Wayward Scale; The Wasteland Prologue; Fallout

Story by dragonmoon on SoFurry

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#1 of Wayward Scale

America is in ruins. The world is about to plunge into a nuclear war. There's only one thing James Scale and his triplets can do; hide.

With one single catastrophic event, James Scale's life would become more chaotic than before. Somehow, a bomb had made it into the white house, and the nation was in chaos after the president was there when the bomb went off. Everyone knew that many nations would take this opportunity to take as much formerly American land as possible, but no one could have expected nuclear missiles to get involved. James lived in the middle of the country in what was once known as the state of Washington. His house was old, and hosted some minor paranormal activity, nothing harmful. That was good since he had three kids and a pet dragon, still a hatchling (which James had procured in another dimension when it was still in the egg.) Recently, after hearing about nuclear missiles, he had set up the cellar as a bomb shelter and stocked it with rations for the inevitable. He had also started drilling his kids and teaching them how to wear gas masks so none of them would end up poisoning themselves. " Ten pounds of jerky, check. purifying straws..." He laid the straws out and counted, " One, two, three, four, five."

As James left the cellar, he said to himself, " No problem if we get someone else on board." As he opened the door, he was met with his son, Joshua. Unlike James, his coat was blue and white with a husky type pattern, and he showed very few draconic qualities. " Dad, the tv showed a map with a bomb near us." James rushed into the house, shutting the door behind him, knelt down in front of the television and manually turned up the volume. As soon as he did, the screen cut to what looked like an alert test, except that it said, 'EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM,' and a robotic voice warned about impending barrages of nuclear bombs. He stood up as the voice droned on repeating itself and shouted, " Everyone downstairs!" As Joshua and his daughter, Sasha, who was more draconic than Joshua yet still wolflike, ran outside, he bolted up the stairs, turned the corner and almost bumped into Astar, his full dragon son. " The bombs are coming." Upon hearing that, Astar practically slid down the stairs and snatched their pet dragon on the way out. Meanwhile, James went into his bedroom and grabbed a large sword from the corner, which was still in its scabbard. He slung it over his back, went back down the stairs and dashed out the door not caring whether or not it was closed. He went into the cellar, set the sword down and shut the trapdoor. While he caught his breath, he noticed a calico cat licking its paw in the middle of the floor. " Who let the cat in?" When no one responded, he sighed and went to open the trapdoor. When he stuck his head up, he looked to the northwest and saw a cloud shaped like a mushroom emerging on the horizon. He was fixated on the image, that is until he saw the cloud heading towards them. That was when he shut the trapdoor and said, " Let's hope it doesn't eat much." He went to the row of cots and sat on one on the end. He turned himself on his side and laid across the cot listening to the bombs detonate outside. However, it was hard to sleep with the cat meowing. After a while, the meowing stopped, and James started to drift into a slumber.