Surprises Come When You Least Want Them

Story by Kuizu on SoFurry

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#1 of Inch by Inch

First story I've uploaded to SoFurry, feel free to criticize, it'll help me develop my skills in the future. Other than that, enjoy?

"Hey, Cali, wait up!", sounded the 'puppy' behind me, to my joy and annoyance, Terrence was a nice guy, but he knew not to call me Cali, especially after his roommate mistook me to be his girlfriend. I couldn't really blame Dave though, Terrence had a new girl every week it seemed like. I don't know how, unless if St. Bernards are considered sexy now, then again I knew personally what he had between his legs was spoken about like an urban legend, thick as a beer can and eight inches long. If he wasn't straight, I would've let him tap me.

"Terrence, stop calling me Cali!", I said with a minor growl as I folded my arms over my chest and scowled up at him.

"What's the prob Cal'?", Terrence responded cheekily, to which I groaned as my arms shot up with annoyance.

"You like teasing me, don't you?", Terrence nodded and I could hear the telltale sign of his tail wagging as he flashed me the goofiest smile. "How do women fall for you?"

"It's either my muscled arms, soft fur, or when they see me naked", Terrence said as we continued walking, mostly due to me not wanting to stare at his goofy face.

"I'm guessing they leave you when they find out about your sex driven personality?"

"You're an ass"

"I aim to please, Babe"

"Don't call me Babe, Cali"

"Don't call me Cali, I'm not a chick, you should know that pretty well"

Terrence let out a loud bit of laughter, and I couldn't help but chuckle in memory to the time he caught me naked in our old dorm, damn you college days. Sharing a dorm with the biggest slut on campus made studying suck, but it gave me time to on that chubby mouse, Mason, damn was that night worth it... okay, it was five months... of pure ball slapping sex.

"Fine, fine, you win, Cal'", I groaned once again, well, it was slightly better.

"Terrence, how much longer 'til we reach your car anyway?"

"Three blocks and on the right is your salvation from the heat, Jiggle Physics", I chuckled at his sassy remark.

"Hey, you know your ex was just jealous my boobs were better", I said with a knowing smirk, I wasn't too shy about being overweight myself..

"Yeah, she was, probably still is", I could tell from his sad sigh that I should just let silence envelop us, and just proceeded forward as he followed, the sound of our feet and the passing cars making the noise for us as I stared over across the street, just letting my eyes wander, that is until they connected with someone who seemed to be looking right at me, and that was confirmed when I stopped and he stopped, our eyes catching each other's gaze, the first word was cute to describe him really. A large grizzly wearing a pink shirt and white jeans, I think he even had a in his fur, had a bit of paunch, nice beefy arms, and some nice thighs... causing a hunger within me, but I didn't get to explore the possible fixation we had on each other because soon Terrence walked into me almost knocking me over. Dick.

"Hey, Cal', I get it if you're getting a bit tuckered out after all this walking, but the car's only a block further, don't give up on me now!"

"Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts thinking about some things", I lied, not wanting Terrence to tease me for checking out the Grizzly, and also because I knew he'd drag me right over to him, trying to be my impromptu wing man.

"What's bothering you then?"

Oh, trust me, if I could say 'You' and get away with it, I would. Instead I went the safe route. "Hmm, work really. Some of the people are slowing down and it's really not helping the progress, but that's what the boss gets always making them all work overtime."

"Overtime! Is it at least paid?"

"Sometimes, sometimes it's not, most of the time it's the latter"

Terrence shook his head as we finally made the right turn and he walked over to his supra and popping the trunk and gesturing to me, I came over and soon had the keys dropped into my hand.

"Lock up the trunk when you're done", Terrence said with a low growl and I could only nod nervously before he smiled. "Good, don't want someone jacking my shit while it's resting in the parking garage".

I only muttered a weak: "O-Okay...", before dumping my bags into the back and taking the short walk to my side, and climbing in.

