[COM-06] Parentage Divine

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Writing - Runa

Art - Inkanyamba

Commissioned By - Nalothisal

In this story, the god Quetzalcoatl exiles himself to the jungles of Ashathiesia's land. She - a goddess in her own right - sees his pain and seeks to help him with his demons.

What blossoms between them leads to so much more within the realm of Nalothisal's world, as their union produces his character Nikku!

Anyway, enjoy!

Parentage Divine

In spite of all that had happened, Quetzalcoatl found himself lost in the beauty of the jungle, soaking in the song of bugs and birds chirping and buzzing at one another. Of course, no amount of natural beauty could fully pull him from the haze of shame that had clouded his mind for weeks.

Back in his homeland, Quetzalcoatl had done some terrible things, potentially ruining his family's name in the process. With his honor in shambles and his pride having deflated, he threw himself into a magical pyre to make it look like he'd ended his life while actually teleporting him far from home and to a land he was unfamiliar with. He knew not where he would end up, only that he would be granted distance from the family he had disgraced.

Upon awakening from the slumber that came with the teleportation, he rose to find that the land he'd entered was similar to his own while still being unique in many ways. The glowing haze of the morning sun sent beams through the thick fog that blanketed the jungle made him feel as though he were trapped in a dream. Like home, the trees were tall and covered in moss, the ferns thick enough to blanket the forest floor while lacking the rainbow of colors which the flowers of home dotted the land.

He had to put those differences behind him, since he knew he needed some time away from his family and he couldn't be trapped in a cycle of despair, shame, and self-loathing. What he needed more than anything at this point was to take in his environment, figure out where he'd landed after throwing himself on the magical pyre, then use his time to find himself and cleanse his spirit.

The jungle told him that he wasn't too far north or south, as there were no locations past the tropics that hosted rainforests or jungle of any kind. The sun was just rising despite it being night where he came from, so he was either one quarter day ahead or three quarters behind. The lack of flowers and colorful flora made him think that he was very far from home, which was clear given what he had already observed, which was good for his spiritual journey but meant that once he was ready to return home, he would be expecting quite a trip.

Quetzalcoatl lifted the front third of his naga body high above the underbrush and spread his gloriously colored wings, twisting his neck and extending his arms to relax his muscles before deciding to head out and what direction he would go. Before him, a valley lay blanketed in mist and jungle, all of which he could see through a clearing in the thick canopy in front of him. In the distance, he saw what he thought was a yellow-bricked temple poking up from the treetops, but even his keen eyes couldn't fully discern the details through the heavy mist of the morning fog.

With that thought in mind, he figured his best bet for finding out where he was and cleansing his spirit would be to head towards that temple. Aside from that, he saw nothing that would indicate that any civilization would be nearby.

His snakelike body propelled him forward as he folded his wings up on his back, each ridge of his raised spine pressed tight to his scales. The feathered frills that went down his head and neck extended for show, then folded back up for his ease of motion through the dense underbrush, which helped him slither with ease between the trees and rocks without having any twigs catch on feathers.

Part of him wanted to spread his wings, use his magic, and fly to his destination, but he was sure that would counter the whole point of his self-imposed exile. The dishonor he had done his family assured him that he had penance to feel, and he wouldn't be able to truly atone for his sins and bring dignity back to his memory if he kept using the powers he'd amassed to get places; in some ways, his arrogance and skill were what combined to put him in this position in the first place. So no, he would not be using his magic to get around, he had a journey of self discovery ahead of him and he would be doing himself a disservice by counteracting the character building that a belly to the ground could offer him.

Of course, such a journey through the dense underbrush and the moist ferns of the jungle were fraught with danger to someone such as himself. Big cats stalked him from the canopy, ants pinched and bit him as he slithered through their armies, beetles sprayed him, and even a few birds pecked and tried to peel scales off his form for reasons unknown; perhaps the sheen they offered would be pretty in a nest. Quetzalcoatl could have swiped them off with his wings or magically resisted their many attacks, but part of him felt he deserved to be punished for what he'd done. He didn't plan on dying, but the sting of an army of ants was just the right burn to make him remember his roots and honor the land that had given birth to him.

Forward he pressed, flicking his tongue every now and then to see if he was able to catch the scent of anything that could help him out or perhaps feed him. He wasn't truly hungry, but he did have a faster metabolism than most snakes and it would have done him well to have a meal in his belly before he let himself get weak. Unfortunately, the jungles were full of birds and bugs, but not a lot of larger creatures that could give him that satisfying bulge, so he opted to wait and keep trekking through the humid jungle.

