Life of a Mortal

Story by LuciaEvaDamora on SoFurry

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All I wish in this world is to have a friend who will truly accept me for who I am. Two lives I live, one on the surface and shallow waters. The second, in deeper waters where no one understands my life, even when I allow someone to take a step in the deep water.

My personality is so rare, that you will almost never see it in any other person. Most people have traits that complement each other, like fire and air, earth and water. Others just have varying degrees of those element combinations, or only one element within their soul. I have all four, each complementing and disagreeing with each other at the same time, like fire and water, earth and air.

Fire is the element of emotion, especially being stubborn and impulsive. For me, fire is constantly being snuffed out by water, and air is constantly protecting fire. Fire and air complement each other in traits such as being patient and impulsive. Patience allows impulsiveness to withstand itself to only being helpful, like a doctor saving a patient in critical need of medical attention. Impulsiveness keeps patience from taking over, and the same for patience keeping impulsiveness from taking over.

Earth is the element of life, being caring and compassionate. Air always finds a way to blow down the plants and wildlife earth has worked so hard to build over the centuries. Water gives earth the strength to regrow and repopulate the devastated area. Though water and earth are almost always present with each other within the same person. You can't be caring and compassionate without the strength that water gives to earth. Having someone that is purely earth is quite rare, they can also be strong and defiant.

Water is the element of strength, almost always present with earth. Fire, always losing to water, will always find some way to defeat water. Earth will help the water fight back against the fire raging within someone to keep in under control, snuffing in out so it will never light again. Earth will always help water, and water will always help earth. Containing the water within you can be tiresome, but will also grant you intelligence and the ability to understand people with air or earth within another, and only earth or air, alone within the person.

Air is the element of freedom, and is rarely seen with earth. Water is constantly defending earth and attacking air for its attack on earth. Fire fights earth and water, a losing battle from the start, for fire is weak to earth and water. Though fire constantly tries to protect air, fire always loses unless fire found a weakness in the strong bonds of earth and water. Waters weakness lies in its ability to protect and help earth, and earth returns the favor. Water can be boiled away if fire has time to heat it.

For me, it's an inner battle, a fight for dominance within. Sometimes each element will show itself though my actions and emotions, but the other elements will constantly try to show their, and only their actions and emotions. Fire shows stubbornness and impulsiveness, earth shows defiance and compassion, water shows intelligence and cold isolation, and air shows patience and a lonely life.

All four makes my personality unstable, making me unstable. No one understands me. No one can understand me. My wish is impossible, I can't control all four of the elements within me, no one can. That makes me unable to be like other people, making me different from everyone. I am an outcast, unable to be like the others, unable to escape being lonely and depressed. There will be no connection to other people, I can't be one or two elements at the same time without the others trying to come out, showing themselves.

I can't be one element because it's impossible to only show one. I have to show all four at once, finding a balance with the four elements. Balance is key to center your soul.