Susuka's Story (Brief)

Story by Philisophical_noone on SoFurry

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#4 of World of the Fearless

A gentle breeze flows through the window, ever so softly moving Susuka's hair. She sat at her desk, her head buried in her hands. She fought back a few tears as one of her advisors was giving yet another lecture, "We need to act now. The so-called "Master" must be shaken from the encounter, and most likely injured. We have lost some good warriors, but they have lost the sanity of their greatest fighter! We must act now! Your father-"

"How dare you mention that monster!" Susuka slammed her fists on the desk and stood up, "Never mention him again, and for that matter, you are an advisor, not a Sacred! Tell me what to do once more and I will cut you down where you stand and hang your body for all to see!" The frail man shivered as the rage inside Susuka continued to grow, "Leave, before I change my mind!" The man opened the door and slid past a buff lion that was standing there. Susuka sank back into her depressed state.

The lion casually walked in and shut the door, "Still upset, huh?" he walked over and put a hand on her shoulder, "Don't be, I'm sure it will all work out." he was very optimistic.

"But I couldn't do it... I was right there, I had the chance, but I... I couldn't..."

The lion took a seat in a nearby chair, "Don't worry about it, neither could he. You two-"

"Darryl!" Susuka yelled out as she hugged him and began to cry in his chest. Darryl had always been around for her, looking out for her safety, even training her in hand-to-hand combat. He was like an older brother to Susuka, and was even made her personal guardian after she was born. Despite his appearance, he was a gentle giant, but would fiercely defend and of his family. When Susuka was sad, he would always be there, something her father could never claim. In fact, since he is 45 he was old enough to be considered her father, but after some unpleasantness, she banned that word as long as she was in earshot.


It happened shortly after the Tanek broke off from the Lilith, and her father was still considered a sacred. He was the leader of the Tanek, and quickly found a place for them to reside. Without the money the Lilith had, they weren't able to buy a large plot, but they were able to buy a large tower with land. The Tanek lived and ate in the tower, while outside there was room for training, or the arena. Most avoided the arena unless there was some sort of safety protocol because all fights were until the death. It was a circle, surrounded by high walls made of scrap metal with a few lookout posts. It was the pride and joy of the Tanek.

Her father and mother were well respected, and were the nicest people anyone could have met. They played with Susuka frequently and were kind to everyone. However, her father descended into a spiral of greed and lust. Slowly at first, such as asking for discounts and asking for more food. However, since they did break off from the Lilith, he decided that the tenants no longer applied.

He took many women to his bed, took bribes from outsiders in exchange for safety, and forced others to bow down before him, even Susuka. Even as a young child, she felt that it was wrong, and began to resent her father. He is the reason that the Tanek became know as nothing more than barbarians. One day, Susuka learned of something else that had pushed her over the edge.

Her father had been abusing her mother. He would frequently hit her, beat her until she was unconscious, rape her, and sometimes strip her naked and force her to walk through the settlement with a leash around her neck, showing others that a wife is nothing more than an object. Susuka begged her mother to fight back, or at least take them back to the Lilith, but she refused. Her mother had no combat experience, and if she left, they would be hunted down and killed. Eventually, her mother broke and died on the inside, becoming nothing more than an empty vessel. Her father noticed this, and dragged her out onto the street. He pulled out a big hammer (his preferred weapon of choice) and gathered an audience. Then, in a savage act, he bashed Susuka's mother's head in. Blood splattered all over, and Susuka was drenched. Her father was able to smile and left, as did the crowd.

Susuka fell to her knees before her mother's limp corpse, and cried for hours. No one took pity on her, as crying was a sign of weakness. Then stepped over the body, and talked with each other as though nothing had happened. Susuka strengthened her resolve, then dragged her mother's body over to an empty clearing in an undeveloped part of the settlement, and piled as much wood as she could find in a pile. Darryl helped her, the only other one disgusted by her father's actions, and help put the body on top of the pile. Susuka removed her mother's red robe as something to remember her by, then set the wood on fire. Her father would not be allowed to desecrate her mother's body any longer.

She slipped the robe over her clothing, and although it was too large, it was very high quality and fit for a queen. It could withstand scraping on the ground for an eternity. She walked to her house, quietly sneaked to her room, and took the sword given as a gift when she received her name. It was a long, heavy katana for a young girl, but her rage was endless. Susuka walked out in front of her father's fortress, and screamed, "Come out you coward! I challenge you for leadership of the Tanek!" Obviously, this gathered a lot of attention. People from all over gathered, and began to laugh.

Soon, her father came out and laughed, "What, go home before you end up like your whore of a mother. I'm busy."

"Do you dare refuse a challenge?!"

This was an insult like no other in the Tanek. The crowd stopped laughing and took Susuka's challenge seriously. They looked up to her father, and a snarl crossed his face, "I will not be called a coward by a little bitch like you. Fine, we'll duel and the winner will gain control of the Tanek. I can always make a new daughter."