The farther down the valley he slithered, the more he felt something in the air around him that made him pause and flick his tongue. It wasn't an aroma, nor was it a scent, but he could still feel a powerful presence nearby thanks to a strong aura. This worked both for and against him as it gave him two key bits of information, including a confirmation that there were others in the area as well as a warning that whomever possessed such an aura also possessed immense strength.

Quetzalcoatl was a very strong entity, with powerful magic and thick scales, but he wasn't here to seek out conflict. In fact, he was away from his home for the exact opposite reason, as he was keen on finding peace within him and with others. Though there was a chance that the source of the aura was hostile, there was also a chance that they were friendly and he was willing to take those odds.

Again he dove to the ground with his frills, feathers, and wings tight to his back, darting between trees and dashing over the rocks and fallen logs as he headed towards the temple in the valley. The closer he got to the temple itself, the stronger the aura became and the clearer it was that the source was inside or around the temple grounds. He turned, zigging one way and zagging the other to discern the exact direction that the aura's source emanated, and the more he altered his angle and tested the area the more sure he grew that this powerful entity was in the temple.

Quickly, he pushed forward and burst through the treeline with his wings spreading wide to make a scene that declared his arrival, but none were there to witness him. He glanced around, seeing that the temple he'd been chasing was coated with vines and the courtyard in its shadow was otherwise well kept. The entire area was in a clearing, with no trees on any side for what must have been a dozen meters or so with what looked like a pathway headed from the left side of the clearing. Though the layout of the grounds seemed generic and simple with a plateau lined by pillars leading up to the castle steps, it was the subtleties that drew Quetzalcoatl's curiosity. Each of the pillars had etchings of scenes carved into them that looked to be done in the same style of the art of his homeland, and the lettering looked similar as well, so much so that he could almost make out what they said.

Still, he kept exploring, gently easing his way onto the flat open area that led to the temple. To the north and south, the sides of the valley cradled the clearing including the temple and the rectangular courtyard that surrounded it. His eyes were keen and the fog had lifted a bit since arriving and initially seeing the temple from afar, bu he couldn't see if there was another clearing on the other side like there was on this side. He was keen on finding out.

In his heart he knew that he would have to be very careful as he moved through the temple grounds, for if he dared to go too far he could be caught in a trap. Powerful or not, he was not prepared for such things and didn't want to be stranded on the other side of the known world with an injury. Due to this caution, he kept his body coiled tight around him, with his tail extending forward to tap and rub at the ground while keeping a tight glare at any of the golden bricks and pillars for warnings of them collapsing or giving way to a spike pit.

After a few minutes of testing every panel one at a time, lightly tapping each one with his tail or snout to see if they were buttons, he came to the conclusion that the entire area was clear, safe, and not trapped. Good. With that knowledge in mind he leaned in close to one of the pillars to lightly drag his tail tip along the grooves in an attempt to read what they said. There were letters there, clearly, but it seemed to spell gibberish mixed up with random symbols and images that he didn't recognize. Were these hieroglyphics? Was this a cross-mixed language made of letters and symbols? Was it literally nothing at all that he was mis-attributing to his own anthropomorphism? He couldn't know for sure but it did drive his curiosity to push him forward to the next pillar.

The more time he spent in the courtyard, the more certain he became that there was a link between this world and his own. In fact, he quickly began to suspect that he had not teleported from home to here but that he had simply passed out an was exploring a shockingly vivid dream scape made up of familiar imagery and foreign alterations to that imagery. He'd never felt an aura so strong, especially not from so far away, so he felt it unlikely that such a creature could exist without it being at least partially imagined.

It seemed a little farfetched given the detail and sense of realism he felt on his scales and feathers, but he was able to theorize a few reasons why that would make sense. If he was ashamed and dishonored, maybe his subconscious had erected a temple for him to pray to or an environment where he could be punished? Maybe that was why those birds were pecking at his scales, as a manifestation of half of his own soul seeking penance and pain.

Once again he wrapped his tail tip around one of the pillars, closing his eyes as his wings slowly spread out, giving him the balance he needed to find his equilibrium. He knew that if any of this was fake or a figment of his imagination, it would change from what he remembered and what he'd seen. As he opened his eyes, he glanced around the temple grounds to see that nothing had changed. The vibrant green of the vegetation was unaltered and the rustic yellow of the temple bricks remained the same while still being covered in the same light mosses and vines.

This was no dream, and he could still feel that powerful aura nearby.

And since it was no dream, he felt he might as well head to the temple itself, see if he could properly absolve himself of the dishonor he'd bestowed upon his family. From what he could see, there was an opening about a dozen steps up from the ground, which would lead to the altar inside if the inspiration was as close to his homeland as the inscriptions had indicated.