I was greeted by my dark and small apartment, I flicked the light switches by the door, illuminating the kitchen and living room, resting my stuff tiredly onto the kitchen counter. I sighed and began to move their stuff to their respective places in my apartment. Though as I rested my new bottle of paw soap by my sink, I couldn't help but stare at myself in the mirror, and was greeted back with myself, the overweight Tanuki with thick black framed glasses, in a navy polo with khakis.

"I don't look too bad, do I?", it was a rhetorical question, only I could truly answer it at the moment, and in my opinion, I looked alright, though i needed to turn on that damn AC... fuck this sweat box! My arm reached for the switch turning off the lights above my mirror as I stepped out of the bathroom and back into the rest of my apartment. Greeted by messy bed, blanket messily thrown atop it, some of my pillows on the ground. I sighed and made my way back into the living room to turn on thermostat, putting at 70. Cool but not icy.

"Just a quick shower and then I'll watch TV or something... maybe I could check up on my social media... yeah.", and so the plan was decided, as if it took much thought, I walked back into my bathroom, turning back on the lights, letting it's white tiled self show. I quickly stripped, fishing my phone out of my pocket before tossing my clothes into the hamper next to my sink, soon followed by my plain white briefs. I took the opportunity to look at myself in the mirror again, I looked alright, nothing off, I had a decent sized package for my species, I was rather average, butt was nice and plump, balls were the same too, large and furry, nothing worrying. I shrugged, inspection passed, I then climbed into shower and began to wash myself. Wasn't anything special overall truthfully.

Didn't see the point in getting dressed after the shower either really, I grabbed my phone resting it on the coffee table before I rested on the couch, leaned onto the pillows with my laptop rested on my thighs as I quickly logged into Twitter, luckily I didn't miss too much, except for a few art posts and a few new followers, though I didn't have anything to interesting to post to those followers... so, onto Tumblr... hmm, I didn't miss much in terms of importance, but, well there's been a lot of porn I've missed... not like I was up for it now though. I put my laptop onto YouTube and put on some Arctic Monkeys before grabbing my phone and checking my messages, looks like I had a few, and some from unknown numbers, lets see if this goes well...

Dave Hownsley July, 26, 10:48 AM: Guys night our Friday, you in?

I carefully typed out my response to Dave's insane question, why would I ever do that experience again, Dave, Terrence, and Barry practically drank a bar dry.

Kenta Eto July, 26, 1:13 PM: Nah, the hangover isn't worth it.

This' probably the point where with all people that meet me through Terrence question why he calls me Cali, it's a simple answer, it annoys me, and I'm from California. Anyway, next message...

Chiyo Eto July 26, 11:37 AM: Big Sis just told us she's getting married, Nobuyuki proposed! You should be here!

Kenta Eto July 26, 1:14 PM: I'll try, if work permits it!

Chiyo Eto July 26, 1:14 PM: Try!? You better be here if your boss lets you!

Next message...

Brian Petridge July 26, 11:48 AM: Mind if I come over Friday?

Kenta Eto July 26, 1:15 PM: Yeah, I think I may be working overtime...

I started humming 'Riot Van' as I went to the next message.

Unknown July 26, 12:10 PM: It's me, Barry, Dave gave me your number, not sure if he told you about our plans Friday or not, plan on coming?

Oh... Barry... guess I'll have to add him to the contacts real quick...

Kenta Eto July 26, 1:16 PM: Nah, sorry, hangover was too much last time, count me out.

Last message and last unknown. Still lesson learned, don't put your phone on silent.

Unknown July 26, 1:03 PM: Hello, Kenta, it's me, your Boss, we will need to discuss your work tomorrow.

And that last message may just break my Day... why does he want to discuss my work... am I getting a promotion, or fired... fuck is that simple message worrying...

Kenta Eto July 26, 1:16 PM: Yes, Sir.

Kill me.