The Torch is Lit

Story by zetasyanthis on SoFurry

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#14 of Poems

The torch is lit the gauntlet thrown the steel glints in darkness and now it comes to us at last to defend 'gainst this harshness.

The trumpet blasts, the arrows fall, but we will not be shaken for within us dragons' blood flows, "These lives will not be taken."

So listen now ye sheltered folk, ye trembling in darkness, and listen now yet hearts gone cold, ye broken, and ye heartless.

We'll not become that which we fight, but fight we ever shall, for each kind heart, our cherished art, and freedom's shining sail.

You would not do to judge to quick those who now stand to face you. We are not those you ought to fear; in love, we will embrace you.

We seek your hearts to join with ours to build a better world a kinder, gentler, novel place, where fear's banners stay furled.

It won't be quick; it won't be light, this burden we now don, but we accept and raise our lights to watch until the dawn.