He quickly darted across the open plateau, eager to get out of the morning sun. Though the land was still heating up and the fog was only just finally dissipating, the sun on the yellow stone felt like it was baking his body with every second he remained free of any shade. He needed to go inside, where he could escape the light.

As expected, his disposition altered itself as the shade enveloped him and he disappeared into the darkness of the temple. Once inside, however, he quickly came to realize why he had felt such a presence in this area, as the temple he had seen poking out on the surface was perhaps a tenth of the height of the temple that had been carved out below, with the distance from side to side increasing at the same rate as what it was above ground so that the floor many stories below him was five times wider than it looked from the outside at the ground level. To his right, a pathway with stairs leading down; to his right, a pathway with stairs leading up.

In the perfectly square cavern below him, he witnessed a whole city's worth of locals all bustling through what looked like a marketplace in the middle of the temple, with homes carved out in three of the four walls. Thousands of people of feline, avian, canine, and reptilian families were trading and laughing and cleaning clothes and carrying produce from place to place, all busy in their work with little care for the land above them. Dozens of blue-flame torches could be seen lining the walls and atop a series of pillars in a grid shape in the middle, vibrantly illuminating the cavern.

Each of the four walls had a pair of waterfalls fueling the moat that surrounded the marketplace in the center, clearly the source of the community's fresh water as it was likely coming from a well or underground - and therefore clean - river. Quite the interesting setup, and Quetzalcoatl could slither his way down the stairway that wrapped around the outer walls of the underground temple community.

However, just as he was about to make his way down and introduce himself to the locals - none of which had an aura strong enough to worry him - he saw the most beautiful creature he'd ever laid his eyes upon in all the years of his life. It was another massive serpent, bigger even than him, coiled up atop an altar against the one wall that didn't house the other homes and flanked by torches. Her scales were a deep earthy gold much like the bricks that lined the temple and the underground community, and atop her snout lie two small horns. She possessed a pair of arms and a pair of plump breasts, indicating that she was a true naga and not a serpent hybrid. Around her on the steps leading up to her were dozens of worshipers bowing to her, head down and hands up in prayer. She was staring directly up at him, tongue flicking in curiosity as the very end of her tail flicked from under her coils.

As her eyes met his, Quetzalcoatl knew for sure that she was the source of that powerful aura.

He stared down at her as his feathers started to rise, his wings spreading in a display. He wanted her to see him to acknowledge him and know he was no threat. Of course, that didn't make very much sense once he thought about it, as if she'd deemed him a thread she wouldn't just be smiling up at him while her worshipers bowed before her, she would have sent them after him. With that in mind he headed towards the steps that led down to the village below, all of which were on a narrow pathway and tunnel that were carved into the walls and spiraling down from ground level to the underground where all of the villagers were at.

In order to keep his wings from clipping the narrow walls, he folded them up tight against his back while using his belly muscles to shimmy down the steps; given the berth of his body he was not able to slither in the traditional sense and could barely turn his head to look through the portholes to keep an eye on the lovely naga lady upon the altar. Around he went, glancing up every few dozen steps as he descended into the depths and wrapped around the widening walls of the village below.

To his astonishment, the farther down he got the bigger the underground city seemed to grow, to the point it was bigger on the inside than the pyramids looked from the outside in the deserts north of his home. This place was massive, and completely underground so it looked like a mostly abandoned temple from the surface. Inconspicuous, but not enough to keep antagonists from invading if they so chose. Another thing he noticed in addition to the sheer size of the place was the fact that the farther down he went, the cooler the are grew. He was also shocked to find that he crossed not a single person going down the very long set of stairs to the bottom level.

Eventually, he emerged from the steps to end up on the opposite side of the altar where the female serpent lay, directly beneath the entrance that he'd come in from. Upon seeing him, many of the people in the village stopped what they were doing to stare, jaws agape as they glanced between him and what he presumed was their queen.

In that very moment, with only a few hundred meters between he and this naga with only simple people lining the streets of the marketplace, he was able to feel the exact emotions that were contained within her aura, including desire, hunger, and a specific need that he couldn't quite pin down. Curious, he kept going closer, his body gliding over the stones of the marketplace's floor, propelling him to the altar. Given their looks of awe and and astonishment, he presumed they must have seen him as a god as well, given how similar he looked to her.

From across the underground village, the two locked eyes and he kept slithering towards her, the sea of people parting to make way for him in the process. He offered people gentle glances as he slid by them, smiling all the while to ensure that they didn't get the impression he was going to harm them in any way; that just wasn't his style but he had no idea how they would interpret his confident serpentine swagger.

The closer he got to her, the stronger he felt her aura to the point he found his own emotions emulating hers, which gave him a stronger and deeper understanding of what it was she desired, what she hungered for, and what she needed, all physical. However, given that her interests were lewd, he felt it most dignified to leave those thoughts to himself and act with the dignity needed to restore his family's honor. With grace in mind, he found himself at the foot of the steps that led to her altar while her worshipers stayed between them, kneeling and praying to her.

