Bad Things Happen to Good People

Story by GothCatDemon on SoFurry

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Today was their weekly date; tonight it was a small bistro on the west side of town. The slim white feline fem had to work later than usual, so she told her husband, Roscoe, she'd meet him there. Her name was Jasmine, a credit to her mother's creativity.

Her car was in the shop getting the water pump replaced, so she had taken the subway to work that morning. She had just gotten off the city bus on the west side, about three blocks away from the restaurant.

"I can use the exercise." She said cheerfully to herself. Smoothing out her pant legs, glad she changed at the office. Her legs were covered by black dress pants, foot paws in strappy stiletto heels in a bright blood red, and she sported a halter top of the same color. For some side-thought of modesty, she had donned a sheer poncho. She smiled as she caught her reflection in a shop window, she practically glittered.

As her heels click-clacked down the side walk, three pairs of eyes peered around an alley corner; the owners licked their lips. The eyes belonged to a gang of Irish wolf hounds, large dogs who usually have good temperaments; these three however, were bad eggs. Each had a criminal history for various drug busts, soliciting prostitutes, and their ring-leader had a rape charge, but had escaped from prison. The leader's name was Warrick, but he was called War on the streets. He spoke in hushed tones to his cronies; he had a plan.

Jasmine realized it was getting dark, and the neighborhood seemed to deteriorate in front of her eyes. She quickened her pace to get to the bistro before seven. She hadn't realized that she passed the alley that the dogs were scheming in, until she heard a cat call whistle.

"Hey Da'ling. How much for a quickie in that mouth of yours?" The voice was filled with jeering sarcasm, and snickers followed the rudeness. Jasmine at first stopped and almost turned around, but then thought better of it and walked on, ignoring the fact that she was just called a whore.

Unfortunately for her, War wasn't going to quit after one try. He jogged up to her, and sidled next to her.

"Aw, come on. You're a pretty kitty, and I'm sure you're real talented..." He let the innuendo linger in the air, and adopted a wolfish grin. Behind him, his lackies followed, tongues lolling out just staring at the feline's ass.

"Fuck off, you sick bastard." Jasmine swore and walked a little faster down the side walk, consciously closer to the pools of light provided by the street lights. She was scared now, but didn't have a cell phone or any type of self defense weapon. This was not a good situation.

"I'd love to....All over you!" Before Jasmine could even contemplate what the canine meant by that, he had pounce on her, and forced her up against the wall of a building. His large grey furred paw covered her mouth, muffling her screams.

"Now, now...Pussy cat...I won't hurt you unless you try and hurt me." His voice now was sickly sweet, the words dripped poisoned honey. Just as he said that, Jasmine sunk her fangs into his palm. War yelped, and back handed her. She fell to the sidewalk, cheek burning. He roughly grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

"What did I tell you!?" His voice was an angry hiss, barely audible but frightening at the same time.

"Flash! Chazz! Help me get her to the pad." At that Jasmine knew what was in store for her and bucked around, trying to get out of their grip; but they were stronger making her struggles futile.

They brought her through a door in the dark alley, up two flights of creaky stairs, and into a musty attic. The air was stale and smelled of moth balls, mold, and something familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She had resigned herself to stop struggling for the moment, and allowed herself to be lead to an old cast iron framed bed. The ones called Flash and Chazz sat her down and awaited orders.

"Alright, my little fur ball, I want to see you strip for me." He pulled up a chair, and sat down, spreading his legs wide. He unzipped his pants so his sheath could be seen.

"If you do a good job, you'll get me out and hard just by stripping. Do it right, and you live for another hour. Do a bad job, you die right now." His ultimatum delivered he sat back and enjoyed the look of fear on the feline's face.

Her mind was reeling, she was being forced to perform sexual acts for druggie-rapists for her life. This was her worse nightmare, but she didn't want to die. She she stood up and began. A little shimmy of her hips, and a roll of her pelvis started the "routine" off. Her poncho came off first, then, with a few small movements with her hands, discreetly playing with her breasts, she undid the knot of her halter. It being loose enough around her midriff it fell to the floor with silken ease. Now topless, her size C breasts bared for the dogs to stare at. The two cronies salivated and were rubbing their crotches unabashedly, but War was just coldly watching, only a little pink showing through the parting of his pants.

Trying another tactic, she actively played with her breasts as her hips rolled and shimmied. She undid the button on her pants and turned around, so the leader could have a perfect view of her black lacy thong, as her pants fell down her legs. So, she stood in a black lace thong, and her heels still. A quick check told her, that about an inch of pink meat was peaking over the edge of the jeans. She sauntered closer, almost revolted with herself, but continued. She bent down so her breast hung in his face, and stroked his thigh. Taking a step backward, she began to play with her thong, pulling it down a little then back up again.

Flash had his dick out and was masturbating lustily as he watched, he buddy also had his cock out, but he wasn't stroking it yet. Both dogs had awestruck expressions on their faces, and their tongues couldn't fit in their mouthes. War however, had a hand on his inner thigh, and his eyes were hungering for her body. Jasmine finally took the thong off, leaving her completely naked except her shoes. She sat down on the edge of the bed, and crossed her legs seductively while unfastening the straps. Soon, she was wearing nothing except her white fur.

