Chapter 5: The Journey Begins

Story by Aldain on SoFurry

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#5 of The Adventures of Yuji Saotome

A New Life and Love

Chapter 5: The Journey Begins

Yuji stood up" well let us see where you stand in your training Amber this way I know where to place you in the training circle. I am going to evaluate you by sparring with you, now do you wear weights, weighted clothing anything to build your strength and stamina up" amber blinked looking at Yuji then stood up an bowed to him" yes sensei" she said respectfully and smiled as she stood back up and followed him outside, they had made a outdoor type arena that could be used as a dojo. Yuji took a loose stance which made amber think before she went into an attack using all the martial art skills she gained from her mother bringing them to bear on Yuji. To her surprise almost nothing touch him and when she though she would score a hit he blocked it or redirected the attack. Seeing him move floored amber she had not seen anyone move so fast, then she saw it he was using his aura as it flowed like water around him. She took a step back and bowed" I know when I am out classed Yuji, you are truly amazing and your letters did not even describe a tenth of what you can do. You use your aura like a field around you" Yuji smiled and bowed back" good you can see Ki or aura how ever you want to call it. In this realm Ki is more alive and in every living thing animate or inanimate. Here pokemon have an easier time using it almost every ability I have seen has some basis and link to Ki. this I will be teaching you how to use, harness and manipulate to help, heal or strengthen you." He pulled out a set of arm and leg weights, they were just rings but each ring weighed in at 20 pounds a piece" put these on and do not take them off till you can not feel them anymore. They are 20 pounds a piece that will be on your wrists and ankles." He pointed to the bracers on his forearms and shins" these are 120 pounds a piece and I move them like I don't have them on. My clothing for how every beat up they look" he took off his shirt which landed on the ground with a heavy thunk" that is another 100 pounds for when I do not have my pack on which will be about the same"

That made amber blink. He is wear all that weight and he fought me like a beginner, " Sensei how will this help other than building my strength" Yuji smiled and said" that not only builds your strength and stamina, but will improve your speed as time goes on. Star is the same as me only no weighted clothing she is a steel type like you and your Riolu onyx. We will make things to help our team mates and friends get better and this time I think it is time to play outside the box so to speak. New abilities will surface beyond what everyone knows as trainers so as everyone learns we will not have to say commands our partners will be able to think and act on their own accord. With just advice from the trainers" he pulled out another amulet though this time it did not look like a mess of electronics and handed it to her" I think since you're part pokemon you best wear this. This was the one I was going to switch to but you are going to need it more than me. It will keep anyone from capturing you. Let me see your pokedex really quick" she reached into her bag pulling it out and handing the device to Yuji. He tinkered with it a bit and assigned the amulet to her and registered her as being owned by her. Which was the same Yuji did for himself once he had his pokedex. His amulet was from the ball he got caught with, rather embarrassing catching yourself because you picked the ball up wrong.

He handed the device back to her" ok your all set amber no worries if they find out you're a hybrid because now they can not catch you. There is but one catch, you can only have five other pokemon in your team as you count for one of those six slots." She giggled and put up the device putting on the weights and realizing this would take some getting used to. " so what is the plan are we going to start out today?" Yuji nodded and said" yes we will be heading to Accumula Town to get the rest of our supplies as it seems my birth parents here left me a sizable amount after they died. And the professor got everything transferred to my trainer account so we will get all we need. There is a surplus store there so that will help too for gear and other supplies, that and they have a nice selection of cargo short and pants I prefer to wear. Footwear is going to be something you will need to think about amber. Can not walk barefooted without getting hurt one way or another, I might have a solution for that but we need to hit the surplus place. They have Chinese clothing similar to zephyr town. I found them to be light durable and able to keep you warm in the cold; it also gives you full mobility for martial arts"

Ranko watched on and had a nostalgic look on her face remembering when Yuji had started learning the anything goes style he knew exactly why Ranma had worn them and with all the trouble they got into back then it was needed. But to see him pass his experiences along to amber made her fall in love all over again with Yuji, he would be so good to their kids here. Amber had gathered her things as they headed back inside as ash had already headed back to let professor juniper know that amber and Yuji were heading out today.