"I see we have a visitor." She said after swelling up and making more of her torso visible. The worshipers heard her voice and parted from their cluster leading up to the altar, giving Quetzalcoatl ample room to meet her, shuffling to the side while never breaking their prayer.

However, instead of getting any closer, he decided to keep his body coiled up at the foot of the stairs, convinced he was not yet worthy of whomever this serpentine goddess may have been. With a meek smile and a gentle bow, he spoke. "Indeed. I am a traveler from far away, I come to your abode mostly by accident, and I kindly wish for an audience so I may find myself and perhaps regain my honour."

She uncoiled on her altar, never taking her eyes off him as she eased her way towards him. "And tell me, esteemed guest, what has made you feel like you need to regain your honor? Furthermore, what do you expect me or my people to offer you that would give it back to you?" As she got close, she cradled his chin with her large hand and hovered mere inches away from his snout.

In response, he flicked his tongue - which was a completely normal thing for a serpent to do but not appropriate when that close to a stranger - only to pull away in shame. "I apologize, I didn't mean to offend!" He quickly assured her.

"Relax, my fellow serpent. There's nothing to apologize for. My people, you may leave me for the day if you wish, as I would like to share a moment with our guest." She said to the worshipers who were still on the steps between them, praying at her. One by one, they bowed to her and walked backwards down the steps, never turning away from her for what Quetzalcoatl assumed was a gesture of respect. Once they were all gone and heading back to their homes, the naga goddess continued. "My name is Ashathiesia - though my people like to call me Asha - and I am she who watches over these people; I've felt your presence since this morning when you first arrived and I'm very keen to get to know you based on what I've felt. I would be happy to answer any questions you have, but only if you answer some of mine as well."

"I, yeah. I would be happy to reciprocate. Quid pro quo, I believe is the term?" He gently inched his way up the steps to get closer to her, gradually tugging himself up only two or three steps before waiting. "Who asks first?"

Her form continued to unfurl as she got even closer to him, having never once taken her eyes off him. "Since this is my home, and these are my people, I think it most fitting for me to cast the first inquiry, would you agree?" She gently reached out to grab his chin and flicked her tongue so that the tip brushed by his snout, her warm breaths tickling his feathers.

A shiver ran down his spine as he nuzzled into her hand, the strength of her auras inciting him to feel the same desire that she felt. "I do agree, yes. What might you wish to ask me?"

She leaned in to press her snout to his in a peck before pulling away and returning to her coil atop the altar. "First, come with me and get comfortable. I would trust you far more if you allowed yourself some comfort in my coils." She patted a bulge of her body and flicked her tongue, nose horns wiggling a bit like she were reading the air.

Quetzalcoatl couldn't help but blink in shock, unsure of how to respond to that. He didn't feel he'd earned his dignity well enough to get affectionate and definitely didn't feel he was prepared to be so close to someone he just met, and yet he had a hard time not getting excited at the prospect of being held. After all, that was much of the crux of the problem he had at home. "I'm not sure that's appropriate, Asha. I've just met you and I don't feel I've gained the respect needed to put myself in such an esteemed position. If you don't mind, I'm comfortable here, I can still answer your questions." Despite his words urging her to reconsider her request, he found his belly scales pushing at the stone steps, easing him up towards her, his wings expanding on his back in hopeful anticipation.

A gentle trill came from deep within her as she smiled. "Oh dear, you're clearly from very, very far away if you think that being physical is in some way detrimental or reserved only for those in the highest esteem. No, it is not a problem to have you tangled up within my coils, in fact I find it the best way to truly connect with my people, and I would be happy to do the same with you if you'll let me."

In all his years, Quetzalcoatl had never felt bashful like this. Not once in his travels did he feel humbled by another, and never had he been left speechless. Her aura completely enveloped him, altering his mood and throwing him off his usually dignified self, leaving him grasping for words and struggling to stay dignified before what he was quickly coming to realize was a goddess.

Again she shifted in place, her thick bodied coils shifting and spreading apart to create a nice little nest for him with her body poking out the opposite end from him. "If you are not ready to be closer to me, I understand and respect that. Perhaps I should ask you your name before inviting you into me." Her tail rolled out from under her coils to caress his belly scales, eliciting a shudder.

"My name is Quetzalcoatl, but my family and friends call me Coatl, since it's quite a long name similar to yours." His hind end pushed off from the lowest stair to ease him up closer to her, the curve of his belly scales finally cresting the final step so that his head, wings, and what could be called his torso came to rest upon the altar next to her. This close, he could see that she was quite a bit larger than him, both thicker and longer - a fact that would have made him blush had he been capable. "I come from a land far from here."

