Setting Sail, Chapter 3

Story by Forrest Rouxaveur on SoFurry

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So I finally got around to writing Chapter 3! Sorry, I know this took forever but I had midterms in school so those got in the way and my general laziness didn't help. Also sorry becuase this Chapter is short and I closed it quickly so I could post it becuase I don't want you guys to lose interest.

So here is Chapter 3!

Chapter 3

I dreamt last night. I dreamt that I saw protestors shouting, shouting that God hates... and then the dream ended.

I woke up the next morning feeling a tad awful, I didn't know what it was but I just did not feel good. I sighed when I caught my reflection in the mirror, "What will become of me," I asked myself. I've had this fear for a while and it's not because I don't think I can't do anything, it's just because I don't know what I want to do and then I fear it becomes too late and I end up being a low life that no one would ever want anything to do with.

"God, only depressing thoughts today, huh," I said to myself.

I shook the ideas away and tried not to worry about it and it worked. Now my mind filled with thoughts that were much, much more happy.

I stripped out of my pajamas and turned on the faucet of my tub and then pulled the lever and switched it to shower and then stepped inside. This morning I was more tired than usual so I laid my body on the floor of the tub and let the water rain upon me as my fur soaked it up. I closed my eyes and there I was outside on a rainy cool summer day lying on the soaked grass with Sean, both of us lying beside each other, letting the rain fall upon us and we both breathed slowly and took in everything, the rain, the thunder and the lightning.

I opened my eyes and there I reality, in my shower. I finished up my shower and with a sustained smile upon my face which made me realize how lucky I was to have Sean as my boyfriend.

I quickly got dressed in a pair of long blue-jeans and a long-sleeved shirt with a sweater over it and my bracelet that Sean had given me for my birthday.

I peered out the window of my bedroom and saw dark clouds and trees frantically blowing; leaves scurrying everywhere. Gloomy, rainy Saturdays, lovely I thought to myself. I actually loved gloomy weather and despite my happy mood, I was feeling it, to have this kind of weather for today.

I sat at the edge of my bed and thought, what could I do today? Obviously I would probably do something with Sean depending on how he was feeling. I continued to sit and think about what there was to do, I could go to the movies, that sounded fun but what is there to see? What good movies are out? Maybe I'll just stay bored out of my wits for today, I thought to myself.

I lay downstairs sprawled on the couch on my stomach; my right paw dangling off the couch.

"Why don't you do something today," my mother asked.

"There was nothing to do so I gave up," I replied.

"Why don't you go see a movie like you always do on the weekends," she suggested.

"Well what's out that's good?"

"Uh, well what about that Rob Zombie movie, the one with the killer boxer dog with the white mask? Halloween II, that's it, go see that, I know you love scary movies."

"Saw the first one and I don't really want to see the second one."

"Well try to do something today; don't waste the whole day lying on the couch absent-mindedly."

"Okay," I simply replied.

"Well I'm going out to run some errands, I'll be back in about two hours," my mom said and then walked out.

A loud boom of thunder went off outside. The house was dead silent. I sighed. The silence was broken by the ghostly moaning gusts that were seeping in through the doors and windows. Another loud boom of thunder went off which seemed to shake the whole house. I saw a bolt of lightning crackle across the sky. There was silence after that last lightning bolt, and then the winds picked up with their ghostly moans again. I stood in the middle of my house just listening to the frightening things happening outside. Suddenly the phone rang and I let out a girly scream. I laughed once I realized it was the phone.

I walked over to the phone and picked it up and greeted who ever was calling with a mumbled, "Hello."

"Neoj, it's me Sean."

"God, I'm so glad you called," I said smiling.

"Ha, so I'm feeling better and I was just wondering if you wanted to see a movie with me."

"Oh yeah, that sounds great."

"So what movie and what time?"

"Um. I don't know, I don't think there's really anything good out."

"There has to be at least one movie we want to see. C'mon think."

There was a long moment of silence which was eventually broken by Sean, "How bout we just go to the mall, get something to eat and see if we can find a good movie out. Okay?"

"Sounds fantastic," I replied with a wide smile.

"So it's a date then," Sean said.

"Pick you up at six?" I asked.

"How about I pick you up this time, sound good?"

"Sounds perfect."


Hope you guys liked the Halloween II part, lol.

So yeah Chapter 4 should be up soon. Then we got Chapter 5 and I think the good suff starts in Chapter 6! :))