"And I will hang your body at the entrance for all to see!" Susuka screamed over the crowd, who started to get excited. They flocked to the arena, where Susuka waited for her father. She readied her blade, held it in front of her like the real Susuka did, and ran two fingers down the spine of the sword. She felt the balance, the way the wind was blowing, and focused her thoughts. Darryl asked her not to go through with it, but she ignored him. Shortly after she prepared, her father walked into the arena, swinging his hammer around wildly. He made the crowd cheer as he flexed.

"I always wondered what it would be like killing a child. I guess I get my chance tonight!" He yelled as Susuka stayed quiet and calmed her breathing. Her father charged, hammer raised high. No matter how he hit Susuka, she would not survive, but her stance was misleading. It appeared as though she wanted to parry his blow and make a counter attack, but this was not the case. She was going to strike with everything she had, she was just waiting for her father to get closer.

When he reached a certain point, Susuka jumped forward, staying low to the ground, stepped down, slashed from her left to her right, then took a few more steps. She lowered her sword as the crowd fell silent. Her father fell into two pieces. It was at this point that she became the unquestioned leader of the Tanek. Over time, she tried to instill the former tenants of the Lilith, but was only partially successful. She was able to restore the rights of the family, but not the fighting tactics. Her people couldn't climb a building, but they were large in number. The Tanek accepted people from the outside, at least, those who could survive the training. Or...


"Easy, child. I have something that may cheer you up. Three new people want in. And they don't want to take the one year training path. I'll give you a moment to gt to the arena, and I'll wait for your signal. I promise, if this doesn't cheer you up, I buy dinner. And a present. I know it'll be so good that I won't have to."

"Fine Darryl, I'll meet you down there."

Susuka put on her sword, and stealthily made her was to the arena. She climbed the outside (one of only a few Tanek to practice this ability) and hid behind a guard tower. Darryl was down below talking to some young men.

"Are you sure you wish to take this path? It has all the danger of the one year training, but all in a three minute period. All three of you are positive?"

"Yeah, dog... uh... lion. The bloods always lookin for new recruits. We get in, check it out, and we tell our brothas y'all is cool. Besides, we da Bloods, y'all like red, ebony and ivory bitch!" Susuka laughed at the morons who thought they were tough. She tapped on some metal, which Darryl clearly heard.

"Alright, head inside. However, I must take all weapons you have on you before you proceed, like a gang initiation. You should know all about that. There are weapons scattered on the ground that you are free to use. Your opponent will be our leader." Darryl opened the gateway and the three men walked in. Susuka was standing at the other end, sliding two fingers along the edge of the spine.

"Oh hell yes! Hey, pretty girl! Why don't we skip this and I show you where I keep my python!"

"Once you go black, you never go back."

Darryl entered the arena, "Show some respect peons. This is our honorable leader, Susuka. She has agreed to let you take this path, and I will not tolerant any sexist remarks, understood? I won't hesitate to kill you if I feel the need." Darryl snarled, and the three men quieted down, and Susuka thought one of them had pissed his pants a little. Darryl turned, nodded to Susuka, then, "Begin." He quickly climbed up to the edge and took a seat on the bleachers.

The three men were confident and casually walked over and picked up a chain, brass knuckles, and a wooden pole. Little did they know, Susuka was killed people ten times more experienced than her at a young age, and had only improved. She began to run at them, her sword parallel to her body. Before they had time to react, she slashed one in half horizontally, turned, cut the other in two vertically, then spun around and stabbed the third. They all hit the ground at the same time, "What do you know, I do feel a little better. You should buy me a present anyways Darryl."

The lion laughed, "Guess I should. But, I have something that should make you even happier. A mission against the military. Apparently, there's a high tech base of operations nearby, and if we were to destroy it, or at least take control, they would be seriously weakened. I think we should take this chance."

Susuka cleaned her blade on the fallen men's clothing, "Yes. I'll get two strong men together today. When should we leave?"

"In two days. I have the arrangements already set up. You'll have two of my best, armed to the teeth. I'll hold down the fort, you just get ready."

Susuka smiled, "Why can't I have my present now?"

Darryl turned his head away, "Because, this mission is my present. I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. My sources say that this will be a most enjoyable experience for you. Get ready, child. It's gonna be a long mission." Darryl stood up and walked away. Susuka wondered what he meant, but decided not to think too hard about it. She went about her normal duties, which consisted of private self training, eating a small meal, then taking a nap.

Her day didn't change much, the men of the Tanek still constantly hit on her, yet she refused. Once, a man didn't give up, and as a reminder to the rest of the Tanek, Susuka decided that any who don't listen to her will end up as her new door ornament. She did, however, go to her house and prepare. She laid out her leather clothing, then her bullet proof mail, which she had custom made. As per tradition, she was supposed to inherit her father's, but as a young child she showed that his armor was useless, and that she would never touch anything that monster had touched. Her blade was sharp, her clothing ready, Susuka was prepared for anything. Or so she thought.