She bowed in a gentle nod. "I know that, if you were from here I would have recognized you or at least felt your presence before this morning." Her tail wrapped around his body just under his wings where his torso met the rest of his serpent body. "But I want to know why you are here, Coatl. What brings you to my temple?"

He smirked. "I believe it's my time to ask a question, if I understand quid pro quo. You asked my name and I gave it."

"That is correct. Very well, feel free to ask me any question you desire and I will answer it. Of course, the deeper and more personal the question the more you permit me to probe into your mind as well. Keep that in mind and I will gladly share. So go on, if it's your turn, make your question a good one, Coatl." As she spoke, her body kept shifting and writhing in place, coils sliding over each other as she gave another tug, urging him closer.

Quetzalcoatl glanced around the village around them and came to see that some people were still watching, leaning on shovels and avoiding their work to see his interaction with she who watched over them to be sure that Coatl wasn't a threat. To think about this made him chuckle, but he did turn back to Asha as he spread his wings wide. "Okay. I'll start simple by asking a question that might help me greatly. Where am I?"

She trilled a bit, as if holding back a laugh. "You are here, in the Eppin Temple, capitol of the Orrio Valley." Her eyes remained trained on him, which allowed her to see that he wasn't content with that answer so she continued. "We're at the lower peninsula of the new world, where the north meets the south and the jungles blanket the land. Based on your scales and those feathers, I presume we are thousands upon thousands of kilometers west of your homeland, with a whole ocean between us. With that said, I imagine that you'd best get comfortable since it will be a long time before you return to your family." Her tail lightly constricted him, then let go as it disappeared into her nest of coils.

"That far? Quite a predicament I'm in." He mused, voice growing tense into a light hiss. "And I wouldn't worry too much about my family just yet; I came here to get away from them so I might regain my honor. If I were to see them face to face, I would feel only shame."

Her torso shifted from where it was to closer to him, where she came to rest her chin on her palms while leaning against her thick muscled body, breasts pressing down against her spine. "I figure therein lies the true question I want answered, doesn't it? What brings you here to be away from your family? Or, to be more specific, what did your family do to you that drove you half way across the world? Clearly this was something significant, perhaps even legacy-destroying."

Quetzalcoatl couldn't help but hang his head in shame, only to have her prop him back up and urge him to answer. After gaining the strength and humility, he pulled more of his body up to the altar and pressed parts of himself against her. "My brother tricked me into doing some truly abominate things, acts that my family bared witness to." He glanced around the room again, ensuring his voice was deep and quiet enough that only Asha could hear him. In his mind he was remarkably closed off about his troubles and felt more than a little uncomfortable sharing with a stranger, yet the power and nature of her aura assured him that he could speak to her without fear of judgment. She exuded confidence, affection, interest, and a desire to help, so he found himself willing to let her into his mind.

Asha, however, seemed very keen on having him join her in her coils as she was gently easing away and pulling over her body so that if he wished to continue their conversation he would have to slither over her body to rest within the nest of her writhing mass.

Sly, and he knew it, but he still found himself willing to give into her subtle wiles. With a gradual pace meant to be sultry and seductive, he pressed his chin to her spine and pulled himself up over her coils, scales touching on scales and feathers tickling her back as his wings lightly spread out. While shifting his body into her coils, he carried on with his confession. "It was the drinking. He preyed on my desire to enjoy a drink, and with it was able to drive a wedge between myself and my sister." He kept it vague so she would use up more questions prodding deeper.

She pressed her body up into him, massaging his belly scales as they slid over her. "So what did you do that could be so bad?" The more she asked and the more she shifted her body underneath him, the easier it became to lure him in.

"Let's leave that question for a bit, darling. Besides, it's my turn to ask a question." He pulled more of his length into her coils, eventually leaving only a few meters of tail hanging over her body and down the stairs as his form started to mix and tangle with hers. "Tell me, what exactly are you? These people worship you and you've got an aura far beyond any I've ever felt, so I wish to know more about you, what power you possess, and what you intend to do with me. You don't plan on making a meal of me, I hope." He winked at her, pulling in the last of his tail to wrap around hers.

Her response was sultry and drawn out, spoken through a grin. "No, I don't plan on eating you, Coatl. As for your actual question, I am what you might call a demigod to these people, a powerful mage with the ability to communicate with the spirits of the land. They erected this shrine to worship me, and built it deep into the ground to be closer to the entity that I communicate with, which means that I can at any time influence the world around me. And if you're asking, I must ask the same question: What exactly are you?"

