on the run

Story by wolfiegirl5150 on SoFurry


#2 of weird blurrs

A mare stood in a field grazing not aware of the danger lurking in the shadows creeping up on her she felt as though something was sneaking up on her she looked up and turned her head seeing a wolf crouched in the woods she toke of at a gallop away from the predator running as fast as she could turning weaving in and out of trees she reached the meadow where her heard was and hollered at them the stallions charged past her and she kept going getting to her heard she slowed down turning to see the wolf running away from her sire and her mate and her brother she nickered at them in thanks throwing her head up and down they walked to check if she was okay and she was happy as can be she was thankful for a heard to run with even if it was away from predators