Once Starsha and Ranko had a ball assigned for each of them he put the balls away to keep his mates safe from harm setting Solara into his primary team. While sitting on a log outside he looked up to see a pikachu running straight at him only to see the carnivine looking for a pikachu lunch right behind him. The pikachu hid behind Yuji's leg and Yuji began to stare down the carnivine." do you really want to go there." He formed his Ki claws on his fingertips looking back at the carnivine" you're a little out of your element my friend and I think a bug would be an easier lunch" it was almost humorous to see the carnivine pout" try to the west of here with an over population of bug types you should do better there" the carnivine was a bit shocked but smiled and went on his way heading west for better hunting. Yuji looked at the pikachu" ok little fellow what is your story and do not worry I can understand every word you say" the little mouse looked up saying " pika..pi" [really? Truly?] Yuji chuckled" they never believe me," the excitement on the little pikachu's face was evidence enough [oh thank god, bad enough team plasma broke my pokeball but they kidnapped my trainer and friend. Saying my trainer did not deserve to have me as a friend.] Yuji picked the little fellow up and looked him in the eyes" how long have you been out here and what did your trainer name you so I don't have to call you by your species." Pikachu looked back at him sadly [he never did give me a name. we had come here from sinnoh region wanting to challenge this region but he had just caught me before coming over so he never got a chance to name me.]

Yuji shook his head team plasma was beginning to piss him off they had no clue how the pokemon felt. He was in some serious need of electronics he would have to make something like a translator for the pokemon so these mundane fools would understand every word a pokemon said and not be so ignorant." All right little buddy we will help you find your trainer you have any idea where they took him." He looked back at the pikachu [Accumula Town was where I saw them go. I got chased off by some herdiers and then a pack of houndoom, I tried to rest only to almost get eaten by a carnivine] Yuji nodded" ok let me gather the rest of the group and we will do what we can to help you out"

Star was waiting nearby but wanted Yuji to finish his conversation before saying anything" Yuji we are about ready." Yuji nodded to her and smiled" looks like we have our first mission seems this little fellows trainer got kidnapped and they just so happen to head to Accumula town right where we are heading so I think my code is calling and we help this fellow find his trainer and give team plasma a piece of my mind" star knew that look in his eyes and hoped team plasma would be the listening type but she did not bank on that due to what she heard from her father about them over the past few years.

Within thirty minutes the group was gathered together and walking to Accumula Town it was about an hours walk through the wood to reach it but they would need to head to Aspertia City for the first gym location and catch a boat after they finish finding pikachu's trainer. As they cleared the woods and onto Route 1 leading to Accumula Town Yuji looked on the map built into his pokedex before heading north he figured they were about 10 minutes out of town and it would not be hard to hear the shouts coming from town and the loudspeaker saying that we humans are harming pokemon. I think it is time to put my foot down with this so called team. As he picked up the ace a bit but not too fast that he would start losing people. Once in town Yuji worked through the crowd he looked more the wildness man than someone who has lived in civilization. Once getting to the front it seemed the peaceful demonstration till Yuji picked up the Ki signature of someone tied up behind the stage that was about the time star held everyone back and said "stay clear it is going to get messy Yuji had that look once before and that was when I was attacked as a Riolu. The Patrat pack got their asses handed to them no one died but you would be surprised what someone could live through."

