A fair wind to any port

Story by Dapplemint on SoFurry

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A sailor on leave meets a young society girl at the peak of a hot summers night...

A sailor on leave meets a young society girl at the peak of a hot summers night... I thought I'd try writing something from the golden age of sail and society. Enjoy!

The ball was another one of those deadly dull affairs, where plantation owners and their dowdy wives swirled around a dance floor already too hot for comfort. A scant five minutes of wandering around was enough before I'd found myself the coolest corner in the room, drink in hand, my best dress uniform already sticking to my fur. The thick broadcloth was designed for the campaign raging in the Baltic, with no regard given for the poor sailor who was forced to wear it into the tropics.

Their lordships were generally merciful though, and assigned us wolves to the cooler parts of the world where the empire still maintained its rule whenever they could. Family ties and influence meant there was no such relief for me. Some distant uncle of mine knew some far-off port Admiral willing to pull some strings for a posting and here I suffered. That I'd made 2nd Lieutenant before my twenty-third year was small consolation, just enough to keep my off half-pay and on the ship, far away from the delights of shore life.

'Speaking of port delights...' I mused, glancing about. My captain was milling around the buffet, fortifying an already stocky frame with fresh fruit and beef that had never seen the salting barrel. A good enough man, certainly no William Bligh, but like every man in a position of power he had his Achilles heel. His was just... higher up.

We'd worked the men hard to make it back to port in time for the soirée, beating up the windward side of the island with a fervor seen more commonly in packet ships bearing terrible news. The log explained this with a bald 'urgent dispatches', but a wink from the captain and his offer to have his servant press my dress uniform tipped me off to the social nature of our haste. The men seemed to know this before I did of course, shrugging it off with their crossgrained pride in working the ship to her limits. After three long months patrol I appreciated the chance for shore leave almost as much as they did, but I would have preferred something less desperate.

Ostensibly thrown in celebration of some local holiday, the balls real purpose was to give the planters a chance to let us know they didn't want to be left to the natives. I kept as low a profile as possible, watching the captain held captive against the buffet by wave after wave of local couples, all eager to pass on their thanks for the empires protection of their land and goods.

With a sudden flourish that caught my ear the orchestra stopped as the crowd swirled and parted, making room for the couples fleeing the heat of the dance floor. I found myself staring, quite unexpectedly, at a stunning display of gold and white. A puma, if I wasn't mistaken, slowly sashaying across the floor to join her friends cloistered in a ballroom alcove.

She was beautiful. Not just beautiful in the desperate way sailors back from the sea after months without the sight of a woman consider beauty, but in the classic sense. She was a standout in a room full of women dressed to impress. Bare arms and the plunging décolleté of her dress showed off the immaculate gold of her fur, the white silk cut to a fashion that only came from blockaded France.

Our eyes met before I could look away, and she flashed me a coy smile from across the dance floor. Her bold glance and stunning face pinned me in place, as though looking at her took all my mental prowess and left none for walking. I managed what I could muster for a winning smile, but even that faltered as she turned on her heel to march over to me with marine precision, bold as brass, abandoning her friends in the alcove.

I pulled myself together, recalling my manners as she drew near enough that I could be certain I was her destination, bending low in what I figured would pass for a court bow in the tropics. She returned the bow with a little ballroom curtsy once she'd reached me, along with a smile that left me grinning in return.

'Good evening, m'lady.'

'Good evening, Lieutenant!' she said as she stood back upright, smoothing the lace of her dress with her hands. 'I'm afraid I didn't catch your name when the steward announced your party?'

'Lieutenant Robert Stamford ma'am, royal navy.' I said crisply, out of habit more than anything else. I glanced down at her, a good foot shorter than I, and tried to remember what little charm I possessed. 'Please, call me Rob if you'd like.'

'A pleasure to meet you, "Lieutenant Rob'' she replied, equally lighthearted. 'I'm Sarah.' She gestured across the room with a free hand, her dress swirling around her as she moved. 'Are you enjoying the ball?'

