Undertale: subject 13 part 3

Story by writer007 on SoFurry

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Hours had passed by since Toriel was unconsciousness, since her body wasn't able to move, but her mind was able to think, which allow her to dream. With everything that Toriel just witness, she wish what she saw was nothing more but a dream, but after learning that she wasn't really who she really is and that she was more just a subject experiment, now she questioning what she looking at is real or not. Toriel think for a little while, until she heard a childlike voice was calling her name, not the name the stranger called her, but her natural name she known for. The childlike voice gotten louder and gain Toriel attention, which force her to wake up. to her mind that Torile was still swimming in the medical tube, but once she open her eyes she notice that she was inside some sort of living room. Toriel was surprised that she was inside a strange place, but yet deep inside that she seen this place before. She wanted to look further, but stop right in the middle, when the child voice she heard earlier, called her name one last time. Toriel look down and notice a child in front of her, part of her feel like she seen this kid before, but some weird reason, that everything was new to her. Toriel had no clue what to do next, until the child ask her a simple question of seeing if she was alright

Child: mom, are you feeling alright

Toriel: me, well of course I'm feeling my dear child, I was just having a strange dream is all

Child: a dream you said, what was it about?

Toriel: I can't recall tell you the truth, so much was going on in my mind, that it was difficult to explain it. But it was only a dream and everything was alright now.

Child: that good to hear mom, but are you sure that your fine

Toriel: *she held her hand above the child head* of course my dear, I will be ok, that a promise. Now then, is there anything you want to ask me?

Child: there is mom, is there a way out of this place

Toriel: what do you mean child

Child: is there a way out of this ruin, back to the surface

Toriel: you want to leave this place my child

Child: yes mom, I'm sorry but part of me want to go back home

Toriel was about to tell the child something important, but something trigger her mind, that force her to held her head for a moment. Toriel felt something weird, like a lost memory was coming back to her, she see an image of the ruins she was in before, than seeing the same child that she just spoke to, holding a knife that killed her. After seeing those images, it made her remember other memories that she had, but felt like being block by someone, she try to push herself to remember more, but then relies that she had the child that was waiting for her answer. Toriel look at the child with a fear look in her face, but did her best to hide it, without he child knowing. She though up a good lie and told the child that should work.

Toriel: well my child, I think I know how to leave this place, but let get some rest for now and I will show you the way out another day

Child: but why mom

Toriel: I'm sorry my dear, but I need more time to think about it, as of right now, it time for your rest

Child: alright mom, I do what you say

Toriel escort the child to the spare bed, where the kid went off to sleep. When the child finally fell asleep, Toriel went to the other bedroom, where she get some quiet time to herself. She look at the bedroom for a moment, knowing that this place felt like her home, but relies that everything she looking at, was nothing more but a lie. She found a mirror on the wall to look at herself, to figuring out if there was anything different about herself. When she look in the mirror, all she can see was her normal monster like face, at first she started to feel normal, but then relies something that wasn't there before. She look at the side of her forehead and notice a tattoo number thirteen was there, she never knew it was there before, until she look in the mirror right now. Toriel started to remember about hearing that thirteen number, some of the memories that were block before, started to come back more. Remember seeing the stranger at the school, then seeing the stranger again, mention to her that she was a subject for their personal experiments. All the memories were flooding her mind like madness, which force her to crack the mirror. Several piece from the mirror fell to the floor, close enough by her feet, out of fear and anger, Toriel look at her bloody hands and start to tear up from the pain. She wanted to scream, but don't want to wake up the child, not knowing if the kid work for them, she back away from the mirror and find a place to sit down. When she sat down on a chair, Toriel wanted to do is cry her eyes out, but with her with several cuts, she look around the desk and see to find any bandages. While looking through the drawer, she found what appear to be a journal book, when she look at the front of the book, it had her name on it, but she already guess it was written by the past other subject before her. she careful open the book to see if it had answer to what going on, so far what she found was nothing more but silly pun that were funny, the same puns that her friend David Sanson tells her at school. Her mind started to remember again and open up another memory that was lock away, she remember meeting David at school when she was learning how to her classes, she always had a crush on him, but was too nervous to ask. More tears were coming out her eyes, wishing to have that life once again, but she had to rely the fact that her life she know was nothing more but a dream now and she had to find out the real truth about herself. Toriel kept on reading the book, hoping to find anymore answer, but after reading the pages several times, she didn't find anything. Toriel was about to give up on her search, until she found a fold up pages, that she didn't inspect it earlier. She look at the fold up page and notice that it was note, written in an odd language she never read before. Toriel try to read it, but having a hard time announcing the words right, but before she could say another word, another shock came to her head, but instead of her own memories, she was seeing someone else, but more than that, she was seeing the other subject memories. Toriel kept on looking at what the other was seeing and notice that the other subject was the one wrote the note, at first she didn't understand what it said, until she see the memory, she know it a lot better. Toriel read the once more and see what it said

"If you're reading this, then you must be the new subject they created, for this insane project. I know in your mind that where you are right now is your home, but in reality it's not. The person that put you in there, is not a good person and will force you to do strange experiments, which they need for their research. I been trying my best to figure out what they are researching about, but after learning about the other past subject before, I know they all failed badly. I know you wish to know more, but I'm afraid that I wasn't able to write everything down, knowing them looking at us every day, they will learn what you up to. Listen to me, I know you're afraid right now, learning about the real truth of your life, but all hope isn't lost. There is a way out, but you must try on your own to find it. To know the way out, you must learn about the past subject, to know about this madness experiment and reason why they created us. I wish I could say more, but they already know what I'm doing, I wish you luck and ...... try to survive.

Subject 10"