I am nothing like them and can be trusted. After all, me and my pikachu Sparky did come here because you were in danger. I only hope you will reconsider your decision and maybe join my team. I could use a good fire type pokémon like you to help perfect my communicator. I'd be very grateful if you were to stay with us."

(The charmander thinks for a moment) "Ok I'll come with you on one condition: You promise to never do any thing like team rocket and help me avenge my parent's deaths." He said.

"No problem. In that case, welcome to the team. I'll call you Flame." I captured him that day and he has since always been a perfect addition to the team.

After we were all healed and rested up, we headed over to my stadium. We re-sprayed the field lines and perfected the battle system. Flame and Sparky made a good welding team, Sparky would fix the wires and flame would solder them together. Mew worked on the snacks and food and dragonite would fix the computer terminals and the viewing screen. In just 2 hours of work, the place was perfect. We opened the gates and the tournament has officially begun. The computer randomized the matches and the battle began.

"This is bob little and GHJ news back again reporting live. The tournament has begun. It will consist of 150 battles span over 1 day. The preliminaries have started and will narrow down the competition to just 20 participants. 5 participants have already been chosen ahead to pass. The preliminaries are four on four matches. Knock out your opponent to progress. No lethal force and no use of Items. The first group will bring down the 150 to just 40. That means the first 75 matches will lead to 75 people. Those 75 will then participate against 5 other challengers who have already past the preliminaries. They will fight in team battles each trainer uses 3 pokémon. This will bring it down to the 20 that shall then compete for a chance to face the un-defeated owner of the stadium, Brad Servary. If they win against the champ, they will receive $400 and a trophy. Either way, they still will get a trophy for winning the tournament."

The battles go on and on, the news team and I announcing. It all came down to one person who I swear I knew from some where. That's when I heard his name and couldn't believe my ears. The victor was my younger brother, Bryan.

"Through an unforgettable event, Bryan Servary, Younger brother of the very owner of this stadium, has come out on top." The news team announced.

"Change of plans folks. The final battle between me and my younger brother, my greatest rival, shall be a 6 on 6 pokémon battle just for old time's sake. You agree with that, lil' Bro.?" I said.

"No objections here. lets go grab our other pokemon so we can begin." He replied.

The stadium held a kind of half time show while I went and picked up two of my other pokémon. One was a Steelix, Trained vary special because he can not only withstand fire, but can also use it. My other choice was a special pokémon no one has ever captured before: an Unknown. He was shaped like an x. The battle began and Bryan was first to choose.

"Meganium, I choose you!" He yelled.

"Alright, this should be easy. Dragonite, Go get 'em!" I returned. The battle was under way. His Meganium surprised the whole crowd when it pulled out a sacred fire attack. Dragonite was heavily damaged, and I called him back.

"Steelix, your up! Earthquake and then body slam!" I said. The earthquake attack found its mark and did average damage. The Meganium dodged the body slam and countered with another sacred fire. This set off Steelix as it inhaled the fire and began to glow orange.

"Steelix, use the special we practiced. Volcanic eruption!!!" I told him. Steelix's body now glowed white as it raised its heads and released a strong combination of explosion, rock throw and fire blast. The boulders hit as well as the immense shockwave. As the smoke cleared, Meganium was knocked out and Steelix was still glowing.

Amazingly to us all, his body began to change form and became larger, the rocks had turned into red crystals which glowed and were sprouting flames. His face turned a reddish brown.

"In an amazing turn of events, Brad's Steelix engulfed the sacred fire which it used to evolve. It has now become a new pokémon! We are down on the seen where Brad has just named the new type: Magmix." The news team said.

" Since you are bigger now, I think I'll name you. I shall now call you Ruby." I said. The Magmix roared approval and the battle resumed.

Bryan now used a blastoise and I still used Ruby. The two fired streams of fire and water at one another and the attacks canceled out.

"You think you can perform our special just one more time?" he nodded. "Ok. Volcanic eruption!" I yelled.

"Counter it with aquatic sneak attack!" my brother yelled. The two ran at each other and met full force. When the steam cleared, they were both knocked out.

"Return" we both said in unison. "I choose you, Flame! sick 'em boy!" I yelled. My brother chose a golem vs my charizard. His golem won. I chose mew, which scared him a bit and dominated his golem. I returned mew for dragonite and he fought bryan's flygon. they both got knocked out. I then called sparky vs his gurydose. Sparky won easily with her volt tackle. He had one pokémon left so i recalled Sparky. He released his Alakazam and I released Unknown.