'Oh, most definitely.' At least, I was enjoying it now! 'We have no ice on the ship, nor music or good food for that matter, and only seamen for company. This is a welcome change.' The cost of ice out here in the sumer was exorbitant, and there was enough of it swirling in my glass to suggest our host was doing his best to grab top social standing, but I thought better of making that observation. Small talk not being my forte, I went straight in with the compliment.

'I couldn't help but notice you dancing just a moment ago. You looked very graceful, you and your friends.'

She smiled back at me, fanning herself with the dance card she carried for effect. 'Why, thank you sir! Do you dance yourself?'

'A little, but not tonight I'm afraid. The temperature alone would melt me!' I gestured behind her to the regrouped couples on the dance floor, rising heat waves lending them an almost ethereal quality. 'I may yet melt, at that. You're handling this heat much better than I, I must say...'

'Oh, it's easy enough if you spend most of your life on the island. One can adapt to almost anything, given enough time.' She gestured once more around the crowded room. 'Even this!'

'You were born here then?' I asked. 'Or on one of the smaller islands perhaps?'

'No, but my father has been the governor-general for nearly fifteen years now. You probably met him in the receiving line?' She flipped a paw casually toward the carriage drive, where liveried footmen had taken our invitations and announced us at the doorway.

'Ah, yes, we met.' I cringed, remembering that brief introduction, my crisp salute met with a scowl and an 'enjoy yourself' with all the warmth of a north seas gale. The man clearly believed his sort of people started at commodore, but custom dictated a captain bring his officers. The real risk was an official rebuke; an angry diplomat had sunk many naval careers faster than a broadside. 'I apologize if I've caused any offense, my lady. We sailors can be a little... rough, around the edges.'

'Offense?' She curled her brow into a frown too cute to cause concern, then laughed suddenly as she followed my gaze to her father holding court at his table. 'Not at all, it's a pleasure to talk freely to someone. You must relax! My father is the governor-general, I am not.'

I laughed just a little too loud to hide my relief, and midway through a chuckle my body betrayed me with a prodigious yawn that I barely managed to cover with my free hand. Mortified, I raced to apologize before she could excuse herself in indignation.

'Please, excuse my manners... It's late for a sailor; our day starts much earlier than yours.' I looked around for something to move the conversation along from my social faux pas, my eye catching on the gleaming silver of dishes on a nearby table. 'Would you care to join me in a coffee, or perhaps a negus to ward off the late hour?'

'With pleasure, though punch is more to my fancy.' She smiled slightly at my discomfort. 'There's no need to apologize, I've had my share of late nights recently as well.'

I grinned, offering her my arm as we slowly wandered over to the buffet, dodging couples here and there. The governors bid for social standing didn't stop at mere drink and there was a fine spread on the low sideboard separating the dance floor from the tables. Life at sea taught one never to pass up a meal, and I passed my new companion a little plate of petit-fours while the steward filled our glasses.

'You should have seen them carrying the great table out earlier, all the housemen purple in the face as they wrestled with it.' The little puma pantomimed a struggling servant with a heavy load, her cheeks puffed out in the cutest way, whiskers askew. 'I couldn't help but laugh, although it's left us with nowhere to sit.'

'I saw a series of fine looking gardens when they wheeled the carriage 'round earlier, perhaps I could convince you to give me the tour? It's a pleasant evening to walk about.'

'A romantic stroll through the moonlit gardens, sir?'

I blushed at the implication. 'I mean... Ah, I mean, if you'd prefer to stay and find a seat in the library instead?'

'Not at all, the gardens are very pleasant in the evening!' The little cat was laughing in earnest as she placed a steadying paw on my arm. 'My father says I'm an incorrigible jester, you'll have to forgive me. I'd love to walk with you.'

The warm paw at my elbow turned into an arm-in-arm stroll through the ballroom as we ducked and weaved our way through the crowd. There was damn near a fifteen degree change in temperature at the door and Sarah shivered ever so slightly against me, but refused my proffered dress coat.

