Unimportant Verse 1

Story by makyo on SoFurry

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#1 of Unimportant Verse About Important People

I see your past in cross-processed film, in blown-out colors and over-saturation.

You told me all about it, told me grand stories: you were going to go back in time and save the world.

I see your past in yellows and browns, in umber and sienna and amber, in a younger sun.

You sat and told me how -- and you were always sitting -- you thought past-you dreamt of a future less complicated than today.

I see your past through film-grain and vignette, with a thick white border, space on the bottom to write.

You told me how you learned so many imperfect things, in so many less than ideal ways, always at inopportune times.

I see your past in architectural drawings of unrealized buildings, in paperback covers reaching towards heaven, in trillions of words.

You figured past you dreamt of, not perfection, but a world unconstrained by so many failures.

I see your past with no me in it, and wonder if past-you dreamt of us.