"Flash! Stop that!" The submissive dog whined, but took his hand away from his cock. War stood up, his length fully emerged from the sheath. The pink meat topped just over nine inches long, and that made Jasmine squeamish. She was already feeling sick because of what she had just done, but the way she saw it, she had no choice.

"Well, my little...Pussy Cat..." War had walked up close to her and was stroking her cheek with the back of his fingers, "...You live another hour." He had a cold sadistic smile.

"Chazz. Strap her up!" His voice was commanding, and his minion obeyed without question. He got up from where he was sitting and grabbed Jasmine's arm. He made her kneel on the bed. Raising her arms, he cuffed them together, then clipped the chain between her hands to an eye bolt on the ceiling. Fortunately, she wasn't hanging from the chain, it was just long enough to keep her arms above her head. Then, before she could scream, a ball gag was shoved roughly in her mouth. The red rubber keeping her from making much sound. She began to cry, but to her dismay, Chazz wasn't finished yet, he put leather cuffs around her ankles and chained them to the head of the bed; he then put padded cuffs above her knees, and clipped those to the foot of the bed.

She knelt there, legs spread at least a yard apart, arms over her head, and mouth gagged. Jasmine sniffled and felt tears running down her cheek.

"There, there. Don't cry, my love." War was speaking in his false comforting voice again. He looked over at his lackies, and made a decision.

"Flash, get over here." As the other dog padded over, War took out the red ball, leaving a metal O ring. "Seen as you were so eager to get off to this sweet morsel, you go first." War got off the bed, but not before slapping Jasmine's ass hard. It stung, but Jasmine didn't yelp.

Flash eagerly mounted the bed, and stood in front of the cat.

"Open wide!" He laughed and shoved his meat into her mouth. He tasted like he hadn't washed in a few days and that alone almost made Jasmine gag, but she fought it. His cock was about seven inches, but it was thick; about a good two inches. The canine began to hump her face, and with every thrust, the head of his dick went down her throat. His large hands gripped the back of her head, forcing her mouth further along his cock. Jasmine's nose was practically buried in his crotch, his meat constantly in her throat now, and then she began to taste precum. For most of the males she had been with, it took a few moments longer after leaking precum to fully cum, but as soon as the taste registered in her brain, his cock exploded. Flooding her mouth with the hot sticky seed, he pulled out, getting a fair amount in her black hair, on her face, and on her breasts.

She tried to spit the rest of the jizz out of her mouth but the red rubber ball was back in her gag before she could. Flash's manic laughter filled her ears, and increase her embarrassment. Jasmine felt so dirty, but the sound of an electric razor brought her out of her misery. Flash was holding the razor by neck, and it felt like he was carving his initials in her fur.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I didn't mention our little...ritual...We like to mark our conquests. See, your throat has Flash's insignia, meaning it's his now." War's sarcasm had an icy cold edge and it made Jasmine shiver outright. Chazz was moving behind her and was preparing to lube up his cock, when War stopped him.

"I got a better idea." He stuck a finger roughly up her cunt, and wiggled. "She's dry as a bone. I think we need to make her enjoy this." He laughed cruelly and looked at his captive without mercy or pity.

Kneeling down, he gripped one of her breasts and began to gently lick and nip at it. A warm sensation began to creep over her body, but Jasmine banished it, she would not give these bastard dogs the satisfaction of making her wet. Just then, Chazz started to lick at her other breast. Despite her situation, the warmth came back, and she had to bite back a moan. Mastering herself again, Flash decided now would be a great time to massage her ass. Now, nothing could stop the rushing warming sensation over her cunnie. She had three males working on her, and she couldn't rationalize anything. A small purr left her throat, and it was followed by another finger being shoved roughly up her pussy hole.

"Well, what do we have here. She's damp...But not wet enough. Chazz, you're good at this, take over her breasts. I have a better target." War moved so he was underneath both Jasmine and Chazz. A long tongue darted up her pussy and Jasmine jumped. Chazz had to hold her from moving too much.

"I think she liked that." War's voice was again sarcastically cold. But he continued to make Jasmine feel like a dirty whore. His tongue dart over her pussy lips and she could feel herself getting more aroused. Her breasts and nipples were being licked, and Flash was now biting lightly on the back on her neck.

"I think she's good for now. Chazz. Flash...get off the bed. She's mine now." War knelt before her, his huge cock now in a full erection.

"Like that?" His voice was softer now, more sensual. By now, the feline fem was so horny that she couldn't think straight, so she nodded her head empathetically.

"I bet you'd like it better with out that gag." He undid it, and tossed it away. Suddenly, Jasmine's mouth was overtaken by a passionate "I-want-to-fuck-you" kiss; War's long, sinewy tongue tracing shapes on the roof of her mouth, exploring her throat, and giving her a sweet taste of her juices that were still on his tongue. She moaned again, her crotch aching for attention.

"I bet you want that cock of mine inside you, don't you. You dirty little slut. You'd love some rough fucking wouldn't you." Jasmine moaned again as his hand slid up and down her thigh.