A typical colonial build, the manor commanded a view of the town in front, with the gardens sprawling out from behind the house and thankfully close by. Quiet couples dotted the lawn as we passed, but our own destination had been abandoned to the night, empty and quiet. My guide paused for a moment, looking about carefully before picking a gravel path winding it's way deeper into the grounds.

I broke our companionable silence first as we strolled aimlessly along the footpath winding through the mounds of carefully trimmed foliage, a thick golden ear twitching up in my direction as I spoke. 'So tell me, what is life like in the governors house?' I asked. 'Are you enjoying your time in the tropics?'

'Oh, it's a comfortable life. Being the most powerful family on the island tends to have certain benefits. There's no real fear of insurrection either, and the last native raids were well before our time here.' She shrugged and paused her narrative for a long moment, as though searching for some interesting topic to relate. 'If you'd asked me that as a child, I would have said 'boring', but now there are enough social events that one can almost always find someone interesting to talk to...'

'I'm glad you're not too bored out here then.' I said with a grin, playing along with her subtle ribbing. 'You have a beautiful home, and some fantastic gardens as well.' I added, looking around.

'The governors residence is certainly grand! As for the gardens, well...' She shrugged, following my gaze to the neat rows of some tall purple flower just beyond my reach. 'The entire island is covered with flowers; these are simply well tended.'

She leaned in, just close enough that I could smell the subtle scent of mignonette on her fur. 'I've spend many a night out here nonetheless! May I show you my favorite spot?'

'By all means, I'm at your service.'

Turning abruptly at a fork in the path, she led us down a narrow hedgerow winding it's way deeper into the gardens, away from the house. A moment later we stepped through a gap in the row into a flag-stoned clearing atop a bluff, sparse trees trimmed to frame the night sky above and shore below.

'This is where I spend most of my time' Sarah explained, a note of excitement in her voice. 'There are very few houses along the shoreline below us, so the light pollution isn't as bad as in town. You can see almost every star from here!'

'Indeed?' As a watch-keeping officer I'd spent many nights staring at the sky, instruments in hand, working our position for the captain. The view was better here though, and solid footing instead of the pitching deck of the ship made the sky all that much clearer.

'Oh yes! You can see Carina and Canopus, and the southern cross of course... Ophiuchus, sometimes. There are even some stars here that aren't charted yet in the books my father brought!' She was pointing as she spoke, arm sweeping across the sky in practiced motions pointing to her stars.

'Ah, so you're an astronomer! That's quite impressive.' It was more than impressive, astronomy being the typical purview of sailors and academics, not governors daughters in society positions. Her passion for the subject was evident in her voice and I pressed the subject, intrigued by her enthusiasm. 'You must have a good glass on hand to see them!'

'Sort of... The artillery commander stationed at the shore battery has a four inch glass I can borrow some nights.' She laughed, delighted to have an interested ear. 'Sometimes he visits the voodoo woman for his fortune though, and then suddenly the risk of attack is too high to give up his best sighting glass for a few days, so I'm grinding my own!'

I blinked, nonplussed. 'You're grinding your own lens?'

'The society papers say that's the only real way to get a decent one, and father was kind enough to have an eight inch blank sent over in the last packet. Actually, he had several sent, but the dockyard dropped the crate.' She thumped my ribs with a playful elbow. 'You sailors can be a clumsy lot.'

'They certainly can be clumsy. You should see them loading the rum; they drop an anker every time to drink it from the decks!' It might have been more accurate to say your common sailor was crafty, and I suspected the crew had some dislike for the Governor in their mind when they dropped a parcel so important. 'You've been reading the Royal Society papers, I take it?'

'I read every one we get down here, which admittedly isn't many. It'd be a dream come true to address the society; not many astronomers get the chance.'

'I sincerely hope you do!' I said fervently, and meant it.

