Online Dating Chapter 3: School

Story by Evadrin on SoFurry

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#3 of Online Dating

"So I hear we're getting a new student today." said Jake.

Jake's my best friend. He's a month younger than me, and he is taller by a few inches. Jake is a gray wolf who has been friends with me since we were born. We have talked a little about what's going on with me and Will and he is really glad that I found and boyfriend. Jake is gay and we both found out together. But that is an embarrassing story for another time... maybe.

Today is about four weeks after I met Will and I miss him so much during school. I can't stand how little we get to see each other during the week and he says he feels the same. We're sitting in first period and putting our stuff away. It's a Monday and everyone is slow and tired. I looked up as my friend Taft walked in.

Taft is a short skunk with white fur and a black stripe. He got picked on sometimes for it but Jake and I stood up for him and we've all been friends ever since. Taft is straight but that doesn't make a difference in anything. He walked over to our table and dropped his books down.

"ughh. Can't believe we're back at school already." He said with his eyes half closed.

I laughed al little and yawned. Things were slow but I thought what Jake had said about a new student sounded interesting.

"You said we were getting a new student today..." I said as I put my book bag against the desks.

"Yea. You didn't get the email?" He asked.

"No.... Oh crap! I completely forgot about my math homework!" I exclaimed as I dug around for my pencil and my math books.

I went to work on my math as Taft and Jake just laughed a little at my misfortune. As I was working I heard the door open and Mr. Frond (My Biology teacher) say something.

"Ah! Here you are! Class I would like for you to meet our new student...." He said.

"O wow....." Jake said as he looked up at the front of the room. "He's cute...."

Taft rolled his eyes. What Jake had said got my attention so I looked up. My pencil and jaw hit the floor simultaneously. A smile broke out across my face as Will stood in the front of the room with some new books smiling at me.

".... This is Will. He is our new student and I expect you to treat him nicely." This Mr. Frond said as he glared at a couple students in the back. "Now Will you may take a seat wherever you like, the announcements are about to start."

Will practically ran to where we were sitting and put his books on the table as he gave me a huge hug. I laughed and hugged him back.

"So I take it you two know each other?" Jake said with a smile.

"Guys this is my boyfriend Will." I said.

"Nice to meet ya." They both smiled.

"Nice to meet you too." Will replied as he sat down next to me.

"So then this is the wonderful Will you talk about?" Jake said to me, then looking at Will. "I hope you treat him nicely. We don't like people hurting our friend." He continued and Taft nodded.

Will smiled at Jake and Taft as I got up and sat down on his lap, picking up the pencil I had dropped.

"I would never hurt Drin." Will promised.

With that I smiled and grabbed is hand. I rested our hands on my leg and looked up at Will.

"Guys be nice. I don't want you scaring him off." I said jokingly, then changing tone.

"Will. You never told me that you were transferring here!" I said a little angrily.

He kissed me between my ears and replied. "I wanted to surprise you!"

They laughed and Jake hugged Will quickly and Taft just high fived him. 'Yep' I thought 'They like him.' Will blushed a little and the announcements came on. After that Mr. Frond got up in the front of the class and our day started. I moved back to my seat and pulled out my Bio books and listened.

"As I told you before the weekend, we are starting a lab this week and I'll let you get into groups of four or five now. Once you have a group go sit at one of the lab tables in the back." Mr. Frond instructed.

Everyone got up and rushed around. Taft, Jake, and I sat down at a table and I looked around for Will. His arms wrapped around my waist from behind and I laughed as he kissed me gently. Jake laughed as Taft pretended to gag. I Kicked Taft under the table and he winced but stopped.

"Ahem." Mr. Frond cleared his throat at the front of the room.

I sat up straight and put my hands together on my desk.

"Continue." I said smiling.

Will pulled up a stool next to me and Mr. Frond continued with the lesson. The class went by quickly and afterwards I asked Will what his next class was and he handed me his schedule. I laughed as I looked at it. We had the exact same schedule. So for the next few classes we walked together. At lunch time I walked with him to his locker and helped him put all of his stuff away then we ran to the other side of the school so I could do the same at my locker.

We went together through the lunch line each got some pizza and water, along with a muffin on my tray and a banana on his. I led him to our table and sat down with Jake and Taft. Will sat down next to me and started eating.

"So how is your first day going Will?" Taft asked.

"So far so good!" Will said smiling.

I smiled and picked up my water to have a sip. Suddenly somebody kicked the back of my chair and I spilled water all down my front.

"Hey!- Oh. It's you..." I said angrily glaring at the tall bear standing there.