"Yes..." She breathed, her voice low and husky. She really did want to be fucked, they had worked her up so much that she didn't care who she got it from, as long as she got it.

"Well then..." He crawled a little closer, his hard cock brushing the outer lips of her cunt. He wagged it around making it slide in and out of the moist folds. Jasmine purr and tried to buck towards him, hoping to force his cock into her.

"Ah ah ah..." He waved a finger in front of her face, as if she had been naughty. "You'll have to wait, little slut." Instead of shoving his dick into her twat, he cupped her breasts and pushed them together; rolling and kneading them. Somewhere in Jasmine's head her brain was revolted both at herself for allowing herself to become this aroused, and at War for calling her such nasty things. But her mind was soon no longer concerned for thinking, only fucking.

"Fuck me...Please...I'll do anything..." Jasmine's husky, lusty voice begged, and it was followed by War's laughter.

"I've broken you. You're begging for it. You are a little whore, a dirty slut. You deserve some real dirty sex." He grinned wolfishly, and beckoned for Chazz to come over. Chazz had relaxed a bit, so he was almost limp but not quite.

"Lick him up hardness again, Sex Slave." Without a moment passing, Chazz was presenting her his cock; it was right in front of her muzzle. She was hesitant at first, she gave him a tentative lick, but he tasted much better than his gang-banger friend. So she moved her mouth to take more of him inside her. Chazz moaned as his cock stiffed, the roughly soft feline tongue was eagerly licking at him. Suddenly he howled as Jasmine gave him a quick, but mighty suck. His hands were on her head, forcing her down his shaft more, taking his cock into her mouth and throat, inch by inch.

War pulled his friend out of the cat's mouth, and laughed cruelly as Jasmine's head followed as far as it could.

"You turned out to be quite the little whore. I bet you could make a fortune as a hooker." War indicated Chazz lube up, and took the time to slip his own fingers up Jasmine's cunt. There was a squelching sound, and then a loud purr as his fingers rubbed up against her G spot.

It didn't take Chazz long to lube up his cock, and soon had it shoved up her ass.

"Ooo...." Jasmine moaned as Chazz started to bring his cock in and out of her tight ass hole. War took the opportunity to take his fingers out of the moist pussy and shove his long cock in. Jasmine practically screamed as the two cocks were almost pressed together inside her. After a few moments, the two dogs began to synchronize their movements and their knots were swelling. The dog fucking her ass, suddenly gripped Jasmine's shoulders so hard his claws bit into her skin; he shot his load up into her rectum. He slid out, knowing that his boss would like the honor. The hot liquid made Jasmine cry out in pleasure, her own orgasm not far off.

Unfortunaly, War was reading her like a book; the elevated breathing rate, the sounds she was making, even the feeling of her pussy around his cock. He knew exactly when she was going to cum. He gave his thrusts more power and speed, and felt the pussy walls get tighter; she was right on the edge. War pulled out suddenly, as he did, his crony Flash howled with both his release and laughter.

Jasmine realized what had happened and looked at War with begging eyes.

"Please...I'm...Right there..." Her body writhed in her restraints, and panted a little.

"Because Pussy Cat, you're a whore; and whores are meant to be tortured. What better way to torture a slut, then to deny her an orgasm." His cruel laugh almost made Jasmine cry.

"P-please?" There was a definite whimper to her voice. She really wanted her release, this was torture. A single tear welled up in her eye, as she realized she really was a dirty whore...Actually begging for sex out of these flea-bitten rapists. Her brain begun to reel, what would her husband do once he found out she'd been kidnapped and raped, and actually enjoyed it? Her wondering stopped when War decided to back hand her again.

"You will pleasure me." His voice was commanding, and his hands rested on her shoulder, dangerously close to her throat. Jasmine did not wonder if he had the strength or the gal to strangle her.

"How...?" There was fear in her voice, and her body tensed up, temporarily forgetting about the pleasure she was feeling moments ago.

He never answered her, but placed his hand on her collar bone. Jasmine's fur fluffed out, her tail was three times it's normal size. Her eyes grew wide, and she trembled unconsciously. As the magnitude of her fate really took root in her mind, Jasmine gave a little yelp. Her throat couldn't manage a full-fledged scream, she couldn't even breath normally.

His hand tightened over her throat, and squeezed. The feline thrashed about, her air supply completely cut off. She could see the edges of her vision turning dark, and her mind turned to her husband, Roscoe, who was at this moment waiting for her at the bistro still. The police wouldn't find her body for weeks, if they found it at all...

"She's still alive, boys. We've got a fighter!" He squeezed her delicate neck and could feel the muscles trying to resist him, but they were weakening. Jasmine could feel her body feel fuzzy, and then with her last bit of coherent thought, she mouthed the words, "I love you, Roscoe..." Her body went limp, and War unstrapped her from the bondage gear.


Two weeks later, the local newspapers were full of headlines about a local business woman who had gone missing fourteen days ago, had been found. Her body had been tossed in a small pond in the nearby woods. A hunter had found her, while searching for his missing hound. The police were still looking for her abductors and murderers. She left behind a husband named Roscoe.