'Thank you. I'll have to wait until my father tires of being the commander and chief and takes us back home, but I'll get there someday.' There was a certain steely tone to her voice as she spoke of a home she probably remembered only in stories and newspapers, and the promise she saw there.

'Perhaps I'll sail you back, if I can find the way...' I joked, thinking to lighten the mood a bit. 'So, which star is yours?'


'Of course! All the Royal Society bigwigs have something named after them... One old chap has an entire genus to his credit.' Much good it did him, but it was fame of a sort and she clearly deserved it.

'Oh! Well like I said, I have seen some stars that aren't charted yet. I suppose I could name one?'

'I suspect you could name two if you'd like.' Pointing up at a bright star above us, I asked 'How about that one?'


'That bright one right there' I said, wiggling my finger at the little dot.

She followed my finger up to the bright point at its tip, then laughed. 'That's a planet! They tend to have names already.'

'Oh!' I scanned the night sky, looking for another bright light. 'How about that one, then?'

'That's Canopus.' She shook her head in good natured amusement, stepping much closer too me, her warm silk brushing against my legs as she took my arm in her hands. 'Let me show you what I'd claim...'

I kept my finger pointed as she moved our arms down and left, looking along my arm to finally stop at a small, flickering star in between a cluster of much brighter lights. 'That one.'

'What is it?' I asked, squinting past my finger at the off-blue speck in the night sky.

'No idea! It looks like an odd-shaped blur in the smaller lens, and I'm hoping once my eight inch is finished it'll be much clearer. Exciting, isn't it?' Sarah wiggled against me in excitement and I could feel her tail beating against the lining of her dress, her whole body tense in anticipation of that day.

'Indeed it is. I hope it brings you fame at the society when you get a good look at it.'

The night air seemed to be heating up as she leaned against me, my arm still clasped tight in her hands. I hadn't felt the touch of a woman since we set down for a refit some six months back, and my cheeks must have been flame red as my mind wandered, thinking of the little cats tail wrapping up around my leg... I cleared my throat with a subtle cough, forcing my mind back to the present.

'Shall we return to the ball?'

'Oh! Must we be going so soon? It's so pleasant here under the stars with you... I rarely meet people so easy to talk to.' She made no move to leave, instead settling in against my side as we stood together under the nights sky.

'I wish it weren't so, but the captain was very clear on the preservation of a ladies honor tonight, and I fear we've already tarried too long.' Indeed, being a pious and god-fearing man, the captain had ended his speech on propriety with the phrase 'hung by the neck until dead', just to drive home the point.

'Oh, what nonsense! My dignity does not rely on limiting the time I spend with a fine young gentleman like yourself.' She glanced up at my face with a calculating look and loosened her grip unexpectedly, pirouetting around my arm to come face to face against my chest. I glanced down at her new position just in time to see her muzzle reach up to gently lick my neck, our noses touching in he briefest, most accidental of kisses. Far too brief.

Sarah flushed, breathing heavily for a moment at the unexpected intimacy before her roguish grin returned. 'Such a fine gentleman...' I felt her arm working around my back and suddenly she pulled me in close, errant fingertips gently brushing over the bulge of my sheath through the tight breeches of my uniform.

'You know, I have some idea of what you sailors like...'

'Oh indeed?' I blushed, pleased at the sudden turn of events so close to my earlier thoughts, enjoying the attention of a woman who knew what she wanted from a man.

'Most definitely. Come join me in the gazebo and you can tell me if I've got the right idea...'

Her mischievous, blushing smile and thrilling touch made my progress difficult as she all but led me down a new path by my belt, sword clattering in its hanger as I stepped wider to accommodate a problem the uniform designer never considered. The covered pavilion she'd mentioned was blessedly close by and I ducked underneath the eave into a private retreat covered in vines and blooming tropical flowers, safe from prying eyes.

She was suddenly shorter by a foot or more as I turned to embrace her, and I looked down to find her sitting on a little bench set against the wall of the gazebo, her nimble fingers gently working at the tie of my breeches. Sarah was insistent and at least somewhat practiced, for the building pressure in my trousers suddenly disappeared, replaced by the cool night air against my fur.

