The Adventures of Mut the Dragonborn ch1

Story by Omega Swiftwing on SoFurry

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#1 of The Adventures of Mut

The first part of the adventures of a Dungeons and Dragons character I made a while ago.

Mut is Copyrighted to me

The Adventures of Mut, The Dragonborn Mercenary Ch1: The Necromancer Contract

"Are we getting close Senpai?" asked the vampiric woman. It was broad daylight, but her husband had found a way to remove that little weakness, and by found, he had stolen a potion from a crazy and tyrannical high-elf wizard. Mut growled and looked over his shoulder at her. Mut was a black dragonborn, born to a desert faring clan made up of sorcerers and craftsmen. His father was the town preacher/mental patient, a Bahamut fanatic who had taken his ideals so far as to name his two sons after the great dragon god. The two sons, Baha and Mut , had both taken up the path of a barbarian warrior, though Baha had taken the path of the Zealot, bringing his father's fanaticism to distant lands, while Mut channeled his childhood anger and chose the path of the Berserker, and was a hero among his own people, despite his half-hearted worship of Tiamat. The Vampire he called his wife, Ludmilla Vilisevic, was a trophy of sorts, like a literal trophy. She had been one of three brides to the monster Strahd, a vile creature Mut had, technically helped, put an end to. Milla, for short, was wooed by Mut's rage and power and begged to be his wife, and without permission from his vampire slaying friends, Mut took her back to the desert with him, carrying her in her dead husband's casket, another prize of sorts. He looked back at Milla and put a finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet. He then pointed for her to look over the rock they had chosen to hide behind. She nodded and peered over the edge, careful not to make a sound, before gasping and ducking back down, having seen the horde of zombies walking about in front of their target's mansion . "There must be an army of those things! Senpai we need to run! You can't take all of those on!"

"Really? Babe, just chill, if you're so scared then stay back here and as per the usual, I'll do all the work. I swear the only reason you tag along is for all the blood."

"But Senpai I only drink your blood!"

"Kinda my point... Look just stay back here and watch my back, if anything tries to flank me kill 'em."

Milla nodded before watching her husband draw his greatsword and charge into the enemy forces, breathing a cloud of acid into the horde to his right, while cleaving the first few Zombies to his left with a mighty swing, beheading them. The acid made short work of his targets while the headless corpses wandered a few more steps before finally dropping dead. Mut chuckled a bit before looking around. "That's ten down, even a mighty necromancer can only raise so many at a time, and last I checked you were some pathetic mage school washout. You have how many out here? Thirty? Make that twenty? How many you have inside punk? Maybe five at the most? This contract is a joke, my employer clearly overestimated you! I laughed in the face of Strahd, I've faced monsters that would have driven you mad at the mere sight of them! You? You're easy money." Mut spoke as loud as he could while chopping down Zombies left and right, and down the center too. If there were more undead about, maybe he could draw them with his voice, and if not, maybe he could draw the necromancer out with his taunt. Either way, it would be useful to know how many corpses he was up against, or if he was lucky, to kill his target and sever this dead army's head. His bait worked two fold to his irritation, as another dozen zombies burst from the ground and the Necromancer stepped out of his home.

"You dare question my power? You dare qu-"

"Yeah, yeah the whole monologue thing, can we skip it? Seriously what is it with bad guys and monologues?"

"Y-You just got done monolouging!"

"Yeah but, A) All of mine were true, B) it's called a trap, and you fell for it. Also, C) Fuck you in particular." Mut smirked as he spoke his now semi-famous line, Every barbarian had their own rage line after all, Mut was no different. But rather than try to scare his opponent or declare his intentions, he loved to see the confused look on his enemies' faces when he said it. Just like look the necromancer now wore.

"I don't even... just, just die damn you." He said defeated as he had one of his bulkier Zombies smack Mut in the back with a huge Maul. The maul bent, to the confusion of the Zombie and the horror of the would be master of the undead.