"Basically the same as you, but clearly my people are not from around here." He glanced back one last time to completely lose himself to her coils, tugging in the last of his tail and wrapping himself around what parts of her he could. "I have similar telepathic abilities, magical strength, and the ability to see auras. It's been a very long time since I met someone like you, and it's quite refreshing."

"I feel the same way." She stroked his head, angelic voice washing over him in such a way that he couldn't help but have every feather standing on end. "We're kin, you and I, which is why I'm so very glad that you came here today."

Quetzalcoatl found himself melting as his body drooped over her coils at the same time she gave him a gentle squeeze. "How fascinating. Other than my bloodline, I wasn't even sure there were such powerful creatures in the world. Had I known, I'd have visited sooner." He wished to speak more, but found himself speechless as Asha's tail started to prod at his cloaca. Panicked, her glanced around to make sure nobody could see him before halting her in a hushed whisper. "W-what are you doing?"

She trilled at him as she cradled his cheeks, pulling him in close to her face. "Do you not like it when you're touched there? I know I do."

After taking a moment to relax and embrace her tail's invasion of his back end, he was able to enjoy it. "I suppose I do, but you really have to give some warning when you're doing something like that to me. Plus, I won't lie, I'm a little uncomfortable having you probe me in plain view of so many." He kept his voice low, still whispering so others wouldn't hear him. "I mean, I understand you're above the rest of these people and so am I, but I respect them enough to not subject them to seeing that."

"Is that truly how you feel?" She asked as she pumped almost a full meter of her tail tip into him, only to pull it out and pry at his cloacal scales to spread him open before letting him close up. "That's a shame, because my people love watching me with my partners on this altar. It's part of why they worship me; if they bow to me, I just might take them as my own, you see. Others watch, and wait their turn."

The thought of having a passionate session with such a sultry beauty made Quetzalcoatl lower his head and chuckle, coming to swiftly realize that it would be quite an adventure to show off in front of such a crowd. However, given that he was still experiencing the lingering shame of his disgrace back home, he still didn't feel right being intimate with her especially not in front of onlookers. "I respect your culture, Asha, but I'm not so sure I can participate."

"Very well. Would you prefer someplace more private?" Her voice was quick and blunt.

This threw him off entirely, as she'd been gentle and kind sounding up to this point yet had so quickly and abruptly changed her tone. "I'm not sure what you mean." He admitted, while still thinking he might have had an idea about what she was getting at.

Ashathiesia pulled her torso up away from him, the most pleasant hiss escaping her as her eyes flirted with him and her body gradually deflated. "You know precisely what I mean. You and I are like minded, we share many traits and we're seemingly built for one another, so of course I'm interested in getting to see and feel more of you. I'm not the type to be shy, Coatl, and I don't like to hide my feelings or desires, so would you like to join me on the surface? I promise it will be worth your time."

His wings immediately snapped to his back, tightening against his spine as he came to realize for certain exactly what it was she was offering. Though his mind was screaming that this was not the time and that he needed to return to his spiritual journey, her aura was influencing his heart and body to both scream for her touch. "Y-yes, I would be honored to join you in the solitude of the surface."

She gape-grinned at him, showing off her teeth as she clapped her hands together. Behind her, two doors carved in the shape of serpentine idols started to part, revealing a pathway to a stairwell that went up what seemed like thousands of steps to the surface in a straight line with glowing white at the other end. The hallway was as wide as her altar - maybe wider - and had two waterfalls cascading down either side of the stairs to end up in pools that flanked her altar. Beautiful. "So, you said you wanted to be away from prying eyes, right? Follow me!" She pulled away from her, tangle of her body unraveling to leave him in a pile on the altar as she turned and made her way up the stairs.

The view of her entire length was quite intoxicating to Quetzalcoatl, who sat transfixed in a pile of his own coils before darting through the doors to catch up to her and join her on the stairwell. Behind him, the twin idol doors closed as soon as his tail passed through their gate, closing them both off from the main temple market place. "This is all very interesting, Asha." He said, glancing around the room to see that there were the same pictures and symbols that he'd seen on the pillars before descending into the underground temple. The more he looked at them, the more familiar they seemed. "Is it my turn to ask a question, because I'm very curious to find out why the writing and artistic style are very similar here to what they are at home."

She glanced back down at him as her belly scales shifted her up the stairs, smiling a bit as her nose ridges flickered a bit. "Well, I don't know if it's your turn or not, but I will admit that I don't actually know the answer to your inquiry. I've been here a very long time - longer than any of the people who worship me - but this culture has been here longer than I. Based on what I know, or think I know, our cultures may have been settled by the same ancestors only to have the evolution of language and art altered over time. Your culture and my culture may be very similar but different, as they both come from the same place."