I like a straightforward, no nonsense woman and my frisky cat was perfect in that regard. Sarah wasted no time at all, eschewing the common giggles and hesitation of a new partner with a long slow lick around the top of my sheath that brought me to half mast in mere moments. "Never mind maneuvers, go straight for it?" That blowhard commodore Neilson everyone quoted would have loved her approach.

My hands instinctively sought out her soft ears as Sarah brought her strong, textured feline tongue to bare on my exposed tip. I bit back a groan as her delicate fingers reached up to pull gently on my sheath, exposing the rest of my manhood to her attentions. Her touch was exquisite, and I couldn't help but gasp as she turned her attention to the full length she'd uncovered, running that wonderful tongue from stem to stern.

'Oh, beautiful kitten, you definitely know what a sailor likes.'

She looked up at me with those deep golden eyes, slowly licking her lips with a subtle smirk. 'I'm glad to hear I wasn't misinformed. You're going to enjoy this next bit, then...' Sitting bolt upright, she fixed me with a determined look before angling her muzzle down to brush the warm pad of her nose gently against the tip of my cock. I barely noticed her hands coming to rest on my hips until she pulled me into her muzzle in one fluid motion, and I grabbed the roof of the gazebo for support as my brain informed me it was giving up on balance to focus on the soft wet mouth around me.

I bucked, instinctively, as she took me to the hilt with those incredible lips, her long and nimble tongue reaching out to wet my sheath before she pulled back far enough to leave me exposed to the cool air. It had been far too long since a woman showed me that attention, and I felt my member already twitching in her embrace, coating her tongue with my thin pre. She swallowed with a wink, the barbs on her tongue scraping gently at the underside of my tip before her insistent hands pulled me in again, building an ebb-and-flow rhythm so familiar to men of the sea.

Sarah knew all the right spots to make me melt into her mouth and I quickly found myself thrusting my hips in time to meet her muzzle, my remaining hand on the back of her head, fingers gently but insistently pulling her deeper. The sight of her, white dress caressing golden breasts and my now freely flowing pre staining the fur of her muzzle drove me wild; I managed a sort of strained grunt through clenched teeth that might have been her name to warn her how close she was bringing me.

She pulled her lips off my cock with a subtle flourish and a coy grin at my warning, looking up at me with twinkling eyes. 'Are you ready? Let me taste you on my tongue...'

Pausing to catch my breath at her absence, I looked down at the little cat with what must have been a needful smile. 'Your skill nearly has me there, my dear, but I have something else in mind.' Reaching down I pulled her into my arms, gently lifting her to her feet as I ground the tip of my now raging erection into the bustle of her dress to emphasize where we were going.

'Oh!' She clung to our embrace, leaning up on her toes to whisper softly into my ear. 'I want to feel you take me that way, but we have no 'skin' to tie on and none in the house...'

I smiled at her hesitation, leaning back to gently lick her muzzle, tasting my scent on her lips. 'Never fear about that. Shall I teach you something else that we sailors like?' Sarah nodded, relaxing into my arms, slowly nuzzling my cheek as we embraced. 'Then turn around my love, and let me take the lead.'

Pulling her arms from around my neck, I spun her slowly to face the latticework half-wall of the gazebo, pushing on her shoulders slightly to brace her up against the railing. She brought her knee up to the bench to support us as I leaned over her back, swiftly pulling her skirts up and over her waist to expose her to the night air and my hungry gaze.

Licking my free hand, saliva coating the pads of my fingers, I worked my fingers into the rumpled fur of her rear to the smooth, naked pucker hidden just below her tail. She jumped forward at the touch but the lip of the bench held her in place, vulnerable to my probing fingers. Her strong, thick tail tucked to pin my hand against her ass, breath catching in her throat with a quiet 'Ah!' as I brought my finger to bear against the twitching ring beneath it.