His name is Troy. He's been a pain for me and everyone else in the school since the he moved here in the fourth grade. He's tall and has brown fur with blond hair. All that he does is go around and pick fights with other students but seems particularly keen on making my life hell.

"Hey there fag. Who's your new friend?" Troy sneered down at me.

I rolled my eyes. 'Here we go...' I thought to myself. Troy noticed this and frowned. I decided to humor him and answer his question.

"This is my boyfriend Will. Now please leave before you give me a migraine." I said turning back to my lunch.

"So you finally found another fag huh? Well I guess it's about time." He said yawning slightly.

Will looked really angry.

"Hey buddy. Leave Drin alone." He said with his fists clenched.

"Well why don't ya make me big guy?" Troy said as he moved in closer.

I quickly put my hand on Wills arm.

"Don't...." I said worriedly.

Will looked at me then grudgingly turned back to the table.

"Yea that's right. Listen to your boyfriend fag." Troy said with a smile.

Before I could stop him, Will wheeled around and punched Troy directly in the center of his snout. Troy flew back into the table behind him and a lunch tray fell on him. He tried getting up but fell back down with blood running from his nose. Will turned back around and continued eating like nothing had happened.

We all sat there staring at him, mouths wide open. Will looked up at us.

"What?...." He asked innocently.

"Young man!" A teacher yelled as he ran over. "Young man what is going on?!"

"Uh-oh...." said Will.

He turned around and looked at the teacher. He opened his mouth to speak but the teacher cut him off.

"To the Principal's office. NOW! All of you get going!" The teacher yelled as he got another teacher to help him carry Troy back to the nurse's office.

"Sorry guys....." Will apologized as we got up.

"Are you kidding?! That was awesome! Nobody's ever stood up to that ass before!" Jake exclaimed excitedly.

Will blushed a little. We got to the principal's office and he called us in. Principal Wafe is and old goat. Literally. He sat there at his desk with his fingers arched. He gestured for us to sit down in the seats across from him. We each took a seat and he began to speak.

"I heard what happened. Who did it?" Principal Wafe got to the point.

"I did." Will said, as he was about to explain Principal Wafe started talking again.

"I know you're new here so I'll let you off with a warning. Also I would like to thank you." He said smiling a little.

"What?" Will asked, caught off guard.

"Everyone is quite happy that you showed that Troy his place. He was a really bad kid and hopefully you shut him up for a while." Principal Wafe said.

We all sat there a little shocked. We all knew the teachers didn't like Troy but this was more than we had thought. Principal Wafe smiled at us then told us we could leave. We all got up in silence and left. We went back to lunch and finished up. Once we were done we threw our trash away and left.

I continued taking Will through the school and we went to all of our classes. The end of the day came fast and we went out to the buses. Will stopped me.

"If you want I can give you a ride home...." He blushed.

"Sure! Let's just wait for the busses to go." I smiled at him.

We stood there waiting for the busses to go and I leaned against Will. He wrapped his arm around me and I hugged him. The busses left and we walked into the parking lot. I didn't see his car anywhere and was surprised when we kept walking out of the parking lot. I looked at him quizzically. He just smiled back at me and stopped when we were in a clearing on the other side of the parking lot.

"What are we doing out here?" I asked Will.

"We're going to fly home." He said as if it were the most natural thing.

"Fly?!" I said. "Isn't that a little dangerous?"

Will laughed and kissed me.

"Don't worry. Just do as I say and everything will be fine." He said reassuringly.

As I opened my mouth to say okay he opened his wings. I gasped. His wings unfurled and were each twice as long as he was tall. Will smiled and moved his wings like he was stretching them. I reached out a paw and touched one. It was so thin but it felt really strong.

"Okay now turn around." Will said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"O-okay..." I said and put my back to him.

Will hugged me tightly to him from behind and continued.

"Now if you want to, you can wrap your tail around me if it will make you feel safer."

I did as he suggested and wrapped my tail up around his waist. I shuddered a little at the thought that soon we would be up in the air together.

"Okay then, up we go!" And Will jumped up and beat his wings down.

We jumped about twenty feet in the air and he beat down again, sending us up even farther. My heart was in my stomach and I was shaking. I watched as the ground below us got farther and farther away. Soon we were up as high as Will needed to go and we started heading out across the landscape.

I started laughing as my legs spread back behind me. I held on to Will's strong arms and looked up at him. He was laughing as well. There was such an interesting feeling of freedom when your hundreds of feet above the ground and absolutely weightless. It was amazing to think that Will could do this whenever he wanted.