"That makes sense, yeah. We're both in tropical locales, we have similar architecture for our temples, similar language, and I'd say identical peoples following us. I'll accept your answer, and I happily offer my own knowledge for your curiosity. Please, I'm happy to answer anything you'd like to know about me or my culture, so go ahead and ask me a question. It's your turn, after all." They had made it almost halfway up the steps, as their snakelike bodies glided quickly up the ridges of the steps.

She used her tail tip to kindly tease at his hind end, nearly touching his cloaca again. "Well, I'm mostly just very curious about why you're so distraught. Clearly something serious must have happened to drive you all the way from the east to here. What dishonor could you have possibly done to incite such an extreme self-imposed exile? You started to tell me before, but I could see in your eyes that you weren't comfortable sharing at that time. It's just you and I, now, two divines becoming acquainted, so I do insist you fill in those blanks. I'd truly love to hear more."

Quetzalcoatl remained silent as they continued to ascend the stairs, not sure how he wanted to go about confessing his sins. All of his inhibitions were gone by this point - he'd already accepted that he was going to offer all he could to her in order to seek penance with a fellow deity - but that didn't mean he had a quick answer or comprehensive response to everything she asked. His apprehension manifested in the form of flaring wings, with them extending far enough to touch either of the walls of the hallway that led to the surface.

Ashathiesia noticed this hesitation, so she shifted her torso to in front of him to stop him from going up any farther. "Everything alright?" She asked, glowing emerald eyes piercing into his.

"I'm quite alright, thank you. I know I seem distant - and to be fair I am feeling that way too - but it's been a rough couple of days for me. It's not often that something shakes me, since not much can, but my brother is just the worst." He laughed at himself, realizing he sounded so young, so immature. Quetzalcoatl was a deity among his people, he shouldn't be fraught with insecurities and shame; it was unbecoming of his kin. When he locked eyes with Ashathiesia again, he did his best to let his worry fall off his feathers, finally allowing himself to come clean with her. "He tricked me into mating with my very own sister." He admitted with a sigh.

"So?" Asha retorted with a shrug before turning and guiding him up he last steps to the bright light at the end of the tunnel. "We are gods to our people, a little bit of incest might be unsavory but it's not going to ruin your legacy or cause your followers to abandon you." She assured him before the two of them emerged onto a rocky plateau up on the slope of the mountains that formed the cradle of the valley that the temple rest within. There was a golden-brick path that weaved through the underbrush, up to what appeared to be another temple atop the hill to the right of them.

It was then that Quetzalcoatl came to realize that there was a lot more to this civilization than he initially thought. While his first view of the temple made him think it was just one settlement meant to honor Asha, he was quickly putting together the puzzle of her people, as he was now seeing tiny huts all over the valley connected by yellow-bricked pathways arranged in what appeared to be distinct patterns.

"Yes, you see now that one's legacy is more than just who you mate with." She pulled him in close, awkwardly yanking him by the wings to wrap her arms around his shoulder and force his face into her breasts. "Of course, I'm getting the impression that, now that it's just you and I alone and away from all my people, you might be a little more open to what I had in mind." She swept her serpentine body around him, forming a coil that kept him in place while her tail coiled around his.

He glanced around him as he felt her strength corralling him into position, her arm and body wrapping around him as she fell back onto one of her coils with his chin flat between her soft breasts. With a pleased hiss, he flicked his tongue and flapped his wings a bit, their bodies melting and writhing in a pile around them. "So I guess you're not used to being denied, are you?" He joked.

"Are you denying me?" She pulled him in closer, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Of courssse not." He countered, extending his wings to wrap around her in a hug.

She flipped a few coils over him just behind his wings, pinning him down as every bend of her body squeezed the two of them together, every scale shivering in delight as his feather tips brushed over her. "You're quite the affectionate one, Coatl. You don't strike me as the kind to let a setback keep you from enjoying life; tell me, now that you're away and in the company of another like you, do you feel that your exile was justified or was it simply an overreaction to an admittedly foolish night?" As she spoke, her aura shifted and amplified to the point that it had blasted all of his cares to the wind.

Quetzalcoatl sighed deeply, the exhalation coming out like a hiss as his tongue flicked between her breasts, nearly touching her chin. "Well, when you put it that way, I suppose I did go a little too far with this. I even used a teleportation spell that sent me about as far away as I could go, and I'm not convinced my family even knows that's what happened." He laughed as he envisioned what he thought happened after he fell onto that magical pyre. "I can see them now, putting on a funeral for me, crying over my ashes - the ashes that were simply made of burnt incense - while speaking so many good things about me. Even my brother, devious as he may be, is probably extolling every one of my many virtues."