"The crowd is staring astonished at yet another rare pokémon of Brad's. It appears to be shaped like an x." said the news team. "what is that?" bryan said as he pulled out his pokedex. " Unknown, the hieroglyph pokémon. size 2' 3" weight 35 lbs. It attacks using hidden power and other psychic energies. When this pokémon comes together in a group, its might is relitivly unstopable. Location unknown." The pokedex chirped. "We'll just have to take it out fast and hard then. Use psychic wave!" My brother yelled. Unknown took the hit, but it appeared to have absorbed it. It then counter attacked with hidden power. The might of the attack almost bent reality and the battle was finished quickly.

"Alakazam is unable to battle. Unknown is the winner! This match goes to Brad!" The judge said.

"Good match bro. Still friends?" I asked.

"sure." he said. We shake hands and I hand him the trophy and $400. He also found a note inside that read:

"Stop by my place at 6:00 tonight. I have some things we need to catch up with." He read it over again and said:

"See you then. Be sure to make dinner."

" I will. see you then." I replied. We shared a brotherly embrace and left the stadium. I took my team by the pokémon center and healed them up. Afterwards, I deposited ruby, unknown and charizard back in the storage computer. Then we headed home.

We got done the tourney at about 4pm, and got home at 5. We decided to relax and watch some tv while mew cooked dinner. 6:00 came around pretty fast, and Bryan knocked on the door. I walked over and let him in. Mew rang the triangle; Dinner was ready. We sat down, bowed our heads, said grace and said "Let's eat!" After dinner, Bryan and I had some time to catch up. He was now the leader of the Bladesdale gym. He was the youngest gym leader, being only thirteen. He also was considered the strongest in this region, so he holds the eight badge. We talked for about an hour. I also gave him the second part of his prize: a communicator just like mine. He was confused at first, so i told him to put it on. He did and I told him to say hello to Sparky.

"Hello Sparky." He said blankly.

"Hello Bryan. I see Brad has given you a copy of his communicator. Make sure to thank him!" She said. Bryan just sat there mouth agape in astonishment.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I just understood what Sparky said" He replied.

" Well duh, that's what the communicator does! Make sure that you don't loose it, allow any one to examine it, or reveal what it does ok? I don't want the publicity, and I copyrighted the design." I said.

"Thanks Bro, I will put it to good use. I gotta get going now. See you later!" He said.

"Bye! Can't wait to see you again!" I said as he left. With that, Bryan left and it was just me and my gang again. Amazingly dragonite wasn't asleep.

"It's getting late, we should turn in." I told them.

"Can I sleep on the couch?" Dragonite asked.

"Sure dragonite. Don't stay up too late." I said. With that Sparky, Mew and I went upstairs and got ready for bed. Mew was asleep within minutes and I had just finished brushing my teeth. I came into the room and saw Sparky laying on the bed waiting for me. I knew what she wanted. I sat on the bed and pulled off my pants. All I had on now was my shirt, which Sparky helped me take off.

Sparky jumped on top of me and started to lick my face. I accepted her kiss and kissed her back. All this action was starting to arouse me as well as Sparky. I could see she was already quite wet, so I asked her if she was ready. She nodded, and I slowly moved down to her pussy lips and gave a swift lick across. I began to eat her out and she started to moan. As I licked and licked, I began to notice a small bump above her lips. I decided to lick it too and as soon as I did Sparky moaned really loud. After a few more minutes, another moan was heard, and Sarky cummed on my face. I cleaned myself up and sat back up.

"That was great Brad thanks." She said.

" Your welcome. It was my pleasure." I replied.

"I bet you want some fun now too, right? " She said.

"Yeah, of course." I replied. From all the commotion Mew woke up.

"Oh no we're caught" I whispered to Sparky.

"What was all that noise?" She then noticed me and Sparky.

"Can I join in? I'm in need of a little action." I looked at Sparky and she nodded.

"Sure come over here." She came over to where I was sitting up. I grabbed a hold of her shoulders and lay down, positioning her entrance at my face. Mean while Sparky had positioned herself on my still rock-hard member and began to o on and off. Now every one was making a chorus of moans. I continued eating mew while Sparky bounced herself up and down on my cock. Unexpectedly mew came, (she is a virgin you know!). She floated off my face and I now had control. I decided I'd assist Sparky with her work. I lied her on her back and started to fuck her. Since I went faster than she did, both of us were experiencing a whole lot of pleasure. Just then, I had an idea.

"Mew, could you come here for a sec?" She did and I laid her down next to me and started to slowly finger fuck her. I was getting close and Sparky knew it, so she started to buck in tune with my thrusts. I sped up again, the pleasure now in control. Mew cummed again on my fingers and fell asleep feeling exhausted. I pumped in hard one last time and both me and Sparky orgasm in unison. We were exhausted too, so I slipped into my pj's after cleaning all of us off and we went to sleep.


So how was part 2? Please feel free to comment as always! No flames please!