Chapter 5: Silence

Story by Jason Davis on SoFurry

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#5 of Best Big Brother

After Jack falls asleep, Jamie gets some stuff done. And wakes up to a wet diaper in the morning.

Same deal. No smut, these two will not be having sex. Thanks again everyone.

As Jamie expected, Jack didn't make it through the whole movie, falling asleep during the training montage. Jamie continued to watch, snarking quietly to himself and even giving a quiet cheer when the famous theme song came on.

After the movie, he carried Jack upstairs and put him to bed, stripping him of his shirt and leaving him wearing only the diaper. Checking Jack's diaper, Jamie found that the little cheetah had wet himself at some point, but not enough to warrant a change. Tucking his brother in, Jamie left the room.

Jack taken care of, Jamie started on his self-appointed tasks. He went up to the attic to see what he could find. After poking around for a bit, he found a box labeled "Baby Things." Digging through, he realized it must be Jack's old things, as he didn't recognise anything from his previous forays into the attic. He found a pacifier with a cute lion print on the button and a bottle with baby cheetahs on it. Setting them near the attic entrance, he continued his search, eventually finding a box full of his own baby things.

'Jackpot,' was his thought. He doubted his dad had done anything up here, and he wasn't sure if Sandra had, but everything was as he'd left it when he'd returned the things he'd stolen when he was a teenager. In particular was a bottle with baby wolves chasing each other, and "Woofy," his old baby blanket with a large, hand-embroidered feral wolf pup sleeping on it.

Gathering the bottle and Woofy, he put the boxes back and, grabbing the rest of the supplies he'd liberated, went back downstairs. Stowing Woofy in his room, Jamie returned to the kitchen. He rinsed both bottles and the pacifier of dust and set them to dry, then returned to the living room.

Retrieving his tablet, he quickly perused a babyfur website he'd visit when afflicted with nostalgia, and finding what he was looking for, ordered a large pack of their youth sized, specialized diapers and a couple youth sized onesies in various colors.

Finally, he had actual business to attend to. Opening his notes, he found the list of products he needed to restock, as well as the list of new mods he wanted to stock and sample flavors he wanted to try.

After reviewing his purchases, both business and personal, and confirming that they'd be delivered next Monday, he tossed his tablet aside and rolled his neck. Checking the time, he realized that it was almost two in the morning. Chastising himself for staying up so late, he retreated up to his old room. Laying down in his old bed, he sighed happily. Content as he was with how his day had gone, he quickly faded off to sleep.


When Jamie awoke, he was a bit disoriented, wondering why his apartment looked so different. And what on earth was on his arm?

He looked over to his right and saw Jack cuddling up to him, still asleep and using his shoulder as a pillow. All the events from the previous day came flooding back. Smiling, he hugged Jack closer and kissed his forehead. Fumbling for his phone, he blearily looked at it, trying to focus on the time. Just after nine in the morning.

Sighing, he reluctantly began to disentangle himself from the cheetah. Jack, still sleeping, tried to snuggle closer. Eventually slipping free, Jamie got dressed and then turned his attention to the cheetah.

He pulled the covers back, causing Jack to groan and try to scoot back into the warmth. Jamie snorted softly in amusement and gently pulled him back so he could check his diaper.

"J'mie?" Jack mumbled, still mostly asleep.

"Morning, baby bro," Jamie said. Jack's diaper was full to bursting, so he peeled away the tapes. "Just changing your diaper. Go back to sleep."

"Mm'k." With that, Jack started snoring softly, much to Jamie's amusement. He slipped the diaper out from under the cub, once again blessing Jack's forethought to get baby oil. It had done it's job and had repelled the boy's pee away from his fur. Gathering his supplies and a small towel, Jamie set about getting a fresh diaper on the little cheetah. It was a bit more difficult getting the diaper under at least 50 lbs of dead weight, but he somehow managed. Refreshing the oil and powder also took some maneuvering, but he got it done.

After taping up the diaper and cleaning his hands, Jamie got up, chuckling softly. Picking up the pacifier he'd retrieved last night, he placed it at Jack's lips, smirking when the little cheetah practically sucked the nib into his mouth. Wrapping Jack with Woofy, Jamie picked him up and headed downstairs.