"So much for watching my flank..." Mut mumbled to himself, knocking the head off the zombie with the back of his fist, never looking away from his target, his playful banter gone, his relaxed mood now far colder, his gaze deadly. "Now, that wasn't very smart was it?" Mut started walking towards the pale toothpick of a man, carving his way past zombies as he walked, before he stood in front of the short caster, who yelped as he was backhanded several feet away. He could feel his mouth bleeding, and looked up from where he had fallen, but Mut was gone. Suddenly the necromancer howled out in pain and agony as a large scaled foot came crashing down on his back, possibly crushing it as Mut landed on the man. "Like I said punk... Easy Money." And with that Mut's sword separated the man's head from his shoulders. As it rolled across the ground the zombies gave a shudder before collapsing in a heap.

Milla ran from behind the rock and leapt onto her husband's back cheering his name. "You did it Senpai! You killed th-"

"Ohh shut up, you make it sound like some big victory... honestly if I had any honor I'd give the mayor a discount, his guards could have taken this guy."

"But we won Senpai! And you get to get the second half of your pay! Isn't that always a good thing?"

Mut growled a bit. True he was always happy to get paid, he needed the money for wife's eating habits... he went through health potions like a drunk goes through mead, he was seriously worried about side effects, true they said there were none from potions, but they weren't drinking two to five a day now were they? Mut sighed before looking sheathing his sword and walking back to town with the necromancer's head and his living trophy on his back. They stopped to make camp several hours later, Mut growling a bit as his stolen significant other feasted on his blood. Once she was done he downed a greater potion of healing and glared a bit. "It's a good thing vampires don't get fat, or else you'd be huge..."

"I'm sorry Senpai, I just love the taste so much! I can literally taste your rage!" she said before snuggling up to him, clinging to his side. Mut felt his glare soften a bit before looking to the sky, it was getting late and he had to be somewhat presentable for his meeting with the mayor. With the money he was about to get, plus the gold he had saved up from various contracts, he would have enough to relocate his tribe from that damned desert. His people always had such great stories about how wonderful the Sword Coast was. And despite having been there himself, he hadn't taken in the scenery, besides, he had been far too inland to have seen the beaches and grassy plains they always spoke of. He had no intention on changing professions, but at least he would have a nice home to come back to rather than the adobe cube he lived in for the moment. On top of the better dwellings and climate, it would be so much easier to get contracts, not to mention all the work his clan could get. He was far from a leader but he did want to see his brethren flourish. He growled a bit as he shook his head. First things firsts get the money, then get home, the road was dangerous, even for a now world renown mercenary.

The next morning Milla woke to find herself outside of the Mayor's office, Mut's pack next to her rolled up on a fancy looking bench. She could hear her husband pacing, she giggled a bit, he always got so impatient before getting paid, and he always did such a good job that people drug out the process of thanking and praising him. She looked about before moving to put her ear to the door.

"Again, sir, thank you for these high honors and praises, but if you could just hand over the money I need to get on my way, the road to the desert is a long one. And my children cannot stand their grandfather so please, I must be on my way." Milla's face turned sad as she heard Mut's lie. She had been trying with him for years now, but to date they had nothing to show for it... she sighed and picked up Mut's pack and walked outside, he had carried her and the heavy equipment all the way back to town, and she was far from frail, it was only fair that she help out. Mut stepped into the fresh morning air with a grin before seeing his wife's face. "...I didn't realize you had been listening, I would have said something else... on the other hand, if I hadn't, we wouldn't have gotten this nice little bonus." He said as he put a gold necklace around her neck. She blushed before looking back up at him, it didn't make the situation any better, but Mut showing Kindness without making it look like he was in pain was rare, It brought her smile back. "That and an extra ten percent. Plenty of gold now to move the clan and build a decent sized town. And hell with this bonus the whole clan can afford to take a few days off!"