Ranko knew that side of Yuji as well" oh boy you think he has found the trainer." She then looked at Yuji and the pikachu beside him" yea he found him and the little one knows it. Yuji walked forward in front of the crown and right up in the face of the lead team plasma member" nice peaceful protest but you don't show all you do around here" the admin looked at Yuji and said" what other actions wild one you go back to the woods you crawled out of." That triggered Yuji's Ki aura as it formed a blue halo around him showing her was pissed. As he snatched the mike right out of the admins hand speaking into it " then I will not find the boy you have tied up in back will I" Yuji walked right to the back where the tied up trainer was as he released the boy and struck the admin with a hard punch to the face. Putting him on his ass and his grunts scrambling as the police now got involved since it was a kidnapping as Yuji had proven. Yuji put the mike in his pocket so they people could still here them talking as he gave the pikachu to his trainers and smiled" you have a very good friend there. He went through some terrible horrors to get help to find you. You should be thankful" the trainer had sighed as he did give the pikachu a hug in thanks" I think he would be better with you, after this I am going to be going home I dealt enough with team rocket and their antics in another region I don't know if I can handle that again. With fools like these forcing people to release their pokemon so they can capture and rule this land with violence I don't think I can go through that again. Pikachu was going to be my starter here but since they broke his pokeball I think it would be best for him to be free or with someone that will care for him" Yuji nodded looking to the officers that had the team in handcuffs" officer if you would hold for a moment I do believe pikachu has something to say to these fools."

That had most of the officers raising an eyebrow since none of them could understand what a pokemon was saying" no worries I will translate, I have been gifted with the ability to understand all pokemon, I am also a master of Aura so I will use that so all here can her pikachu's words" the officer nodded as Yuji focused and cast Ki over the entire group in a bubble as pikachu climbed up on my shoulder to speak since the mike was still in yuji's pocket and then spoke for all to understand him" you team plasma think you have a right to decide who is with who, you all are the fools. This man with me did what no one else would and that is get my friend back from someone that would kidnap him and release all his pokemon by breaking the pokeballs they were in against his will. Now I will lose that friend because his spirit was broken by this plasma group. I only hope Yuji here will take me with him this is not my home or habitat I do not come from here so the wild was quite a scary place. You all think about that before letting plasma run all over you" pika patted Yuji on the head and Yuji put the mike down. But for the first time the pokemon they were with started talking to their trainers and Yuji smiled keeping the field up for a moment breaking down the language barrier for at least a short time.

During that time pikachu got time to spend with his friend before he headed back to port, most of the people and police had dispersed happy that for the first time they could understand each other in better ways. The rest of the group had surrounded him and stayed close to protect Yuji. Not knowing what would happen next. As Yuji took the field down after everyone had left and showing team plasma for the crooks they were. A lanky fellow with green hair walked up to them "it is true you are the wild one that could speak with pokemon. I heard about you before. My name is N at one time I thought plasma was doing the right thing but I see they are not. You not alone in this world Yuji but be careful we has seen another team skulking around with a R on their uniform" Yuji face palmed himself" you have got to be kidding me, plasma is bad enough but throw team rocket into the mix this is going to get very messy. You sound like you know team plasma Mr. N" N nodded" yes I had founded them originally, but it seems Gheist has other plans and they no longer listen to me anymore" Yuji nodded then tilted his head looking at N" you have an interesting heritage N you can understand what they say as well can't you" N looked a little white no one had ever figured out his secret but Yuji just saw right through it" yes I can, a lot of the pokemon I discovered were abused by their trainers and forced to fight I can not in good conscience allow that to happen" Yuji understood that and nodded" I know why as well N, it is why star and Ranko can speak common even though they are both pokemon, but if you look at star a bit more closely you will see she is more human than pokemon."

N nodded" the hybrids, the anthro's you know about them" Yuji nodded to him" yup I also know you're a hybrid; I can see it in your aura. Keep in touch N and distance yourself from plasma as much as you can they pushed me the wrong way and I am going to make this land safe from them and rocket. Rocket killed my birth parents and for that their life is forfeit. Plasma is going to get beat so bad their grandkids are going to feel it. As I have told most I can be your greatest friend or your ultimate fuckin nightmare. Stay on the good side N and you and all the other hybrid will have a new home I will personally see to it." N was no fool as a Hybrid he could feel there was a lot of truth coming out of Yuji's mouth and knew damn well Gheist just ticked off the wrong person.

N spoke" I understand, please be careful I know Gheist will stop and nothing to see his plans through no matter who opposes him, but a home for the hybrids and anthro's I look forward to. Until we meet again fare thee well Yuji" with that N left the town leaving Yuji and friends to ponder on the setting sun" well guys lets get checked into the pokemon center and get our supplies." They all nodded and agreed as they walked to the pokemon center.