"And I'm sure there are many. So with that in mind, are you sure you want to be here with me when you could be eavesdropping over all the wonderful things they're saying?" Her form gave another squeeze as the tip of her tail found his cloaca to peel the scales away and slip inside next to his serpentine member. "Because I get the distinct impression that you don't truly feel you need their approval. Based on what I've felt of you - both physically and spiritually - you're indomitable in many ways and the only weakness you feel is within you." As she said her last words, she plunged her tail deep into him, caressing his flesh with expert precision.

At first he winced a bit, not completely ready to invite her into his loins, but the warmth he felt in the glow of her aura gave him the confidence and bravado to push back into her, hungry to feel more of her inside. While he writhed in pleasure, he kept his gaze trained on her. "Indeed. I suppose my rash decision was-" He paused a bit to focus on the writhing tendril of her tail that was waving back and forth within him before continuing. "Was perhaps borne of too many spirits last night."

More of her coils flopped over onto him while other segments of her body burrowed under his belly to tense up and push against his ventral scales, massaging him in rhythmic waves. "Tell me Quetzalcoatl, if you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? Here or with your family?"

"This very second? There's nowhere I'd rather be than here. No questions." He trilled and rattled his feathers, melting into her coils as his every muscle relaxed and his tail started to twitch. Meanwhile, his members started to fold out from his cloaca forming a v-shape on either side of her tail.

Asha noticed this and her snout nubs started waving back and forth as she gape grinned. "I see you've allowed yourself some pleasure. Tell me, Coatl, how would you like to feel what it's like to be with a goddess?" Her tail end pulled out of his cloaca leaving just the tip inside to hook on his scales as her own cloaca positioned itself right at the end of his hemipenes. Then, all at once, her opening gathered both his cock tips to push them together before plunging down upon him, swallowing both in one gulp to have their cloaca kiss.

Every muscle in Quetzalcoatl's body tensed up as his wings spread out, tail wrapped around hers and snout pressed firm into her chest. He wanted to respond, to tell her that he was happy to offer himself to her if she did the same for him, but it had been so long since he'd engaged in an act of passion that didn't bring him dishonor that he got lost in the sensation of her dextrous ventral muscle control that he could only communicate through the vibrations of his many feathers.

She offered him a gentle stroke down his frills as her every coil and bodily fold writhed around him. "I knew this is what you wanted. I do, too." The last few meters of her body and tail pressed tight up against his, pushing their belly scales together and meshing their cloaca together in a gooey mess only to have that part of them disappear under the mass of her coils.

The entire length of Quetzalcoatl shifted in waves as his muscles contracted, caressing Ashathiesia the best way he knew how. Deep inside he wanted to use some of his magic on her to enhance her pleasure, like he felt that as a fellow deity it was the only way to impress her. However, the more her body squeezed and rubbed his cocks together, her cloaca gently grinding against his and every scale on her body rubbing against his, he came to realize that she just wanted a moment of passion. No tricks, no worshipers, no magic, and no false bravado, just two serpents enjoying one another as the skies and depths had both intended.

With that thought in mind, he wrapped his wings around her body to hold her close as he hooked his neck around hers, tongue flicking and cheeks nuzzling together. "More and more, my dear, I am sure that I'd rather be here than anywhere else in the world. Would you accept my blessing? Would you grant me yours?"

A deep trilling sound came from deep within her as she nodded, body giving another powerful squeeze accented by another vaginal contraction that squeezed out their collective arousal in a foamy mess. "I would, Sir Coatl." She said with a moan. "Be mine, if only for today."

It was to be more than a day, as their union's seed had been planted on that morning.

Together, their bodies writhed and undulated in a glorious mass of green and brown and yellow, locked as one at their hind end with Quetzalcoatl throbbing and pumping his godly essence into Ashathiesia. She held his wing like it was a hand while pressing his head to her chest, giving him two soft pillows to rest upon as her depths worked him for his seed. Like many serpentine engagements, it lasted well into the night with the two keeping to the idle chatter the entire time, never getting bored of the company they kept or the physicality they shared.

What started as a simple chance encounter quickly blossomed as they came to realize that they were perfect for each other. They shared interests, had the same desire for their respective peoples, and laughed at much of the same jokes all while their collective auras intertwined and brought them closer together. Quetzalcoatl could feel the sincerity of her affection and she in turn was feeding of his desire for adoration, the purity of their bond blossoming as his seed grew within her, creating new life.

This, in turn, would lead them both into a relationship that would last a generation.

They named their hatchling, Nikku. A white scaled serpent with purple and yellow stripes, wings like her father, horns, and a pair of arms like her mother. Of course, she couldn't know that her parents were deities, so they kept that from her, which in turn allowed her to use her power for the betterment of their people.

As anyone decent would do.