'You sailors!' she huffed, followed by a less lady-like grunt as I curled my finger to slip the first slick pad into her. 'I've never... I mean, would you - can you - take me like this?'

'Of course...' I replied, whispering into her ear as I worked my finger deeper into her. 'Le me show you how good it can be.'

She paused as I moved within her, a barely audible moan on her lips before nodding once. 'Please...' she whispered to me, the end of which was lost to a pleasured hiss of breath as I brought my free hand around to touch the already damp fur and velvet lips of her sex. My lovely cat was dripping wet, soaking my fingers as I built up to a slow rhythm within her.

The tropics were rarely quiet after dark, and the chorus of nighttime critters did an admirable job of covering up the panting breath and soft moans coming from our garden hideaway, to say nothing of the music coming from the ballroom nearby. Sarah was pushing back against me now, working herself onto my fingers with pent up need, though which hand she preferred I was hard pressed to say. I pressed a second finger against the tight ring of her backside, teasing her with the prospect of another.

She clamped down hard on my probing fingers as I slipped it in to join the other, her sudden yowl loud enough to carry well beyond the garden if any ear cared to hear it. Bucking her hips hard against the fingers caressing her sex she damn near burying my hand between her soft lips. I nipped her neck then, almost on instinct as her claws cut grooves into he railing under her hands.

I heard a soft 'Oooh', as though she'd been holding her breath, pulling my fingers from the little cat as she turned her head to plant firm, insistent kisses on my face.

'You've very talented hands, my dark-eyed sailor.' she said with a low, rumbling purr.

'I'm glad you enjoyed the feeling.' I paused, a subtle breeze cooling my saliva-slick length, rock hard and twitching with need. 'Perhaps we could take this evening a little further then?'

'I insist we try. I want to feel you work your way into me.' Sarah said, pressing her rear against my hips as she bent low over the railing. 'Every inch of it if we can.'

We'd get the first inch or two in at least, I figured, looking down at the tapered tip of my manhood. Gently pulling her tail aside I spread her cheeks apart with my hands, taking in the golden fur of her back transitioning to pure white at the joining of her legs as I aimed myself at her most intimate spot.

'Relax love, we'll take this slowly' I said, leaning over to wrap my arm around her waist, bunching the lining of her dress up around her corset. It was easier to hold her still this way, my chest against her back and my arm firm against the swell of her hips as I pushed forward, grinding my tip against the little cat.

I could feel her taut backside slowly give way under the pressure of my hips, slick tip parting the tight ring of her ass to sink into the heat of her backside. She hissed softly in discomfort as the thick length speared her open, feeling the heat of my body where no other man had ventured. 'Are you - nng! - are you sure it will all fit this way?'

I looked down between our bodies, my red length buried between the golden fur of her cheeks, stretching her apart to frame our joining. 'We're more than halfway there love, it will most certainly fit.'

I ground my hips into her to emphasize the point, pulling her back onto my cock by the bustle of her dress as the little puma dug her claws into the trellis, biting her lip to stop from yowling. I was already twitching within her tight backside, slick pre coating her soft walls, easing my passage into her delicate rear.

She was tighter around me than any woman I'd known, wet velvet walls twitching and caressing my length as I pushed my way further into her ass. It seemed like mere seconds had passed before I hilted deep inside her, my sheath bunched up against her cheeks. Pausing only a moment to slip my fingers into her, rubbing my pads over the soft folds at the apex of her legs, I began my slow return to the cool night air until only the tip rested within her.

'Again, Rob... Don't stop this time.'

It was so easy to build a slow and steady rhythm with my golden cat, her body adjusting to our union like we were made to fit each other. I could feel her tense around me with a quiet 'chuff' as our bodies met again, rolling her hips into the motion of my insistent fingers. Her body clung to me as we separated, welcomed me as we rejoined.