I looked out to both sides and watched his wings move up and down, up and down.... It was almost hypnotic. I squeezed him tightly with my tail.

"This is amazing...." I said to him.

"See? I knew you would love it." He answered.

Sadly I noticed my house coming up and he lowered us down a little. To my disappointment, we continued downwards until we were two houses away and almost brushing the tree tops. Finally we landed softly in my front yard. He kept hugging me as he folded his wings again. I unwrapped my tail from his waist and turned around in his arms. Once I was facing him, He leaned down and kissed me.

I kissed him back and put my hand on the back of his head and pulled him against me. Will broke away sooner than I thought he would and stood up.

"I have to get going..." He said sadly.

"Awww! Really? I thought you could stay for a while..." I said disappointedly.

"Yea. I'm really sorry but my parents said I have to get home right after school." Will said as he started to open his wings again.

"Okay then.... I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I gave a last kiss goodbye.

"See you tomorrow." He said as he took off.

The air from his wings blew me back a little and I waved as he flew off. Once he was out of sight I sighed and went inside. My mom welcomed me home and I went into the kitchen to do my homework.

"How was your day honey?" my mom asked as she put away some dishes from a snack she had just finished.

"It was really good." I said smiling at her.

"O really? What happened?" she asked.

"Yea. Will came to school. He got himself transferred to Forn so that he could be with me more." I said, smiling as I thought back on the day.

"Awww. That's adorable!" she said smiling.

"Mom!" I said rolling my eyes.

She laughed and I continued working on my homework. After a couple minutes she realized that I was done talking. She sighed then got up and left. I finished up my homework and went to watch T.V. I lay down on the couch and took off my shirt. I stretched and rubbed my back against the couch, thinking back to the nights since I spent the night at Will's house and snuggled with him.

Every night that I spent with him I slept on or against him. Every night I spent without him I would rub my back against the blankets and pretend they were him. It just isn't the same without him......... I snapped myself out of my thoughts as America's Funniest home videos came on. I watched it, laughed, rolled my eyes.... Once it ended I got up and got on the computer. I played LFD 2 for a while.

I was playing hard rain when I was killed by three witches at once. I got frustrated and turned it off. It was getting late and I decided to go get ready for bed. I went to the bathroom and, feeling a little sad, decided to take a shower. I figured that water running across my body would make me feel better. I got undressed and went to the bathroom and got in the shower.

I turned the water on and got in before waiting for the water to get to temp. It was a shock at first but the water warmed up. Standing there in the shower I let the water run through my fur and down to the drain. The bathroom door opened and I looked up. The steam had made it impossible to see out the glass doors. I saw a shadow closing the door.

"Mom?" I asked. "Mom if you haven't noticed I'm in the shower."

The shadow just moved over to the sink. 'She must be getting something....' I thought. I turned around and grabbed the shampoo. The shower door opened and I jumped as a black, clawed hand gently grabbed the shampoo from my hands and squirted some on my back. It was cool but soon a pair of large hands were working it into my back.

"Will...." I whispered pleadingly.

"Shhhhh.... Don't talk." He whispered behind me.

I blushed as he rubbed the shampoo in. I heard him step in and close the door. He finished with my back and I handed him the shampoo and turned around to face him. He was completely naked. He was now in the water and it ran down his scales. I blushed as my eyes ventured farther and I saw his manhood. I quickly looked up at him and blushed deeper. Will was blushing too.

He squirted the shampoo into his palms and started rubbing it into my chest. I murred in pleasure as he washed me. He got down to my groin and I pulled back. I wanted so badly to let him continue, to let him touch me. I pushed his hands away. I stepped back into the water and rinsed myself off. I looked at him.

"I'm sorry." I said. "It seems this time I'm the one who's not ready this time."

"It's okay. I understand." He said quietly.

I looked at him sadly, but knew I was doing the right thing. We got out of the shower and I grabbed him a towel. We dried off and he picked up his clothes from the floor outside the bathroom where he had tossed them on the way in. He put them on and we went to my room and I found a pair of sweatpants. I crawled into bed and scooted to the one side so he could get in. He got under the covers and pulled me against his chest.

I turned around and faced him. My face was to his chest. I breathed in and sighed. This is what I want; this is how it should be. He kissed me and rubbed his hand across my back.

"I love you." Will said.

"I love you too. Please don't ever leave." I whispered back.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I want you here with me. This is where you belong. Right here beside me." I said as I nuzzled his chest.

"I would love to more than anything, but I have to go home sometimes. After school though, we can get our own house, and I can sleep with you every night." He promised.

"Deal..." I whispered as I fell asleep.