Milla smiled warmer at the news. "That's wonderful Senpai! You haven't been off of contract for nearly a year now!"

"And it's paid off finally. You have no idea how hard it was not spending that fortune..." Mut could still see the traces of his wife's sorrow. "Listen Milla, I know we haven't had any luck starting a family... but with this, we can relocate, and once we do it will be far easier to seek out mages, clerics, what ever we need to in order to make this work. I promise love, the first thing we'll do after we set up on the coast, we'll track down a note worthy wizard and see what they can tell us."

Milla smiled happily at that and readjusted the pack on her shoulder. She didn't make it three steps before Mut picked her up and put her on his shoulders, pack and all. She eeped before blinking and cheering her mate on. Mut sighed softly, he had come a long way from the Mists of Barovia. He had mastered the art of his craft, learned to use his rage and anger as a focused weapon, and gained the fame he had longed for. His clan was I good standing with every kingdom that knew of them and had free reign to move where they pleased, they had even been offered citizenship to several of the poorer ones, but Mut feared they would be looked down upon... no far better to start fresh, maybe allow the clan into a Kingdom once they had established a town.

The two spoke back and forth excitedly, not even a gang of bandits put a damper on their spirits, thought they did stop to clean up. The trip went well otherwise, and they soon found themselves in front of their Clan's gates. The lookout smiled and waved at Mut. "Hey cousin! You have a nice trip?" Mut just smirked and tossed his bag of gold up to the copper lookout. "Wha-?! Hey! What gives this thing is heavy as hell!"

"Yeah? Why don't you look inside, and then get everyone packed up, we rest tonight then we leave before the sun's up, I hate traveling with that damned fire orb in the sky."

The lookout stared in awe at the gold before dropping it back down to Mut and running off to tell the clan chief and elders. Mut joined him in moments, only to hear the elders yelling at his father, it was good to be home Mut thought with a smile on his face.

"What good has Baha ever done for us, we aren't waiting! You know where we are going you can go out and find him. He is YOUR son after all."

"Mut is too! And he will side with me on this, we should not leave!"

Mut couldn't help but call out over the arguing. "We leave before dawn, so long as it pleases the elder council!" his father began coughing up his drink, glaring daggers at his younger son. "With the gold from this contract and the work we've all put in-"

"Oh shut up! We all know you did all the work! No need to be humble boy!" shouted the oldest of the elders, a thin and frail looking dragonborn shaman who believed that spiritual balance was achieved by accepting both good and evil, through the worship of both Bahamut and Tiamat, as it was believed they were once the same creature.

The council all welcomed Mut while silencing his father. They congratulated him while he and his wife sat and relaxed, the council's servers pouring Mut the freshest water that could be found in all the desert, gathered from oases that only the clan knew how to locate. They discussed the future with glee, it wasn't often they were all in such a good mood, and they decided to make the most of it. To Mut's irritation, they spoke, drank and feasted through the night, he could see the sun rising outside the elder's adobe 'mansion' and made a slight growl.

"Calm yourself Mut, and go rest. We'll leave tonight, another day won't do us any harm, Right?"

Mut bowed his head to the elders, gave a half hearted wave to his father and made his way to his hut, Milla close behind. Milla smiled as Mut shut the door and closed the shutters, despite being immune to the sun once again, she did prefer it dark. Mut Smiled as she went into the bathing room to prepare for bed, and his smile turned to a smirk as he made his way into the room with her, after all, what good was a tub that large if one did not exploit it?

Mut slept soundly and tried to stretch as he woke, before yelping out a bit, much to his clan's amusement as he looked about. He looked down to see his wife carrying him, much the way he had carried her the night before. "Good evening Senpai! Did you rest well?" Milla said with a wide smile. Mut was taken aback for a moment, but he was not without a sense of humor, and he laughed loudest of all, truly happy to have Milla, and his clan. The days could only get better he thought... he was not prepared, to be a father.

To be Continued