We managed perhaps a dozen languid thrusts before Sarah twisted around to look at me, a dazed look and enticing smile on her face. 'Mmm... you were right, we do fit. Now, fuck me!' she whispered, and before I could react she'd thrust her hips hard against me, taking me to the hilt in one swift motion as I grabbed for her skirts to keep us upright on the bench.

Her rough thrust took me by surprise but I was all too happy to follow instructions, rutting her hard and fast. Our hips slapped together as we met, her tail beating against my chest as she rode out our rough and unconventional mating.

She was yowling in earnest, like nothing more than an alley-cat in heat as I grunted my own pleasure into the fur of her neck, and only blind luck kept us from discovery. Moving on instinct alone, I nipped at her scruff, only half aware of my slowly-swelling knot working it's way underneath her tail to press against the stretched ring of her ass. I thought to warn her of the tie, shaking my head through the haze of endorphins, but Sarah made the decision for us.

Suddenly dipping forward over the bench she reached back to grab my legs, clamping us together as she worked her way back onto me, twitching her hips from side to side as she eased the head of my growing knot into her ass. A low, insistent growl rising in pitch as she moved warned me what was coming and then just as quickly, we were there. Her tight ring swallowed me as instinct took over, bucking against her thighs with short, sharp thrusts as I swelled to trap her against me.

I came - hard - as Sarah clenched around me, pulling us together at the hip, locking up around the base of my knot like a proper bitch. Not far behind, she joined me at the insistent twitch of my fingers within, roaring out into the night as I scruffed her, growling my release into her scented fur as the night dissolved. There was nothing in the world but the warmth of the cat underneath and around me as I bred her with strong, insistent pulses, my long-delayed release filling her backside as she clamped down against my hand.

A minute passed, then two, perhaps more as I filled the little cat with my seed. Sarahs' heavy breathing and the hammering of my heart filling my ears. The sounds of the world returned slowly as we recovered, and I worked my teeth free of the fur filling my mouth to lick softly at her neck, all too aware I'd tied the Governors daughter in the garden of his home. 'The hell with it', I figured. Shore life was good, and I was too relaxed to fear discovery.

Sarah shifted forward a bit, tugging on my knot with a quiet gasp and I grabbed for her hips to hold her against me.

'By god, you have me seeing stars...'

'No glass needed, eh?' I teased, nuzzling a the base of her ear.

She laughed, tensing around me as her tail flicked in amusement. 'No indeed! We're well and truly tied?'

'For a few minutes more at least.'

There was nothing to say as we leaned against one another, locked together as I slowly shrank, filling her all the while. She tested our union, shifting her hips against the pressure within her before settling back with a satisfied 'Mmmf'.

All too soon I felt our union slipping and I kissed her gently, muffling her soft moan as I worked the shrinking girth of my knot free from the little cat. Her twitching ring slowly stretched around me, caressing my length as I pulled from her. Free to move at last, Sarah reached down to reclaim her drawers bunched around her ankles as I pulled us both onto the bench.

The band started a slow waltz in the distance behind us and I leaned in to press my lips to the neck of my lovely feline companion. 'We weigh anchor before first light, I'm afraid. One last dance before the night ends?'

'I don't think my legs would manage it, Rob, you worked me too hard.' she sighed, wrapping her arms around me. 'Sit with me here a while, until you can wait no more.'

'It'd be my pleasure.' I pulled the lovely huntress into my lap, wrapping my best uniform jacket about her as she lay her head onto my shoulder.

It was just my luck we should wake this way, nestled together on a garden bench, at the sound of the captains hoarse exclamation at finding us there. My night's companion clinging to me as we shook off the sleep, I could suddenly see the appeal of shore life over a continued career in the navy. The beet red face and quivering, angry jowls of the first mate behind him confirmed my decision, and I made a mental note to turn in my commission before we made it back to the ship. I'd be stuck on the island with no merchant packet due for a month, but there were worse places to wait. Luck willing, future son-in-law to the governor would be a fitting consolation prize for losing the freedom of the waves.

Thank you so much for reading! Your thoughts and feedback are most welcome. =^.^=